Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, March 11, 1927, Image 8

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    Plan of Con well Memorial ‘Tem ple o f Learning”
Where the Chinese Are Fighting
sell H. Conwell. whose memory was
honored at special services In all
the churches of the country on “Ru*
sell H. Conwell Memorial Sunday.*
February IS.
Her«» I k the «ketch plan of the pro-
pnK«*<l skyscraper university to be
erected In Philadelphia an a new
home for Temple university and a
lust Im: monument to Its founder, Rus­
What the Nicaraguan Coast Country Looks Like
T his m ap of the p art of China Involved In the w arfare between the
C antonese and the northern Chinese will be useful for reference when read­
ing the news dispatches from the Orient.
A re These Generals Friends or Foes?
Above la an aerial photograph of a typical part of the coast of N icaragua, whore civil w arfare 1s going on and
* iere our marines -re protecting American Interests. The picture was niude by the Amerlcuu "good w ill” aviators
who are now In South America.
They Grow These on the Mississippi Gulf Coast
This beautiful photograph was taken recently at O ulf P a r i college,
on the M ississippi coast, and shows n group of students standing under
one of the most beautiful spreading oak trees In the South.
H ere, left to right, are M arshal Chang Tso-lln. Manchurian leader an.]
M arshal W u J'ei-fu . who becam e “sworn brothers’* when they met in Peking
last Ju n e and planned to fight the Cantonese. Now. current news dispatches
say W u is trying to prevent the passage of Chang’s arm ies southward through
H onan province.
George Reads George’s Address
S enator W nlter P. tlcorge of (leorgln
as selected to read W ashington’s
orew ell Address In the senate on
'ebruary 2U, W ashington's birthday.
Cable Carried Aero»«
River in Record Time
shore to shore. The coat of the cable
and Its laving represents the m ajor
portion of a $.'<00,(100 budget Item for
A heavy cable to carry 11.000- underground extensions of the local
volt electric current was laid across power company.
the W illam ette river at Portland,
o re — I,h00 feet wide at the crossing
Feudalitm in Japan
point -In seven m inutes recently.
T his la considered to be a *j>ee<l rec­ Today Japan la a nation with all the
ord. The heavy power line came from 'rredom , education. Industry and com
the m anufacturers In two reels. One m errtallani of America. Rut a few
waa placed on a barge Intact and year* ago Japan iived under feudal
the other wound in a figure M. They laws closely resem bling those of the
were spliced and then the laying Middle age« In Europe.
started. As the barge proceeded The mikado was the ooly spiritual
across tb s stream the cable was fed head, and the shogun ruled the leaser
oat until It rested on the bottom from lenders by might and force, each of
these latter having hla castle walled
and moated, and m anned by the
Sainurl, who com pare w ith our E uro­
pean knights They w ore arm or, and
fought In the list« both for honor and
for love. and. like th e ir counterparts
In the Middle ages, built wonderful
shrines and tem ples and fostered art
and literature. Many Japanese now
living were under the feudal Influence
in their youth.— F. S. C arr In Adven­
ture M agatlne.
To Lata to M*nd
It le never too late to mend, unless
It la a key winding tag.—D etroit New*