ASHLAND AMERICAN And do you know not a darn. example an old farmhouse which crease prices and then to maintain One of ’em got hurt! was obviously run down and un­ them on a higher level by means o f a plan which must o f necessity in­ profitable, stating that this was a crease production while decreasing A d Independent Weekly Paper Published at A.hUnd, Oregon Judge; “ How do you happen to poor place to rear a family. (Successor to the Central Point American)_____________ consumption, is to fly in the face of be in this condition; have you been “ That farmer doesn’t have to live an economic law as well established drinking?” PAUL ROBINSON, Editor and Publisher out there,” said Ford. “ He could as any law o f nature. Experience Stew: “ No shur I ain’t been drink- live in town, drive out in a cheap- O ffice at ‘174 East Main Street shows that high prices in any given in’. I jusht shmelt the breath o f a BUSINESS AND NEWS PHONE 95 priced car, do his farming and re­ year mean greater acreage the next brewery horsh.” every night to a habitable $ 2.00 turn One Year year.” modern home.” Advertising Rafes Civen on Application Mr. Coolidge declared the bill Didja hear about the Scotchman With inventions now available, Entered at the Poatoffice at Ashland, O re g o n , as Second Class Matter, Ford insists, the farmer can “ cut his clearly involved governmental fixing that went insane because he bought a score coni o( a baseball game und under the Act o f Congress o f March S, 1879 work to almost nothing.” Modern of prices. "It gives the proposed federal neither team scored. machinery and modern methods JACKSON COUNTY’S WEEKLY PA P E R could enable him to operate his farm board almost unlimited authority to M tnbsr STATE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION Patents have been issued for a new profitably, working short hours, and fix prices on the designated com­ Member NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION German process for photographing modities,” he said. “ Nothing is more at the same time having all the ad­ in natural colors on paper. certain than that such price fixing vantages o f the city for comfort, rec­ FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1927 reation, social opportunities and edu­ would upset the normal exchange Phone it to 95. relationship existing in the open cation for his children. market and that it would finally have Evidently, Mr. Ford has not kept PAINTERS abreast o f the times in the farm­ to be extended to cover a multitude of other goods and services. Govern­ ing communities. Modern inventions HAWLEY WILL REMAIN Every day somethin# else is are making the farmer’s life a little ment price fixing, once started has thought of that the state legislature CLIFF BURLINCAME easier to be true, but we haven’t alike no justice and no end. accomplished during the recent ses­ The 1928 primaries are along ways yet seen a successful farmer who, “ It is economic folly from which Painter and Decorator sion. in the future, but a desire for pub­ with all the modern inventions, would this country has every right to be I Papering, Tinting lic office is as restless as a five cent call his day done, after he had work­ spared.” Phone 98 Spring is reigning supreme in piece in a small boy’s pocket. “ This so-called equalization fee is ed the eight hours of the city work- W. C. Hawley, representative in j er. His farm is his business and he \ not a tax for purpose o f revenue in southern Oregon. Trees in blossom, birds singing, boys playing ball and congress, is due for some opposition I will work from daylight until dark the accepted sense,” said the presi­ marbles and speeders burning up the in the coming campaign. This is to be I if necessary to make it a success. dent. "It is a tax for the special W. H. ROSS & SONS expected and offers little out of the gas. Furthermore the farmer is not benefit of particular _ groups. As a Painters and Decorators ordinary. But why search for con­ lacking in social recreational and direct tax on certain of the vital ------------------ o------------------ The self­ necessaries o f life it represents the As hot days approach, it is time gressional timber to replace Mr. educational advantages. 1023 East Main Street Without much yelling or same car and other inventions which most vicious form o f taxation. Its for the fashionable flappers to with­ Hawley. ASHLAND, OREGON draw those furs from the cedar campaign fireworks, Congressman would permit living in a city makes real effect is on employment of this Hawley has, in each successive term, it possible for the farmer to enjoy coercive powers o f government to closets. worked untiringly for Oregon as a the same luxuries on the farm. the end that special groups of farm­ - - ■ -o------------------ REAL ESTATE whole and each Oregonian individ­ ers and processors may profit tem­ The country folk have their gath­ San Francisco is working hard to ually. We venture the statement erings just as often as those in the porarily at the expense of other land the 1928 Republican National that W. C. Hawley has accomplished city. The automobile has made it farmers and of the community at convention. We hope she wins. Some -S E E - more for the individual Oregonians, one o f the largest producing mines large.” of us who have never been "sent” BROWN & RICE Oregon cities and the state, than any possible for a man to reach his The message declared the bill to a national convention, may yet for a bargain in other one man in the house o f rep­ neighbor’s place in a very short time. economically unsound since it would have the opportunity to attend one, — REAL E S T A T E - resentatives.. The telephone is just as accessible be unlikely that surpluses could al­ and talk about it the rest of our lives 63 North Main Street J. W. Mott o f Astoria is not as the city phone. The radio brings ways be exported. ------------------ o------------------ Ashland, Oregon bashful in letting the press proclaim “ Increased production on the one Medford is out after a new can­ him an avowed candidate for Mr. even better results that the city op­ erator can obtain. School busses call hand, coupled with decreased do­ nery, a woolen mill, a pulp mill a . Hawley’s seat in congress. Mr. Mott A. M. Beaver Telephone 68 almost at their gates to take their mestic consumption on the other, new railroad and u new business will never be nominated in 1928. Mr. children to school. would mean an increased exportable block. We admire the ambition of Mott can make a fast and furious We know of many city people who surplus to be dumped on