ASHLAND AMERICAN When th e verdict is reached, if FACTS REGARDING BUILDING one is reached, there is no doubt OF DAM IN ASHLAND CANYON I hut what every read er in the state T here ia considerable talk concern­ will know it. Even The American will print the verdict as a news item ing the building of the dam in Ash­ land Canyon, to supply an abund­ of much im portance. ance of w ater for all tim e and for ----------------- * ----------------- TRUANT GIRLS ARE R EJEC TED all occossions to the city of Ashland. A VITAL NEED Much of the street talk is made FROM MURDER TRIAL There is no doubt but what the re ­ by sincere people who get th eir tail business of Ashland and all ac­ ideas from hearsay, and much of the tivities could be bettered if given inform ation is not correct. Figures godo publicity. In declaring this we and facts are often enlarged in the are not now soliciting advertising or process of passing from m outh to speaking from a selfish motive. It mouth. Jacksonville Cop* All Glory for is the opinion of hundreds of Am­ With the best of motives we have erican readers. It is here referred to, w ritten ju s t a few of the facts and Publicity From T rial; M edford and we will try to explain our ideas, the reasons we think the dam should with a view of helping all Ashland be built. Please read and consider. I* F orgotten. The A m erican is read by the ru ral The c h a rter am endment voted at route home3 and by niney percent of the last Nove nher election covered It has been said by many readers the people of T alent, as well as by the WHOLE of the WATER SYS­ th at some papers devote too much hundreds in Ashland. In striving to TEM or PROPOSED IM PROVE­ space to m urders, hold-ups, trials please o u r ru ral readers, we w ant MENT. it covered the canyon dam, and tragic stories. The way the to boost fo r Ashland. We have in the Crowson Hill reservoir, the new people of Oregon are reading the every issue boosted of our city, our and larg er pipes. This work all many colum ns of type devoted to clim ate, our park and all our ad ­ planned as a whole system, and the the D eA utrem ont trial would seem vantages, we have repeatedly begged Crowson Hill project is of little real to prove th at the reading public ac­ our read ers to trad e at home. We worth w ithout the dam, as the reser­ tually approved instead of condem ­ have heralded to nearly every state voir will hold pratcically a one days good propoganda concerning Ash­ storage of w ater. The dam is need­ ned this brand of news. The fights to get into the court land. All this with so little advertis­ ed as bad now as before the Crow­ rooms at Jacksonville and the stru g ­ ing th a t hundreds of people have son Hill project as they are of the gles to get a glimpse of the prison­ spoken to us, and w ritten us letters, same unit, the one supplying the e r would tend to show quite an asking if Ashland was ns good as other. It is necessary to complete w ondering where the whole project to receive the eagerness, a t least, on the p art of we claim, and the people are supposed to do their benefit from a part of it— hence the the public to see, hear and feel all entire work should be completed as of the tragedy th eir system will a b ­ trading. The weekly paper has accomplish­ planned and as voted on in Novem­ sorb. In fa ct none seem to realize • w hat it is all about. The big show, ed some things and hopes fo r more. ber. C onstant advertising is making The building of the canyon dam the g reat attractio n , a m urderer ac­ tually on display. Does the public Medford. We see our trade territo ry will give us more power for our see the vital question, the g reat sin, going « there in answ er to constant electric plant, and will save us many the justice th at i" try in g to take an invitations and attractions. A little thousands of dollars each year in eye for an eye? No, the public sees six inch ad one week and then stop electric bills. The dam will act as a settling only the novelty of the whole affa ir. for a few weeks is not a test of W hat a place for high school flap­ advertising. Here is a city of 6000 tank and give us b etter w ater. pers who play hookey to a tten d the people not doing near the advertis­ The proposed dam will give us fire popular m urder trial. W hat a chnnce ing of cities of 2000. Not a weekly protection against all dangers and for the ladies to display their court in Oregon carries less advertising should reduce the high fire insur­ gowns; whut an opportunity fo r a than your home paper th at is con­ ance rates. One big fire might cost »lay’s loafing place for the man of stantly boosting you. This adjacent as much as the dam. The dam will trade is worth much to Ashland and allow us an unlimited am ount of little business affairs. The big Jacksonville show is on, Ashland should have it. We deserve w ater fo