A SH L A N D A M ERICA N A sh lan d Am erican An Independent Weekly Paper Published at A.hland, Oregon (Successor to the C entral P o in t A merican^______________ PA U L ROBINSON, E d ito r and Publisher Office at .174 East Main S tre e t BU SIN E SS AND N E W S P H O N E 9 5 $2.00 One Year Advertmm; Rate» Given on Application E ntered a t the Postoffic* a' A shland, Oregon, a.« : H a s s M atter, u n d e r the Act of C ongress o f March 3, 1879 JACKSON C O U N T Y ’S W E E K L Y P A P E R Member ST ATI EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION Member NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION FRIDAY, FE B R U A R Y 25, 1927 E D ITO R IAL A to ta lin g up of new names re- ceived this week show th a t the Ash- land A m erican has received, by soli- citors and v o lu n te e r subscriptions, ju s t fifty-seven new subscribers in eight days. The past six weeks the paper has received considerably over fo u r h undre d names. We print twelve h u n d re d papers, which means over th re e th ousa nd readers. All this without prizes, contests or cut rates. The m a n a g e m e n t is very well satis­ fied, in fact, delighted, with the many new subscribers and hundreds of words of encou ra g e m en t coming in every day. And, as Your Paper, we a p p re c ia te all the news items you can give us o r any communications you may send in. It is a community home weekly p a p e r in every sense of the word, no oth e r nmbitions dwell with us. Iu the old phrase of by-gone days, we a re co n te n t with the term " C o u n try W’eekly,” although pub­ lished in a city. cautions, such as keeping physically fit, a re necessary to d e to u r colds, b u t the vast m ajority o f people a re too busy, too careless or too in d if f e r e n t a b o u t th e ir own w elfare to live right, in UNION, T H E R E IS S T R E N G T H Do you visualize, friends, y o u r children with th e ir books u n d e r th e ir arms, gliding o ff to school? T heir dream s of ad v a n c e m en t will have come tru e because of the w onderful ad v a n ta g e s of education given them in this com m unity of yours. Do you realize th a t you are playing a big ro le ; as you have ta x e s to pay to help support the schools of this com m unity? W h e th e r you a r e r e n t ­ ing or owning p ro p e rty you come in fo r y o u r share of the ta x e s and in most cases it is done graciously; but th e re a re some houses o p e ra tin g in your com m unity th a t are n o t p a y ­ ing ta x e s to help educ a te y o u r chil­ dren. These are the d if f e r e n t mail orde r houses who a re o p e ra tin g in your m idst and paying ta x e s only where the main office is located. N ot only that, b u t the moneys so cheerfully taken in, a re system atic­ ally sent to th e ir repsective head o f­ fices and are gone from y o u r sight forever, with no chance of g e ttin g in circulation in y o u r com m unity. Kindly think this over, and if you can possibly feel th a t the in depend­ e n t m e rc h a n t is your closest friend, then th e re a re many good ways of showing y o u r appreciation for him. On these pages a r e m any extrn special buys in most every line of merchandise. The c u sto m e r must co­ operate with the m e rc h a n t if the com m unity wishes to prosper. Mer­ chants and custom ers will have a happier and more helpful a ttitu d e tow ard one a n o th e r if they realize this. Let's lend a hand to one a n ­ o th e r in ou r daily toil of life. L e t’s co-operate in this com m unity nnd live. Oregon is to hnve a special election in June , the voters called on to e x­ press th e ir approval or disapproval for a sta te income tax. This ques­ tion ought to be farily well u n d e r ­ stood by many voters as it has been up twice before. A g re a t per cent of the voters failed to go to the poles the lust election, und the aim of the special election is to get as many opinions as possible, as it effects every tax payer and laboring man in the s ta te — everyone with nn income. On nccount of financial conditions of the state and on nccount of the s ta te adm