y ASHLAND AMERICAN Talent Narratives Mr. and Mrs. R. Larsen have p u r­ chased a new C handler sedan. Mr. Dillon of Sacram ento arrived in Talent last Thursday for a visit with relatives. Miss Lucile Holriridge was a Med­ ford visitor last Friday evening. Miss Madeline Hill of Ashland was a guest of K atherine Estes last Friday night. Richard P etrie of Eagle Point spent W ednesday and T hursday of last week with his parents. T alent m arried men vs. unm ar­ ried men played ball last Sunday, the single men winning the game. Mr. and Mrs. K. S. N ysw aner re ­ turned from Tillamook last Friduy where they visited Mr. N ysw aner’s brother. The high shool baseball boys went to Gold Hill Tuesday evening to play the Gold Hill team . Score was 10 to 4 in favor of Gold Hill. Mr. Stacks, of the M edford fores­ try office, spoke before the high school last F riday afternoon. J. S. Spitzer has sold his grocery stok to Will Childers. Mr. and Mrs. S tacker and Fred, left Monday for Chicago where they have a politcal position. Mr. S tack­ e r has been employed ut Sun crest. Mr. Kirk McGrew was employed a t the pool hull lust week while the proprietor, Mr. Dix was confined to his home with rheum atism . Mrs. George Sands is selling o ff her household goods und expects to leave for Rifle, Colo., n ext week where the doctor has established u practice. The Sands have many friends who re g re t their leuving the community. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lamb have moved over the week-end into their new home. Lum ber trucks are busy alm ost night and day hauling lum ber from Cogan’s mill on the Greenspring m ountain. (I w ant to explain here th a t this is the real G reenspring and not the one on Klam ath highway. Most every one thinks this is on the Klamath highway but it is not I t ’s one the old road to Klamath Falls. If you acu pu t th at in some way I wish you would.) Editors n o te: The correspondent describes the Green Springs road location so well th at we run it as w ritten. We agree with our efficient corres­ pondent th a t m ore people should know these two roads. G randpa Dosier, who has been quite ill most of the winter, is im­ proving slowly. • Mrs. Hom er Graw, who recently underw ent an operation a t the com­ m unity hospital, is home and we are glad t osay has fully recovered. The play “ T reasure F arm ” given by the Soda Springs com m unity nt Bellview was playe dto an appre­ ciative but small audience. ----------------- * ----------------- 0--------------------------- 0 VALLEY VIEW 0 ------------------------ 0 Mr. and Mrs. George Bishop, who have lived on the H arvey and Yeo fru it ranch fo r the past year, moved to M edford last Saturday. Mrs. W. F. DeFord spent last F riday in Sams Valley and near Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Montgomery un 8 pound baby boy Reuse Creek. While in Sams Valley she visited her daughter Mrs. O. R. last Tuesday m orning. Tresham s and family. Mrs. N. S. O atm an and family moved to Medford Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. C arter and W. C. Williams und fam ily moved family of Ashland were dinner Sunduy into the P atterson house, near Suncrest, where Mr. Williams is guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Len­ nox last Sunday. employed. — Deering McCormick m owers and rakes ut P eil’s C orner, Ashland ¡It The seventh and eighth grades and freshm en and sophm ore classes enjoyed u picnic u tt he forks of W agner creek road last Saturday. A fter lunch they visited the mill pond and while pluying about Murtha Breese, Frank Good and Hunnu Sandlin fell o ff a log into the w ater, ilunnu and Frank swum out, then seeing M artha was not g e t­ ting out they swam to her assistance She, in her frantic effo rts pulled Frank under and both came near drowning. Mr. Evans was with a group a short distance down the path nnd by prom pt action was able to go to the assistance of the all but