Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, April 08, 1927, Image 5

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    Hero Dog Will
Have Memorial
Win» Fight With Fox While
Pinned Between Boulders
Under Ground.
Woodruff, S. C.— Ring, most fnmous
foxhound In the world, is dead. With­
in twenty-four hours after being res­
cued from six days’ captivity In a
deep cave Into which he had chused
and killed a huge red fox the gallant
old dog’s stout heart ceased to beat.
Like the lamented Floyd Collins,
old Ring found the subterranean
dampness more than his Iron con­
stitution could endure.
Ring con­
tracted pneumonia while pinioned be­
tween two sharp boulders that pre
vented him from leaving the under­
ground chamber he had entered In
pursuit of his enemy, and despite the
tender ministrations of veterinarians
and his master, R. V. Kelly, wealthy
farmer and fox hunter, the famous
animal died In the home he had
known and loved for seven years.
An Anniversary.
Did fate Indulge In a strange whim?
It seems so, for It was on the second
anniversary of the finding of Floyd
Collins’ body that old Ring was res­
Ring breathed his last surrounded
by his partners In hundreds of thrill
Ing fox hunts. Gathered about their
stricken comrade, these foxhounds
seemed to sense the tragedy impend
Ing. Strong men stood about the room
and wept unashamed as Ring's broad
muscular chest emitted Its final con
vulsive gasp and then remained mo­
Tender hands laid the gallant old
foxhound to rest on the old plantation
two miles from Woodruff. A suitable
memorial will be erected later over the
little mound. A thousand dollars was
spent willingly In freeing the old fox­
hound from his subterranean prison
and another large sum will be expend
ed to provide an appropriate marker
for Ring's last resting place.
Hundreds of men worked day and
night to rescue the dog. which chased
a fox Into the cave, killed the animal
after a terrific struggle and then be­
came wedged between two boulders
forty feet under ground. The only
opening to the cavern was too small to
permit a human being to enter, and
It was necessary to use dynamite ns
well as picks and shovels In order to
sink a shaft forty feet through rock
and earth to effect the dog’s rescue.
Ring barked intermittently through­
out his long imprisonment under­
ground, apparently with the Intention
of encouraging the crowds of sympa­
thetic workmen laboring tp rescue
him. But the Joyous, half-ehnHenging
note was missing from Ring's typical­
ly foxhound yelp.
At ten o’clock on the night of Thurs­
day, February 10, Ring was trapped
In the cave. It was Saturday, Feb­
ruary 12, when a boy chancing to
pass the cave heard a dog, evidently
In distress, barking. It was 3:00 a.
m. Thursday, February 17, when a
shovel pierced the barrier above the
Imprisoned dog and perndtted the rays
of a flashlight to reveal an exhausted
but supremely happy foxhound.
Freed From Prison.
Strong hands freed Ring from his
prison. A moment later a gaunt, yel­
low foxhound, his hairy coat damp
with underground moisture, was raised
to the surface o f the ground and de
positing In the waiting arms of his
owner, R. Vandy Kelly, wealthy bach­
elor and noted foxhunter of Wood­
ruff. Through lips that quivered with
emotion Mr. Kelly shouted. “ Boys,
It Is worth $1,000,000 to see old Ring
The entire countryside hurried to
the cave, two miles from Woodruff
when It became known that Ring
was caught In a trap. Men. women
and children assembled on the steep
Ring was one o f a dozen fine fox­
hounds taking part In a fox hunt on
the night of Thursday, February 10.
Half a dozen hunters had assembled
at the home of the Kelly brothers for
the chase.
Into a peaceful little valley, bathed
In the mellow glow of a full moon, the
pack o f hounds dashed In search of
their age-old enemy. Suddenly one of
the dogs emitted a deep yelp. Indica­
tive of the discovery of the desired
quarry. The pack took up the trail
and soon straightened out in a race
that extended for approximately oue
“That fox Is headed for the old fox
den on Dlldlne creek.” remarked one
o f the hunter*, “ and he'll make It be­
fore the dogs get near him."
