Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, February 25, 1927, Image 7

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tinued dem and for investm ent se­ purchased a t the local office, and
curities th at we have experienced in practically all o f this am o u n t w ent to
the last tw enty-five years.
the mail o rd e r houses. It is a sham e
“ This condition has not been th a t such a condition could exist at
brought about alone by unusual pros­ a tim e when people w ere w ondering
perity and a large am ount of avail­ w hat would happen in the com m unity
able cash, bu t to a very large ex­ next. This m oney should have been
te n t is due to education or a b et­ kept at home to help keep business
te r u n d erstanding of securities on the I going. And th e worst fe a tu re of it is,
p a rt of the public. Probably in no th a t some of those who thus sent
o th er class of investm ent has the m oney aw ay w ere ow ing bills long
public been so well inform ed and had past due a t local stores.
so m any opportunities as have been
People should rem em ber th at a lo-
o ffered by public utility companies. j cal m erchant can not keep a big stock
“ The consolidations th a t have of goods unless th ere is business to
taken place in public u tility proper­ ju stify it. If th e money now being
ties in the last y ear are only addi­ sent out of th e country was spent at
tional steps tow ard economical opera­ home, stores could double th eir
tion and b e tte r service to the pub­ | stocks, m ore stores could exist, and
lic, which in tu rn m eans m ore sta ­ all would be paying tax es in W ash­
bilized earnings from funds invested ington county, on both the stocks of
in u tility properties.
It is my be­ goods and p roperty, to help lighten
lief th a t the dem and fo r the b e tte r the taxes of every o th er tax p ay er in
class of investm ent securities is the county, to help build roads and
bound to continue fo r some tim e to to m aintain schools. The m ail order
come, and we th ere fo re look for houses do none of these.
higher prices.”
The pro fits of one mail o rd er house
--------------------- * ---------------------
in 1925 am ounted to a million and a
q u a rte r dollars. Now ju s t stop and
W H A T ’S T H E
think what this means. It shows in a
way the am ount of money tak en from
the farm in g com m unities, because
Nei g hb o r S t a t e Give* W a r n i n g of such com m unities are the larg est
Sad Exper ience.
m ail order patronizers. It shows the
decreased values of the farm in g sec­
In the country correspondence col­ tions in a g larin g way.
um ns this week, one of our corres-
It is everyone's privilege to spend
ondents asks the above question and his m oney w here he pleases, but a t
answ ers it in this w ay: “ Go down to the same tim e teh resid en t should
your local m erchant and pay him five bear in mind th a t if he w ants his
dollars fo r an article when you can com m unity to prosper it is th e money
g et it from the m ail order house for spent a t home th a t will b rin g pros­
th ree. T hat is w hat is the m atter p erity a t home ju s t as it has given
with Idaho.”
prosperity to th e mail o rd er houses.
This correspondent has hit the nail T h a t’s w hat is the m a tte r w ith Idaho
on the head in one respect when he today.— C am bridge N ew s-R eporter.
---------- -------------
explains w hat is the m a tte r with
Idaho. We agree with him th a t the Grcvrkig bison Herds
business being sent to the mail order
Again Problem to U. S.
houses is h u rtin g the country. How­
crack of the
ever, he stretch es the point a good
guns of buffalo hunters, resounding
deal when he says th a t you can get
recently In the fastnesses of the once
fo r th ree dollars from the mail order wild West for the first time In forty
house w hat you pay the local m er­ years Is n rem inder th at the Ameri­
chant five for. If such bargains exist can bison has come to represent n new
we have never heard of them . We problem for the government to solve.
In 1871, in spite of a slaughter esti­
adm it th a t we are not experienced in
mail o rd er house prices as we do not mated at as high as
of a
patronize them , b u t we have given
single wedge-shaped herd moving on a
the subject considerable study and we 25-mile front, with n depth of 50 miles.
find th a t when quality is considered, The number of anim als was estim ated
the home m erchant sells fo r as little at 4,000,000.
or less than the mail order house.W e
It is the almost Incredible tru th thnt
have seen m erchandise from the mail 18 years Inter a census of the conti­
ord er houses th a t a local m erchant nent of North America showed not
would no t pu t on his shelves because more thnn 400 buffalo in a wild state
he knows his tra d e would laugh a t and not more than GOO privately
him if he o ffered it to them a t any
Conservntlonlsts In the United
price. The home m erchant m eets his States and Canada got busy, and the
custom ers face to fa ce; they see w hat government soon established herds on
they are buying and unless it m eets game preserves and passed protective
th eir expectations they refu se it. The laws.