inistration being of d if­ f e r e n t political faith since the ques­ tion was voted on before, many have fa ith and hope tha t the bill will c a rry this time. Hut, one never can tell. "Special elections,” as n rule do n ’t g e t the vote out thnt r e g u la r elec­ tions do. And we will find a g re a t m any who do n ’t like the term " i n ­ come ta x ." It hurts and it is incon­ venient and it is poor ad v e rtisin g to th e state. All these things have been talked of before. C onsequently we would dislike to predict th a t the new L e t’s live fo r a day ns we ought to live. income tax law is going to ca rry by And give ou r tithes ns we ought any g re a t m ajority. Many things to give; r a n happen between now nnd next L e t’s sing o u r songs ns we ought to J u n e and many opinions can be sing. sw ayed one way or the other. Any And cling to t r u th ns we ought to tnx is disagreeable. cling. aye d id n ’t rite sooner is because ye moved from vere ye vere to vere ye are now aye sckol tell you th e sad news, y u r uncle O be rt whom yu loved so good is ded. He died very sudden a f t e r being sick a b o u t six months. Hope this le tte r finds yu the same. Ve d o n ’t know th e cause of his d e a th b u t he ju s t lay down and d e r vind leaked out o f him y o u r A u n t Pauline is been dead too. D er Doc­ to r gived up all hope ven she died. Y our old frend Jo h n Jacobson vas held up and killed f o r his money. He was lucky as he le f t all his money home so all he lost vas his life. Ole S tenhagen fell in th e river and vas drounded. S om ething happened to him last summer. Ve all got d e r mumps and are having a swell time. I am sending yu the suit case vit the coat by express. Aye have c u t o f f the b u tto n s of the coat and yu vill find dem in de pocket so as to save express charges. I also put the straps on the suit case inside to save more charges. Aye haf no more to say. Aye vill close. If you dont git dis le tte r rite and tel me a t vonce and aye vill rite yu a n o d e r vun. y u r Lovin B rodder Pete, C ontributed. ly- the “ Color of e y e s ? ” " E r — average. I expe c t.” "D o you know how she was dres- ed?” “ I expect she wore h e r coat and hat. She took the dog w ith h e r .” " W h a t kind of a d o g ? ” " B rin d le bull te r r ie r , w eight f o u r ­ te e n and a half pounds, f o u r dark blotches on his body, shading from g ra y to white. Round, blackish spot over th e le f t eye, white stu b tail, --------- * ----»----- In Shall bay, m ade shallow by a J a p a n e s e e a r th q u a k e , 130 whales were le ft stra n d e d by th e re c e d in g tide and cap tu re d . Mrs. A n n a Lasezekski o f T re n to n , N. J., is suing her h u sb a n d f o r $10,- 000, alleging th a t his c a re le ss d riv ­ ing caused h e r in ju ry in a n a u to m o ­ bile accident. LADIES Remember that Franklin’s V/> loaf is now a full Milk Bread, the only Milk bread made in Southern Oregon. Electrically baked in the best equipped and cleanest shop in this part of the state Franklin Bakery --------- * --------- M an U ses V icar's Phone to P lace B et on H orses London.—Itev. George Potter, vicar of St. Chrysostom’s, Peckhuin, who hns always permitted nil of his 8,000 parishioners to use his telephone, has announced that he will censor all calls In tho future. He declared youths’ lengthy calls to girl friends and “delayed nt the of­ fice" calls cannot be permitted from his home. “One man came In recently," h-> said, “and asked if he might use the phone. He colled Ids bookmaker and asked him to ‘put $1.25 each way on that horse.’ ” N O T IC E The Eagles’ Hall, 3rd Floor, Medford Building, Medford is under new management on Friday nights and is putting on a series of Friday Nite Jazz Dances. M usic by th e M étropole O rc h e stra A d m issio n 10c; D ance T ick ets 75c “Everybody Welcome” Latest Fad Pittsfield, Mass.—The latest fad for girls Is to take n stroll with a hopping white rabbit held by a leash. Worst Lie Oxford, England.—The worst He, In opinion of Gilbert K. Chesterton, Is that an American worships money. THIS IS WONDERfU1* cu n ‘S leeping-C ar S irens' B ilk A m erican T ourists London.