A Deep Cava.
The old fox den I* In a deep cave on
the banks of Dlldlne creek.
hunter's prediction came true. The
wily old fox, howeve-, failed to take
Into consideration that one of the
d+ge on his trail was a veteran of
seven years’ experience, not to be
confused or daunted, by any eohrer
fuge In Reynard's repertoire. Within
* , fcwni|eet of the f01’* tall yelped
wlth 'he joy of the chase
rb< fos- a magnificent specimen
ru<hed Into the tiny opening to the
cave. Scarcely a foot behind, how
ever. Ring plunged madly onward,
eliher unaware or contemptuous of
the proximity of the fox’s haven. The
old dog’s rush carried him nearly 40
feet Into the blackness of the cavern.
Suddenly hie- body became wedged be
tween two sharp boukiers. It was Im
possible to push forward or to retrace
his steps. He was trapped, and both
dog and fox realized what had oc­
At the mouth of the cavern bayed a
dozen disgusted, bullied foxhounds.
Around them stood half a dozen disap­
pointed hunters, facing the painful
realization that another wily Reynard
had made his escape Into the old hole
that hud caused muny fox hunts to
end in ( disgust.
None of the hunters noted that old
Ring was missing from the pack of
hounds yelping at the black entrance
to the cave, and after a few minutes
the hunters culled the hounds uud left
the scene.
Inside the Inky blackness of the
cave, with no other living soul to see,
two animals staged a drama. The fox
realized that his enemy was in dire
distress. His sharp eyes told him that
Ring could neither advance nor re-
treut, therefore could not parry blows.
Sharp yelps from the pinioned enemy
told him that Ring was In excruciat­
ing pain. Desperately the old dog
tried to press forwurd, hut every pain­
ful attempt only wedged his body
more tightly between the sharp boul­
An Opportunity.
Here was an opportunity to avenge
many old scores. The fox, confident
that he could thrash the Imprisoned
dog, advanced to the attack. But he
did not know the caliber of the vet­
eran foxhound he sought to destroy.
With the cunning born of long expe­
rience and the ferocity born of des­
peration, Ring bared his white, stil­
etto-like teeth and prepared to up­
hold the treasured tradition« of his
ancestors. Again and again the long
tusks of the fox penetrated the old
dog’s head, but Ring was fighting to
the deuth and he fought craftily, con
serving his strength. Finally the cov­
eted opening came. The old foxhound
sank his long teeth Into the soft, hot,
palpitating throat of his foeman.
The battle was over. Blood gush­
ing from his wound, the fox slunk far­
ther back into the narrow passageway
—to die.
Tuesday night, February 15. work­
men uncovered the bloody body of the
fox. Every man at *he cave realized
that a tragedy had taken place fui
down in the bowels of the earth.
Up through the fissures between the
layers of limestone came the trium
phant voice of King, hurling a chat
lenge and yet containing a pitiful plea
for aid.
One long tooth was missing from
the fox’s mouth, conclusive evidence
that Iting Uud uet-n paiiituit) It uoi
seriously wounded in the tight !u the
A few odume* after midnight Wed
riesday. FUiruiiry 10, It becun»* evl
dent that the shaft being sunk into
the cavern would reach the prisoner
In a few hours, and anxious eyes
peered into the hole for a glimpse ol
Ring. A flashlight playing in the
black depths of the tunnel revealed
a yellow tail, wagging joyously. The
dog that had been a prisoner for six
days was at last in sight of his res
The Inrush of air told old Ring that
his period of painful captivity was
almost ended. He harked feebly, but
with a voice vibrant with Joy. At
3:45 o'clock Thursday morning Ring
scrambled out of his prison and his
yelping re-echoed through the little
valley until it was drowned amid the
deafening cheers of the hundreds who
had gathered to witness the hounds
liberation. *
A rucking cough shook Ring's gaunt
body. He had contracted u serlou>
cold In the dampness of the cavern
I’neumonla threatened.
