AS HL AND J a c k so n C o u n ty ’s Most P o p u la r W e e k ly ! 1 AMERICAN 0»x Pa-cific H ig lv w a ^ r A S P T^a-ilvoaxl ___________________ LUMBERING -F R U I T - D A IR Y IN G — M IN IN G — F A R M IN G -S T O C K RAISING-FISHING-HUNTING I — — —— — — — __________________________” — (SU C C E SSO R TO T H E C E N T R A L P O IN T A M E R I C A N ) A SHLAND. JA CK SO N C O U N TY . OREG O N . FR ID A Y , MEDICAL MEN HOLDMEETINC CH A PM A N T A L K S TO CH A M BER state Income Tax It Main Topic of I O regon V ote r E ditor MA Y TO EQUALIZE WATER RATES 13. 1927 LARGE Two NUMBER 4 NEW L a rg e B U S IN E S S S to re Rooms Provided. BLOCK Will Be Income ta xand other state tax W ork is now progressing rapidly m easures were discussed by C. C. in the com pletion of the large new NEXT M E E T I N G W I L L B E H ELD Chapm an, editor of the Oregon Vo­ A M E N D M E N T P A S S E D A S S U R E S double business block being built by ter, of P ortland, a t the noon day Dr. Sw edenburg, on east Main stre e t IN R O S E B U R G R E D U C T IO N luncheon of the Ashland cham ber of in th e cen tral p a rt of the city and commerce, held at the Lithia Springs in th e business d istrict. The build­ hotel Tuesday. It was forcefully ex­ ing is b u ilt of cem ent, has two large plained by Chapman in his talk th at sto re room s on th e first floor and he was strictly opposed to any state office room s upstairs^ It will g re a t­ tax of any kind in Oregon and es­ ly help the appearance of the p rin ­ cipal business stre e t in the city. Discussion a n d R e a d in g of Pa p e rs pecially the present income tax Considerable D issatisfaction on Rate th at will come before the people ---------- 4----------- on Medical T r e a t m e n t s G ire n of this domain in a few month. KLAMATH FALLS BEATS F ound A m ong Local Business A S H L A N D IN G A M E H E R E The American is indebted to Mr. P r o m in e n t Place. Men. Chapman for the foilwing figures on K lam ath Falls d efeated the Boa’s the taxes of the city of A shland: 19 to 26 in a lop-sided contest played Ashland 1927 T ax Dollars. The th irty -six th annual m eeting Equalization of w a te r ra te s and a t th e Ashland grounds a t Jackson of the S outhern Oregon Medical as­ Purposes: consideration of com plaints occu­ Springs Sunday afternoon. Several sociation was held a t the W omen’s Schools, high, elem entary ................. pied the atten tio n of the city fath ers hundred fans lost in tere st in the Civic club house on W inburn Way in $ 70,693 39.02 a t th eir m eeting last Monday night. co n test a f te r the firs t inning when this city T uesday, May 10, with Cities and towns Reduction of sprinkling rates the Pelicans scored seven of th eir thirty-two m em bers o fthe medical 64,213 35.44 seems to be assured, according to 26 ru n s and le ft the home team profession present. 11,961 6.60 Roads ................ the passage of an am endm ent to trailin g th ro u g h o u t the en tire game. 4.58 8,290 The m eeting was called to order Road bonds .... the ordinance recently p u t into e f­ The Kit Karson Pioneer club of 8.67 15,704 by President G ordon M acCracken of C o u n t/, general fect. The am endm ent provides for the C ongregational church defeated 7.07 1,391 Ashland. The re ad in g of the m inutes Soldiers bonus . a change from 10 cents to 5 per cent the B eaver Pioneer club of the 7,003 3.87 100 square feet fo r the firs t 10,- of the previous m eetin gwas read by Higher education M ethodist church 16 to 9 in a fast 1,905 1.05 Dr. Wm. W. P. H olt of Aashland, General state ... 