ASHLAND Scenic W onderland of America Home Owned N ew ipaper 100 Per Cent For Ashland AMERICAN Orv Pacific HiglrwAY & S P Tx?a.ilroa.cL LUM BERING -FR UIT' D A IR Y IN G - M I N I N G — F A R M IN G -S T O C K RAISING-FISHING-HUNTING VOLUME 2 CANNERY HERE TO START SOON (S UCCESSOR TO T H E C E N T R A L PO IN T A M E R I C A N ) ------- ASHLAND, JACKSON COUN TY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 8. 1927 ORGANIZATION OF POULTRY- MEN FIN IS H E D AT M EET Final steps in organizing poultry- men of Jackson and Josephine counties into one group, for co-op­ erative arketing and solution of MORE A C R E A G E CONTRACTS common m problems, was accomplished at a m eeting held in Medford S atur­ ARE WANTED day. The meeting, between Ashland and G rants Pass poultrym en and direc­ tors of the Southern Oregon Poultry Producers’ association, resulted in concessions to the out-of-town poul­ Ashland’* Money Distributing Center trym en. Contracts will be signed in the near future which will unite both It the F ruit and Vegetable southern Oregon counties into one group for the betterm ent of the Cannery. poultry industry. Big Run Is Expected D’AUTREMONT TRIAL IS SET ----------------- *f*----------------- Many See Sally Last Monday night the Vining theatre was crowded with home citi­ zens to withness “ Cyclone Sally’’ the home talent play put on by the Bellview community club. Every member of the cast had their lines to perfection and the production was received with pleasure and delight. The perform ers received many con­ gratulations and it is now predicted that the play should be put on at the various neighboring towns. ------------------* ----------------- A Live Bunch From the North. J. W. Brown, C. C. Brown, J. P. McDonald, Emil Messing and R. I). Sesseman, all of Vernonia, Oregon, and all progressive optomistic boost­ ing men for their busy city, called at the American office Monday. In the crowd from our form er home, is an undertaker, two merchants. In postm aster and retired contractor. The men have mining interest in southern Oregon and of course, we told them of the many advantages of Ashland, as a beatuiful and desirable home city. --------------------* -------------------- To Preach in Klamath Falls. Rev. V. K. Allison, for a number of years, pastor of the First Christ­ ian church of this city, and who re­ signed his pulpit recently, will ar­ rive in Klamath Falls within the next few weeks to take the pastorate of the First Christian church of that city. It is stateil tha the will preach his first sermon in that city on Sunday, May 1. ------------------------- * ------------------------- Main Street, A'Hoy Main street is Main street in Walla Walla, W ashington, despite efforts to change its name. The city commis­ sion has decided to keep Main street j ns is, Sinclair Lewis, et al, regardless, i -------- Kiwanit T *-------T Entertain " The Ashland Kiwanis club enter­ tained their wives and invited guests at a dinner dance at the Lithia Springs hotel last Friday night. The affair was reported as one of the best and most successful social events of the season, with no lack of m irth, fun and entertainm ent. --------------------* -------------------- Mrs. Gordon MacCracken, state regent of the D. A. R. will represent the state at the national convention held at Washington D. C., during April and expects to leave on her long journey late next week. Mrs. MacCracken will have an opportunity to visit with her son. Chester, who is employed by the Skerry Oil Co., at Eldorado, Kansas, and will also visit other relatives in the east. ---- +---- - The Southern Pacific has been im­ proving their property at the de­ pot with a fresh coat of paint, mak­ ing a marked difference in the ap­ pearance of the depot and out buildings. The new directors for the chamber ®f commerce have been chosen. The voting was not as heavy as usual and the election passed w ithout special 1 tice. as there was no competition f< r the places and no im portant issue Mr. and Mn. Karl Kim* and Mr. ‘ oe following business men were and Mr». Russell Cripe were in Med­ , (,cted: Homer Billings, Dr. R. L. ford Wednesday evening to attend r,lick, 0. F. Carson. G. G. Eubanks the junior orpheum at the Crnterian J 1 *■ H. Haneon and 4, H, theatMb DEVELOPMENT IS IMMENENT Mrs. M arcia Danford, aged 84, pasted away at her home on Almond street. She had been in poor health for some tim e and Sunday suffered a stroke of paralysis. , ---------- The deceased is survived by six r e n e W E R ACTIVITY A F T E R 20 MURDER P L E A D NOT GUILTY IN children: Beecher Danford of Ash-! C IR C U IT COURT YEAR LULL. land; R. C. Danford of Portland; Mrs. Charles H auff of Glendo, Wyo., Misses Eva and Agnes Danford of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Jessie Link- letter of C alipatria, California. Funeral servies were held last Sat­ urday afternoon from the J. P. Recent Strike Will Not Make Sec­ Caie Set for May 2 on Urgent Dodge & Sons undertaking parlors. Interm ent was made