drowned children and rescued them. E. E. Evans and family motored to Wolf Creek last Sunday. Mr. und Mrs. H. W. Keesee re tu r­ ned Tuesday from M arshfield where they spent the week-end. Mr. Earl Simmons and Mrs. Oil- lion were quietly m arried last F ri­ day at Jacksonville. They are the proprietors of Pum pkin ce n te r and have the best wishes of a large circle of friends. A crowd of young people gave them u charivari Monday night C. C. Bond is erecting a Stucco service station on his corner on the highway. It is alm ost com pleted and he will handle Shell products. Among those in Medford to a t­ tend the vaudeville W ednesday evening of last week were Neil Spiers, Richurd P etrie, Verne Spiers Opal Dernmar, Annabel Learning, Cleta Honeyman, Elvis Cochrane and Fred H art. Mrs. G. L. llullen m otored to Portland Sunday night, re tu rn in g Tuesday evening. Mrs. Kenneth Pellet is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bond Mrs. R. C. Logan and Mrs. J. F. W ebtser were in M edford last F ri­ day. E. C. G urdner has a crew th in ­ ning pears by nicking a part of the blossoms o ff the trees. Ada llackter was a Medford visitor Thursday of last week. J. E. Barton is quite seriously ill and under the doctors care. The Burtons are staying at present with Mrs. B arton's m other. Mrs. Parks, who lives across Bear creek. O SODA SPRINCS 0 0 M. 1. Provins. who has been spending t i e w inter in Los Angeles has been visiting his niece. Mr*. H ade W allis the last few days. Someone went over the grade again! T raffic was blocked for some tim e Tuesday at the foot of the Green Spring m ountain, caused hy a car going ovar the grad*. — Get your m ow er repairs early and avoid the rush and provocation when in the field and your mower breaks down. All kinds of repairs for most any mower kept a t Peil’s Corner, Ashland. 3vv George Mason of Ashland is doing the orchard work on the Harvey and Yeo place nt present. Miss Frances G allatin, who was one o f the lucky typists to eb sent to Corvallis last Friday, returned home on Sunday evening. While in Cor­ vallis she visited her sister, Rosina who is a student a t O. A. C. Among those from Valley View who attended the poultry produiers m eeting in M edford last S aturday were Mr. nnd Mrs. R. N. Chaney, Mr. and Mrs. F red C arle, L. H. G allatin and J. R. McCracken. ONE REASON FOR HIGH TAXES the P ear Pickers last year, Em ery Davis, the man who heaved Ashland Educated of California Take News­ inot seoc.id place in last y ea r’s lea­ gue race, Davey Blum enstein, the paper to Poll» to Vote. • half-pint 0 - 0 tw irler, and Ivison, a The S aturday Evening Post, com­ reputed southpaw whiz from the m enting on the absurdity of long Portland city league. lists of propositions which voters in There is also plenty of talen t be­ many states are forced to pass upon hind the bat. Bill Forde of Ashland, a t general elections says: old team m ate of Em ery Davis, and “ In one state” (C alifornia,) Charley O rr of O. A. C. are sched­ “ th ere were 28 measures on the last uled to work as catchers. McBee of ballot, and one of the large cities the Owen-Oregon is the first sack- had 11 additional measures. Though er. Childers of the 0 - 0 and Hughes a few were trival or even ridiculous, of O. A. C. will altern ate at second. | most were of extraordinary fiscal Morgan of Ashland, and Lye of complexity. The voters were asked Crescent City are short stops, Rob­ to pas» upon rival m easures for bins of Ashland will be third sacker. highway taxation and finance which In the outfield will be F rank the most competent legislature, em­ Foley, fo rm er Pearpicker, Speiss of ploying experts and holding exten­ the P ortland city league; Miller sive hearings, could not hope to pass who tried out with O akland; Rob­ upon intelligently w ithout months of inson of the 0 - 0 and Logan of Bend. debate. Well-informed voters reach­ Rated as strong b atters are Iv- ed a decision only a fte r painstaking son, Childers, O rr, Speiss, Miller, inquiry, while the mass of citizens, Robinson and Robbins. Hughes, who if they voted at all, m ust in the arrives today a t Gold Hill, has a very n ature of the case have been moved largely by such light or dark­ reputation as a heavy sticker. Spud M erriman of O. A. C. is ness as local and sectional prejudices m anager of the team and Doc Bow­ threw upon the question. “ In general the voters were puz­ ers is financial secretary.