—Sleeplng-cnr sirens are a menace to travelers in some parts of Europe. Wealthy Americans are said to be fre­ quently ihelr victims. Good looks, beuutiful clothes, a mixture of tears nnd coquetry, a curd case containing names of famous persons of Europe nnd n tearful tule of a lost purse or railway ticket enable these ad venturesses to extract large sums of money from male travelers. Yugo slav police recently ar rested n young woman of tw en­ ty-four who for the last three years has been levying toll from wealthy travelers on the famous Simplon Express, which rushes across the continent from Paris to Constantinople. Man’» Be»» Friend. He dashed into the police station L e t’s toil nlong as we ought to toil. nt midnight, explaining thnt his wife THE HIGH COST OF COLDS bad been missing since eight o ’clock In office, fnctory, shop or soil. To live this way nnd co-operate, we tha t m o rn in g nnd nsking th a t search could E stim ating the high cost of colds A heaven mnke of Ashland, if we hns been one of the fa v o rite indoor would. pastimes of statisti ¡Hns. nnd it hns been figured with com p a ra tiv e a c ­ L et’s live fo r n day ns we ought to f ^ curacy tha t 100,000,000 pronounced live, cases of colds exist each y e a r with a L et’s stop fa u lt-fin d in g nnd others 1927 A Y arch 19 27 loss re sulting through absence from V s K« » I » S A l fat fo rg iv e ; • » work alone nt one billion dollars. 1 2 3 5 4 l nloose o u r tr n s u r e ’s kindness nnd 6 7 Some may doubt the accuracy of 5 o to 11 12 smiles 13 14 15 16 17 ID IO these figures, hut the fact rem ains And sunshine ndd to the w o rld ’s 20 21 2 2 23 24 25 26 th a t the common cold is one of the ’otig miles. f 27 25 29 30 31 most expensive luxuries of this super hented shut-in age. Lot’» help n u t 1 «others their burdens It hns been determ ined th a t sick­ to b-’nr, ness in general is responsible for at L e t’s nlso p r a y — we hnve need for least nine times ns much absence in prayers. industrial concern.» as accidents, and To live this way and co-operate we colds nre frequently the beginning of could, more serious bodily ailments. A heaven make of Ashland if we A cold is always a th r e a t, no m a t­ would. te r how inconsequential, but people T h e rea so n w hy it paya to have a habit of giving one no serious a tte ntion. " I ’ll wear it o u t," they say. IF YOU DON’T GIT DIS LETTER resu lts you o b ta in th ro u g h r a d sometimes it wears them out. A RITE AND TELL ME— PETE i ommon cold is usually one o f the u ip p ed w ith cuts, copy a n d r»t svmntoms of pneum onia, which (Aye just get a letter from my Is fa ta l to on# out of every f out or brodder in der old country. Aye can five p#opl# who get It keer it only two dsyt longer as it Of four##, everyone with • spark «vs return in five days. Yimr- of Intelligence knows how colds may wh!i, he had mad# It so close to the '■o «voided. Thev know proper diet thnt nvn can read it hardly,) M'ilUtlMi, ventilation and nthr# prr- , Dear Brodder !h»»id! Der re*» ,** th re e w hite legs and r ig h t f r o n t leg A small se r­ brindled, all but th e toes. nick in the le ft ea r, a silve r lined collar, w ith ”— " T h a t ’ll d o !” g asped th e se rg e a n t. "W eig h t?” “ W e ’ll find th e d o g .”— M y rtle C reek The husband shook his head v a g u e ­ Mail. be m ade f o r her. " H e r de sc ription,” said ge a n t. “ H e ig h t? ” “ I— I d o n ’t k now !" m is t e r / Perhaps More Than You Realize Y ou d e p e n d u p o n th e b a tte ry in your car much m ore th a n you re a liz e . W ith o u t its ever-ready response to y o u r d e m a n d s d riv in g w ould be far from the p le a ­ su re it is. W e a re e q u ip p e d to keep your B attery a t th e to p service mark. DRIVE IN Auto Electric Garage Phone 127 East Main I T heresa Reason for EVERYTHING p la n your sp rin g a d v ertisin g early is the increased h a v in g a d e fin ite o U lin e to follow. \ y e are su g g estio n sto aid you in this important w-,'- A sh la n d America! VV> 4