r ‘ ASHLAND AMERICAN Locals-Personals-------------- -t I i Merely Many Minor Matters ! fjm. Briefs and Fillers-------------- - Measels in the city. Several cases. Kester Gandee of Dunsmuir, Cal., formerly o f Ashland, spent Friday One grocery store less this week. and Saturday here visiting with re­ latives and friends. Frank Murphy o f Salem was visit­ ing Ashland this week. Mrs. J. W. Beck of the Ashland Cleaning and Dyeing works, who has J. A. Spiers of Talent was an Ash­ been confined to her home for some land visitor Saturday. time with illness is able to be up and Russell Frost was in Medford out again. Friday night on business. Mrs. H. Simons of Pioneer street Hal McNair of Ashland left Sat­ expects to leave soon for Browns­ urday morning for Whittier, Cal. ville, Oregon, where she will visit for a time with her son and other rela­ Gene Bond o f Talent was an Ash­ tives. land shopper Saturday. H. Berry, manager o f the local W. W. Estes o f Talent was in Western Auto Supply company, has Ashland Saturday with friends. been transferred to the Marshfield Mr. and Mrs. Chester Walters of store and left this week with his Grants Pass are in Ashland for a wife for that city. few days visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sanderlin of Earl Enyder o f Klamath Falls Mountain avenue entertained de­ visited relatives and friends here this lightfully on Sunday afternoon at din ner, Miss May Benedict and G. W. week. Benedict. O. F. Carson, o f the Carson-Fow- ler Lumber company has been in Mrs. Allen Proctor o f Talent, who Portland on a business trip this week. has been quite ill for so many weeks, was made happy last week by the un­ J. W. Bowers is reported much expected arrival of her sister from improved from un illness that kept Oklahoma. him home for a week. past two weeks with intestinal flu. Ashland American is a real home paper, mailed not only to Ashland Mrs. Proctor’s many friends are citizens but to the majority of homes hoping for her rapid recovery. on the routes and in the neighboring towns The American has the largest Mrs. Anna Grubb, who is quite circulation of any weekly in the seriously ill at present at the H. B. county.__________ Carter home on Mountain avenue, is About the only advantage o f be­ being cared fo r by her daughter, Mrs. H. B. Carter, assisted by Mrs. Nettie ing a city fireman these days is that you can park in front o f a water Green. plug. Miss Elsie Alexander, niece of Mr. Great Britain has stricken the and Mrs. J. D. McRae on the Boule­ word “ obey” from the marriage vard, returned Saturday to Ashland vow. And come to think o f it, it after having spent the past six really didn’t mean very much. months with her mother in Carduff, -------- * -------- — Sask., where she was called by the One o f the California associations illness and death of her sister. nandled 782,070 cases o f eggs last Miss Marha Spenker o f Medford year, This was the largest quantity sang at the Christian church service handled by any one cooperative con­ Sunday morning and special numbers cern. Two o f the associations hand­ at the Sunday school session were a led more than 500,000 cases each. piano solo by June Wolcott and vo­ The smallest volume o f business re­ cal solo by Frances Cooper, all o f ported by any one association for 1925 consisted of 585 cases o f eggs, which were well rendered. handled by a Minnesota organiza­ Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wyant o f Lake tion. The report showed that the de­ creek, in company with their daugh­ livery o f a large number of cases o f ter drove thirty-six miles Thursday in eggs per member is more important order to attend the funeral of their in determining the total volume o f former neighbor, Mrs. Mary Cole of the associations’ business than a this city, who passed away last week. large membership.