Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, March 04, 1927, Image 8

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    A S H L A N D A M E R IC A N 1
Talent Narratives
i _____
tory o f the French revolution, nutri-
Peterborough Colony,- Mrs. C.
The course in rural school 1 Howell.
music will be given by Miss Leona G. 1 L ife sketch o f E. R- Kroeger,
Marsters, the regular instructor in Mrs. A. J. McCallen.
this subject. During the course, Miss ; Piano ^ duet “ Triumphial March,”
Marsters plans to emphasize prob- E. R, Kroeger, Mrs. II. S. Aikens
lems in music incidental to toe rural and Mrs. A. R. W ill it«.
school. The course in school admmis-
L ife sketch o f Charles W akefield
tration will be given by A. C. ¡Cadman, Mrs. Robertson.
Strange, who has had 20 yea r’s ex-
Vocal duet, “ A t Dawning.” Charles
perience in this field Miss Beatric*- W. Cadman, Mrs. E. O. Smith and
Hall, instructor in health education I Miss Jean Anderson, accompanied by
plans tef devote considerable time to I Mrs. Van Fossen.
the problems o f the health o f the L ife
sketch o f
Mrs. H. II. A.
rural child. Problems o f administra- Beach, Mrs. Stanley Robinett.
tior. o f junior high sc.'.oo! will be '
Vocal solo, "W hen Mr.nimi* Sings,”
considered in a separate course. Miss 1 Mrs. H. H. A. Beach.
D. Virginia Hales, instr-JCiO.' in phy
Vocal duet "T h e Y e a r’s at the
sice.l education, plans not only to Spring.” Mrs. Beach, Mrs. E. O.
give her students the regular work Smith and Miss Jean Anderson, ac­
along this line, but will also conduct companied by Mrs. Van Fossen.
classeE in horsemanship and will
A ft e r this program from A m eri­
probably organize at least one rifle
can composers, Wanda Henkle, who
team. Much enthusiasm has been !
” een • is organist at the Vining theater and
shown during the year io r this phase !
t o f thig occasio* .
o f the work and it is planned
anned to con - 1 those
---- present
-------- with a recital o f three
tinue it into the summer session. pieces.
Archery may be one o f the recrea­
Piano solo, “ Hebrew M elody,”
tional sport offered.
Several lectures and entertain­ Joseph Achron, "Renatee, Romance”
ments have been scheduled fo r the Jesse Crawford and "W a ters
summer session, among them being Minnetonka,” Liererance.
Dr. A. M. Harding, Ph, D., from the
--------- * ---------
University o f Arkansas, who will
Oh, OH, Irene!
conduct a series o f lectures on as­
tronomy. Plans are being made to se- Irene Green, just seventeen,
sure at least one performance o f a Wore flimsy frocks o f crepe de chine
dramatic character.
Last year the enrollment fo r the And when she walked upon the scene
summer session was well above two More Irene than de chine was seen.
hundred, and inasmuch as an in­
creased enrollment is expected for
the coming summer, ample accommo­
dations are being secured.
The session begins June 20 and
--------* --------
continues fo r 12 weeks, being divid­
ed into two six-week periods.— News.
------------------- 4*-------------------
Large and Select Stock o f
o f pear in New York city which sold
fo r $4300, the highest price ever re­
ceived fo r a single carload, the past
season they sold 13 V* carloads o f
Rogue river grown pears fo r an
average price o f $6.61 per box at an
' eastern market. The total price re­
ceived fo r the 13
carloads was
The first record has
never been equalled and the last and
most astounding o f all marketing
records will in all probability not be
approached by any grower o f any
other district fo r several years to
The recent marketing record is
significant in two respects.
In the
first place it establishes pears grown
in Rogue river valley as having more
nearly aproached a state o f perfec­
tion than those o f any other pear
producing district o f the nation. It
reveals soil and climatic conditions
o f a most favorable nature and es­
tablishes the fact that cultural meth­
ods employed by the growers are o f
a practical and scientific nature ex­
celled by the growers o f no other
The second, but no less important
feature, is that to break a national
or world’s record in marketing a
volume o f fruit requires
marketing facilities and a marketing
organization which applies strict and
intelligent business rules in the sell­
ing end o f the fruit game. The re­
cent feat o f Rosenberg Brothers, as
well as the one« recorded in 1921,
are not accidents but rather the re­
sult o f years o f persistent study o f
the pear ftiarket. They have not
trusted to luck or to chance to win
this honor fo r themselves and Rogue
river valley.— News.
