4 ASHLAND A M ERICAN^ Bill Vimont was a school visitor last Friday. The Community club will e n ter­ tain in honor of Miss Florence York, Jackson county home dem onstration agent at the next regular meeting, Wednesday afternoon, April 6. Wayne Holdridge and Bill Sloane spending the spring vacation at the C. W. Holdridge home. F o r Thursday and F riday, April 7 T here will probably be no need and 8— rem em ber the dates— is th at for irrigation this spring u n til a fte r the first crop of «Haifa is cu t, hav­ big a ttra ctio n , even bigger than the Covered Wagon was. It will be “ The ing had so much late rian. O verland S tage.” And one of the big­ The early Chapman cherry trees gest releases yet made of its kind. It are in bloom and all kinds of cher­ will take you back to days before the ries promise a good crop. old Ashland Linkville stage, back H. H. W eagant made a trip to probably to the days o f ’49 when In ­ Hilt last S aturday with a load of dians roam ed the plains, with covered wagons, trekking westward. produce and fruit. Hop on the Overland stage and ride W. F. DeFord spent a few days west, w ith the fighting breed of in P ortland this week where he w ent frontiersm en who made the word on business. While in P ortland he “ A m ericans" mean “ the finest race visited his m other and daughters. on e a rth .” Ruth and Alec Bowman, B etty Brown, Bill Vimont and Dorris Apple gate returned to their studies a t the Ashland normal Tuesday a fte r the The Talent and Phoeni xhigh girls spring vacation. played baseball last Fridoy afternoon The J. F. Arnold ranch house is Miss Ruth Howard of Medford was on the Talent diamond, resulting in a score of 7 to 18 in favor of Phoe­ a guest of Miss Ella Hamilton last receiving a fresh coat of paint this nix. Philip B ryant refereed the game. Monday afternoon when they m otor­ week. John F u ller of Ashland, Lyle Wil­ The sophomore class, chaperoned ed to Ashland. cox, county horticulturist of Medford by Mrs. Opal Morris, enjoyed a hike Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Evans m otor­ to Paines C liff last S aturday a fte r­ ed over to Chiloquin S aturday where and P rofessor Long from O. A. C. noon and a lunch of weenies and bu^s they visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Crooks were visiting at several ranches in Valley View on Monday afternoon. Mias Ruth Genoway was hostess and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. T urnbaugh On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. John to the camp fire girls last Monday over the week-end. Arnold had as theii dinner guests, evening. Mr. and Mrs. Acel Beckwith mo­ Mr. and Mrs. Sherman of Jackson- The freshm an class are giving an tored to H ilt Sunday morning. On vill and Lee Mow of Dead Indian. entertainm ent th 'c Friday evening at the retu rn trip, a Chevrolet tru ck Mrs. George Walton of Ashlanh is the high school assembly to which with a load of logs locked wheels with th eir car, overturning them . visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John A r­ the public are invited. The windshield of the car was brok­ nold fo r a few days. Lester Newbry, Gus Beck and Mr. en and other slight damages. No one R. G. Fowler, county ag riculturist and Mrs. E. P. Hughes attended the was hurt. of M edford was a tt he J. R. Mcrack- m eeting of the Southern Oregon Rab­ -------------------- + -------------------- en ranch on Monday to inspect some bit Breeders association in Medford Ladino clover which Mr. McCracken Tuesday evening. is trying out to use for sheep pasture. Principal E. E. Evans has accepted This clover seed was obtained by Mr. a position as head of the schools in Fowler from Idaho last year fo r a Chiloquin, Ore. Mr. Evans has try o u t in this valley. The Ladino handed in his resignation here, to | clover has a peculiar way of growing take effect at the close of the cur­ as it grows very much like a straw ­ rent school year. Mr. Evans has been berry plant, spreading out on the in this com m unity for the past five ground with the new tndrils taking years, during which time he has made root all around each plant. many friends. The Valley View Com munity club A nother get-together m eeting was Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Larson motored met last Thursduy afternoon at the held at the club house on Monday to Yreka, Cal., Monday with Mr. and club house in the regular m onthly evening when the chamber of com­ Mrs. N. Franklin of Medford. m