Ring's eyes were feverish und al
most filled with dirt, hut they scanned
the faces about the brink of the shaft.
He was looking for his master. Vandy
Kelly, and a second later the old fox­
hound was licking the face he loved
more than any other.
Harvey Kelly took the weary animal
In his arms und strode across the hills
to the Kelly home, a mile distant,
where a bowl of warm milk awaited
the homecoming.
Safe at home. Ring collapsed. Ills
gaunt frame shivered with the rav­
ages of pneumonia. He refused food,
but lapped eagerly at bowls of wuter
placed before him. He yelped no
more, his fever-ridden lungs unHhle
to function normally, and those min
isterlng to the old foxhound realized
that the end was near.
Maine Banker Wills
Fortune to Humanity
Bath, Maine.—An estate estimated
at $1,71&,(X)0, of which all but $18,(NX)
Is In personal property,, was left by
George P. Davenport, retired hanker
and broker, according to William S.
Shorey, Arthur J. Dunton and J. Ed­
ward Drake, named by him us exec­
utors and trustees under the terms
of his will, which has been filed in
the first session of the Sugudnhoc
county Probate court.
Mr. Davenport made 20 specific be­
quests, most of them to Institutions,
and only one of them personal, total
Ing $1 lfl.tXX), and the income from the
residue, estimated ut considerably
more thnn $1,500,(XX), is to be expend­
ed by the trustees for religious, eduen
tional and charitable institutions and
organizations “ which have for their
object the good of the world and the
bettering of the condition of the hu
mun race.”
The trustees hnve nominated Olivet
Moses, Charles C. Low and Daniel
Williams as appraisers of the estate.
The will was drawn August 26, 11X18
Mr. Davenport was never married and
tpon his deuth left no near relatives.
Outside of a $10,(XX> bequest to Miss
Nellie A. Webber, who was his house­
keeper for a long term of years, there
tre no personal bequests.
Mr. Davenport stated that his fa
ther, the late Charles Davenport, gave
during his lifetime a very large
amount of money to their relatives
and he did not feel It his duty to
give more.
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis
Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
Accept only “Bayer'* package
which contains proven directions.
Aspirai la U m
nandv “ Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100— Druggists.
trade mark of Barer Manufacture of Monoacetlcactdeater of Sallcrllcacld
A woman muy win a man's love
without trying, but she can’t keep It
that way.
Bell-Ans Really Sure Relief
Healthy, Happy
Thousands of Testimonials From Doc­
tors, Nurses and Dentists Say So.
in crowing, contented health
is Mrs. W inslow’sSyrup. This
T h e best way to keep baby
For correcting over-nddtty nnd
quickly relieving belching, gas, slck-
headache, heartburn, nausea, bilious
ness and other digestive disorders,
BELL-ANS has been proved of grout
value for the past thirty years. Not
a laxative but a tested Sure Belief for
Indigestion. Perfectly harmless and
pleasant to take. Send for free samples
to: Bell & Co., Inc., Orangeburg, N. Y.
safe, pleasant, effective rem e­
dy icguiates the bowels and
quickly overcom es diarrhoea,
colic, flatulency, constipation,
and teething troubles.
Tkt Infant»’ mmJ CkiUrtn’ t Rtgnlalot
Guaranteed free
from narcotics, opiates, alcohol
is best for baby.
We once heard of a man who wrote
a book on “ How to Get Rich" who had
actually done it himself.
Coir's Cnrbollsalvr «Illicitly HrUrvrs
and heals burning. Itching and torturing
skin diseases. It Instantly stops the pain
of burns. Heals without scars. 30c and
60c. Ask your druggist, or send 30c to
The J. W. Cole C o, 127 8. Kuclid A v t , j
Oak Park, III., for a package.— Adv.
