ASHLAND AMERICAN Send it ia Bible school 9:45, W irt M. W right, | THE FRAGRANCE BEAUTY Societies, p arties, clubs any m at­ su p erin ten d en t. J u n io r C. E. 4.00, Miss E stella te r of news is alw ays ap p reciated Hays, S u p erin ten d en t. by The A m erican. We wish th e house In term ed iate C. E. 6:30. W estm inister Guild, 6:30. parties would send in p artic u la rs and Senior C hristian E ndeavor 6:30. the various society and club affairs, Mid-week service, W ednseday, at C harles Simon rep o rted 7 :00 o ’clock. C harles Broili is w orking fo r a please send it in. -------------------- + -------------------- gain. C alifornia firm , buying dairy cows. on Read the advertisem ents. NOTICE TO CREDITORS They shipped a ca r load last F riday C. B. H anley and w ife, who live and are buying more to ship within NOTICE IS HEREBY GI EN that east of Ashland w ere doing business the next th ree weeks. NEW ARRIVALS th e undersigned has been duly a p ­ in town S aturday. pointed A d m in istrato r o f the E state o f Mary Cole, deceased, and all p er­ Am ong the several new subscrib­ To Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bussie on sons having claim s ag ain st said es­ Mrs. H. B. Holm es of N orth Main was calling on friends on B stree t ers to the Am erican yesterday was March 2, a seven-pound boy. Mrs. ta te are req u ired to presen t them , Mrs. W. R. Davis o f Allison stree t, Bussie is stay in g a t p resen t w ith duly verified, and with proper Monday a fte rn o o n . vouchers within six m onths from this who called personally and com pli­ h er p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. F ran k date to L. A. R oberts. A ttorney for Mr. L asure and fam ily o f A stree t m ented the force on th e paper. Crowson o f E ighth street. said E state, a t his o ffice over the have moved out n ea r the overhead Citizens B ank of Ashland, Ashland, New Am erican subscribers l^eop --------------------------* ------------------------------- bridge w here they will reside. Oregon. com ing in every day in the week. The D ated M arch 11, 1927. paper has the best quality circu la­ M ajor C a rto r o f A stre e t, who has tion of any weekly in th e county. Ad­ HERM AN F. STOAKS, SILENTLY PASSING been sick the p ast week, is able to vertisers get a ra te in proportion to A dm inistrator You will find a com plete line of the 0 --------------------------------------------- ------------------------ 0 474 be out again. the circulation and ad v ertisers e a rn ­ H enry George Gilmore. w onderful D uB arry to ilet (foods, a estly invited to en ter. H enry George Gilmore passed The m any frien d s of Mrs. C ath er­ llu d n u t product, here. CLASSIFIED away a t his home “ E ld erla,” on ine- M orrison w ere glad to see her Face Powder Mrs. K atherine M orrison was able out to church Sunday. Scenic Drive, S atu rd ay , March 5 a t com bines ra re frag ran ce and delicate to atten d the social circle W ednes­ FOR SALE 6 p. m., a f te r being in failing health tex tu re. Its fine grain insures lnsting Mrs. M ary Lewis on T hird stre e t day. All th e ladies enjoyed having for the g re a te r p a rt of the w inter. e ffe c t and enhances the sm oothness is much im proved from a siege of her with them again. He was taken suddenly worse th ree FOR SALE— 145 W hite Leghorn of the skin. In its harm onious cerise tonsilitis. laying pullets, also 25 W hite Leg­ The Royal N eighbors will give an days previous and gradually grew horn laying hens, com ing 2 yr. old. and silver box, it is reom m ended by w eaker to the end. R ichard H udnut as the u ltim ate de­ The F uller B rush man fropi G rants old-tim e basketsocial and dance a t E lb ert G. Davis, R oute 1, Box 194 velopm ent in powder p erfec tio n ; in Pass was doing business on o u r stre e t the Moose hall, M arch 