eeting. The study of Italy was merce of Ashland met with the Val­ H arry H. Lowe, m anager of the taken up and all of the program cen­ ley View ranchers. Sun Gold rabbitry shipped 108 does tered on th a t subject. A fte r the Lyle Wilcox of Medford and Prof- out of Jackson county during the usual business m eeting roll call was month of March. answered by interesting facts or short Long of O. A. C. were also present. Mr. Long gave an interesting talk on The Southern Oregon Mutual Rab­ Italian people. F our very interesting fru it, more especially the small fruit. bit Breeders association will hold papers which had taken a g re at deal He urged the fru it men to have a their regular m eeting at the city of tim e to prepare were read. Mrs. care not to plant varieties of fru it hall in T alent, Friday evening April 1 R. N. Chaney was leader fo r the month and guve a topographical de­ thut already are being overdone, es­ H. H. Lowe made a business trip scription of Italy. Mrs. A. H. Daven- pecially straw berries. to Dunsmuir, Cal., last Monday. hill followed with a paper on n o rth ­ C uthbert raspberries seemed to be Mr. and Mrs. R. L. I-arson spent ern Italy and the Italian Alps. Mrs. Professor Long’s first choice am ong the weekend visiting Mrs. Larson’s Alice F arm er’s paper was on in te r­ small fruits, with cherries as second sister, Mrs. R. Spencer in Prospect. esting descriptions of Venice. Mrs. choice. He said th at cling peaches N. E. Bond read a paper describing might be planted, using the Tuscan Mrs. Fred Scheurman of Ashland four beautiful lakes in the Alps, as and Phillips clings, both of them be­ called on Miss Lucie Oatm an last a side trip from Milan. Mrs. Carl ing fine canning and shipping peaches Friday evening. Gralgow told of a trip through C en­ This m eeting was the first of three Robert C arter was absent from tral Italy, describing the most noted m eetings to be held in this end of school last Thursday and Friday on places. The program was interspersed the valley, the second to be a t Bell- account of having German measles. with music. Mrs. Mabel Reachert and view. Mrs. Emma Long of B utte Falls Mrs. Jam es Lennox sang two duets visited her daughter, Mrs. Fred taken from Italian compositions, Cooke and the new baby, Freddie “ Tempest of the H e art,” and “ Santa ® ----------------------------------------------- $ MOVIE COLUMN Lucia.” Mrs. H arry Roe very beau­ Lyman, last Sunday afternoon. tifully pluyed "II T rovotore,” as a Bill Oatman left for the forestry piano num ber. The hostesses fo r the | COMMENTS OF COMING AT- [ camp Wednesday of last week. This TRACTION TO VIN1NG | afternoon were Mrs. William Glenn | is the third year Bill has spent in and Mrs. Don Lowe, and im mediately the forestry service. a fte r the program served dainty re ­ The picture review man enjoyed Ray B urnett has returned home freshm ents. T here were eighteen looking over the descriptions o f the from Butte Falls where he has been members and fo u r visitors, Mrs. coming attra ctio n s fo r the Vining employed the past month. Harry Roe of Nevada City, Cal., Mrs. th eatre for the next seven days. We Mrs. Cora Denham and son, Frank, L. O. Penland, Mrs. J. R. Leslie, and find the dem ands of all likings. For N ext month m otored to Butte Falls and retu rn Mrs. Russell Bishop. tom orrow, S aturday, Aril 2, one had the club will com plete the study of Sunday. They visited her daughter, b etter bring an overcoat as the pic­ Italy. Mrs. R. N. Chaney will again Mrs. Wesley Driscoll. tu re is “ 30 Below Zero.” But it be leader and will be assisted by Word was received recently from Mrs. Mabel R eachert, Mrs. J. F. A r­ isn’t as cold as it sounds. It deals Henry Long, form erly of Talent, nold, Mrs. Frank Reed and Mrs. H ar­ with scenes in New Y ork’s Broadway now of Norman, Oklohoma, stating ry Roe.. Although Mrs. Reachert is and the snow and ice bergs o f the th at he was recently m arried to a living in Ashland, she is still presi­ north country— ful of adventure, out door life and some thrills in acting lady of that place. dent of the Valley View club and and movie stu n ts to make one shiver Miss Lucile Kmeeks of G rants will finish her term of office and we and wonder. Pass spent last Friday with Mrs. hope continue to m eet with the club. Opal Demmar. Mrs. G. W. Nichols and daughter, Then fo r Sunday is an o th er g reat Mrs. J. H erring was an Ashland K atharine, were both quite ill with role fo r your fav o rite