— National Farm Mrs. Wyant was formerly Miss News. Agnes Settles of this city. She is now the postmistress at the Lake creek T w o Birthday« in One. postoffice. The M. Brannan home at 523 The Pioneer club o f Ashland North Main, was the scene o f a de­ celebrated the coming o f spring with lightful double birthday party last a short hike the first o f the season Saturday. Mr. Ed. Hill, Mrs. Bran­ to the Ashland mine. Each person nons brother and Mrs. Arthur Thomp­ was required to carry all the neces­ son, Mrs. Brannons daughter, both sary requirements to satisfy his ap­ petite. Secretary Walters and Cleo Howell supervised the. hike. The hikers met at the Pioneer hall at 8:30 a. m. —i—*—r~ Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan, who Secretary Walters of the Y. M. C. reside in Coos county, near Marsh­ A., has moved to the Nora Watrad field, were in Ashland Sunday visit­ house at 196 Central avenue. ing old friends and neighbors and Several normal students were out looking after business interests here. of school last week on account of ------------------* ------------------ Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Smith and illness. N O T IC E TO C R E D I T O R S family o f Gold Hill came to Ashland NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Fonte Bartges of Ashland was in yesterday to help celebrate the birth­ the undersigned has been duly ap­ Medford Friday evening looking day anniversary of Mr. Smith’s mo­ pointed Administrator o f the FJstate o f Mary Cole, deceased, and all per- after business affairs. ther, Mrs. H. S. Clark on A street. sons having claims against said es­ tate are required to present them, Edna Newbry and sister, Mrs. E. A letter from Nellie G. Richrads, duly verified, and with proper Williams o f Talent were in Ashland who last week sold the confectionery vouchers within six months from this Saturday shopping. j store "Candyland” states that she is date to L. A. Roberts, Attorney for » now located at Roseville, California, said Estate, at his office over the F. J. Murphy is spending a few . , , ’ ’ Citizens Bank of Ashland, Ashland, ■ . . . , , . . , and o f course she wants the Ashland Oregon. days in Ashland on business from . . Dated March 11, 1927. Crescent City American to come to the new address HERMAN F. STOAKS, The men’s meeting at the Congre- 474 Administrator Mr. Insure, formerly o f A street, -------------- ----------------- i gational church last Sunday after­ has moved to the ¿¡strict nc-«u the From 1919 to 1926, 1273 persons ove»head crossing to make his hon,<-. noon was well attended and the ad­ dress by Gale Seaman o f California, were charged with criminal liability Major Sarter o f Ashland, who has was inspiring and forceful and great- for forest fires in Oregon and Wash- ington national forests. Out o f all beeii ill at his home for some time, ly appreciated by the men present. these, 208 convictions were secured; is again able to be out. The Y. M. C. A. held a special a larger proportion of them during Mrs. E. I.. Atkinson of 111 North meeting Sunday afternoon at ¡1 1926 than in any other year. This Main street is still confined to her o’clock at the Congregational church, year, the fire laws are to be more bed. Nurse Conwell is attending her. Serial music and speaking were fea- rigorously enforced than ever before tures o f the program. though the woods are still free to the Mrs. S. L. Allen is out again after sane tourist. a week or so indoors, entertaining J e ff Howard recently traded his -------------- * -------------- the flu. place on Mountain avenue for a ten A n d it It Quality. acre ranch near Albany and will go Anything to be heralded to the F. I). Swingle wns up from Corval­ soon to his new place of residence. public; a public benefit entertain­ lis the first of the week in attendance Mrs. Howard will go to Albany la- ment or attraction inviting many at church here Sunday. witnesses— or, o f more importance, : ter in the season. any business enterprise wishing to M r and Mrs. V I). Elmer o f Olym- Charle|) Wefas ,eft Kriday even¡ talk to, or invite patronage o f those outside the city limits, will find the il'!:. A Ash tor his old home town, Oregon, Mis land this week. They expect to even­ souri to be gone for some time. It tually locate in Ashland. : has been a good many years since Chief McNabb nabbed nn nuto Mr- W*'* w*a there and intends to thief from Hollywood Monday as he trace his boy hood days once more, was driving the stolen car through ) V. K. Allison is planning on hold Ashland. ng a revival meeting at Hillsboro, celebrated birthdays. The guests at the Brannon home included Mr. Ed Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomp­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Wright Hicks, Mrs. B. Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. F. Pkk- erton, Dr. Brower, w ife and daughter Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Elmer and Miss Blair. A royal good social time was enjoyed and many congratulating and wishes for many returns of the occassion were expresesd. The chick­ en dinner was a delight and greatly appreciated by all. $ 1 C LA SSIFIE D JÄt © FOR SALE ON CRATER Lake highway, in city limits, and on Rogue River, the home o f the Steelhead. Two acres, fine black soil, five room house, fire­ place, bath, electricity. Spring, city and well water. Plenty fruit and shade trees. Also has 30x30 concrete tank, 5-ft. deep, fed from spring, an ideal place to keep trout or use us swimming tank. $2250 buys this place if sold soon. Address P. O. Box 522, Gold Hill, Or. 1 tf FOR SALE— Extra choice Rhode Is­ land setting eggs, $1.00 per 15. Phone 289-J. 463 HOUSE with toilet, bath, and elec­ tric lights, two lots; all kinds of fruit and berries to trade for small place near Central Point or Ashland. 163 Auburn St., Ashland. 464* WANTED— To buy fresh cows and springers. Charles Broili, 448 Hel- man st. Phone 407R. 47f It’s the Essex Super-Six [ j Engineered to lowest operation and maintainence cost. Entirely new appearance ■ . Will do an easy 50 miles an hour all 1 ! day long. Priced within the reach of all | | Phone 46 for demonstration or call at Lithia Springs Garage Rack o f Lithia Springs Hotel J GOLDEN RULE SPECIALS The I.ithia Springs Garage is sell-1 ° re*” n’ " ° ? n and lhe Christ ¡ng several new Essex cars; just an tmn church pulpit will be supplied other sign o f spring and an attractive I by v," ,t,n*r m*n,i,ters for “ few CHr‘ Thomas Newton of Klamath Falls was in Ashland some day* since visiting his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. S. Newton o f A street. Rev. Pemberon o f the M. E. church gave nn interesting talk on tree* at the church on Sunday afternoon at * o ’clock to the Camp Fire girls Ranches part cash, halanco 34 years at 5 ** per cent. House« and ranches for rent. F. L. Nutter. 24« East Main. 4 71 f Mrs. M. B. Riley had the miafor- tuno to scald her foot about two weeks ago, and has been unable to walk since. Mr*. Geneva Penniston, o f this city, who has been visiting her par •■nts. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crosslin o f Neil creek, has returned home again. .. . . . . , » . , _ On Friday night the Baptist young .... u . . people of this city held services at ........ . . . . ... the rhureh with delegate* from Med- f°rd and Grants Pas* in attendance. The Baptist missionary ladies met i th‘‘ church Wednesday afternoon for their missionary session. Mrs. De Armond lead the meeting and Mrs. A. R. Wright conducted the devo­ tional period. | j 1 h‘‘ K amath ***** was i " * H,rted unpM**b,e la!,t Sundny. N*‘ar th‘‘ Klrtmath road hot tom seemed to have no bottom and ro|M>rt says that a hundred machines were helil up for an entire day and night. The Berean class party at the J. A. Putman home Friday night was quite well attended. About forty be­ ing present. A program was put on an«l all enjoyed the meeting. Re­ freshments were served by members o f the class. Walter Hughes left this week for Colorado Springs, where he intends I to go into business. C««aeh Hughes, , • , _ , .. . , , . besides one o f the county* sp Undid >___ . .____ . . , ' ' oasel»all players, has been for several year* athletic directors o f our high school and the past season was basket Vertu n Hooper w«> m from Dea ball coach for the normal squad. Indian Sa'.uruay. The road out th* Mrs. Ella Oxford of Allison street way are reported to be very bad I* i called Tuesday. Mrs. Oxford has been traveling at the present time. staying with Mrs. Allen Proctor of Raymond R««gvr and Mr*. Talent, who Ha* Keen nuite ill th* Men’s W ork Clothing MEN’S OVERALLS, high back, 220 w e ig h t................. OSH KOSH OVERALLS 8 ounce ...................................... W O RK SHIRTS— ¿L ............ ^ O 1 - q - t P l.J j _ Cc HICKORY STRIPE work shirt* .......................................... a /5 C MEN’S WORK SHOES MEN’S BROWN ELK crome sols MEN S BROWN MULE oak sole MEN S SOFT RETANNED Munsing last MEN S SOFT RETANNED paneco sole ......................... cj ...................... $ 2.00 ................ $ 1.85 ............... $ 4.95 $3 75 TENNIS SHOES for MEN and BOYS CREPE SOLES. MENS sizes ,6 to 10 $1.35 CREPE SOLES BOYS ( CI 1 C M l«. » '/. to 6 .................® 1 . 1 0 sizes ^° les Y0UTHS$i LITTLE SOL e V gent « SIZES g^L L S , GENTS ¿ nn QC GOLDEN RULE STORE ■lajüßi ■ H aan