Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, May 13, 1927, Image 5

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,— --------- Locals-Personals— ------------❖
¡Merely Many Minor Matters \
-------------Briefs and Fillers--------------1
Mrs. C h ester Phillips of Prospect death of her m other, Mrs. J. J.
was an A shland v isitor Friday.
L eavitt, who had been visiting with
near McMinnville.
E. R. G reeves of H ornbrook was
an Ashland v isitor last week.
Mrs. Dora Wight, who has been
the w inter in Ashland w-th
J. C. H opper was a Klam ath
Mrs. Lena Phillips on
Falls v isito r S aturday.
E ast Main stree t, will leave seen
F. D. Swingle was in Ashland fo r New York city to spend the sum ­
Sunday from Corvallis.
m er with her sister.
Mrs. S tella L eivett has been on
— Lawn m owers sharpened and ad­
the sick list d u rin g the past week. justed, $1 2!5, repairing* extra. Call
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. F raley re ­ fo r and delivered from shop, 25c.
turned from Bookley last week and F ix it-It Shop, 343 E. Main.
are located on G ranite street.
Horace A llbright, superintedent
Eugene Moody is here from Ross of the Yellowstone national park,
ville, Cal., to m ake a visit with his was an Ashland visitor Monday night
leaving Tuesday m orning with R.
W. Price for the northern p a rt of
— Seeder, cultivator, garden tools the state on business.
and gard en hose a t P eil’s C orner,
C. C. Chapman, editor of the Ore­
in Ashland.
gon V oter of P ortland, paid the Am­
Mrs. H. O. A nderson was a C or­ erican office a visit while in this
vallis v isito r the first of the week, city Tuesday. While here consider­
re tu rn in g Sunday night.
able tim e was given to the discus­
M arion
F ro st
has tu rn ed his sion of the state and city taxes.
Journal agency over to Lyle Ash­
The Berean class of the C hrist­
craft, a stu d e n t of the norm al.
ian Sunday school will hold their
H. G. E nders, Sr., le ft Sunday class party tonight (Friday, May 13
night fo r points in C alifornia, where a t the home of Mrs. Lloyd Putm an,
329 Beach street.
Members ;.re
he will a tte n d to business.
asked to bring th eir husbands as
Mrs. Will Rush, who was taken to
the com m unity hospital last week, is
Mrs. A. G. Adams of East Main
reported to be im proving nicely.
stree t le ft for Rochester, Minn., last
Mrs. G eorge Dunn w a s ,a visitor
Thursday, called there by the news
in Ashland M onday from her home
th at her husband who went east re ­
on Eagle Creek.
cently for medical attention, had un­
Social circle m et a t the C hristian dergone an operation.
church on W ednesday aftern o o n at
Mrs. Harold D. Aikins of Ashland
the church parlors.
spent Sunday in M edford atten d in g
J. E. H aney and Mr. Myers made a the m eeting of the M edford chap­
trip to San Francisco this week on te r of the Oregon S tate Music
Teachers association,
Mrs. Aikins
com m it­
H. B. C a rte r of M ountain avenue
was a Jacksonville visitor fo r sev­
eral days d u ring the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. H arvey Ling of B ur­
bank, Cal., are in Ashland fo r a
few days atten d in g to business.
F. D. W agner, F red C. Homes and
E. D. Briggs w ere visitors in Klam­
ath Falls S aturday.
Mrs. A nna Grubb of Mountain
avenue is som ewhat indisposed a t
C lifford Y arbrough and fam ily,
who have been Ashland residents
for a num ber of years, are planning
to move to N orth Bend soon.
W ayburn Kenyon, a resident of
Bandon, sp en t the past week in Ash­
land visiting with relatives and
Mrs. F ran k Moore of Eugene is
in Ashland m aking a visit to her
mother, Mrs. D. M cCarthy of north
Main street.
tion visited, th e hostess was dressed
in native costum e and had native
foods as near as possible. Jap a n was
at the B aptist parsonage with Mr.
nd Mrs. T hacher of the N azarene
vhurch as hostesses and th ere had re ­
freshm ents, sittin g on the floor in
Japanese style.
Mr. and Mrs.
Thacher also told some in terestin g
personal experiences of th eirs when
they were in Jap an some years ago.
O. F. Carson was the India tation
with Mrs. Carson in native costum e
serving refreshm ents. Spain was a t
the F rank Beswick home on Harga-
dine street with Mrs. Beswick d res­
sed as a Spanish lady serving refresh
ments with the help of her daughters
Holland or the dutch farm was the
country home east of town of I. N.
Gilmour. The young people rep o rt
a good time and thanks are due the
B aptist men fo r th eir car convey­
ance during this famous trip.