It’s a pity that some men can't draw
checks us easily as they can Infer­
Sore and Inflamed eyes, sties and g r a n u la ­
tion s h e a l e d p r o m p t l y by n ig h tly use of
R o m a n E y e B a l s a m . 36 cents. A d v .
When a man Is down Ills enemies
stop kicking him and Ids friends be­
Don’t experlmini on
th«m. u»c MITCH ELI«
EYE SALVE for ip «*d j
relief. Absolutely «aie.
L ooks J
BALL A Rl I’KKL, New York City
Ilo n itw .p a l liir
iu u I
l l i o r h«*mie
P r é p a r â t ion e
«»•nt p o s t p a i d t o all p a r t s o f t h e w o r l d . M a n ­
u a l un d h o o k l o t s f ree . H a l s e y B r o s . Co.. »»4 3
Ht. C l a i r Ht . C h i c a g o , 111 E s t a b l i s h e d 1855.
Taka Tablets Without Fear If You
See the Safety “ Bayer Cross.”
Warning! Unless you see the name
8niall improved farms in well established
"Bayer” on package or on tnblets you settlement. Fruit, alfalfa, dairy, bog*, poul­
are not getting the genuine Buyer try. Churches, high school, grammar schools.
Aspirin proved safe by millions and Also unimproved land* w ith first water rights.
Easy term*. Write frsuio Farms. Kerman, Calif.
prescribed by physicians for 26 years.
Say “ Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. W. N. U., PORTLAND, NO. 14-1927.
Imltutlons may prove dangerous.—Adv.
A /e c e in (y
New U . S. District Attorney Sworn In
....... .......................
Politeness Is the zero mark of love’s
Mother- Did I see you sit close to
Jerry In the parlor? And you had
your arm uround him?
Teeth resemble verbs; they*are reg­
Daughter—That’s the only way two
can sit In that chair.
ular, Irregular nnd defective.
Popular San Diego W om an
Recovers From Long Illness
Amazing Improvement in Mrs. Jester's Health Surprises
Friends. Serious Ailments Caused by Nervous Break*
down Relieved and Strength Restored hy Tan lac.
Looks and Feels Better Than Ever
‘ T a n la c has certainly done won-
dersform e; I cannot nraiseitenough,”
declares Mrs. T . D.
t.-r, 1268 Penn­
sylvania Avenue, Han Diego. Calif.
“ I had suffered a nervous breakdown,
arid for many months afterward I
continued to get worse and worse,
despite all the different nerve med­
icines I tried. Nothing seemed to
help until I tried Tanlac.
“ I was as near to lieing a complete
nervous and physical wreck as I could
be, without entirely collapsing. The
slightest noise would make me want
to srream, and after retiring it would
be hours liefore I could sleep. I would
awaken with ti-rriMe n a r r o w t. ..I-
achesand the slightest exert ion would
tire me ou t so tnat I would be trem­
bling. I lost weight and appetite. I
tried Tanlac with little expectation
o f improvement.
“ Before I had taken ail o f the first
bottle, I developed a ravenous ap­
petite. and was sleeping better. 1 con­
tinued to im prove rapidly and felt
like a different person entirely. In
less than three weeks I had gained
•even pound*! Later, m y weight
went up from 105 to 125 pounds.
tieorge E W Johusou iright) taxing the oath as United State* district
attorney for northern Illinois, succeeding Edwin A. Olson. Tba ceremony
took place In the Federal court In Chicago.
If your trouble* are auxular to thoea
from which Mrs. Jester suffered so
keenly, get relief liefore it is to o late!
Tanlac will doubtless help you just ae
it hel|ied Mrs. Jester and as it hue
Lejped thousand* o f other sufferer*.
Tanlac i* a pure and wholesome
com[s>und, made from herbs, root*
and barks, according to the fam ous
Tanlac formula. It is a wonderful
tonic me< licine, for run -d. >wn and nerv­
ous conditi «.is and for digestive dis­
order*. All good druggists sell Tanlan
— get your first bottle to d a y ! btvaf
40 million bottles sold.