The protected
mail o rd er house can take chances op
its custom ers being satisfied when among the hardiest of wild things, In­
they finally get th e ir order.
I t is creased and multiplied, until todny
they have become a drug on the m ar­
hum an n a tu re to accept the goods ket.
than ra th e r go through with all the
Now the ten herds owned by the
inconvenience of sending the s tu ff United States are growing and over­
back, w ritin g a le tte r and w aiting crowding their range. Most of the
fo r an ad ju stm en t.
Surely, when zoos have been supplied with speci­
people do go to the trouble the mail mens. The numerous privute herds
o rd er house will re fu n d the money, have been enting their owners out of
rnnch and ranch home.
but take into consideration the loss
of tim and inconvenience thus occa­
sioned and see how it com pares with Seek to Make Fish
the advantage of seeing and g ettin g
“Plant” Mussel Beds
ju st w hat you w ant in the firs t place
Muscntlne, Iowa.—A permanent sup
And how does the m ail o rd er busi­ ply of mussel shells, the raw material
ness a ffe c t the sta te of Idaho and its for m anufacturers cf buttons, knife
various com m unities? The resident is handles, buckles nnd other ornamental
com plaining ab o u t the decrease in articles. Is promised by experiments
being conducted nt the United States
farm values, the increase in taxes
biological station nt Falrport, nenr
and the depression generally. Do the here, by Dr. M. M. Kills of the Uni­
mail ord er house help to relieve these versity of Missouri.
conditions, even w ith the g re a t sav­
Mussel beds have been built up In
ings they are presum ed to give? Ab­ the pnst by Inoculating fish with
solutely no t!
Take a farm for in­ glochldlu. the larva of the mussel, nnd
stance. Its value is m easured a great releasing these "host" fish In sections
deal by its proxim ity to a good town of the river most suitnble for mussel
shell production. The glochldin drop
Good tow ns are built up on the busi­ off nnd m ature In three or four years
ness from the farm s, b u t if all thif on the river bed.
business goes to the m ail order house,
Doctor Ellis' experiments seek n
the business houses cease to exist, method of chemlcnlly developing the
the town goes down and so does the larva to n stage where the glochidla
ndght be “plnnted" without the use
value of the farm land.
“host fish,” thus elim inating the
The country finds its taxes increas­
uncertainty ns to where the mussels
ing. W hy? Because property value?
are to I*» grown. Button rankers see in
have decreased and the necessary the process the possibility of develop­
money fo r governm ent m ust be taken ing privately owned and stocked mus­
from the rem aining valuations in a sel beds.
larg e r proportion.
And every tim e
---------- 4 .----------
a business house re tire s from a com­
After robbing her home and eat­
m unity its share of the taxes are sad­ ing a lunch from Mrs. J. R. Kenton’s
dled on the rem aining resident», ice box, a burglar at Evanston, 111.,
farm ers included. Do the mail o r­ left a note saying "your pudding
d er houses help pay the taxes in is lovely.”
Idaho? Ask your assessor and find
out w hat they do not contribute one
Smokers were responsible in 1926,
nickle to help reduce your proportion for approximately 35 per cent of
of taxes.
all man-eftused fore»t fire».
Ge ne ra l
C h a r g e of L a r g e Holding* of
Co mp a ny
It was announced in M edford, Feb
19 by P. O. C raw ford, vice presi­
dent and general m anager of the
C alifornia Oregon Pow er com pany,
th at T. G. B radley, well known m em ­
ber of the Copco organization, has
been prom oted to the position of
g eneral su p erin ten d e n t of the Copco
properties. This move is in line with
a n um ber of changes which have re ­
cently been effected within the power
com pany organization in o rd e r to in­
crease the efficiency of the p resen t
o p erating personnel. It is a n tic ip a t­
ed th a t these changes will produce
tangible resu lts in b e tte r service to
the public by placing the o perating
organization under one head. W ith
this in view a new office, th a t of
general su p erin ten d en t has been
created. Mr. B radley has been with
the com pany and its predecessors
continuously fo r over 22 years witl
a to tal service o f 28 years.
H a t U n u su a l Record.
Mr. B radley first worked fo r the
predecessors of the com pany from
1896 to 1902. D uring this tim e he
ran the pum p which supplied the
town of Y reka w ith w ater and w ork­
ed with the construction forces d u r­
ing the building of the Fall Creek
power p lan t in C alifornia. In the fall
of 1904, Mr. B radley re tu rn e d to
this te rrito ry and was given a job as
an o p erato r a t the Fall C reek plant.
