ASHLAND AM ERICAN Big Piens Lum ber Co., vs. R. Hol- Genessee St. M edford. lopeter, for omney. Silas W. Kilgore et al to Wiliam Faye J. Hall, vs. O rlander O. G rif­ F. errin deed $1 Ld in Twp 38 S. R. fith et al, affid av it orders. 1 East. G ertrude Ham ilton, vs. Lee Hamit V. J. Em erick to M attie L. Em er- ton, summons. ick Q. C. D. $10, Lots in M edford. ( R e p o r t e d by J » c k t o n C o u n t y Ab- Emily laimniey, vs. C harles S F rances L. Wilson to K ate Ken t t r a c t Co., S i x t h S t r e e t a n d Lammey, affid av it am ended answ er nedy W. D. $10 Lots 4, 7 and 8, C e n t r a l A ’-enue, M e d f o r d ) Bu y C orner M otor Co., vs, Covey Blk 2, O rchard Add to M edford. M otor C ar o., motion. A lbert I>. Fry et ux to Willie M. MARRIAGE LICENSES C LER K ’S O FFIC E Ilapis Q. C. D. $16 Lot 7, Sec. 27 H enry F. Dahlke and Velda Monia. Twp 86 s. R. :! West, George Schum acher, W alter B, Joseph C. Johnson to Jam es D. F rank M. O strander and Renie Robinson, W. R. Gaylord, incorpor­ Fairchild W. I). $10 Lots 1 and 2 ate as “ O regon Chem ical Company, C atherine Millsapugh. SE of NW, NE of SW, NW of SE Joe M. K ntot and Pearl Deen. In corporated” | Sec. 7 Twp 40, S. R. 3 East. M ason-Krhman com pany, vs. F. L. RECORDER S OFFICE. J. C. B arnes et al to C harles Bedingfield, e t al, fo r money. C harles Polk et uy to Charles S tate, vs. V. L. H ardm an, C. J. et al W. I). $10, Ld in Sec. 28 Twp Cheetham et ux W. I). $10 Ld in DLC 88 Twp 37 S. R. 2 West. Hardm an .sentence. 38 S. R. 1 West. W. H. M cDaniels et ux to H er­ S tate, vs. M onte V enhain, senten Dave R oberts et ux, to C. Vro- H. W. Hall, vs. F red F redenburg, m an, etux, W. I). $10, Ld in Sec. 0 mann O ffenbach er W. I). $10 Ld in Sec. 25 Twp 38 S. R. 4 W est. reply. Twp 38 S. R. 4 W’est. U nited A ssets Company to Alex Roy I,. M arkley, vs. May M arkley, Ella C. W esterlund, to A. P. B ut­ summons. ler et ux W. 1). $1, Lot 0, W ester­ Anderson et ux Deed $10, Ld in Sec. 13 Twp 36 S. R. 1 West. S tate, vs. W alter Wood, motion lund eights Add to M edford. J. E. P ettycrew et ux to W. A. order. Ida May N eatham er to F rank J. of SW, S tate, vs, Eddie OMalley, sentence and 16KTAOIN KTAOIN ETAO INE Bond et al W. I). $10, E E. A. L ittrell, J r., E. . L ittrel, K. McCarvel, deed $500, Ld in Sec. 0 Sec. 23 Twp 35 S. R. 2 West. W. Turnbough to Hugh B. Cal­ M. Moty and H. E. Van Dyke, in­ Twp 35 S. R. 4 West. houn W. 1). $10 Ld in Sec 16 Twp corporate as “ L ittrell P a rts Co. Alice S arg en t to Allison Moulton J. S. Hopper. M. J. H opper, C. W. W. I). $10 Ld in Secs 15 and 16 38 S. R. 1 W est. Almeda Hukill Budge et a | to Banta. J. M. F uller, incorporate as Twp 38 S. R. 2 West. "Southern O regon Investm ent co. A lbert D ougherty to M. B. Bun­ Henry Hukill W. I). $1 SW of SE, W. J. More, Wm. M. Briggs. nell et ux, deed $1, P t lot 1, Block SE of SW Sec. 9 Twp 38 S. R. 2 W. Wm. A. Bond et ux to F. E. J. C. R obuett, et al, vs. D. E. 1, Bars Ad. to M edford. Whitby, et al, decree. W. J. Ilrum hill et ux to S. S. Sherwin Q. C. I). $1 EVi of SW Ina E. Olwell, vs, F rank II. Roy, Bullis, W. 1). $150, Lot 5, Blk 4, Sec 25 Twp 35 S. R. 2 West. Jam es W. P e a rt to Belle L. P eart et al, fo r money. W alnut Add to M edford. R. W. Clancy, vs. Ja s E. Edm ins- Guy R. arp er et al to S. S. Bullis Q. C. D. Lot 5 Bissells Add to Med­ ton, fo r omney. deed $1, Lots 1 and 2, Blk 4, W al­ ford. J. A. Lyons et ux to J. W. Cook R. W. Clancy, vs. S & E F ru it Co., nut add to M edford. for money. A. B. Shapard et ux to Norm an E. et ux W. D. $1 Ld in Sec. 19Twp State, vs Monte