actress, Marie shopper Monday. flu last week. Prevost, in th at much talked of show Mrs. Opal Demmar spent Tuesday Mrs. H arry Roe, of Nevada City. “ Man B ait" This show is pronounced in Medford. Cal., who has been spending the win­ “ big" and is draw ing large ap p re­ A stray dog supposed to be in- ter with her father. Mr. Craig, will ciative audiences all over the coun­ try. We are sure it will go over big fected with rabbles, was shot by the be here for some tim e longer.. in Ashland. marshal last Friday nenr the L. C. R. N. Chaney built a fine large Crawford home. chicken house last w inter and was On next Monday, April 4. will be a Harold and Agnes Culver of ready for four hundred baby chicks splendid short picture and the home Phoenix were dinner guests at the which he received this week. Mrs. talent play "Cyclone Sally.” This R. L. I .arson home last Friday even­ J. R. McCracken received her seven needs little announcing as everyone ing. hundred baby chicks also this week. will w ant to see it. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Van Riper mo­ Mrs. H. R. W esterberg and son, Next Tuesday and W ednesday. tored over from Klamath Falls Mon­ Richard, of Talent spent last Sunday day. Mr. Van Riper returning the at the G. W. Nichols ranch in Valley April 5 and 6 is to be shown the pic­ tu re th at you have read so much same evening. Mrs. Van Riper will View. about in the P ortland and San F ra n ­ make an extended visit with her The Talent Irrigation district is cisco papers. It is "A n A ffair of the parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ling. progressing rapidly with the ditch Follies,” and it has won p ra o e from Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Dopp of Phoe­ cleaning. A large part of the Valley ever ypoint. It is a F irst National and nix called at the C. W. L ing home View ditches are ready for w ater and present« such stars as Lewis Stone, Sunday afternoon. Mr. adn Mrs. Dopp the men Have gone over into Ferns Billie Dove. Lloyd Hughes and others. moved to Prospect Tuesday where Valley to prepare the ditches in th at The scene and plot is interesing in­ Mr. Dop will be employed by Copco. section. deed, and you will find It a startlin g Mr. and Mrs. Rumes of Medford Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Jones and son heart story invovling a chorus girls are living In the Dopp home and will Bobby, spent Sunday a t the Lennox with both poverty and riches. Inside care for the piaee, facts of behind the «tag*. home. Valley View Community Club Meets ----- +----- «---------------© have aw arded a th ird prize o f $5.00 to you and we are enclosing our cheque fo r this am ount which we ask you to kindly accept w ith o u r h e a rt­ iest congratulations. W e note th at this is the second prize you have won in the contests, and th is is no doubt very g ra tify in g to you. ----------* --------- Wins Second Prise. John F. Leggett of Ashland is in receipt of the following le tte r from Thom as Nelson & Sons: “ It is a pleasure to us to advise you th a t the three judges of the prize essay contest on Hebrews 11:1 W A TKIN’S PRODUCTS are for sale in ASHLAND by R. H. COFFIN —a t— 1166 Ashland Street. or from the ro u te delivery wagon, which makes de­ liveries once a month. We sell and deliver right out of the wagon. You know the W A TKIN’S PRODUCTS Phone 342-R T he American tirst-class Job Printing MEDFORD, OREGON ' NOTICE! The Box Factory lum ber yard d uring the m onth of March will make big consessions to F arm ers and others th at wish to build. The price of all Common lumber will be reduced during March to $20.00 p er thousand feet. This includes Shiplap, Rustic, Boards, fencing, plank tim bers and dimension lum ber. We have a stock of half million fe et to reduce before our mill sta rts sawing again. This lum ber is all d ry and freshly milled. Come and get it yourself or we will deliver it fo r small cartage charge. Make your order a thousand feet or m ore to fet this $20.00 price. CAL1FORNIA'OREGON BOX & LUMBER CO. _______________ Box Factory East Main St., Phone 30 Hy Way Printing Commercial Printing for Jackson County The Ashland American is a newly eouiDDed and up-to-the-minute Job Printing Office. No better work and prices pleasing. Better try us on that next job of Printing. We cover Jackson County when it comes to printing. Write us phone us, call on us. Let us know an d we can com e a fte r it. We are here to serve and please • • Job Printing î i