Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, April 08, 1927, Image 4

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Prepared Especially fo r Infants
and Children of Ah Ages
Only by continuous selection for
health and vigor Is It possible to build
up a flock that will produce fertile
eggs,, strong chicks capable of mak­
ing quick growth, uud pullets with
sufficient stamina to withstand the
strain of heavy egg production.
The treatment of prisoners In one
The np|>enrance of a bird la not al­
South Australian Jail Is remarkably
ways a sure indication of its vigor,
humane. A regular visitor inquired
hut appearance anil action taken to­
recently regarding an old offender:
gether are a fairly reliable guide for
“ What’s wrong with Rill? lie seems
picking out vigorous birds.
The comb, f««-e, ¡¡nd wattles should to have a grouch?”
“ No wonder,” said one of his mates.
huve a good bright color; the eyes
should he fairly bright nnd fairly “He threatened the warden with a
prominent, and the head should he •hovel today and now they won’t let
comparatively broad and short, having him go to choir pructice.”
n fairly short, well-curved beak and
showing no tendency to be long,
“ snaky,” or “crow-headed.”
Stona Turi:« at tha Ming Tomb«, Nanking.
The bird should be alert and have a
( P r * p a r * ‘1 b y th e N a tio n a l G a o y r a p h le
Spring road of an afternoon is strong, vigorous carriage; the legs
« o r l a t y , W a a h ln a t o n . D. C )
thronged with stylishly dressed men should he set Well apart nnd strongly
HILE t Itt* eyes of the went*
and women of leisure and fashionable support the body, giving no indication
ern world have been turned
equipages thnt would do credit to of weakness or u knock-kneed condi­
during recent weeks toward Fifth avenue, the Champs Elysee or tion. The hope, as seen in the shnnk,
Shanghai, headquarters for ilie King sCra-ise In the days of Vi­ should be strong nnd not too fine for
white soldiers ami sailors and marines
enna’s glory. The city Is thoroughly the breed, while the toes should be
In Chinn, the footsteps of thousands
cosmopolitan. Perhaps r.o other city strong straight, nnd not too long. The
of refugees, white and yellow, have
of the world surpasses It In this re­ plumage should be clean and smooth,
been directed toward thnt »am« city, spect except Cairo.
ns a lack of condition often accom­
their hope of safety.
Klangsu, the
The Foreign Settlement«.
panies soiled, roughened pluiivnge. Tne
province In which Hhnnghnl lies. Is
There are two Shanghais: the na­ condition of flesh should be good, as
one of the most densely populated po­ tive city, and the foreign concessions.
a very thin bird is usually In poor
litical units In the world. It Is only Shanghai was one of the first Chinese
health. Sick fowls, or fowls that have
slightly larger than Indlnnn, and even
cities to be thrown open to western,
under normal conditions ten times as trade, one of the five “ treaty ports" apparently recovered from sickness,
should never lie used for breeding.
many people live there as Inhabit the
established In 1842. British merchants
Iloosler state. Chinese from all parts
who moved In during the next few
of the republic, speaking half a dozen
He— Y* don’t need t’ feel so stuck
years obtained a concession to mnn- Scaly Leg Will Submit
different dialects, and foreigners from
up Just because your dad made all
age their municipal affairs In their
to Efficient Treatment his dough In glue.
all corners of the globe make tip the
settlement. The French and American
Scaly leg is recognized by the en­
conglomerate mass of humanity.
residents Joined In the arrangement, larged, roughened appearance of the
Even the country districts are so
A P oser
but Inter the French set up a rntmlcl
feet nnd legs. It Is caused by a little
congested that the largest farms In the
polity of their own which Is main­ mite which burrows beneath the
kid floored me with a
province are little more thnn smnll
tained separately today. Residents of
family truck gardens to the American other nationalities linve thrown In scales and causes the formation of a question today.
Jinks— Is that unusual?
yellowish, powdery substance which
farmer. They seldom cover more than
their lot with the Rrttlsh nnd Ameri­
three or four acres.