Venham , o p e ra t­ Robb et ux W. D. $10, Ld in Sec. 36 37 S. R. 1 W est Thos. W. V ernon et ux to F red ing a still Twp 33 S. R. 1 West. State, vs. V. L. H ardm on, C. J. M ary F rances H adfield et vir to W. C roft W. I>. $500 Lot in Gold Hardm an, o p eratin g a still. George H. H ersey W. I). $10 W Vi Hil. State, vs Eddie OM alley, larceny lots 23 and 24 Blk “J ” R ailroad Add Thelma D. elly, vs, Raym ond E. to Ashland. THE FU LL PAGE ADV. Kelly, decree. S tanley A. R obinett, et al to J. F. Brown, vs I. C. Poole, etal School Dist. No. 5 W. I). $10 Lot on default decree cost bill. Beach street, Ashland. M u l t i t u d e of B u s i n e s s Me n By A d v e r ­ Mary M erkle etal, vs. H. B. Plum ­ N. E. Taylor et ux to Louise C. tising Rise in But ine«* W o r l d . mer ,fo r money. W alker, W. I'. $10 Pt lot 4, Belle­ Pacific L um ber & Shaleries, ine., vue tra c t in Sec. 15 Twp 39 S. R. 1 vs E. J. M cNerm y et al, for in ju n r- East. As the new spaper m an looks over tin and vacation of judgm ent. Blanche Cook to Thom as A, Crum p Big Pines Lum ber Co., vs H. Hol- Sr, W. D. $360 Lot in Block 2 exchanges com ing from various p arts lopeter, sum m ons. Jacksonville. of the country, he is im pressed with Davis & W’eer, inc., vs Rogue Luke Ryan et ux to Geo. E. W right River Valiev C anning Co. et ux W. D. $ lOLd in Sec 6 Twp the g re a t use th a t is being made of advertising. The advertising space Rosella Erickson, estate, inventory 88 S. R. 2 W est. and appraisem ent. C hristopher C. Beale to Nora Mil­ used in new spapers has greatly in- Witham I). Davis, estate, annual ler, W. I). $350 Lot 8, Blk 39 Cen­ !creased. account vouchers order. tral Point. Take the big city dailies, fo r in­ Emily F. W ing, estate, final accoun H enry T. Hull e t ux to Cora E. order, T reichler deed $1, 1 /, int in SW of stance. If you took th e new spaper order. SW sec 3 Twp 37 S. R. 2 W est. which before the w ar used to run Eunice W ing, estate, final account S. H. Hawks et ux to C. L. Saylor an average of ab out 16 pages, the I). R. Sham brook, vs. Jom Hodson W. D. $10 Pt lot 5 and 6, Blk 4, chances are th a t th a t p aper will be defualt and pjudgm ent cost bil. Queen Anne Add to M edford. Thomas E. Tilham , vs George W. Pauline G rantham to Jam es E. running today from 24 pages to 32. Porter, et al. reply. P ickering et ux, W. D. $7500, Ld in The en larg em en t is n o t prim arily B. E. H arder, ad m in istarto r, vs J. Sec. 21 Tw p 36 S. R. 1 West E. Edsell, cost bill. S. Higins to H erb ert Tilley Q. C. due to the use of m ore news, though Samuel A. R ichardson, dec. estate D. $10 Ld in Sec. 5 Twp 37 S. R. the space given to read in g m a tte r adm itted to probate. 2 West. has increased. The big share of the Anize W heeler Thom as, dec, es­ Sarah Naomi Brown to Joseph E. ' tate, adm itted to probate. Brown. Q. C. D. $10 S of NW, increase is due to advertising. It is in terestin g also to see how C atherine Young, estate, final o r­ N Vi of SW Sec. 8 Twp 41, S. R. der proof of publication. 2 Eas. m any concerns and in tere sts there J. P. H allm eyer, estaete. decree. Sarah Snell Howry et vir to A ug­ are th a t are tak in g big ads of a J. M. Kerby, estate, peition order ust Johnson et u r W. D. $10 Lot on AROUND THE COURT HOUSE V The Best and Biggest Farm Paper Published half page or full page or two pages. The fact th a t so m any concerns are willing to put up the money for this big display shows how thoroughly standardized adv ertisin g has become, and how much it is depended upon for resu lts by those who use it p er­ sistently and w ith judgem