18. Everyone Tuesday. Mrs. E tta Spencer. FOR SALE— And a sure bargain, white, b ru n ette, rose or n atu ral. is invited. Ladies b rin g your well Mrs. E tta Spencer, 59, wife of II. 5 room m odern house, furnished, EAST SIDE PHARMACY filled baskets, they will be sold to M esdames F rench, Quigley and the highest bidders. A good tim e is A. Spencer, died T uesday a t h er can be arran g e d fo r 2 o pts; garage Bushnell m otored to M edford T ues­ gu aran teed to all. home in Copco, C alifornia. The re ­ and chicken house; lot 70x148, lo­ * day on a shopping tour. mains were bro u g h t to Ashland, her cated handy to 3 schools. Price An event of unusal in tere st in form er home fo r burial, and the $1200. Brown & Rice, 63 E. Main. Mr. and Mrs. R obert Gordon of m usical circles is the concert funeral was held T hursday a f te r ­ G rants Pass sp en t Sunday in Ashland scheduled fo r the U niversity of O re­ FOR SA LE— Good- house and 2 as guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. gon stringed q u a rte tte , which will noon from the Dodge un d ertak in g acres. A real snap. F. L. N u tter, Barnes in th e Bellview district. 240 East Muin. ap p ear a t the southern Oregon nor- parlors. 471 al on the evening of M arch 15. The ON CRATER Lake highway, in city Mrs. Lizzie Stokes of K lam ath q u a rte tte is led by Rev Underwood, M n . Mary Cole. limits, and on Rogue River, the Falls is here carin g fo r h er husband’s a recognized m aster of the violin. Mrs. M ary Cole, 79, who has been home of th e Steelhead. Two acres, grandm other, Mrs. Cole of A stree t, Dean Landsbury of the university school of music will be the soloist of seriously ill fo r some tim e, passed fine black soil, five room house, fire­ who is still quite sick. the evening. aw ay a t h er home A stre e t, W ednes­ place, bath, electricity. Spring, city P len ty fru it and day m orning. She has been an A sh­ and well w ater, Among the shoppers from Bellview A dual debate betw een the south­ land resident fo r tw en ty years. The shade trees. Also hn» 30*30 concrete d istrict, who w ere intow n S aturday tank, 6-ft. deep, fed from spring, an were E. E. Gall, E. B. Shaw and ern Oregon norm al school and the M onmouth norm al school will take funeral services w ere held T hursr ideal place to keep tro u t or use as King Barns. $2250 buys this place on Monday evening. A nega­ day aftern o o n a t the C hristian swimming tank. place if sold soon. A ddress P. O. Box tive team , consisting of John Church church and the rem ains shipped »to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. K erns and 522, Gold Hill, Or. 4 3tf fam ily of T ale n t moved to Ashland m an and W arren K irkpatrick will A lbany fo r in term en t in the fam ily m eet the visitors here a t 7 :30 a t the recently and are occupying a resi­ FOR SALE— E x tra choice Rhode Is­ norm al auditorium , while an o th er lot. dence on M ountain avenue. land settin g eggs, $1.00 per 15. team com orised of W arren Doremus --------------* -------------- and John Galey will uphold the a f­ Phone 289-J. 463 ----------------------------------- Mrs. F. W. Shaw of Roca stree t, firm ative side of the question a t who has been seriously ill fo r some M onmouth. C onsiderable in tere st is AT THE CHURCHES I HOUSE with toilet, bath, and elec­ tim e with the flu, is re p o rted to be shown in the event, as it is the first tric lights, two lots; all kinds of som ew hat im proved. debate held a t the southern Normal fru it and b erries to tra d e fo r small place n ear C entral P oint or Ashland. TRINITY EPISCO PA L CHURCH Mrs. C. A. G ray of Iowa stre e t 464* The Social circle enjoyed a very Vwcar, the Rev. P. K. Hammond .. 