Blinks—No, but tills wns a knock­
keeps raising up tlie scales until they
cans. and today about 20 nations hnve
present nn unsightly appearance. In out I gave him a penny und he asked
Klang«ti Is the pioneer province of
arrangements with China In connec­
severe enses, if the birds are not cared me to please tell him Just what he
railroading In the Celestial empire.
tion with trnde nnd extraterritorial
The first road was built In 1870 from
for, t?e joints of the toes become in­ could do with a penny, and I had to
rights In Shanghai.
Shanghai to Woosung, a distance of
sometimes so laming the birds give him a quarter to sidestep the an­
After riding two hnnrs north of
12 miles. Rut Klangsu owes much of
that they are unable to walk.
Shanghai h.v rallrond. through fertile,
Its development to Its water routes be­
fore the rallrond came, particularly to flat country to the Ornnd cnnal. one nnd warm water and remove nil loose
finds himself among five million more
The M ira cle W om a n
the Yangtze river and the (Jrandcnnal
people of Klangsu within a radius of scales. Huh well with a half-and-half
Mr. Shrimp—Can you read the past
thnt flows nearly the entire length of
40 miles of Soochnw. Many of the mixture of kerosene and linseed oil as well as the future?
the province.
people In the outlying districts nre
Madame Goochi—Sir, the past is to
For hundreds of years the cnnal was
In poultry raising and even linseed oil) ; or fill a can with the mix­ me an open book.
tilled with shipping and was the only
the city people tnke pride In their
“Then you’re on a dollar if you can
means of communication between the
flocks, particularly ducks. Millions of gone to roost, dip each bird's legs Into
tell me what my wife said to bring
north and the south; but today much
of the canal Is In ruins, due largely to Klangsu eggs thnt nre not locally con­ then return the bird to the roost. Re­ home for tea—pork sausages or pigs'
the construction of a railroad along sumed or shipped fresh are dried or pent the treatment every three or four feet”—Sydney Bulletin.
the route and the development of frozen, nnd shipped all over the world. days until the scales nre removed. Oil
On the west of the elty are a hun
Klnngsn river for navigation. Hun­
beautiful lakes and the Orent of caraway used in the same manner
dreds of small canals branch off Into
Is also very effective. To prevent the
pupil at the Gotham
the hack country. They are used to
disease, spray the roosts, dropping Normal school took notice of one of
Irrigate farms nnd ns highways, for
boards, and nil nearby cracks nnd
most of the roads outside the large of hills on the enst. one of the few crevices thoroughly nnd often so ns to the little wheel-like ventilators that
had been set In one of the windows of
cities nre wheelbarrow tracks.
keep them free from mites.
a house she was passing.
Other Large Cities Near By.
Shanghai Is Big and Busy.
For centuries Foochow hns been the
She gazed at It With some Interest.
Nearly 2.000,000 of Klangsu's people principal Chinese silk market. Rut Its Dirt and Board Floors
"Huh !” she finally concluded, “ those
live In Shanghai. Thousands of the business Is not confined to silk nnd
folks there must be Rotarians.”
Each Have Advantages
population are employed In the city’s poultry, for In the ha/anrs thnt llr.c
Dirt and hoard floors ench hnve
thriving Industries. There nre more the streets and even surround the
Find th e Man
than fifty cotton mills and numerous temple of Ruddhn. one enn buy any­ their advantages. If the top soil 1«
“Fighting Is all right, provided you
silk, rice nnd flour mills, nnd hundreds thing from a bird cage to nn outdoor Inclined to he of a sandy loam, well
of large factories producing matches, haircut, or n good-for everything pill. drained and Inclined to dry quickly, do It Intelligently.”
“ Yes, but you can’t always find a
cigarettes. Jewelry, pottery and many
Nenrly all Foochow streets that nre the earth floor will he nil right. In
other articles.
not Venetlnn style nre narrow nnd any ease, dirt floors should be a few man smaller than yourself.”—London
Lying In n protected location 12 are monopolized by 'rlckshnws and Inches above the land outside so there Answers.
miles up the W'hnngpoo river. Shang­ wheelbarrows. If one does not ride, will be no trouble from water running
hai Is one of the finest commercial one Is npt to get poked by the bars In and standing. A hoard floor should
ports In China. As one approaches of a 'rickshaw,
he put In some little dlstnnce above
the harbor he sees nearly ten miles
Nanking. Wusih, Chlnklang and the ground so rats will not mnke n
of dock» stretching nlong the rlv«r Yangrhow are also thlcklv populated harbor tinder there, and so ns to allow
front. Huge ocean-going vessels fr«,n district*.