— News. ---------- * ---------- zled and benumbed by such an a r­ Diamonds, watches, silverw are ray of measures. One newspaper a t Johnson’s Special Jew elry Sale! kept six men at work fo r months •-------------* ------------- studying the question, and, of course publishing the results. More than SCHOOL CHILDREN TO NAME THE STATE BIRD one educated and intelligent voter, unable to form so many opinions The school children of the state beforehand, took the new spaper to the polls and voted as therein in­ are going to name the state bird. Oregon has many birds but has stru cted .” The situation in C alifornia is no never adopted any certain one as exception to the rule, but general the “ state bird.” From all indica­ tions, and we hope indications are in m any states. correct, the children of the schools --------- 4»--------- AGRICULTURE IS A BUSINESS will name the Meadow Lark. W hat music is m ore welcome as you Farm Organization» May Meet at sta rt o u t of town in your car to Corvalli», Oregon, June 12. The state grange and farm ers’ unions in Western states are adopt­ ing the slogan, “ Make A griculture a Business.” In some Western states farm or­ ganizations are represented in the legislatures by men who speak for the producers from the soil, entirely from n business standpoint, such as b e tte r m arketing of crops and co­ operative and pooling arrangem ents based upon business practices th at pay actual dividends. One ofthe g re at big questions be­ fore the American people today is, W hat should the national govern­ m ent do to help ag ricu ltu re as an industry? Sound suggestions will undoubtedly be offered a t a four- state farm conference, with the above slogan as its watchword of held a t Corvallis, Oregon, Ju n e 12. Radical m easures like state ow ner­ ship nnd operation of g reat hydro­ electric power plants and socialistic en terp rises based on enorm ous bond issues have been rejected by the people of the W estern States, who favor policies along practical lines in the in terest of the producers and taxpayers. -------- * -------- UPTON CLOSE WILL SPEAK Mrs. L. II. G allatin will leave to­ AT NORMAL SCHOOL MAY 11 day (F rid ay ) for Corvallis to spend the week-end and M other’s Day with Upton Close, noted in terp retato her daughter, Rosina, at the Oregon of oriental life and culture will dis A griculture college. cuss the subject, “ An America B arbarian in C hina," at the so u th er Mrs. John «P tterson of Chehalis, Oregon Normal school auditorium oi W ashington, is visiting her sister, the m orning o f May 11. There wil Mrs. Don Lowe fo r a few days. be no admission and the people o -------- + -------- Ashland are invited to h ear Mi PRESENT TRIAL OVER Close. ROBBERY AND MURDER As well as being an au th o rity oi the subject of the orient, Mr. Clos The trial o f Hugh D’A utrem ont is also an au th o r of repute, corres brings to a clim ax one of the most pendent, lectu rer and explorer o noted crim es in the history of O re­ many foreign countries. gon. involving the m urder of four He recently retu rn ed from Chim men nnd the endangering of the and is prepared to handle the sub lives of scores of others. ject from a first hand knowledge o On O ctober 11, 1923, a Southern the chaos conditions th at now exis Pacific train left the little station in th at w ar torn nation. of Siskiyou, n ear the Oregon Cali­ fornia line and rolled into a dentn B. O. A. TEAM LOOKING trap. E ntering