r flowers, lawns and the has been on for two weeks nnd look it. We outsell Medford when it beautification of our city th at every at the free advertising the little comes to prices and have less over­ home ow ner takes so much pride in. berg realized. Then M»*dfor»l, the head expense here— but we don’t The p roject is covered by bond big neighborly, sister city, got in tell th «read rs about it in ads. One issue; bonds to be retired and in ter­ big on the publicity part.. IIow the ca n ’t pick jp a paper from nny est paid from w ater funds. Medford publicity peddlers rejoiced worth whi'e town w ithout seeing a W ater rates have been established But no and are now in effec t and will be to see a Medforil date lin»> before a lodge d irie tc -y therein. lodges h re, ap m re n tly . It is little the same w hether the dam is built or daily trial report. The prosecution was first at the wonder th at peiple buy elsewhere not, consequently it will not lower bat and scored several points of in­ while no m erchandise is spoken of the w ater rates now to put o ff the terest to the spectators. They dis­ from many lines. It is publicity these building of the dam. The present Publicity new rates w ere set with the whole played overalls, frying pans, cigar­ days th at builds cities. ette butts, oil cans, etc, etc., in their and co-operation will also help us Project in view, p art of which is attem p t to prove th at there was evi­ all from a civic and town building now under way. The dam has n oth­ standpoint. By a united effo rt Ash­ ing to do with taxes and taxes will dence to convict the one charged. The spectators sit with popped land might land a sawmill or two, not be raised on account of any out eyes nnd open m ouths straining a pickle packing plant, a factory, a w ater works in Ashland. The flat th eir necks to get a good look at mine, a bottling plant, a sanitorium ra te today in Ashland is not as high those overalls, pans and oil cans. We need them — they need Ashland. as it is in M edford. We easily fo r­ Th«’y were really overalls, pans and By united e ffo rt we could make get this one point. oil enns and perhaps were the first good use of our Chautauqua tab er­ The dam will also save the re ­ ever seen by the anxious crowd. nacle. We can get m ore from our new ing of th ree -q u arte rs of a mile Then the new suit of clothes worn park and more from the adjacent of new pipe- line to the power plant. on the occassion by the condemnetl. fruit and chicken industries. A. Ashland w a te r is the biggest asset H»>w they described those suits. They cham ber of commerce membership we have. And the failure to supply rcully were fashionable suits and drive might help— if all would come it and to build this dam ' now would he wore them ju st like a m an. Pants, in and talk more real business. A make, the city the loser in many ways vest and coat. A real suit of clothe», good eat is splendid, but a hundred Ashland cannot affo rd to postpone button holes and all! men can’t eat and solve any ques­ the building of the dam now. It is The women were so thick on one tion in an hour’s time. There is a a necessity. P lenty of w ater for all day that Mrs. X in her strained posi­ splendid opportunity here for some purposes in wet or dry seasons, tion, sitting nex' to Mrs. Y. in her substantial work. It takes time, plenty of wa'.er for all fire protec­ stretched position, actually painted money and leadership, but w e ll' tion, pur. v. n te r we can well affo rd the n»>se of Mrs. Y instead of her worth it. The first act of the ac­ to ndvertise to the world. A beauti­ own. complishing of all this is t j cease ful city will resu lt, a healthy city, a And then w hat fun the audience -peaking of our city in a pessimis­ safe city. had in wntching the expressions of tic m anner, talk b e tte r times, adver­ No tax increase nnd w ater rates the jurym en. This feature of the tise, call a m eeting o r two and al­ the same as the new schedule, which program was endulged in with no ways have a good word fo r our com­ really are not as high now as those n»lvnnce in admission price and the m unity. There is not a b e tte r city in of m any cities.— Signed: ju ry didn’t mind it in the l»*ast. The the northw est in which to make a F. *G. Sw edenhurg, M. D. prosecution and the »iefendunt were home. Sylvester P atterson, not interested in the many colors on B. E. Smith, --------f------- the spectator chairs. The lawyers ON ENGINEERING PUBLICATION W. R. Davis, for both sides were not in the least Jam es B arrett, concerned about the long hours the Local F redim an at O. A. C. 1« Gordon M acCraeken. M. D. audience hn«l to undergo day by day J. N. Dennis. Given Honor«. in order not to miss anything. We ---------- + ---------- Oregon A gricultural College. C or­ don't suppose the relatives of the Open» S tore in Yreka. victim cared about the attraction vallis. May 12.