Except Nanking these the air to circulate under It and pre­
all parts of the world come and go cities are all on the Ornnd cnnal vent dampness to rot the floor. A
almost In a steady stream, fast motor Each of them boast more thnn 100,000 floor should he well sanded, so It will
boats dart here nnd there through the Inhabitants.
Nanking Is the rnpltnl not he too hard upon the fowls’ feet.
harbor, nnd the shipping Industry nnd of Klangsu and win enpltnl of the em­ Or covered with a good lot of litter. A
factories nlong the river front roar pire In the Ming dynasty. It Is the nice cement floor make« the finest and
with activity. One could easily Imag­ largest walled city In the w«*rld. hut ntosb satisfactory floor of all.
ine himself entering a busy New Eng­ only a smnll portion of the c'fy is
land port If It were not for the sing­ now within the 21 mite harrier.
song chatter of orientals emanating
Nanking Is not comparable to Shnns
from Chinese junks and sampans that hnl a s a commercial center, hut h
The sun should not shine on the In
dot the water and cluster nlmut the boasts Its educational facilities are
the development of Chinese scholars cuhntor. Watch this through the day
• • •
This hybrid city of the East and
Visitors to Nanking nre at one* at
“ He says he’s going along the road !
The Toulouse g»»o«o Is the larger to success at a lively gait now.”
West Is normally what many a trav­ traded to the tomh of the first cm
variety, hut the Embden has the long­
eler finds Paris Is supposed to he but peror of the Ming dynasty. An are
"So he Is—with his wife driving.”
Isn’t perpetually gay nnd carefree. nue. a mile long, approaching the tomb er legs.
Europeans and Americans, forced by commands a splendid view o f the city
business or government assignments At one end of the avenue Is n tower
Fcgs should he kept In a dry as |
you find you had sup
to live ther* on the other side of the containing a large Mack marble fnr well as a cool place; moisture lessen« I
world In a none too kindly climate, tie. the Chinese symbol o f long life j the Impervious character o f the shells, plies enough for your unexpected
seem with one sceord to hnve deter­ On It* hack I* a marble tablet eulo­ and permits the entrance of genus If guests?
Beatrix—Everything gave out but
mined to make the experience us pleas­ gizing the enq>emr who Is hurled at the shell is soiled.
the scandal.
• • •
ant ns possible. White men’s working the other end of the avenue.
hours might have been framed hv a tween the tower nnd the tomh the | While It I* difficult to get absolute I
visionary Socialist for the yesr 2*ks> avenue I* lined on both side with uniformity of color In the eggs of the |
Passing It A lon g
In the piping times of peace many of
sculpture* of elephants, camels, (Ions American soA brown-shelled breeds,
Madge—Are you going to return th»
flees open at ten o’clock, grant a rest snd tiger*, facing one another, and chalky white Is the desired color.
poor fellow's ring?
• • •
period from twelve to two. snd close now and then on» sees an enormous
Marie twho has broken her engage
Egg production Is often cut short meat)—I *upt<o«e he’ll propose to you
at four so thst the harassed merchant statue of a great warrior standing a*
and hanker snd clerk may hurry away a sentinel guarding the funeral way hy a limited supply of water. A flock now. and | thought Td Just hand It
to dub or casino or tennis court, golf The tomh and avenue are decnylrg will stop laying sooner If kept with over to you to save the bother.
links or houseboat for what Robert and the marble statues present a f.
out water than If kept without final
• • •
Louis Stevenson called “the peal bind
cutlar sight stand'ng In a row In th«
P roving th e Punch
ness of life "
flees« will breed In the first year If
middle of a field. Stone« ary piled
you think my novel has
The Rund. the water front thorough­ high on the elephanta’ hacks, thrown fully matured. Yonng geese mate In
■ peal punch to It
fare of occidental Shanghai. Is nor­ there hr Chinese who believe If the pairs; old stock matings o f not more
Rotter—Sure thing! You ought tc
mally crowded with prosperous, nn
stones thrown remain on the elephant than fonr geese to a gander mated
have seen the way It put me to sleep
la the fall
hurried Westerner«; and Rubbling they will bring good luck.