in the Mount ond W eepah of District; No Requests of Defense and V’iew cem etery. Trial Date Postponed Mining to Progress State for More Time. Desire for Big Rush. ------------------------- * ------------------------- One of the financial assets to the people of Ashland and surrounding country is the Bagley Canning com­ pany, This is a concern that really puts money into circulation in var­ ious ways— buying fruit and vege­ tables from the grow ers, buying boxes from the local box factories and paying out many thousands of dollars in salaries. This money in turn, is or should be, if solicited spent right here in Ashland. A deal has ju st been closed, where­ by the Bagley Canning company as re-organized, has taken over the stock of the Ashland Preserving com­ pany and the new company is now being incorporated. One of the first im portant moves of the company is their present work of preparing for this years run of business, which is expected to be the largest in history. The company is now desirious of contracting more acreage for vege­ tables, berries, peaches, apricots, etc. Over two hundred people will be employed a t the cannery during the canning season this summer, and these will be all local men and women It. E. Koozer, general m anager, wh » knows every detail of the can­ ning business, tells us th at some time next month they ix p ect to start op­ erations in b a rre lin g straw berries, most of these early straw berries com­ ing from G rants Pass territory. Plans are now under way to con­ struct a new cem ent warehouse 60x120 feet and two stories high, work to sta rt on the new building probably within the coming two weeks. The principal pack this season will he pears and tom atoes, but all var­ ieties of fru it and vegetables are wanted. Signs of activity are showing up more daily and the Bagley Canning company of Ashland will be a busy place this summer. It is one of the hig assets for Ashland and deserves support from all the territory adja­ cent. -----------.>----------- Two gunm en, ex-convicts, who drove their pow erful automobile through a cordon of California offi­ cer- at Yreka, were arrested Tues­ day by Chief of Police George Mc- N’abb and returned to Redding to face burglarly charges. The men. Charles Wesley, 26, and Jack Frye, 2 '. were arrested near the Tyler faneh on the old Klamath Falls road at 1 p. m. They were attem pting to hide their car, a Hudson sedan, when apprehended. They are charged with ‘'Urglarizing hotels a t Anderson. Red ®l iff and Redding. Paralysis Claims Aged Victim N U M B E R 51 Hugh DeA utrem ont, 23, jointly charged with his fugitive twin brothers, Ray and Roy DeAutrem ont with participation in the Siskiyou tunnel train robbery and resultant death of four trainm ent, October 11, 1923, stood in the circuit court at Jacksonville Saturday and in a firm, clear voice, w ithout the slightest show of em otion, answered not guilty to four indictm ents charging m urder in the first degree. The date of the trial, set for Tues­ day, Aril 12, was pnstopned until Monday, May 2, by agreem ent be­ tween the counsel for the defense, Fred E. Smith and David B. Evans of Eugene, and D istrict A ttorney Chaney, the court stated. The district attorney was given one week in which to designate on which i n d i c t m ent DeAutrem ont would be brought to trial. The grand ju ry of Jackson county alleged in four indictm ents that with his twin brothers he was implicated in the m urders of Sidney Bates of Duns- muir, Cal., engineer; Marvin Seng of Ashland, firem an; Coyle Johnson of Ashland, brakem an, and E. E. Daughtery of Ashland, mail clerk. Throughout the reading of the lengthy indictm ents, that recited in detail the alleged crime, DeAutre­ m ont freshly shaven and dressed in his best clothing stood manacled to S heriff Ralph Jennings and showed a respectful interest and answered all questions with soldierly preci­ sion. At no tim e did his voice or m anner falter. A LETTER OF ENCOURAGEMENT TO ASHLAND’S WEEKLY PAPER The Writer, a Total S tran g er to Ui, Give« Splendid Opinion of Ashland and Offer* Good Suggeition* to Our Many Hundred* of Reader*.— W rite For The»e Plant* Editor Ashland American, Ashland, Oregon. Dear Sir: Enclosed $1 for 6 months subscription to your paper. We do not w ant something for nothing. We wish to say we are interested in this weekly and believe it the logical thing for coun­ try people, in fact we are raised on weekly newspapers and be­ lieve yet that a small town daily is mostly a copy sheet from the city dailies. While we do not wish to discourage any one who prefers a small daily— yet aside from the personal happenings— there is little difference in the regular news but a big difference between the price of a weekly and a daily— and the farm er gets ju st as much benefit from a weekly home town paper. We wish to congratulate you for the rapid increase on the “A m erican” subscription list, wishing you continued success. Some time this spring we noticed news of a Floral Society, fun­ ctioning to create and prom ote an interest in gardening, mainly for children. This is n wonderful work, one in which we are sincerely interested and we want to help this worthy cause by sending a gift box of flower plants from my garden. All we want is transportation charges. Will express C. O. I).. Will you please get in touch with the head party of this society or any responsible person, yourself if you wish to parcel out flower plants to children. My plants are not a high priced variety but children can grow these successfully and they will live well after transplanting. We have: Cannas, hollyhocks (about all the colors) calendulas (Scotch marigold,) iris and a good variety and collection of chry­ santhemums, also the Shasta daisies. My chrysanthmums are from prize winning stock taking sec­ ond prize for coloring and collection at the Coalinga Chysanthe- mum Fete in 1925. hirst prize had two more varieties, but we have added several new colors since then to our collection. I am working here to prom ote flow er growing among the children. Have given plants to thirty families since March First, others to be served besides sending a huge box to Montana. Coalinga (as you probably know) is an oil town and has c drifting population, hence the lack of garden interest but we feel we have done a real charitable work for these children. Some of these families stay a few years and many only a few months, yet in California one ran make a good showing in gardening in one sum m er so we feel that many children will get an inspiration of Life and the Creator thru the study and cultivation of plant life. We will be pleased to hear from any gardener who has plants they wish to exchange. We are so in love with dahlies and we will never forget the rainbow of colors in this lovely plant we saw in Ashland. Beautiful Lithia Park is one of N ature’s paradise for beauty, unexcelled for natirr.l m ountain scenery! If our plans m aterialize, we will spend a portion of the com­ ing summer there. Thanking you in advance for favors, We are aincererly, KVA WITHROW, ¿95 Kast Durian Ave., Coalinga, California Dreams th at southern Oregon will become a second Butte or Cri) pie creek may yet come true, and in the not far distant future if recent de­ velopments count for aught. G rants Pass citizens are perm eated with excitem ent over the discovery of a m ysterious white metal which gives promise of containing a large percentage of tin. Excitem ent also prevails there over the rich strike made by John Robertson and sons, who have found ore running as high as $28,000 a ton in gold. The ore is so rich th at a scientific mining ex­ pert says it isn’t ore, but a “ m iracle” and the fact that it carries values ex­ ceeding $10 per pound makes it m ir­ aculous. Jackson county is also expecting to share in the renewed activity in mining that seems certain to en­ velop southern Oregon, following a lull of the past 15 or 20 years. Evi­ dence of renewed activity has been piling up during the past few years with increased interest each succeed­ ing year, and conditions have all but reached a stage where the industry is to receive the attention nnd de­ velopment to which it is entitled. Millions have been mined from the hills and gulches of Jnckson and Josephine counties. That, however, was only the superficial wealth of the district, having been mined from the surface. Continued prospecting and developm ent have now all but estab­ lished the fact that beneath the sur­ face there reposes a wealth of gold and other m inerals far exceeding in worth that which was mined out through placer operations in the earjy history of the district. Recent strikes, some of them unbelievable, all but prove the existance of unhidden wealth over a wide area of the two counties nnd that mining will devel­ op into the leading industry of the southern Oregon country is not nn im probability of the im m ediate fu ­ ture. Southern Oregon cities and busi­ ness interests have no desire, how­ ever, to make this district a second Weepah because of recent strikes. There is no desire here for n rush of gold seekers, gold diggers and tenderfeet. That which is desired nnd is necessary is capital and brains to carry on developm ent along business lines. There is a prevalent, it is true, a desire to make of this a mining district second to none in the country butt here is no wish to create a stam pede and the consequent un­ favorable reactions that follow the average gold rush.— News. ---------------* --------------- Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Chilcote nnd son, Hilly, of Klamath Falls, were in Ashland Thursday looking over their property on Fairview street, recently purchased from Aaron Andrews and m aking arrangem ents to move to Ashland in about a month. ------------------------------ + ------------------------------ Miss Ethel Adams of Sunlnnd, California, and Mis* Alice Schaffer of Los Angeles were visitors over the week-end at the home of Mrs. Kellie F owom Johnson of S2fl a street