Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, April 08, 1927, Image 12

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¡Merely Many Minor Matters !
'--------------Briefs and Fillers
cal o f a seven pound daujthter on
March 17 at tktir horn«.
Stroud < u forrear'.y '• :rg".r.i* J o n «
eny ar. : a sJtrr o f Mr*. EÌ-
wood Headburr of M untam avenu«.
Rev. Woodworth o f the Baptist
church, in coirpoc
with hi» »on.
ÇK !*■
Everybody read» the A a erin n .
M i« Mane Prescott ha* f-a h e d were dinner g o « * *
........................ j her school work at the M nmouth home on Scenic Drive. March 2*.
It has been a splendid
ring for rlofma] ^
, , a
Mr*. Wnght was a -- ted by her sis-
wood and corn dealer*.
of months ^ fort m u i u v u. fc<r ter. Mrv Viola Sanford in serving
The Lee family on B *treet have home in Ashland.
-he splendid chicken dinner that had
been tick with measles the past week.
been prepare*: by the hostess*.«.
Mrs. Bertha Canheil has seen in-
Mr* J. P. Dodge and Mrs. Her.ry
f or
time at her home
Ranches part cash, balance 34
C Galey spent Thursday at Medford. om
ur**z. M r- Carthell is years at 5 4 per cent. Houses and
E. B. Shaw o f Belhiew v u a expecting soon a visit irvm her sis- ranches for rent. F. L Nutter, 240
business visitor dn Ashland Monday, her. Mas Abbott from Port-and.
East Main.
Made Up In
Mrs. Ethel Childers of Talent was
The Baptist ladies aid met ia ail
an Ashland Tisitor Friday.
day session on Wednesday o f last
_ . . . ,
week for work. The ladies o f the
Eh Dans was m Ashland from
fhurth ^
M a c b o »e
nspnngs «o u .ta in Sunday.
1 ^ ,»^ „ ^
o . the same
J. W. Becker and Bltw Hesaic of -Jay.
Medford were is Ashland Monday.
G. W. Benedict was visiting the
Charles Chaplin o f Talent was » jtU erty
at ^
Ashland Friday oa business.
| h sM on Granite street os Sunday
A. E. Galitan o f Talent was an afternoon. The old people are always
Ashland visitor Friday.
very grateful for visitors.
Mrs. C. B. Coldwrll. who has spent
the past two week* in Ashland, visit
ed at the W. H. Furlan home and
« i h r « Teddy, who is employed
at Miller’. Toggery returned last
Sunday morning to her home in Mc-
Cloud. CaL
, _ _ _
* * * “ B,or pUy A FuI1 ■ * “
Have You Seen the Fabrics Themselves—
proof against weather, wear and wash—
** ? T* * “ ^ ° ut
’ _T ry;
outs will be held early this week
and backed by this ironclad guarantee:
and practice will begin soon under
"TTc util replace any garment made
the direction of Adrenne Haz-
of Qrnumc Peter Pan if u fadei ”
Mla# In .ne
and Miag Marian
Mr and Mrs. Tom Chapmrn have I Mrs. Margaret Hall of Third St.. ^
Exhibit Frocks On View Only Two Days More
B: Sure To See Them At
moved to Ashland from Horn brook returned home from Oakland. CaL Calmensen.
where she went with her daughter.
Sec. Walters of the local Y. M. C.
Farmers are making gardens anc
Nona, to visit relatives. Miss
tilling fields down the valley.
Mena will not be heme before the A. was the speaker at the Christian f
church Sunday morning. Mr. Walters
Ray Burnett o f Talent visited with, f i w o f May.
gave a splendid address, telling many
sister. Mrs. L. T. Holmes of Rock
Jaekaon F. Kimball
interesting and valuable experiences
o f Klamath Falls passed thru Ashland
in Y. M. C. A. work.
Victor Cormitt and Sam Hender- Thursday afternoon on their way
Mrs. Margaret Beswick, who has
son returned from Sacramento CaL. home from the northern part of the
spending some time on her 1
Thursday night.
. ***te.
farm in the Applegate country re-
Ross Small o f Summer lake. Ore..
A. E. McFarland was a Weed turned to Ashland Tuesday.
Mrs. pital from her severe injuries sus-
has been spending a few day* in visitor one day last week. Mr. Mc­ Berwick reports work going ahead tained during the colisión. Mr. Bond-
Farland says there are other places rapidly on the new road to the caves erson spoke very highly on the excel­
The english language as spoken in
besides Ashland where men are and the country advancing rapidly. lent attentions and service shown at
Misses Hiatt and Miss Martha
United States, is very expressive.
standing around waiting for a job.
the hospital.
Bash, normal students, spent the
— ë0 acres land in Sams Valley,
When you hear it said that someone
week-end visiting in Grants Pass.