000 square feet. Likewise the acre­ gam e of baseball S atu rd ay m orning secretary, follow ing which a short age minimum was changed in the on th e high school grounds here, in 100.00 $181.156 business m eeting was held to tra n s­ am endm ent from one-half to one- the firs t of series of gam es to be To fu rth e r study on the income q u arte r. These changes were recom ­ act such business th a t was before played. the meeting. T hree new m em bers tax m easure, Governor and Mrs. I. mended by G. M. F rost, who has ----------------- *1*----------------- were taken into the order, Dr. Ro­ L. P atterson will be guests of honor been m aking a survey of the w ater E X -A S H L A N D BOY G IV E N land Allen, A shland, Dr. L. D. Ins- at the next m eeting of the cham ber situation for the city. R eports from H E A V Y J O L T BY J. P. keep, M edford and Dr. C. L. Ogle, which will be held next week. The the investigator stated th a t he had a ffa ir will be helddn the evening. Grants Pass. Follqw ing disousaion been checking residen ts and irrig a­ Harold W ilhite, fo rm er Ashland Roseburg was selected as the next To fu rth e r stim ulate the tax pro tion users fo r the past two weeks boy was given a fine of $500 and meeting place to be held May 1928. and con, members of the cham ber and th a t the users seem to have ex­ 120 duys in jail, on the cliarge of The medical profession com prising are getting a fro n t view of the m at­ pected a m aterial raise in the rates possession and tran sp o rtatio n of li­ Ashland and M edford m eets once a ter, now causing so much contro­ and th a t little dissatisfaction had quor when he appeared before month, while the Southern Oregon versy among citizens. been found, householders agreeing Judge J . L. Roe at Jacksonville S at­ ----------4 .--------- association m eets bu t once a year, the $2 straig h t ra te , with 5,000 feet urday. composing R oseburg, G rants Pass, A SH L A N D D E B A T E TEA M of ground included to be fair. A. C. W ilhite, fa th e r of the young B E A T S W A R R E N T O N FRIDAY Medford and Ashland. C onsiderable dissatisfaction was man was convicted of a violation Officers elected fo r the ensuin» found, however, bythe business men Ashland high school debate team where the increase seemed to be ex­ of the s ta t em otor vehicle laws, and year are: Dr. W ingscott, Roseburg, was given a $100 fine, 30 days in president; Dr. Seeley, Roseburg, composed of Dick and Adena Joy, cessive, as the rep o rt stated, w ith­ jail and had his operators license vice p resident; Dr. C. J. Moser, defeated the W arrenton high school out reason, com pared to the am ount revoked fo r a period of th ree m onths Grants Pass, secretary -treasu rer. team a t W arrenton Friday night. and ra te allotted to lawns and g ard ­ by his honor. Dr. Gordon M acCrackpn, Ashland May 6 by an unanim ous vote. This ens. 4 was appointed delegate to the state victory puts Ashland in the state M isunderstanding in reg ard s to HAS O L D T IM E T E L E P H O N E medical society, which will m eet in finals and they will debate the Mc­ various sections of the ordinance Laughlin high school a t Milton- Salem at a fu tu re date. seemed to work a hardship on a few Q u e e r C o n tra p tio n Resemble* Old Following th e election o f officers F reew ater, in eastern Oregon at and only th ree irrigation w ater Style Rat T ra p . and other business m atters, Dr. Mac­ Eugene on May 20, contesting for users had definitely decided to let Cracken gave a short talk on the the state championship. th eir land go dry, ra th e r th an pay Mrs. S. L. Allen b rought in a Red Cross work o f the Mississippi The question debated was “ Re­ the increased rates. q ueer looking contraption this week, flood d isaster and en tertain ed a solved that a severance tax should M emebrs of the council urged tne asking if we wanted a ra t trap . motion th a t a suitable sum should be be made a featu re of the system of adoption of m eters as the only The device proved to be an old fiven tow ards this work, and Dr. taxation in O regon.” The judges in m eans of standardizing the situation tim e telephone receiving and send­ E- B. Pickle, M edford, moved th at this debate were composed of all and this, w ith installing some 1,200 ing box used in Ashland ab out 40 the society co n trib u te $25 to the Clatsop county people from Seaside m eters would run into a prohibitive years ago. It would be quite a relic Sed Cross fo r this work, which was and W arrenton. cost, some where in the neighbor­ to all of the younger g een ratio n who carried by “an unanim ous vote. ----------4.