Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, February 25, 1927, Image 8

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    . i y----------------Locals-Personals---------------- ?
Merely Many Minor Matters
to know that this latest and most
accurate translation o f the Scrip­
1 tures is being so extensively used.
“ Trusting that the coming year
will be a most successful one for you
in every respect, we remain. Your
very truly, L. Nelson, president.”
------Briefs and Fillers--------------- *
mountain district, celebrated his 78th
birthday February 16. Twelve guests
Jackson nearly lost his springs. were present and enjoyed the even­
ings entertainment. Those present
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Davis and
Mrs. Wilson returned from Port­
Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
land last Friday.
Davis and daughters, Velma and
Mrs. C. E. Hooper accidently fell Viva, Miss Maude Miller, Mrs. Me- T H R E E
Nerney, Eli Davis and Mr. and Mrs.
last Friday breaking her arm.
1». N. Davis.
Count the small news items.
way I will turn, they don’t want to bout $400,000,000,000.
bite, and I don’t give a durn! For
In 1926 it took 4,480,000 cars and
I have been fishing— I’ve had a trucks to provide the demands made
good day; now all I want is some upon the manufactures.
grub and the “ hay.” — Elldee in Out­
---------------* ---------------
door Life.
Thirty were killed the other day
-------------------------* -------------------------
in a battle in Nicaragua, which
shows that fighting in Nicaragua is
as dangerous as crossing the
street in the United States,
Depression in AM
WAY HERE Is the Lowest America.
Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley, Cnllf.
—Where 77 years ago the starving,
thiist-purelied Jayhawker party here
sipped a life-saving draught from a
shallow waterhole and eagerly gnawed
a piece of ox-hoof, merrymakers
dined and danced in celebration of the
formal opening of a new 24,000-barrel
artesian well in this desert oasis.
Stovepipe Wells, In the heart of
Death Valley, is the lowest depression
In America, being 278 feet below sea
With the opening of the well, It Is
being developed ns a sight-seeing re­
sort, being linked to Mount Whitney
by a road piercing the I’anamlut moun­
It was on November 23, 1849, that
tlie Juyliuwker party, led by W. Lewis
Manly and 'loin Rogers, first sighted
the shallow water hole of Stovepipe
Wells and took back the good news to
the Bennett nnd Arcane families with
their four suffering children, who had
been left behind when the unencum­
bered members of the party forged on
through the desert sands.
The meager hit of water which
seeped through the sands saved the
adventurers who lmd staked their
lives In the gamble for California gold.
The new well, with Its 1,000 barrels
of water an hour, bus made possible
hotels, resort homes, fruit and (low­
ers where pioneers found a crater of
broiling sand.
---------------* ---------------
Got anything to o ffe r Saturday?
Tell o f it in The Ashland Americai.
Thousands of
New Words
Advertising is nothing more than
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sams attend­
salesmanship— saying on paper what
a big party in Rogue River last
spelled, pronounced,
you would say orally.
and defined in
Thursday night, the 17th. Mr. Sams’
father, C. E. Sams, lives in Rogue
Rev. J. N. Murphy is justly proud
River and his birthday is February
Jackson C ounty W ill Ask Federal
of a splendid new Bible presented to
18. He has two neighbors who had
him by his local church members.
birthdays the 16th and 17th and all
G overn m en t to T ry Train Bandit
joined in the birthday party, the
T h e " S u p r e m e A u t h o r it y ”
We would like to do some of your night of the 17th.
job printing. We live here, pay taxes were present and a royal time ex-
H ere are a few s a m p le t:
.trade here and guarantee the work. prienced.
hot pursuit
Red Star
Air Council
capital ship
Jackson county, through its law
mud gun
mystery ship
enforcing agencies will formally re­
Miss Mooney, a Lincoln school
S. P. boat
H. G. Wolcott, proprietor o f the
quest the federal government far
teacher, was unable to attend the
aerial cascado
Wolcott grocery, was over at Cres­
American Legion Blue Cross
classes the first o f the week on ac­
the right to try Hugh DeAutremont,
cent City the first o f the week and
girl scout
alleged Siskiyou bandit and slayer
count of illness.