-----------------* -----------------
® ----------------------------------------- $
The program this week sets o ff
an unusual privilege of the movie
fans and one th a t will prove of in­
terest all the way from this S a tu r­
day until next F riday.
S tarting S aturday night with
“ Finger P rin ts” w ith Louise F azen­
da, a man was shot and killed. His
body had disappeared, la te r th a t
night the body o f his friend was
found in a well. The coroner’s in­
quest had begun. A $5,000,000 ro b ­
bery! The leaders of the crim inal
gang were caught. A visiting card
is in your hand. You finger it care­
lessly. Be there S aturday night.
Sunday and Monday nights sees
“ Kiki” with Norm a Talm adge on
the screen. Little Kiki, checkered
skirt, tam -o-shanter, and a red
feath er th at seemed to form a ques­
tion m ark— a tantalizin g question
m ark m ’sieur. B ut the love of Kiki
Mr. and Mrs. T hacher of the Naz- was fo r one man.
erane church and th eir Sunday
school superintendent, Mr. Thornton
Tuesday evening will be an ex­
Wiley, with other m em bers of th eir ception from the general ru n of
church expect to go to Vancouver pictures when the Collegians of the
before long to the N azerane assem ­ U niversity of C alifornia, Berkley,
bly. The Thachers expect to go by directed by Vic Morse will be here
car and plan to be gone from Ash­ personally in vaudeville e n te rta in ­
land for a week or more.
ment. A wow!
Leonard Gosnell won first prize,
W ednesday night only, the Vining
Keller Mabbot, second and Wallace
will present “ Easy Pickings” with
S tearns third prize in a bird house
Anna Q. Nilsson. She’s so slick she
contest recently sponsored by the
could sell a street car to the m otor-
Y. M. C. A.. In terest has been stir­
m an— and have the conductor sign
red up by this contest and when
the deed! You’ll have a grand tim e
the next one is given a larger in­
w atching this beautiful blonde band­
tere st and m ore entries are hoped
it outw it everyone but cupid.
Rev. Barney, who has preached at
the Christian church fo r the past
two Sundays has been called by the
church to fill the vacancy made by
the resignation of Mr. Allison, who
is now preaching at Klam ath Falls.
Rev. Barney will move his family
here in the near future.
If your d istrict is not represented
in the news colum ns of the Am eri­
can they should be. Suggest a cor­
Miss Lois Well won first prize in
respondent from your section.
an aim ing contest a t the southern
Mrs. F. H. Crowson and daughter, Oregon norm al school which waif
Amy Crowson, w ere visiting in held May 3. The rifle club has se­
Klamath Falls and Malin one day cured rifles tem porary from the lo­
cal b attery of the national guard
last week.
until such tim e as their am m unition
On W ednesday, May 18 the Bap­
and equipm ent arrives from the east.
tist m issionary society will m eet
A rifle range which the students
with Mrs. F ran k Beswick, 177 Har-
will use will be ready in the near
gadine street.
fu tu re and several m atches will be
W. G. H ale of M ountain avenue ready by th at time.
was a p atien t last week in San F ran ­
A good new spaper is the tru e re ­
cisco hospital. It is hoped th a t he
flection of the town where it is
will soon be able to re tu rn home.
published. M erchants can make the
Mrs. Ella B. Mills retu rn ed from American truly representative by
Los Angeles S aturday where she employing its advertising columns.
has spent th e en tire w inter and re ­ It fs well printed, the news is well
covered, its editorial is designed to
ports a m ost enjoyable time.
help every line of business, and its
Mrs. A urelia Ferguson, who has
policy is to advance the interests of
been spending the w inter in Ashland
every resident here and elsewhere in
I* spending a few days with Mrs.
the southern portion of this county.
0. B. I^amkin n ear Talent.
The week day Bible school put on
Mrs. Clyde Young and daughter
a splendid program last Friday night
spent the week-end a t A pplegate
at the M. E. Church. Mrs. Grace An­
visiting with Mrs. Y oung’s parents,
drews deserves much credit fo r ex­
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Kleinham m er.
cellent work during the past school
Mrs. J. E. Crowson, who was re ­ year. The memory work and Bible
cently o p erated upon a t the com ­ plays were especially pleasing, also
munity hospital, is reported to be do- the musical features.
The in stru ­
ing very well and it is believed th at mental duet by Isenhow er children
*he will m ake a favorable recovery. w*s one of the best features of the
Misses G race and R uth Bigham. nusical program considering the age
•tudents at th e norm al school, spent of the children.
the week-end with
parents and
The B aptist young people put on
friends a t Beagle, in the Sams Val­ in unique program Thursday night,
ley d is tric t
May 5, consisting of a trip around
Mrs. R. L. Reed was called to the world. They viaiud Japan, In-
I -rtland Sunday by the sudden l a, Spain and Holland, at each sta­
T hursday and F riday nights is
Rin-Tin-Tin in "T racked by the Po­
lice.” Hot footing it over thg desert
— R inty and his white m ate N an ette
— O n -^ o n — th e Bradley camp al­
most reached— then the click of a
trap — N an ette is caught — Rinty
gone mad— N an n ette frees herself
— bad m en— the put-put of guns—
R inty to th e rescue— Oh Boy! You’ll
root fo r R inty as you have never
rooted before.
vention has been practically assured
for Ashland to be held the la tte r
purt of Ju n e, next year, according
to reports.