--------- hood of $40,000, according to esti­ perhaps never seen one, b u t we The scientific side of the m eeting Old Dobbin Retires. m ates of engineers. It is said th a t the older in h ab itan ts well rem em ber was then taken up when Dr. Blaine Two horses having been employed installation of m eters could n o t be o u r firs t telephone call over the Holcolm, P o rtlan d , gave an excellent by the local American Railway Ex­ done in less than three of fo u r round looking box. paper on “ D iabetes and C hildren,” press for the past tw enty years m onths a t least and would be quite We would use a ham m er or following which he illu strated with have earned a well neded rest and useless until the new mains, th a t are k n ife handle to tap in the ce n te r of moving p ictu res showing im prove­ so for th at have been retired fo r a now being laid could be finished. ments made w ith p atien ts w ith pres­ life of pleasure. According to Dan It is said th a t the present m ains are the box, th ree taps fo r o ur “ n um ber” then listen and talk in the same ent day trea tm e n ts. Dr. J. C. Hayes Applegate, local agent of the com­ too small fo r m eters. .open receiver. Things have som e­ of Medford opened the discussion on pany, the horses were retired last The council adjourned until T ues­ w hat changed since then. the paper, follow ing which closed Saturday and express from the lo­ day evening, May 17, fo r fu rth e r 4 the morning session when the mem­ cal office will be contracted out, consideration and possible revision T he Ashland Am erican telephone bers adjourned to the Am erican Le- while larger cities will be m otorized. o fth e new ordinance. num ber is 95. Phone in a news item Ifion building n ex t door, w here the -----------------4 — ------------- ---------------------- + ---------------------- ladies of th e Legion auxiliary served Girls Adopt Dresses. N orm al H a t New Coach. Inform al dresses of pastel shades *n excellent luncheon, followed by R. W. McNeal of the College of D E A U T R E M O N T T R IA L IS • vote of th an k s to the ladies for will be worn by the girls graduating Puget Sound, Tacoma, W ash., has P O S T P O N E D BY D E A T H their kindness and hospitality. ■lass of the southern Oregon normal been selected as director of athletics I he aftern o o n session was re ­ chnol at the graduating exercises for the norm al school. He will also F a te , stra n g e , in s u r m o u n t­ am ed at 2 P. M. by P resident Mac­ iccording to a decision made at a instruct in biology, as well as d irec t­ able, whih ha* played the le a d ­ Cracken, with Dr. E stella Ford ■lass m eeting held last Friday. Any or o f physical education, athletics. ing role ia the Siskiyou tu n n e l E arn er of Salem reading a paper •olor of shoe may be worn. The He and his fam ily will move to Ash o u tr a g e , moved a gain W e d n e s ­ °n "General PraC tioning in Child u-hool publication will be composed land in S eptem ber when he will take day to p u t e la b o ra te plan* to Wealth Service,” discussion being >f ten pages and will take the place up his duties. He will a tten d sum ­ n a u g h t when J u r o r S. W. D u n ­ hy Dr. Inskeep of M edford. The .f the custom ary annual. m er school in some u n iversity in ham died a t hi* home a t 61 4 W. ■ext paper by Dr. Donald Nicholson southern C alifornia, where he will 13th s tr e e t, M edford, of a c u te Please phone society item s to 95. make a fu rth e r study of biology. °n 'Radium and C ancer S u rg ery ” b la d d e r infection a n d valvular followed Ly Dr. R. C. C offee of Port That’s the American phone. How T im e t Have Changed. h e a rt tro u b le a t the ago of 63. '*nd, illu stra tin g by sterioptican It is claim ed by the Chicago T ri­ le n t surgeon from Cairo, LgypL *hdes, with th e various agencies now T he D v A u tr e m o n t case ha* bune th a t its edition fo r Sunday, *ho is visiting with Dr. Conroy, who been d roppe d until J u n e 2S, ln use in the tre a tin g of cancer. April 22, was the largest new spaper when s ta te will in d ic a te new in­ This was a moat excellent paper, -ave a short talk on cancer in ever printed in this country. It s’gypt Miss C sriton, president of dictm ent a n d tria l will bn tot fveatly enjoyed by those present. consisted of 20 pages.