Th* Hale o f the ranch belonging to past few days.
Mrs. CcClay and nephew have sold
Mn». Don. McClay to L. O. Finland
ranch to Ol Fenian, and will
ia reported.
move up
to Roseburg
joon. We are
a I paid
I II»'
liw w «
• *
■ r __________ .
.,.. »
this / (F L rid
a y) i evening sorry to lose them from our neigh-
at the school assembly at 7 :30.
The Community club o f Talent
A boy who will answer to the
will Kivu ii social evening and old- name o f Kenneth Harvey, ^au born
time dance in their club rooms Sat- to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bishop Sun-
urday evening, March 5 to their , day. They are at the home o f Mr.
member» and Friends. Gentlemen 50 Bishop s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
cents and ladies to bring sandwiches Bishop,
or cake. There will be good music at
8 p. m.
----- ®
Miss Emma Crawford went to 0 —
San Francisco last Sunday to attend
to some business matters.
Clarence Byrd gave a party to a
group o f boys and girls at his home
last Sunday afternoon.
ON C R A TE R Lake highway, in city
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Evans attend­
limits, and on Rogue River, the
ed the Gold Hill-Ashland debate in
the Ashland high last Friday evening home o f the Steelhead. Two acres,
where Mr. Evans officiated as one fine black soil, five room house, fire ­
place, bath, electricity. Spring, city
o f the judges.
Plenty f-u it and
Mrs. M. E. Grubbs and daughter, and well water.
Virginia, who have been visiting at shade trees. Also has 30x30 concrete
the home o f Mr. and Mrs. J. M. tank, 5-ft. deep, fed from spring, an
Grubbs for several weeks, returned to ideal place to keep trout or use as
$2250 buys this
their home in Oakland, California, swimming tank.
place i f sold soon. Address P. O. Box
last Saturday.
Talent high basketball team played 522, Gold Hill, Or.
Phoenix team at Phoenix last Thurs­
FOR S A L E — Extra choice Rhode Is­
day evening.
land setting eggs, $1.00 per 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Riddle, o f Rid­
dle, Oregon, motored down Sunday Phone 289-J.
fo r a visit with Mrs. Riddle’s neice,
Mrs. H. W. Keesee an family, return­ HOUSE with toilet, bath, and elec­
ing home Monday.
tric lights, two lots; all kinds o f
Among the Talent visitors in Med- fruit and berries to trade for small
fowl last Saturday were Mr. and place neur Central Point or Ashland.
Mrs. C. O. Port wood, Margaret Hig­ 163 Auburn St., Ashland.
Spring is arriving, gradually, smile-
gins, Win. Petrie and family.
Dwight Vimont o f Corvallis filled FOR S A LE or will trade fo r cows, ingly between tears, but sure.
a house car conveniently urranged spring show at the armory two nights
the pulpit o f the M. E. church last
this week announced the fact to many
Sunday evening.
for touring. Phone 407-R or call at hundreds o f Ashland city dwellers
Voung peoples prayer meeting was 448 Helman street.
46 vCho might have doubted the arrival
held at the M. E. church last Wed­
--------* --------
by the few snow flakes seen falling
nesday evening.
Wednesday. Six hundred rural fam i­
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Connor mo­
------------------------------------------- %
lies are now being notified that
tored to Prospect and return last
spring isarriving, and most any day
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Connor and O’---------------------- -------------- ® from now on a spring welcome will
family, who recently came from Extraordinary Attraction»; 1 wo Spe­ await all at the Ashland stores. Com“
in any day.
Filer, Idaho, have moved into the
cial Booking» for Week’»
house on Second street, form erly oc­
cupied by Everette Boone.
The Vining theater is playing first
New Organist at Vining
Mrs. John Hubbart went to Ash­ run pictures, and the coming week
George D. Converse, who has been
land last Sunday to get her glasses. promises Ashland folks the best o f­
the organist at the Vining the past
She underwent an operation on her ferings released.
four years resigned this week for
left eye some weeks ago, and friends
New Pictures.
are gla dt oknow that she is now
Beginning with this coming Satur­ other duties and a new musician to
able to see.
day night, March 5, for the one Ashland arrived Tuesday to tnke
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kerns and night only, Ashland, old and young chaige o f the theatre music.
family, who have been living in the will have the priviledge of seeing the Wapda Hinkle is the new organist
Cook bungulow, moved to Ashland first run o f “ Tarxan and the Golden who is delighting the audience this
Tuesday, where they have bought a Lion.” Portland hasn't received this week with her exceptional music.