M edford and G rants Pass camps
with a large num ber o f m em bers
jo u rneyed to the G ranite city to as­
sist with the work of in itiatin g a
large class.
------------------- -
--------------- * ---------------
®---------------- ----------- ----- — «
G eorge R. A nderson.
L arge
N u m b e r A re P r e s e n t
P r o g r a m It Given.
W hen
The W, C. T. U. met a t the home
of Mrs. M. B. Riley, May 10 and had
a very enjoyable time. The m eeting
was opened by singing “ Every Body
S ing” and
“ W hite Ribbon Rally
Song.” p ra y er by Mrs. Mitchelmore.
A com m ittee was apopinted by the
p resident o f the society to m ake a r­
rangem ents fo r a public m eeting in
the n e a r fu tu re . Those on the pro­
gram w ere M other Russel, G randm a
P a rr and Mrs. H. P. Holmes.
M other Russel, said th a t in an
early day here (perhaps fifty years
ago) none of the Ashland churches
would open th eir doors for a tem ­
perance lecture. She also told a very
in terestin g sto ry of early W. C. T.
U. experiences th a t were appreciated
g reatly by the women. M other Rus­
sell was the firs t W. C. T. U. presi­
dent and first woman in Ashland to
vote when women were given suf-
G randm a P a rr also gave early ex­
periences in tem perance work nnd
gave a splendid reading, “ Thank
God my Child Is R esting.”
Mrs. H. P. Holmes gave a short
read in g on M other day poems and
in terestin g m issionary experiences.
Mrs. Davis gave a M other day
reading. Redaing, “ The Lonesome-
est House I E ver Saw,” by G randm a
P arr.
The W hite Ribon salute was given
to the elderly m em bers by the union
m em bers and Mrs. Jillson, program
com m ittee president, thanked those
who ubly assited in the program .
--------------- * ---------------
HON. W. C. H A W L E Y A S H L A N D
F uneral ser*'ices fo r th e Geo.
R. Anderson, who passed aw ay at his
home on 430 Holly stre e t last Sat-
j urday, was held Monday aftern o o n ,
j with services conducted by Rev. II.
F. Pem berton o f the local M ethodist
church. In term en t being in H arga-
dine cem etery, where his wife was
laid to rest iir 1907. Mr. Anderson
hud been a resid en t of Ashland
since 1900, com ing here when he
retired from the m inistry of the
M ethodist church, engaging in fru it
growing. He is survived by one
d au g ter, Jean, of Ashland, five sis­
ters and fo u r brothers. All relatives
were present at the fu n eral with the
exception of oil brother, whose home
is in Arkansas.
---------* ---------
2600 Acre* in C aledonia Valley In ­
u n d a te d — f u r t h e r D am ages
Trem endous pressure of w aters of
upper Klamath Lake caused the sud­
den break Sunday aftern o o n of the
main dike on the south shore of
upper Klam ath lake.
, T hrough the gap, 40 feet wide,
pent up w aters of the lake poured
into the fertile Caledonia valley and
before the sun had set, 2.600 acres
of meadow and grain land w ere un­
der w ater. Only deseprate e ffo rts on
the p a rt of sheep herders saved
thousands of sheep grazing in the
meadow land when the w aters of
the upper lake poured through the
A num ber o f lam bs were
Had a road been washed away,
4,000 acres of fertile farm land
owned by the Genry B rothers in te r­
ests in Wocus valley would have
been flooded.
G reat flocks o f w hite pelicans
took advantage of the debacle.
Schoo’s of fish following th e sw ift
c u rre n t through the gap, soon found
them selves t/ap p ed in shallow w ater
The ponderous white fishers feasted
Congressm an W. C. Hawley, of
Oregon, who is one of the head
m anagers of the Woodmen of the
W orld, addressed a g ath erin g of
Rogue riv er valley Woodmen in
this C ity W ednesday night.
D uring a recen t drive fo r new
m em bers held in Ashland, 75 of the
busines and professional men, being
W ithin a short distance of wonder­
anxious to secure the next national
head cam p session fo r this city, ful fishing stream s and a natural
gatew ay to C rater Lake loop, one of
signed up for m em bership. The con­ th e g reatest scenic spots in America.
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