163 A uburn St., Ashland. is a p a tie n t at th e Com m unity hos­ Holy com m union a t 8 a. m. pleasant m eeting, W ednesday the 9th pital, w here she underw ent an o p era­ W ANTED— T o buy fresh cows and Sunday school a t 9:45 a. m. in the church parlors 'o f the C hrist­ tion d u rin g the p ast week. springers. C harles Broili, 448 Hel- M orning service and serm on a t 11. ian church. It was decided to, in the Good music. A h elp fu l service. man st. Phone ^07R. 47f Mrs. Ollie M cIntosh of W olf creek near, fu tu re , give an en tertain m e n t Everyone cordially invited. was in Ashland visiting relatives, with a good program and re fre sh ­ Sunday and Monday, re tu rn in g home THE FULL GOSPEL TEM PLE m ents and each lady of the social Tuesday m orning. J. E. Murphy, Pastor circle gives a dollar to apply on the Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Mrs. S. Mrs. John E nders and daughter, social circle fund and tell how she F. Foster, sup erintendent. Shirley, re tu rn e d T uesday from a earned the dollar. Time is to be a n ­ M orning worship 11 a. m. two weeks visit with her p aren ts in nounced by com m ittee in charge, Mrs. Young peoples m eeting 6:3.0 T ru st Nell Dunn, Mrs. Jam es Duncan and K lam ath Falls. all the young folks will realize the Mrs. C. O. Holm an. M eeting was a d ­ im portance of atten d in g these m eet­ 4 -7 4 - 6 2 4 RIVERSIDE S T Mrs. Sim ons of South P ioneer journed to m eet again M arch 23rd. ings. stre e t had a stroke of paralysis a E vening worship, 7 :30. short tim e ago and she is still quite MEDFORD, OREGON F aculty m em bers of the southern sick. E very W ednesday in each week Oregon state norm al and wives had a m ost unique and jolly din n er party p ra y e r m eeting. Miss W ilma Sheley of C entral on S aturday evening a t We-Ask-U- If you are looking for a real home Point, an A shland norm al stu d en t, Inn n ear G rants Pass. T here were like church, a tten d these services and has been a t home th is w e rl on ac­ about 30 p resen t to enjoy the a f­ you will be convinced th a t th ere la fair, which had been planned as an count o f sickness. incongruous party. Miss Eva W hite a genuine welcome. won the prize fo r the m ost incon- S tirrin g singing and gospel preach­ L atest new s to arriv e in the grous com bination am ong the women ing. and W W. Wells as an Indian chief, U nited S ta tes from the earth q u ak e won first honors am ong the men. in J a p a n the firs t of the week, now The com m ittee th a t hn dcnarge of the BAPTIST CHURCH puts the list of killed a t 2,800 people plans were V. V. Caldwell, Miss C lara Myron S. Woodworth, P astor T ro tte r Miss Edith Bork, Mrs. A r­ S abbath school, 9:45. A PROGRAM TO SUIT THE T A ST E . OF ALL Mrs. F red P enniston of B stree t, th u r T aylor and Mrs. M argaret O. P reaching, 11:00. who has been visiting h er parents, Cason. The evening was devoted to B. Y. P. U., 6:30. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crosley o f Neil cards and dancin T opic: “ T aking th e C urse o u t of 5 - Creek, the p ast two weeks, re tu rn ed SENIORS TO P R ES EN T MUSICAL m oney.” home Sunday. COMEDY “ CHERRY BLOSSOM” If you think money doesn’t talk, Mr. and Mrs. F ra n k W right of come and listen to a dialogue by Klam ath F alls have moved to Keno Buck Jones in his best and very latest picture. I t ’s a W estern scene The Senior high school students some dollar bills next Sunday even­ to reside w here Mr. W right has em ­ ing. — full of pep and thrills are m aking big preparations fo r the ploym ent. Mrs. W right was form erly Miss Opal H arvey of this city. o p eretta “ Miss C herry Blossom.” Preaching, 7 :30. the school will present on Thursday A nother study of Revelation. This Mrs. Karl Rose of K lam ath Falls, night, March 17.. Seventy-five stu ­ will be based on th e 13th ch a p te r who was so seriously h u rt from a fall last week, is re p o rted b etter. dents will form