ASHLAND AMERICAN pitcher and Laws catcher; B attery B. Slack pitcher and Young catcher Bankers, Hitchock catcher and Peters and Butterfield pitchers; Employed boys, Walter pitcher and Gilmore and Gosnell catchers. The team standings are as follows: Nor­ mal, 1000; Hi-Y, 1000; Battery B. About twenty-five were present at 500; Bankers, 500; Hoot Owls, 0; Dr. Haines and Dr. Burdick will have nice, modern tro n t otfices in the William Rice home Friday even­ the newly finished Hersey building ing at the Berean class party. All re ­ Employed Boys, 0. over the Heaths confectionery. port an enjoyable time. A program Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gall from east was given by members of the class, BASEBALL SEASON AT THE BAT The Ashland high and Medford of town were in town Sunday in a t ­ also games and refreshm ents were high will be hot contestants and it tendance at church. part of the evenings entertainm ent. starts o ff with Ashland at the head. Last Monday Medford came over Seeder, cultivators, garden tools The next meeting is billed to be at and layed the locaJ high school boys and garden hose at Peils Corner. 52f the Floyd Putman home on Beach on the home field. This Friday Ash­ land goes to Medford and Saturday, street. Rev. Hugh T. Mitchelmore and the following day, Medford will A group of relatives surprised G. P. Frost were in Grants Pass come over here. B etter attend the Monday and Tuesday, attending the J. E. Randles at his home in the games. The score for the first game Presbyterian Southern Oregon semi Bellview district Thursday evening was 12 to 6. annual meeting. Those who took p art in the game April 7.the occasion b»ing in honor from Ashland were: C. Hartley, P. H eath’s confectionery put up a of his birthday anniversary. Each Kenanto, F. B. McGee, S. B. Nutter, new awning this week. This new store is very attractive and was person brought something to eat and S. S. Huelen, B. Grandee, L. F. opened for business last Tuesday. at 6:30 a sumptuous dinner was Moore, C. F. Katper, A. F. Bibby, Harnesses and all parts for dres­ served, the main attraction being a SYLVANITE MINES ARE sing up your horse at Pell's Corner. pretty decorated birthday cake. Mr. TAKEN OVER BY SEATTLE MEN Randles received many useful gifts, Floyd Putman, who has been work which he greatly appreciated. Following the general trend of ing a t Klamath Falls for a time, outside interests in the direction of The various churches in Ashland southern Oregon gold fields, the Re­ spent the week-end visiting his fami­ will have special E aster programs vival Mining company, a new cor­ ly in this city. Sunday. We wish each .hurch would poration of which A. D. Coulter, well The snow was reported to be four­ send in church announcem ents and known mine owner of Seattle, is president, have taken over the mines teen inches on Green Springs moun­ church society news each week for around Gold Hill known as the Sy- tain on Saturday morning. Ashland The American. This m a tte r is prin t­ lvanite group. Judge W. E. Crews, mining cor­ didn’t quite come up to that record ed free of charge and greatly appre­ poration attorney is now preparing but we surely had some snow. ciated by the editor as well as by the initial papers for the convey­ The Lithia Springs garage de­ the many hundreds of readers. W on’t ance and transfer of the properties. Plans for the actual operations are livered one of those new handsome ■ each organization appoint some one expected to m ature within the next Essex sedans to Mr. H. H. Mayberry to attend to it and get items in not thirty days. later than Wednesdays. this week. ------------- * ------------- -Locals-Personals--------------- Lumber Merely Many Minor Matters Q uality— R ight Grades — Service— -Briefs and Fillers--------------- ! Mrs. Oxford is home for a few days this week from Talent, where she is taking care of Mrs. Allen Proctor, who has been quite sick for some time. On Thursday, April 7, the F ra te r­ nal Brotherhood held their regulnr meeting and initiation of candidates a fte r which a splendid feed was en­ joyed by ull a t the Star cafateria. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cooper came from their home a t Eugene Friday evening and spent several days visit­ ing relatives in this vicinity. The Cooper’s returned to Eugene Tuesday morning. The Week-day Bible school, with an enrollment of over 500 will hold its open assembly Friday night, May 6. Keep this date open. Meeting to be held in M. E. church. Nearly every church in Ashlund is a co-operative member of this work. 513 Married at the Cooper residence on Munzineta street on Suturday evening, Mrs. Fanny Cooper and E. W. Redifer, both of this city. The best wishes of friends attend them. Mrs. Hamilton and small daughter visited at the J. M. Wolcott home on Sherman street one day last week. Mrs. Hamilton was enroute from California to Canada and stopped off to visit her former friends, the Wolcott’s on her way home. Miss Shirley Marx of Eugene is spending the Easter vaention in this city visiting at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hodkinson on Church street and with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beck of the Ashland Cleaning & Dyeing works. Roy Wells of Elkton, was in town last week visiting his wife, Mrs, Myrtle Wells of the Boulevard and his four daughters, who are here a t ­ tending school. Mr. Wells returned to Douglas county the first of the week. The Third Street garage, Winter A Barto. at 25 Third street, are now agents for the Star car. The Star seems to be gaining rapidly in the publics favor and one is delighted in the new models shown at this garage. Oscar Cooper preached nt the < hristian church Sunday morning to an appreciative audience. Mr. Cooper announced that he was not a candi date for the Ashland pulpit, having formerly lived here. He said "a prophet was not without