—(Special to The Thomas Hill, who has conducted the a ffa ir was to the curious public. Am erican.ft-Donald Ross o f Ashland, a g ro ceteria in Ashland fo r the past We don't suppose the relatives of freshm an in engineering, has been eight years, has ren ted the Brinzer the condemned boy really noticed ■Appointed on the s ta ff o f the O re­ building in Y reka and will sta rt a h»>w any of the congregation were gon S tate Technical Record for the groceteria in th e same in about two dressed. The earnestness, the legal com ing year. weeks. The in terio r is to be entirely transactions, the mills of justice kept The Oregon State Technical Re- remodeled. Mr. Hill will continue on grinding regar»iless of the show ord is nblisbed quarterly in Novem to opera e his store in Ashland, put­ made of it by so many. her. January. March and May. by the ting a m anager in the one here.__ Then the prosecution tu rn ed the Vaaoriatcd Engineers of the Oregon Siskiyou Times. case over to the defense. Oh! my. ^tate Agricultural college. Its pur­ what an extra attraction this seemed poses are to record engineering pro­ And :hia is F riday the 13th. to be. The excitem ent grew, the gress in the Northwest; to furnish Mr. and Mrs. Hayes spent Moth­ crowds grew, the whiskers on the •lews; to publish records o f srUnti- ers Day with th eir d au g h ter and faces of the jurym en grew. fic work done by student* in this in- son-in-law in Medford. At this w riting it ia impossible to -titution and to publiah any matter ------------- + ------------- predict ju st what the defense will >f special technical and scientific Club Hold« Meeting bring out or how many surprises nterest to civil, mining, mechanical The W ednesday club, a social or- they will introduces ao r do we »nd electrical engineer* and forest* g an ita: th o f th e P resbyterian know ju st how the spectators will r* and other* engaged in technical rhurch held an enjoyable meeting •urviva during the rem ainder of the pursuit* Wedn« day a t «be hunts o f Mrs. STORIES TAKE LARGE SPAGE Defense Has Case Fred Hitchcock on Oak street. A goodly num ber of ladies were pres­ ent. Mrs. Hitchcock and Mrs. Howell were hostesses. swimming tank. $2250 buys this place if sold soon. A ddress P. 0 . Box 522, Gold Hill, Or. 43tf W ANTED— To buy fresh cows and springers. C harles Broili, 448 Hel- nian st. Phone 407R. 47; M attresses ren o v ated and recovered. We save you h a lf th e price of a new m attress. New m attresses made to y o u r order. H air and floss mattreS- es o u r specialty. W e call and deliver. M edford M attress Co., 32 North Grape St., M edford, Oregon, Phone 266-R. 48tf FOR SALE F o r sale— Six room plastered house in R. R. Add. A bout »600 down bal. $26 a m onth, includes in terest about one acre. Also 7-r._ 1 Vi story bungalow, well-built, scenic lo catio n ; good lo t; fru it, price $2300; $300 or m ore down, $25 a m onth with 6 - - - per cent inL See Yockey & Co. 6 0tf B eautiful F lu ff Rugs made from worn out carpets. We call and de­ ON CRATER Lake highway, in city liver. M edford R ug Co., Phone 510-M limits, and on Rogue River, the M edford, Oregon. 48tf home of the Steelhead. Two acres, fine black soil, five room house, fire ­ place, bath, electricity. Spring, city Rug cleaning by the la test sham­ pooing process, 24-hour service. and well w ater. P lenty fru it and shade trees. Also has 30x30 concrete We call and deliver. M edford Rug tank, 5-ft. deep, fed from spring, an Co., Phone 510-M, M edford Ore 48tf ideal place to keep tro u t or use as NEW DRESSES AT Popular Prices FOR Friday - Saturday $9.95 $ 1 0 .7 5 $ 16.75 $ 19.75 Exceptional values sent for this week-end sale Sizes 16 to 40 Spring Coat Sale , is in full swing. Still 50 Spring Coats to be sold out at 1 * 107 S - $ 16 75- $ 19.75 McGee’s V I N I N p * T h e a t e r "ALW AYS THE BEST FOR THE VINING G U E ST ” Saturday, May 14 “FINGER PRINTS” The m ystery— comedy adventures of a wise chick who lays fo r a lot of bad eggs amid the tau t, tip-oe terro rs of a $5,000,000 mail robbery. ----- oOo----- Sunday and Monday, May 15 and 16 “ KIKI” The door flew open and in she cam e; no boxes nor bundles— not even a name. She’s an eye for n hearth, a tooth for the sweets, and a ch aracter founded on corners of stree ts” with Norm a Talm adge and Ronald Colman — - oOo------ Tuesday, May 17 Viv Morse with the CALIFORNIA COLLEGIANS direct from the University of California. Berkley. The Glee Glub! Vaudeville entertainm ent. W e d n e s d a y , M a y 18 “EASY PICKINGS” e rri7 \T riu T n« ^ ^ Nm!T n ' The,w "itj f * ™ y il >» a m ystery Wow! Love e rn e thrill* and comedy are the dram atic m ixtures of this picture. -oOo- Thursday and Friday, May 19 and 20 ‘TRACED BY THE POLICE” Browne* Robards, Browne F .ire , S.nt*h, inH and■ v N " i n