the world Reliable-Responsible, Real Estate, our sister city, and if it will help campaign and is an easy and flowery Loans, Insurance find it cheaper and more pleasant to market,” said the president. “ This in them any, we’ll gladly o f ri r our References: Citizens Bank o f Ash­ talker, but of the two men, Hawley have their homes in the country and turn, would mean a constantly de­ honest opinion that she wins her land, First National Bank, State appeals to Oregonians and is too come to work in their machines. Mr. creasing world price until the points Bank of Ashland— 175 Main St. wishes. One can get what they want well known. Ford should revise his statement to was reached where the world price _____ ASHLAND. OREGOON if they want it bad enough to get it. Of talked o f candidates to date read also that the city people are was sufficiently low so that, even o Senator B. L. Eddy of Roseburg. also enabled to enjoy the advant­ though increased by our tariff du­ All Oregon appreciates the glad I would receive more votes than Rep­ ages o f country life by the inven­ ties, commodities would flow into the REAL ESTATE announcement that Portland is to resentative Mott. tions he suggests.— Rogue River country in large quantities.” Good City for Country have her "Rose Festival" this year. Courier. — Buys and Trades— Furthermore, the president object­ It gives us all a splendid excuse to STILL IN OUR POCKETS F. L. NUTTER 240 E. Main ed to the power given to the federal visit the big Oregon metropolis. The THE FARMERS LOST BILL Ashland, Oregon farm bureau under the measuree. ros*» show is the one big yearly If you don’t mind getting hot un­ “ The law fixes no standards, im­ events of the Northwest, and many der the collar, read this. You may The McNary-Haugen farm relief poses no restrictions and requires no were disappointed that the show I thank Mr. Garet Garrett for dig­ bill was vetoed by President Coolidge regulations o f any kind,” said he. fniled to materialize last year. The ging up the facts, and us for passing On the announcement last Saturday To expect moderation under these dates for the festival this year are G E O R G E E. F O X along the news. News it is— briefly we heard a near-farmer remark: “ I circumstances is to disregard ex­ June 1,‘i to 18. — "truth about our war loans, or, told you so, all for Wall street.” Of perience,” he said. “ And credit hu­ REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE —-------------- o — - . . our League of Debtors,” which Mr. course we naturally asked the speak­ man nature with qualities it does not Good Bargains in Land Agriculture will be placed on a Garrett explains fully in the Sat­ er if he hail read the McNary-Haugen possess.” and City Property level with other industries. The veto urday Evening Post, issue of Febru­ bill, and his answer was: “ No, I never Pointing out that the department Central Point Oregon o f the McNary-Haugen bill, will do ary 12. In substance he proves. "It seen it; don’t bother with ’em.” So o f justice had been employed in it. The results will lie favorable, we has gone far enough.” this, generally speaking, is the way breaking up combinations aimed at predict, to farming interest. A d if­ When the war ended we had many opinions are formed. raising the cost o f living the message Are you going to Buy or Build I ferent bill will result; a better plan bought goods and services of the Home in Ashland ? ? ? McNary has been talking “ farm re­ continued: and one meeting the approval o f all British Empire Write JOHN B. SHELEY, totaling $2,500,- lief” for years, as if the farmers “ The granting o f any such power Central Point, Oregon classes o f farms and farmers. One 000,000— for which we had paid in were all a bunch o f starving Armen­ to a government board is to run for LOANS-10 year thing is certain, that is, the prom­ cash. Great Britain had required ians. He gets sympathy and votes counter to our traditions, the phil­ County Agent for the Benefit Sav inence the situation has obtained goods and services o f us to the mgs & Loan Association and we admit that ('harley is a good osophy o f our government, the spirit and the interest aroused. The agri- amount of $3,750,000,000— which We make loans on town property senator for Oregon, a vote getter and o f our institutions and all principles anywhere in the county curtural question is the most serious she had borrowed from us— and worker for the West. We have had o f equality. and most important in America, and $.i00,000,000 more after the Armis­ doubts about the farm relief bill, "The administrative difficulties in­ the recent legislative activities have tice. ever since we first heard o f it. volved are sufficient to wreck the ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW presented the subject to the world. In France our war department had We couldn’t help hut think back plan.” Action, favorald action, is sure to required goods and services to the to our younger days every time we Opening his veto message. Presi­ result. value o f $1,750,000,000 which we hear the Senator talking about the dent Coolidge said in part: w. G. TRILL had paid in cash. France required down-trodden farmer. We try to “ The conditions which senate bill THE GREENBACK goods an»l services o f us to the avoid the unpleasant (or pleasant) ; 4808 is designed to remedy have amount of $2,000,000,000 all of memories, but. as stated, every item been and are unsatisfactory to many Attorney-at-Law— Notary Public The old Greenback, unquestionably which we had loaned her—and $1.- we read or press dispatch of activi­ cases. in southern Oregon in former days, 000,00(1,000 more after the Armistice ties of McNary-Haugen, brings those Central Point “ No one can deny that the prices Oregon is soon to he in full production. In all, when the war ended, we mental movie slides of ex-Senator o f many farm products have been I his news will go a long way toward had loaned the Allies $9,500,000,(100 Peffer, "Sockless” Jerry Simpson, out of line with the general price offsetting the feeling occasioned by and had paid them in cash $4,500,- the former populist leaders o f Kan­ level for several years. No one m ortuary the flood losses, for it no doubt 000,000 -a small total of $1.3,750,- sas, the farmers alliance, back mem­ could fail to want every proper step presages n general resumption of 000.000. ories o f former political days and taken to nssure to agriculture a just mining development work in southern England now owes us $4.250,000,- oritorical outburst hatched before the and secure place in our economic Oregon. PE i