honor save in his own country.' Mrs. Bertha CartheJI in company with her sister. Miss Abbott, went to Buck Horn lodge last week, when* they will stay for a time for the benefit of her health. This is an old health resort, about sixteen miles out of town. The White Elephant class of the < hristian Sunday school are planning a basket dinner at the church din­ ing room next Sunday at the noon hour. All members or friends of the class are invited to come, bringing a well filled basket. An impromptu The young people of the Full Gos­ pel church are having splendid times on roller skates at the natatorium . Iutst Monday night forty-seven skaters were on the floor and it was indeed a lively party. All mem­ bers are Sunday school boys and girls and the wholesome e n tertain ­ ment offered is being taken up with much interest. U. G. Dubach, dean of men at O. A. C., was the speaker before the Kiwanis luncheon group on Fri­ day a t the Lithia Springs hotel. The dean is a favrite with Ashland aud­ iences. He is a man of highly de­ veloped human interests and a skill­ ful hand at rousing the deeper and tru e r instincts in his audiences. The d ea n ’s talk was greatly enjoyed by all who had the opportunity to hear it. Jam es N u tter is the newly elected president of the southern Oregon district of the Older Boys confernce Other officers elected besides Janies Nutter, Ashland Hi-Y club presi­ dent a r e : Beckett of Medford, first vice president; F ran k McCornack of Klamath Falls, second vice president and Edwin Dole of G rants Past, sec­ retary. These boys will hold office until next y e a r’s conference when a new set will be elected. We are reliably informed that a r ­ rangem ents have been completed whereby the Redwood highway via the Oregon Caves to Jacksonville and Medford will be completed this sum ­ mer. This is good news to many Medford people for a more direct route to the caves and the coast has been worked for, for years by local interests; this project had its incep­ tion during the administration of the late George Gardner and the pro­ gressive spirit of this energetic good road enthusiast in building the first link of the highway, the paving of the Jacksonville highway, has ten d ­ ered to create an undying interest in this east and west a rte ry to the coast and to one of Oregon’s scenic wonders, the Oregon Caves. The opening of this road will mean the diversion of thousands of tourists over this new highway.— Pacific Record Herald. ----- * ----- MAUNDY MONEY IS GIVEN BY KING GEORGE London, April 13.— (U P .)— King George will make 124 of his subjects happy tomorrow. The occasion will he that of dis­ tributing of the King’s "Moundy Money” — the day being Moundy The affirm ative team of the Thursday. The practice is a survival of an ancient custom when the king Senior high school debate squad, gave to the poor who assembled at composed of Dick and Adena Joy the palace. won the decision 3 to 0 Saturday night nt the high school auditorium Jÿi J!¿lt 1¿!U, when the met the Klamath Falls negative team on the question, Re­ solved, “ That the severance tax should be made a fenture of the tax system of Oregon.” This decision gives the local team the champion­ ship of southern Oregon and the eastern district, and they will meet a northern team in Ashland a week from Friday. Committees of the Cham ber of t ommerce are: J. H. McGee, adver­ tising and pulicity; J. C. Hopper, a g ­ ricultural land settlem ent; A. E. Kinney, auto camp and tourists; (J. s. Butler, bands and music: H I, t laycomh. celebrations; R. L. Burdic. cnie affairs; E. \ . Carter, education and schools; T. V. C arter; en­ dorsements; Lew Hansen, e n tertain ­ m ent; Lew H a n s.n ; G. G. Eubanks finance and budget; Geo. W. Dunn, forums: Fred Taylor, house commit­ tee; U S . Brown, industrial develop- m ent; K C. Homes, legislation; O. r . t arson, membership and trade relations; H. Billings, retail trade: M. Briggs, road and highways; Louis Dodge, sports. The indoor baseball series which is attracting so much attention, not only from organizations that have entered the teams, hut also from Ashland's sport loving public, made some new columns for the sport sheet Thursday evening when teams from the Hi-Y. the Bankers, the Hoot Owls, the Normal. Rattery B and the Employed boys met at the armory for honors in the firxt game of the evening, the Hi-Y team. Hart- ey catcher and McGee pitcher, won a score of 22 to 13 from the Hoot Owl». Battery for the Hoot Owl* were program for the afternoon will be Earl Crow pitcher and Melvin Kaegi put un by the young people. n tc h rr For the normal, Butterfield w rim REDWOOD HIGHWAY FROM OREGON CAVES TO MERFORD ‘^V First-C lass Finish i 9 v v y V I Y C om plete Stock dim ei - .i* and U ppers * à\ v . / — Cedar Ship Lap — S p ecial G arage Siding î Le! is f l i r r e w ith you Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. Ashland, Oregon 0— £ .r i m r imr m r ym t 0 ™ » — — — — " - I ™ ™ ™ imr imr imr imr imr imr Dine With Us Easter ! ' < t S r ì V Special Easter Menus W elcom e you here on Easter day to satisfy your hunger Lunch 65c Special Dinner Both Noon and Night $ 1 .0 0 Lithia Springs Hotel i M l AM A AMA AMA AMA A l A A M I l u i A U t i n t i l u i A u lì im i A u ti AMA AM A A M A A M A A M A A M I A M A A M A J . — Beautiful New Silk Dresses for— ‘Easter’ In U rge assortment of New Silk D resses you will be del.ghted to find good all Silk Flat Crepe Dresses in all sizes and new Spring shades. W onderfully m ade. Priced at ........... t v /-v 7 c * 1 0 75 Better ones at $19.95 to $27.50 to $35.00 NEW H ATS FOR EASTER! The “right” hat means much to the wearer Here you can find it— $3.50 to $5.90 to $7.50 New Spring Coats that meet your exarf demand». Plain t . i l ored, f ur full lined, jtst as you like them. P r ie d . 1 * 1 4 . 7 5 , 0 * 2 4 . 7 5 . 0 , 3 5 . 0 0 "Shop now for Easter wear at” The Enders Co. V