found some bad flood conditions be­
crystal detector
believed to have been arrested in the
fore he arrived home Tuesday morn­
Mrs. and Mrs. George B. Ieen-
Philippines ten days ago and now
ing. He came back on the old Cres­
hower left last week for a vacation
enroute to San Francisco aboard the
rtlil Mtorchoute
cent City road, finding the new Red­
o f in form ation
visit in Portland, Seattle and points
servin g you ?
wood highway absolutely impassable.
stands indicted in this county, with
2700 Paget
The Smith river bridge went entirely
his twin brothers, Ray and Roy, for
6000 Illus­
out and much o f the new road is in
No daily Oregonian, Journal or
murder, assault with intent to com­
ruins. The old road, however, was in
northern mnil for a couple of days
mit robbery and train robbery. Dis­
very good condition and the trip was
Words and
gives everyone the fidgits.
trict Attorney Newton Chaney re­
made with little difficutly.
Gazetteer and Biographical Dictionary
Postmaster F. I). Wagner made a
where he was in conference with
Get the B e e f/—Write for a sample
The Woodmen of the World will
page of the N ew W ord s, specimen of
trip to Medforil by auto Sunday to
United States Attorney George Ne-
hold their national convention for
Regular and Indiu Papers, FREE.
get letter mail for Ashland from the
uner. The federal authorities, Chaney
11)28 in Ashland.
This will bring
train, that was delayed there on ac­
reports, expressed a readiness to
G. & C.M ERR1AM C O .
delegates from many states to our
count of high wuter.
permit the state courts to try De­
Springfield, Mast., U. S. A.
beautiful city and, although some dis­
Autremont on the more serious
tance away, it is none to early to
Air mnil did a good business this
charge first.
begin arranging for the welcome
week carrying many rushed letters
The county will also request that In com e o f Govern m en t w a i Over
every citizen should extend the visi­
that the trains were unable to move.
T hree Billions.
the army, in whose keeping he now
tors. Ashland should be one o f the
Postmaster Wagner was extra busy
is, to hold him until shortly before
most important convention cities in
all week in his endeavor to keep
According to a report issued by I
the trial, if, any, as a precautionary
mails moving, making some trips by
Definite action will be the department of agriculture, the
Rev. and Mrs. J. N. Murphy o f the tr.ken upon the establisneient, be­ receipts from farm produce was 27
Full Gospel church with Mr. and yond a doubt, o f the identity o f the per cent higher than the pre war
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. M. Gilling and
Mrs. Hayes, returned from their suspect, when the transport Thomas prices. However, the price gradually
little daughter, who have spent the northern trip last Friday evening. arrives at San Francisco, about declined each month during the en­
past few days visiting with their son They visited in Portland and at­ March 16.
tire year with the exception o f Au­
2nd Floor Medford
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Gil­
This report covers only 30
A mass o f testimony and evi­ gust.
tended the Bible standard conference
lings, on Oak street, returned re­
in Eugene, reporting a splendid dence, collected by an army o f commodities.
cently to their home in Salem.
time, big increase a) conference and
successful meet. At the conference a local authorities and detective agen­ tion derived from the report is the
Mr. nnd Mrs. George Heath of
home mission board was selected and cies, after the holdup, presented to fact that during the nine years of
Wed. Jazz, 75c
Oakland, Oregon, arrived in Ashland
an evangelist and field secretary the 1923 grand jury, are now sealed air mail service the pilots have flown
last Friday,
They intend making
were added. Rev. Murphy was ap­ in the archives o f the county. About over 11 Vi million miles. There are j
their home here and hnve leased
pointed editor o f the literary depart­ fifty witnesses in the case reside in now 50,601 post offices in the United
Thurs. Old-Time, 50c
apartments in the Shook block for
The camp meeting and con­ Ashland, Medford and stations in the States.
the present.
The income o f the United I
ference in August will be held in Siskiyou mountains.
Three o f the four men slain in last yeai was $3,962,000,000. Of this j
Sat. Social, 75c
Ashlnnd didn’t entirely escape
the hold-up were residents o f this the income tax amounted to half. I
flood damage, as severnl o f the un-
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. R. Dnvis nnd
paved residential streets were washed
family and Mrs. Cromwell nnd firman on the ill-fated train, Coyle eign loans, five per cent and tariff :
into holes, ditches nnd bumps. The
daughter, Von, who live near Etna, Johnson, extra brakeman and E. E. duties 14 per cent.
bridge on Water street was washed
Candy and automobiles are two of
California, spent the week-end with Daugherty, mail clerk, who perished
Always— 10c
out and the canyon bridges and the
Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Davis in the in the mail car. All lived in Ashland. the leading luxuries o f the Ameri­
Nan N e s s avenue bridge were all
Green Springs mountain district. Sidney Bates, the engineer, slain in can people. The confectioners esti­
They expected to leave for their the engine cab was a resident of mate the 1927 business will be a-
home in the south Monday morning Dunsmuir, California.