Tee Lady Elks are planning to
exehMngt {oT house and lot in
is “ delivering the goods,” immediate-
The Senior Christian Endeavor so-
give an annual ball in the Elks' tern- Ashland or Medford. 40 acres to
Mrs. J. R. Maxed, n o f B stree
pie on Wednesday evening April 20. exchange for vacant Ashland, lots. ciety o f the Presbyterian church met lyfc y° U understan‘1 th* meaning the
has a nice flock o f Rhode Island Red.
in the church dining room for sup- phr8Se COnVeys’ thou* h straight-laced
It is announced that this will be
22 acres fruit land near Ashland one-
that she has raised this year.
per and business meeting Tuesday Krammarians maY cal» * *>«"*•
one of the outstanding social events
third cash, one-third labor, balance
C. D. Jones o f Dunsmuir was o f the spring season.
• q ., at 6 o’clock. A fter dinner and a “ big
When you read an advertisement
on time. Billing* Agency.
visiting relatives in town one day
sing” the annual election of officers >'ou have good reason to believe that
Mrs. Emma Perkins of Tillamook,
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Strong of was held with the following results: the man or firm whose name is
who has been in Ashland the past
Paul Robinson attended a meet- winter, left for Portland Tuesday Roseburg. visited with Mrs. A. L. Miss Doris Hitchcock, president; signed to it is “ delivering the goods.
mg of the Kelmar Mining company in evening, where she will visit her Harvey on B street the latter part of I^wrence H. Mitchelmore. vice presi- Aside from any consideration of
Gold Hill Tuesday.
daughters before going on to Tilla the week. Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. dent; Marie Davies, secretary; Robt. honesty, it is a law o f self-preserva
Strong are cousins and had not met Wright, treasurer; Lorraine Brook- tion that the advertiser has to make
A new gas station on North Main moo*t-
milles, prayer meeting chairman; good.
for several years.
street was being rapidly constructed
Frank Shaffer and family were in
Jessie Boyd, missionary chairman;
Loren Close refused to buy pencils
This is the reason for placing im-
during the past week.
Ashland Sunday at church servicees.
I Lorraine Sparr, look-out chairman
; plicit faith in the advertisements
Mrs. W. A. Cooper. Mrs. VioU
Nhaffer* formerly lived here and
™ J?*™ !" i * m Î Î Î ? ' i l " T *
and Lilla Dement, social chairman
pie, whereupon Marion hit him over
They not only tell you what and
Sanford. Mrs. A. R. Wright and May Mr Shaffer wa* interested in the
the head with his cane raising a hor-
Benedict were motoring in the
( entury grocery business,
Members of the Christian En- Where t0 buy’ but they o ffe r an ad‘
nble welt on the victim’s scalp. Van deavor society of the Congregational ditional Ruaran^ e that the mer-
vicinity of Tnlent Tuesday afternoon
The young class of the Natt. was fined $10 and *2.50 costs church « « ™ u of M ^ K « h T
1 chandise will be as represented. No
Mr*. Freda Burger of German u Presbyterian church, compo^d o f i„ Clint Baughman’s police court at Nichols at her Van v V
merchant can follow any other
visiting in Ashland at the home ! of —
'i • businem ,,30 Friday
Sunday afternoon. Miss Nichols had policy and succeed.
her sister. Mrs. O. O. Hetman. Mrs.
•"<* P*rty on Friday even
Mr*. Sarah Cochran and Mr. W. planned a delightful wild flower hunt
No one should have anw hesitancy
Burger pUns to make her home here
* °*
Mrs. Grace An
J. Wright were united in marriage for the afternoon and the young about buying from advertisers. Ad­
drew* is the teacher o f the class.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rush of B
March 30 at Jacksonville. The newly- folks came home laden with lovely vertised products are better products
John F. Leggett of Mountain Ave., weds will make their home on Lin- clusters o f lamb-tongues. Some of for the money.
street announce the birth of a
The dealer invites
daughter, which will be called Joanne '* * ' ca!led t0 Myrtle Point Friday coin street. They have a large cincle the visitors went as far as Squaw comparison and he has to “ deliver
■ ■it ••> the serious illness o f his of friends who are interested in their * ap and made the ascent.
Mrs. the goods.”
Nichols served a splendid supper at
Business concerns which have
Edward Schreader of AstorU. Ore t ^ h o ^ u ^ ' M ^ P o i n l “ 0 “ ‘
“ -
the farm home before the
was a visitor at the home o f Mr. and
young worth-while merchandise or service,
Mr*. Maurice Richardson on Sixth
merchant and Judge
The high school orchestra gave a folks came back to town in time
for appeal to intelligent men and wo­
in the men through the newspaper advertis­
street the first o f week.
.- aioner o f the city o f Vemonia t short concert at the southern Oregon
ing columns.