ent. F o r­ tunes are being m ade every day through advertising, and by this m eans a m u ltitu d e of business men are risin g out of small and in ferio r positions into leadership in the busi­ ness com m unity. ------ -------------- H e: “ Didja h ear about the time the mad dog chased me through the d ep artm en t s to re ? ” She: "N o, tell me ab o u t it.” H e: “ He chased me into the store through th e crockery departm ent, next th rough the toy basem ent, and then he grabbed me— ” She: “ Yes, he g rabbed you— ” H e: “ Right in the middle of the pan ts d e p a rtm e n t.” A kiss is a peculiar proposition, O f no use to one, but bliss fo r two. The small boy gets it for nothing. The young men have to seal it. The old men have to buy it. The baby’s privilege. The lover’s right. To a young girl— Faith. To a m arried woman— Hope. To an old maid— C harity. ----------------- * ----------------- I HOME POINTERS -ft An in terestin g w affle v ariatio n is m ade by su b stitu tin g one cup o f hot boiled rice fo r one cup of flo u r in the stan d ard recipe. R epainting kitchen walls a t fre ­ quent intervals with fresh paint, keeps aw ay all insects and pests, and fills cracks and creases. An a ttra ctiv e color com bination for the kitchen is a delicate shade of lilac for the walls and nile green with stenciled designs in black. Spring Gallops in No doubt about the arrival of Spring. It was demonstrated this week by the American Legion, in their Spring Style show and Vaude­ ville at the Armory, last Tuesday and Wednes­ day nights. Big crowds both nights A »'"■ For You and Your Family! t —We want 100 more subscribers in ten days— Beginning today and lasting until 100 more names are secured in Jackson county, we will have sent FREE for one year, to any county address, “THE NATIONAL FARM NEWS” to each new subscriber for the Y^OU ARE IN T ER ES T ED in i m p o r ta n t N EW S of t h e g r e a t F a r m O rg a ni z at io ns * * • com ple te and a ut h en t ic Congressional Reports * * * full in for ma ti on on D e p a r t m e n ts of G ov e rn m e n t a n d A dmi ni st ratio n * * * F R E E SERVICE to br in g you NEW’S; assist­ ance, instruction a n d e n t e r t a i n m e n t * * ’ a live, up-to-the-minute N E W S P A P E R for the busy f a r m e r a n d his fa m ily and those in te r­ ested in agric ult ure . Such is Clir^oltoitali, A National W „ k ly \n ttp a p tr * For Th* . fmervon fa r m hom ily Published Every Saturday at Washington, D. C. Ashland American Ashland American, $2 per year. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00 PER YEAR National Farm News, $1 per year. The National Farm News Get the American for a year and we will send you the National Farm News a year FREE. Your Home Paper is the Best Weekly Paper in Jackson County. Every country home should receive it. 1 Wc have over 3,000 readers now. WXtitwvwww&K ä ww w ft f t V / O U C A N ’T A F F O R D to do without it if you * w a n t farm d a t a di re c t from the national c a p i t a l — W as hin gto n, w h e re we hav e the h e a r t y cooperation of th e gr e a t U. S. D e p a r t ­ m e n t of Agriculture, as well as of th e n a tio n­ ally-known F a r m le aders. Not only a gric ul ­ tu r a l information, b u t news and instructive columns for th e w om e nfo lk s and children, too. It is the liveliest, most interesting, most h e l p ­ ful F a r m e r ’s N e w s p a p e r published. & aro* n •&’ F T ;f 215 G STREET, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. —SEND IN TODAY— Come in when in town Your name, address and $2 for both papers for a year y :