Mr. Keeler ami daughter spent
Public opinion in this county, on
but on account o f the slide on the
Sunday in llornbrook. He says they
highway near Yrekn, hnd to postpone the crime, one o f the most atrocious
had real floods south o f us nnd
their trip for a few days. While in in the crime annals o f the Pacific
across the line. At llornbrook one
Ashland Monday, Mr. D. N. Dnvis coast, has been from the start evenly
building was cut in two by swift
stated that the road from his place divided, a large portion adhering to
water and moved to the renter o f
to the main road o f the Klamnth- the theory o f the father, that his
the main street.
Ashland highway was in very bad three sons were victims of the well-
laid plot o f the real bandits.
shape following the recent rains.
1 he Women’s Missionary society of
father. Paul DeAutremont o f Eugene j
the Congregational church will meet
The Thomas Nelson and Sons, made several visits to this city dur­
at the home of Mrs. Harry Moore.
publishers, publish
the American ing the first investigation o f the
4H0 Liberty street, Thursday nfter-
Standard virsion o f the Bible.
Re­ robbery.
noon, March 3. All Indies o f the
Recent developments have caused
cently they conducted a contest o f­
church are naked to attend this meet­
a renewal o f general discussion o f 1
ing how the American standard the mystery, which is a maze o f i
translations are more accurnte than tangled angles, rumors nnd facts.__
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W, Myers of
The Ashland American is a newly equipped
the King James translation. Mr. John Mail-Tribune.
Needb s, ( alifornin. are spending a
Leggett o f Ashland was one o f the
--- *---
and up-to-the-minute Job Printimr Office PP
few days in Ashland, visiting at the
The F isherman’ ! Lament.
many to enter the contest nnd the
home of Mrs. Myer's parents. At­
No better work and prices pleasing. Better trv m
following] etter from the publisher
Backward, turn backward, oh time
torney and Mrs. Roberts tin Church
on that next job o f Printing.
We cover In i*V U‘
explains that Mr. Leggett was sue in your flight, please make ’em bite
street. They made a trip over to
again just for tonight. I’ve sat on this
Myrtle Point during the week-end to
"It is a pleasure to advise you boulder for sixteen long hours, and
attend a birthday dinner, celebrating
thf.t the three judges o f the prize baited with crawfish and doughhnlls
the birthday of Mr. Roberts, his
e^say contest on 1 Corinthians l.V.'Li and flowers, nnd minnows and rye- '
Let us know and we
mother anti Mrs. Roberts mother.
have awarded a third prize o f $5 to bread and liver nnd bees, and grass- '
can come after it.
D. V Davis of the Green Springs you and we nre enclosing our hoppers, fishworms and limburgci
cheque for this amount which we cheese. And never a nibble— a jerk
W e are here to serve and please
ask you to kindly nccept with our on the line— o f the sunfish or suck­
heartiest congratulations.
er I’ve seen not a sign! My arms
NN e wish to take fTiis opportunity are fried brown, and my nose is
to thank you for your great interest burnt red— my seat is worn thin and
• •
in this wonderful work o f
Bible m>’ legs are both dead. My stomach
• •
translation and revision that was ac­ is puckered, tied up in a knot and
complished by the members o f the yearn for a waffle or something else
American Revision committee.
hot. I’m sore and I’m dirty and
"Also, we believe you will be in­ thirsty and stiff. I’ve lost my to­
terested to learn that among the bacco and ain’t had a whiff and I've
rrite winners in this contest were got the small pox, the measels and
wms from Canada and other coun­ pip. I’m all broken up on my shins
tries as well as from all parts of the and my hip. It's fourteen long hours
United States.
by the road to my shack, to cold !
Under Armed Guard
H y W ay Printing
Commercial Printing for
It is very grnifyin» to have this cream—tft comfort—
rest * n * a
response fwm all ay»e the world and natk. Oh, backward. I guMa, is the