the elaborate chorus which deals with the anti-C hrist. Mr. and Mrs. Rose a re fo rm er re si­ in addition to those chosen fo r the dents o f this city. regular cast. H orace Dunn takes the M ETHODIST EPISCO PAL CHURCH b u t prom ises to bo thoroughly ngreenhle to husbands. M arie Pro­ North Main and Laurel St». part of Kokemo, while Ronald Gan- H. F. Pemberton, Pastor. E. F. Sm ith, who has lived in Ash­ dee as Togo tak es the p art o f a con­ vost, A m erica’s d ram atic screen cpm edienre tak es you through the M orning worship a t 11 o’clock. land a long tim e and likes it b e tte r best of her pictures. You will not w ant to miss this. ceited, schem ing politician. The prin­ S u b je ct: “ G ettin g A nswers to o u r than ever, was in th is week to o rd er the A m erican sent a y ear to a re la ­ cipal characters are John R uger and P ra y e rs." Evening worship at 7:50. S u b ject: tive in C alifornia. Eunice Hager. John plays the part “ No Man Liveth Unto Him self. ’ o f a New York visitor much in love S unday school a t 9:45. A Bible A rth u r A ndrew s o f Corvallis, who has been visiting recen tly with his with C herry Blossom, the daughter school for everybody. Ju n io r League a t 4. C hildren from paren ts, Mr. and Mrs. A aron Andrew of Kokemo. The p a rt of the daugh­ 8 to 14 welcome. of Fairview stre e t, has re tu rn ed to te r is taken by Eunice H ager. Epw orth League at 6:15. Young This is pronounced fa r superior to “ The Sheik” and it is n o t only his home. ---------- .J. -------- people’s m eeting full o f in tere st and Rudolph V alentino’s last picture, but his best p ictu re— and will be Charles Lloyd, autom obile sales­ enthusiasm . Alex Noble, who has recently un­ P ra y e r m eeting W ednesday a t 7.30 j shown here a t re g u la r prices. It may be your last view of a dergone an operation fo r appendicitis man from M edford, was arrested in You are cordially invited to at- ! Rudolph V alentino production. a t th e C om m unity hospital, is im­ a local re sta u ra n t Tuesday in com ­ tend all these m eetings. You will he j S tran g ers and i proving and will be able to go home pany of three M edford ladies, fo r heartily welcomed. drunkenness and disorder by Chief visitors especially welcome. in a few days. of Police McNabb. Lloyd appeared PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday M arch 13 a t the >n the Ashland police court and was FIRST “ With Illuminated B u llc ti-” of services at the C hristian church. Miss fined $10.00 and costs of $2.50 Sunday m orning 11 o ’clock, “ The Invisible Church. In the evening with Tom Mix and his w onder horse. The p icture is as good as it M artha S penker will sing fo r the by Police Judge Baughm an. A deserted still made out of two worship, 7:30 th e su b ject will he congregation. sounds "T he U nreasonableness of C h ristian ­ wash boilers and a tin *ea kettle ity.” In terestin g auestions will be E. E. Phelps, who lives on route was found near Keene creek, and ankwered in the Introduction o f the Each day's shewing is proseedod by our exceptional good comedy two was a pleasant caller W ednesday was b rought into the local police service. The special music at the and joined the f.rmy o f m any new ............ “ ““ * “ ------- subscribers fo r the hom e w ee' * I ■ I und chief of Pnl„* McNnhh. 'Imogen* W»1l»ec, organist. paper. --+-- ®------------- $ WERE N O T SAT/SFfEO U N LESS YOU ARE Aorte V 1 N 1 N C, * Theater S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H 12 “W HISPER IN G SAG E” oOo----- - S U N D A Y . M AR C H 13 “FOR W IVES O N L Y ” •------ oOo — • MON.. TU E S -. W E D . M A R C H 14- 15< 16 ‘‘THE SON O F TH E S H E IK ” -------oOo------- T H U R S D A Y fit F R ID A Y . M A R C H >7. 10 morning ss •••*•,»? “TH E C AN YO N ?. N w“u|ßsis.“T 3 r ‘-i&szvi lie LIG H T ”