—Boston Transcript
Poultry Notes
Mother !
Fletcher’s Cnstorla has
been in use for over 30 years as a
pleasant, harmless substitute for Cas­
tor Oil. Paregoric, Teething Drops and
Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcot­
ics. Proven directions are on each
package. Physicians everywhere rec­
ommend It.
The genuine bears signature o f
Soft Cores
Money Back Say* Your Druggist
if Moone’ s Emerald Oil Doesn’t
Do Away With All Soreness
and Pain in 24 Hours.
Get a bottle o f Moone’s Emerald
Oil with the understanding that if it
■ loos not put nn end to the pain nnd
m m ess and do away with the corn
Itself your money will be promptly
Don't worry about how long you’ve
had It or how many other prepara­
tions you bave tried.
This power­
ful penetrating oil Is one prepara­
tion that will help to make your
painful aching feet so healthy and
free front corn nnd bunion troubles
that you’ll be able to go anywhere
and do anything in absolute feet
com fort
So marvelously powerful Is Moone’s
Emerald Oil that thousands have
found it gives wonderful results in
tlie treatment of dangerous swollen or
varicose veins. Your druggist is sell­
ing lots of It,
Carboil draws out ihe core
and gives quick relief
At Ail Druggists —
bftek Guarantee
N a 4 hvi LLC, TINN.
Deafness— Head Noises
Bock of Ear*“
“ Rub
At All Drugflat*. Prlra t l
Told«- about « D E A FN E SS " on r « i u « t
I o ro lK x N ew I t o m i e r f e l S k in L a x a t lv e ,C l r a i is
up p l m p l « - « b l u c k h e a d a , bulls. I n g r o w n h a i r a
f r e c k le « , o ily sk in , e tc. g u n r a n . T r ia l s i * . 2 5c.
Is S t* ., L o o A n g r le a , C a lif.
| quickly relieved and often cleared
away by a few applications of
Self- \V hitew ashing
Mrs. Gilbert Burnett, secretary of
tlie Antl-t igurette league, concluded,
at a New J nrk reception, an eloquent
attack on cosmetics with an epigram.
“The girl,” said Mrs. Burnett, “ who
powders her face today, will be apt,
tomorrow, to powder her conscience."
f.’ - 'i n n ,
u se
taaoH aw ,
«iat o r P o ^ i ' V * NenŸ’ Adwyour drug-
A n d th e Reason W h y
.Terry— You say the land is rich?
Farmer—Yeah, It should be. IV
put all my money in it.
fP W
!" ;
reee. T e»« ,
f..r fu ll
I n fo r m a t io n .— A d v .
The W a g e Scale
" " ' v J10*
stenographer loft?”
, r i" I- ss her one day when It
ha id Just struck five nnd sh„ wantw, to
M e. M
f" r
o v **r , l m * - " —
Milan Guerin
If You Need a Tonic, Gel
the Best!
,T” '* Pa,!f "It is not long sin «
I Mas a,, rundown In health and fin
? '
! to try Dr. Pierce’» Gol
den Medical Discovery, as I knew
i, ♦,
jn jjjy neighborhood
who ha* c instantly relied upon Dr.
P ierce, remedle. and alwara re
o n ll"! ,*at''*^r' 0rT r« , ulU- I took
only a few houie* and by that time
1 -t v
normal health
l ' P1*as*nt Purgative
"**«• * 0 "-M anuel T.
oft«. KM fa i l Inch S t
Pietro’* Pel-
' c*nt* for «0 Pellets
When run-down you can quickly
V*d P*iraln vim. vigo? vitaP
3 T " r ’, —