Siskiyou tunnel, a LIKE STAR OUTFI bore in the m ountains half a mile long, it was held up. W orking in the dark w ithout pul Three trainm en, resisting attack, licity, until they had developed were »hot down in cold blood. A full-grown team , the B. O. A. teai large charge of dynam ite was I of the southern Oregon leagu< placed under the mail car, the car which has Jackson Springs as it was wrecked and th l mail clerk was home grounds, looms as a stron killed. contender for the championship, i A uthorities and special investiga­ pre-season dope. tors assumed at once th at the crime According to C. A. Thomas, or was the work o f am ateurs. It was of the d :recto rs of the B. O. A. ou too bloody, they said, and the over­ fit, the lineup is now decided. charge of explosive denoted a lack The team is composed of th of experience. Had the train car Beaver*, from the Gold Hill cemer ried valuable loot, which it didn’t, plant, the 0 - 0 stars, and the As) it would have been to rn to shreds land club. For pitchers, the B. 0 . / hy the fore* of th* blest. boy» hav* Harry Fol*y, heavar ’vtt h ear the call o f the meadow lark from every field you pass. Winter and sum m er in Oregon you hear th e m eadow lark and the music gives one a p leasan t feeling and m akes the re s t of th e day brighter. Oregon is surely th e home of the m eadow lark, and let us call it the “ state b ird .” -------- * -------- Get y o u r jew elry , silverware, cut galss and durable presents during the sale a t Jo h n so n ’s Jew erly Store ---------- * ---------- 0- 1 ADDITIONAL 1 I At The Churches 1 JÄt M ETHODIST EPISCOPAL North Main and Laurel Sti. H. F. Pem berton, Pa»tor —0 o— -- 0 M crning worship at 11 o’clock. Serm on su b ject: O ur M other’s Re­ lig io n - H a v e we as Good? Mother’s day progrum . E vening worship at 8 S u b ject: “ Why do we think Evil in o u r H e a rts? ” A n o th er question Je­ sus asked. Sunday school m eets at 9:45. T here is a class fo r every one. You will enjoy this fine school and its high ideals. E pw orth L eague fo r all young people a t 6:45. This is a live hour full of inspiration and enthusiasm. P ray e r m eeting W ednesday even­ ing at 7:30. You are cordially invited to at­ tend all the m eetings o f this church. Its doors are open fo r you. You will enjoy the fine fellowship, the Gos­ pel serm ons and th e excellent music. S tran g ers and visitors especially welcome. Come as are to this home­ like church. TRINITY EPISCOPAL Vicar, the Rev. P. K. Hammond o----------------------------------- —------------ 0 Holy com m union a t 8 a. m. Sunday school a t 9:45 a. m. M orning service and sermon at 11. Good music. A helpful service. Everyone .cordially invited. We carry a full line of CHICKEN FEED t. ROLLED BARLEY for rabbit and cow feed». Also GARDEN SEEDS of all kinds TOMATOS, CABBAGE and PEPPER PLANTS SEED POTATOES We deliver to any part of the city Herbert’s Grocery Phone 59. 19 East Main Special Services —AT— Full Gospel Temple J. E. MURPHY, Pastor. SUNDAY SCHOOL, 9:45 A. M. Mr. C. J. Foster, Superintendent In our Sunday School we have suitable departments and classes for all ages. Mrs. Arthur Hardy, superin­ tendent of the Primary department, with her corp of teachers, is doing splendid work. Any parent will do well to send their little ones to this department. MORNING WORSHIP, 11:00 A. M. Mother s Day will be observed in appropriate way, with special music and sermon. This will be the time for you to remember your mother. Don’t fail to be present. YOUNG PEOPLES MEETING 6:30 P. M. A cordial invitation is extended to all young folks who are looking for a place where thev can do some real work for the cause of Christ. ------oOo------ EVENING WORSHIP, 7:30 v.m^oif^ f ii? sIH*c*al service for all parents. Avail / o V Hi ° PIiortunit>' t(> Join in this service to mntVth! «ea SOU, stl'Tln£ time in helping to pro- » ife ° f cght; *ou are cordially invited S i hAP’Pyi S,Vn