— Taken from •he County Health assoc ation of for b e a rin g . Conroy o f M edford then called the files of the Oregonian, May 9, C entral Point, was a guest a t the J*P®n and introduced the guest of 1877 Dr, Hobart D. Colby, on •in ­ meeting. 33 Are Present Here Survey Is Completed —-- *---- ------- *------- ---+— r . CHAMBER IS AFTER MEMBERS POLICY FOR MORE I N D U S T R IE S IS C H A M B E R AIM Join Now and Help You Need the C h a m b e r of C om m erce a n d the C h a m b e r Need* You. Jo in and Help Boo*t I The C ham ber of Commerce is so­ liciting m ore m em bers. In union th ere is stren g th and if th e m ajo ri­ ty of Ashland men ure cham ber of com m erce m em bers and th a t body decides on some plan of progressive work, th e job can be b e tte r com­ pleted w ith a solid backing of the business men and citizens ns a whole. The Ashland cham ber of com­ m erce rig h t now is planning work and suggesting plnns and going a fte r business and industries with a b e tte r sp irit nnd with more displayed energy th an ever before. No city can thrive w ithout industry of some kind. It tak es circulation of money to mnke good tim es. A rich, p e rfe c t­ ly contented town is all rig h t fo r n f.?w, bui L. make th a t cit« a th riv ­ ing, prosperous, grow ing cen ter, money m ust circulate, tra d e m ust be brisk, activities m ust be in evidence, building operations m ust show an in­ crease, v acan t houses m ust contain fam ilies nnd all in h ab itan ts be m ore or less on speaking term s. If 1 ilk This can all be accom plished with th e income fo r th e people and th e income calls fo r industries and im­ provem ents and belief in the city. The cham ber of com m erce realizes this and a t present they are co n d u ct­ ing a drive fo r m ore m em bers. It will be a good idea to jo in the cham ber of com m erce. I t doesn’t cost much and your nam e and p res­ ence will help im mensely. If in the past you have had more or less kicks a t the action of th e cham ber o f com­ merce, now is your chance to join an a help in m aking it what you w ant it to be. It is poor policy to condem n any organization th a t one does n o t belong to. P erhaps th a t organization needs you and perhaps if you were a m em ber they could g et some m ighty good points from y o u r ob­ jections. Join and boost! You need the cham ber of com m erce and the cham ber of com m erce needs you. Ashland needs m any en terp rises th a t she h asn ’t and we have m any propositions w aiting a t o u r door rig h t now th a t m ight be developed if the proper associates or m an are inform ed and told o f the advantages The cham ber proposes to search fo r the p arties w anting the chance to develop such propositions th at Ashland has to o ffer. T h at is w hat a cham ber of com m erce is for, b u t th a t body of m em bers m ust have co­ operation. Join them ! Help them j and good resu lts are sure to follow. Many splendid things for Ashland have been accom plished in th e past, and today it really looks like th ere was a stro n g d eterm in atio n to o u t­ do any e ffo rts of th a t p ast and bring to Ashland th e good things she is en titled to. ------------- 4.------------- The W om en’s P resh y terial of Southern Oregon wili hold its a n ­ nual m eeting a t th e P resb y terian church in M edford Sunday, M onday and Tuesday, May 15, 1ft, and 17. T here will be a large delegation from the local I*resbyterian m ission­ ary society. V