Since th a t tim e he has advanced
steadily. In 1921 he was appointed
su p erin ten d e n t of pow er houses.
D uring the sum m er of 1924 Mr.
B radley had com plete charge of the
co n struction of Line 14— the 110,-
000 volt, 77 mile transm ission line
ex ten d in g from Fall Creek, C alifo r­
nia, to D elta, C alifornia.
D uring
th e sum m er of 1926 Mr. B radley con­
stru cted the new transm ission line
from F all Creek, C alifornia to Klam ­
ath Falls, Oregon.
Mr. B radley’s new duties are m any
and varied. He will have supervision
over all pow er houses, transm ission
lines, all autom obiles and rail equip­
m ent, the M edford m achine shop,
th e construction of new additions to
the electric and w a te r system s o p er­
ated by th e com pany as well as the
reco nstruction of the older portions
of the existing system s and o f the
record d ep a rtm en t which will be re ­
sponsible fo r the local engineering.
M r.B radley’s wide experience quali­
fies him fo r his new position of gen­
eral su p erintendent.
I n v e s t m e n t D e p a r t m e n t Added.
A new d ep artm en t to be known
as the investm ent dep artm en t, has
been created and will be carried on
u n d er the direction of D. G. Tyree.
This d ep a rtm en t will have full sharge
of all m a tte rs p erta in in g to the p re­
fe rred stock of the C alifornia O re­
gon Pow er com pany and will be con­
ducted along the same lines as the
investm ent d ep artm en t of o th er Byl-
pro p erties th ro u g h o u t the
U nited S tates. It will provide facili­
ties fo r custom ers in m aking invest­
m ent selections as well as o fferin g
its services to shareholders desiring
to dispose of th eir stock. My Tyree
has handled several highly successful
p re ferred stock cam paigns fo r the
C alifornia Oregon Pow er com pany
du ring the past th ree years and is
fully capable of assum ing his new
duties as m anager o f the investm ent
d ep artm ent.
----------------- * -----------------
Of great interest to local stock­
holders and customers of the Califor-
nia-Oregon Power company, is the
following item which recently ap­
peared in the January issue of the
Byllesby Monthly News:
0. G. Corns, vice president of the
B. W. Byllesby A company and
sale» manager of the company’»
western office, forecasts a continued
demand for high grade investment
We are informed that in Cam­ sure you put Out the l&tt spark.”
securities during 1927,
Mr. Corn*
bridge within one month after the
The Ashland American telephone
"The twelve month* Ju»t ended bank cloibd, two thousand dollar*
worth of pnsml money orders were
m: r r i« D* Ph^n*1 In n news item
hrtV» j-enLoh!|! shown the hMf
Has an elevation of two thousand
feet; is ideal for to ru ists and trav e l­
The clim ate in nearly ideal; no ex­
trem es of heat or cold; no blizzards
or tornadoes.
Has a bountiful supply of the clear­
est and p u iest w ater to be found any­
Has as its chief sum m er reso rt the
Lake o’ the Woods, a beautiful spot
for cam ping and out-door life.
The new Southern Oregon Normal
boundary of the city.
W ithin a short distance o i wonder­
ful fishing stream s and a n atural
gatew ay to C rater Lake loop, one of
the g re a te st scenic spots in America.
Ashland is noted for its efferves­
cent and healthful I.ithia w ater which
bubbles up constantly through the
rocks of granite.
______ JPL
Send in a news item , o r a com­
m unication or re g u lar correspond­
ence from your com m unity.
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Plan Y our
Spring Printing
Planning your spring printing needs now tends to
greater efficiency in its use and greater economy in
its production.
We are fully equipped to aid you
in this important work. Just give us a ring and we
will be pleased to call at your office.
Ashland American
Phone 95
Shook Block
----- - — -• i .» .id
We Will Welcome You As A Shareholder
Start With $5 a Month
You can become a preferred shareholder
in this company— $5 a month is all you need
to start.
Your investment will be hacked by per­
manent income-producing properties engaged
in useful public service.
You will receive a dividend check reg­
ularly by m a’l every three months.
You can get the facts about this invest­
ment by mail, telephone or a personal call.
You Should K n ow the Facts A bou t I m r: inc.t.
In Our Preferred Shares
P m .
Fall», Rowburg, Oregon,
uir, California.