horn*- on Mountain avenue near the picture yet and it is an early booking Miss Henkle is from Seattle and has
high school.
that the Vining is lucky in securing. had considerable experience in the
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Keesee and ‘ ‘Tarxan and the Golden Lion” is an larger theaters, especially has Miss
week-end in Edgar Rice Burroughs story— the Henkle begn successful in her con­
Ashland people will be
Klamath Falls visitin gMr. keesees greatest he ever panned. A wonder­ cert work.
mother, Mrs. Rose Keesee.
ful story made in a more wonderful pleased to welcome her and the mu­
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Larson motored picture. The heart o f unknown sic at the Vining is an important fea ­
to Grants Pass last Friday evening A frica, the terrors o f the jungle, my­ ture that attracts the good music ad­
to see the basketball game between stery, secrets. A hidden city, a lost mirers.
Phoenix and Grants Pass. Mr. Larson tribe. We have read the story, it is
----------------v ---------------
is the Phoenix basketball coach.
among the "best sellers” but the pic­ POULTERERS HEAR TALKS;
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Long anil Iris ture Suturday night brings more ad­
and Mrs. M. E. Booth and Mr. and venture, romance, excitement, thrills
Mrs. James Dopp and little daughter and everything that means enter- i
o f Phoenix motored to Butte Falls tainment.
That the poultry business in south­
last Sunday returning the same eve­
N ext Sunday, March 6, is a W ar­ ern Oregon has a better outlook than
ner Bros., reduction, that superior
Max Bowman and Mayor R. C. comedy, "Millionaires.” The cast is ever before was brought out in a
Logan motored tv Hornbrook Wed­ composed o f those favorites for speech hy R. G. Fowler, county
laughs, GeorgeSidney, Louise Fazen­ ngont, before a Inrge gathering of
Everet Boone, W'. Jacobs nnd E da nnd Vera Gordon.
The story southern Oregon poultrymen at the
Oak Grove school house last Friday
evening. Mr. Folw er was one o f a
number o f speakers during the even­
ing, giving current views on the
, lab in (Iw high xel....l n n in A»h- comedy dramas.
luml hint »Sntunlay evening*
Thun for three «lays, Monday, poultry situation in this section of
The Talent mission circle o f the Tuesday and Wednesday,the greatest the state.
M i church had its March meeting melodrama ever written by the king
The next meeting will be held at
last Thursday at the home o f Mrs. o f story tellers.
A picture just rc-
J. F. Dtta worth In Medford
A t leased. Never before hat n producing the same place on March 17, accord­
ladies went early nnd enjoyed a firm had the nerve to attempt the ing to present plans.
covered dish luncheon at noon.
task. It seemed too big. Hut at last
Mr. Fowler pointed out that Rogue
Mrs. H E. Bowman was hostess to the mighty "Michael S tr o g o ff" is in
valley has an ideal climate for
the Royal Neighbor* lust Saturday picturo. The wonderful story has
o f poultry nnd that the
bi»#n a favorite fo r fifty years, has
James Spiers enmo home from the been translated into 19 languages, it cost o f production is cheap in pro­
Sacred Heart hospital last Sunday is Jules Verne’s masterpiece.
where he hud been fo r the past three "Michael S tro g o ff” has come to the portion to the profits derived from
weeks takin gtrentnients fo r blood screen at Inst. Americans are so ac­ the business, which is rapidly grow ­
poisonirffc in his right hand. He is customed to taking our leadership ing here, with an increase o f approxi­
much improved.
in the production o f big motion pic­ mately 50 per cent expected for
E. K. Cooke, who has been visiting tures for granted that patriotic out­
his w ife and family for the past two bursts regarding them are seldom if 1927 in the number o f new growers.
weeks returned to his work
in ever indulged in hy the reviewers of
William J. W arner spoke on the
Klamath Falls last ^Saturday.
the daily press. It seems to be d if­ poultry* business as being a lucra­
ferent abroad. When "Michael Stro- tive side line and brought out a num­
g o ff," the Universal-Film de France ber o f interesting facts, while H.
production o f Jules Verne’s melo­
drama was first shown in Paris it was Paughetry o f the farm bqreau dwelt
hailed M it triumph fo r France. on the
. . . o . f . co-operative
The Valley View Community club
hnd a covered dish luncheon at the Wrote one critic: " W e watched in marketing as making high profits pos-
whool house Thursday. February 24, astonishment this magnificent, in- xihle. E. C. Corn spoke on brooding
with Miss York, home demonstration comparable film, splendidly mounted. Rnd the C14„ , o f haby chicks,
agent as guest o f honor. There were nn incontestable proof o f the value
" h.le as yet there is no southern
twenty-nine adults and three child­ o f French films.” Another said: “ This
can indeed be considered n day of Oregon association o f
ren present.