Friday mom
Edgar Wolcott,
t n of Mr and «"'ge 'a -* V T l ' ^ ' v ^ ' " op<?ratw a
normal auditorium Fridav
in »
L ,
u rr* **w "»I* *n Nernonia. were in at 11:30. The schools o f Ashland
Mr*. M. J. Wolcott of Shaman street, ^ uthern Oreron viaitinc th„ week 1
were dismissed early to make it pos-
has returned to Ashland from Mc-
The Junior Endeavor* o f the Con- *'b*c ^or the »tudents to attend this
Doell, CaL
gregational church held an enjoyable wel1 w°rth while entertainment, and
Ml** Anne
ha* entered th. picn^ at the church on Saturday. On a* a result the auditorium was
normal school f r the spring term aclount 0f ¡nciement weather they Pacl“ 'd- The program consisted of
M... Fedder ha. been a student a t ! ^
and a picni<? di„. classical selections.
The Enders Co.
t e n.semty «. Oregon
ner under the direction o f the
Mr*. Aurelia Ferguson o f Los An-
Miss Leu Northrop of MounUir ministers wife. Mrs. Gaffney.
’ * * .!„ j8 visiting her niece*
Mr* I
avenue enjoyed a v,.,t from her
„ iBry Reid left on Saturdav Grace Andrews and Mrs. ' Stella
t. r f-om alifornia over the week-1 for
o akiand> CaL. to
spend some Ad* m*
this city, and will be here
time with her daughter. Mr*. Ernest ^or an indefinite time. Mrs. Ferguson
Mr. and Mr*. Buzxard of Klamath Royce. and to visit with her husband. ,ind her *ister. Mrs- Jack, formerly
Kails were in Ashland Sunday visit­ »h o b m the Southern Pacific |
* ln Ashland and have many
ing their parents Mr. and Mr*. Sam piul at San Francisco. Mrs. Reid | ^r' ends ^>ere-
The two ladies have
Doremus of Oak street.
will also \i»it her son at Stockton.
*Pent the past two year* and a half
in Europe, having toured the inter­
Mrs. George Icenhower o f A lli­
Miss Dorothy Abraham, a former
esting sections and lived for some
son street was visiting friends in rhool teacher o f Ashland was re-
time in southern France.
the Railroad*! ivision one day last Ported to be in or near Shanghai.
week. |
China, in the riot section in last
Berean class o f the Christian
school will meet Friday even-
Wild flower* are blooming on the
' ** * I U Mr*. Nella .
hills o f the surrounding country,
street. This is a social I
also the valley are fragarent with
F n n m b i n . M in n it, i
fruit blossoms.
• t ,1
Ih , . „ k
*nJ ,'* ch '*d>
' r'" *
*n J
Cari I>>-rnd. a dentai student in
sandwiches to assist in lun-1
end with hi* parents here
Portland, «-isited thè first o f thè
_ , _
. . Th*
. huilha" d‘ |
week with hi* areni* in A.hland. Mr
arp a1^
and Mr*. A. H. Dyrnd.
vacation , an
an d
.n n e .r .H wtih ,b
their wive* to
•prmg vacation.
Mr, W M Barber i* , Cahf..r- thè club a* p..n,.t at P. rtland A*
m' * iìn K A r>od program
ma visiting with her daughters. Mr*. tona and Long^iew
t,B,e arp datu re, o f thè
S. N Haselton of Sacramento and
|f .
meeting. Mr*. S. D. Doremus i*
H H Rachtell came home froir the teacher >f this splendid class of I
Mrs. E. J. Kr» le y o f Alameda.
Berkley last week, where he has been women.
Mr and Mr». Aide
Powell and visiting hi* daughter. Mr*. Donna
children have moved to Medford Warren, for «orne month*. Mr Bach-
Lari Bonderson o f Siskiyou, called I
where Mr. Powell will «* employed tell is at present visiting in thi» ° " “ * Ww,ne#d*>’ » i ^ h«» arm in a
at the Ford garage
h ,
e - effects of the auto
city with his daughter». Mrs. Sadie
Mra. Otto Winter left f 0, Los An- Stratton of ! • « «r e e t and Mrs. al l l w L ° " ^ .mounui" two
gele. on Friday, called by the lllnew
W i'*T of Walnut street.
"* * * +
W .ntsr. wh., re.
and Mr».
Stroud of BondtrtM K ftttinc kloRf trgry gic»
the aeri- ly at the Ashland community ho*-
A Happier, More
I ractical Easter
If y °u would make this Easter an
especially happy, practical one
>ou w ill choose as gifts, a selec­
tion o f these E L E C T R I p a i
♦ u
i^e collection
there is a g ift fo r each.
Jordan Electric Co.
180 East
Main Street