In the atfernoon the regular club triumph for the Films de France one may be organized, according to
meeting was held and following the
usual routine o f business a vocal equal to the greatest andmost artis present indications.
“ Michael
trio, “ Down Among the Lilies” was tic foreign production.
sung hy Mrs. James Lennox, Stella S tro g o ff" has been mounted with un­ SUMMER SESSION ASHLAND
In the gor­
More and Mahle Roachert, with Mrs equalled magnificence.
John Fnrnierat the piano. Mrs. J. R geous stage settings, the massed
McCracken gave her second interest scenes, the ballets at the camp o f the
Several new courses will he o f­
ing discussion on France dealing par­ Tartars and the lighting, the drama fered during the summer session o f
ticularly with the people themselves has attained a romantic splendor the southern Oregon normal school.
and the reconst ruction work after never before realized."
, Next
. . . . . Thursday
■ hiuism ; nnu
rrunty, March
warm This is according to an announce- i
and Friday.
the W
dd War
War. Mrs
w old
Mr- Farmer played \ q „ n,i j j , ••The Silent R id er" is the ment made hy President J. A. !
at a piano solo, the French national I attraction. It is a Western picture Thun-hill. Mr. Churchill also announ- i
hymn. "The Marseillaise.” Roll call f u|| 0f action with Hoot Gibson, an Iced the addition o f two new faculty
\> as answered by members giving Oregon b oy as the silent rider. I t »« I members One an expert in penman-
, hurl
'RCcm -
hoy as the silent rider. It •* ship, who will give instructions
» fast moving drama with a comedy n,cth»>ds o f Palmer
writing, the other
I instructor to teach English. Among
l " ‘"
w i» ^
courses to be offered tt is planned
to supplement the regular work this
summer with rural school music,
CENTS EACH TO GROWERS junior high school administration,
in k
U «N» to be out
I psychology o f adolescence, pagean-
_ 'M
w n w . ,
— —
x content
»m «r u »
w with
iM i
r establishing
i»»«u i* R n m | f
■ a i | « 7 .
r rural
u rm i
_________ _
r * rI -C
Mrs. Fred * - r Nn»
school administration.
Carl#. Mr, and Mr». Jame* McCrock-. world's marketing record on pear« in contemporary American literature,
ta have been ill with the flu tttp ll9 il, aben they marketed a carload history of thr
lie western frontier, hi*.
The Ashland Music Study club is
indeed an active organization and
the members devote their club days
to music study and to some splendid
programs. The club listened to an
especially grand music recital and
program last Monday evening at the
Presbyterian church. It would have
been well fo r every one in Ashland
to have heard the fine musical pro­
gram that evening.
Mrs. J. Fuller,
the president o f the club was unable,
to be present and Mrs. A. R. W illitsl
The National Federation
o f Music clubs, very strong in the
United States is asking for fund o f
$300,000 to be raised during Mac-
Dowells week, March 7 to 14. The
Ashland club voted to send $5 at
the Monday meet.
The program
Monday night was on "Am erican
composer,” and the chairman, Mrs.
E. A. Woods, took charge. A t a very
appropriate moment at the end o f
the third program number, Mrs.
Woods asked fo r any additional re­
marks. The story o f “ A Wild Rose”
was told by Mrs. L. Hansen and
after her splendid recital, Miss Berna
Haight played " T o a W ild Rose”
mqst beautifully.
The story o f the pseudonym of
MaeDowell, “ Edgar Thorne” was
given by Rose Aiken. Mrs. Beebe told
o f the $5,000 award jjiven Mrs. Ed­
ward MaeDowell, the American wo­
man who had made the greatest con­
tribution to the countrys artists ad­
vancement during the year 1923. The
following progrum was given:
American Composers
Boyhood o f Edward MaeDowell,
Mrs. F. L. Putnam.
Piona solo (a ) “ By a Meadow
Brook,” MaeDowell.
(b ) “ F-om a
Wondering Iceberg,” MacDo\
Miss Berna Haight.
Groceries, Fruit and
“ Quality Always’
2nd Floor Medford
Wed. Jazz, 75c
Sat. Social, 75c
Always— 10c