ASH LAN D AM E RIC AN Eleven feet o f snow at the rim ■ The Ashland junior hitch basket* o f ( rater Lake. ball team lost in last Friday nights game with the Eugene junior high. Ed. Bell and Wilbur Chapman The score was 12 to 6. have returned from a California tour. J. B. Thomas o f this city has been Miss Gertrude Ahlstrom visited in spending several days at Chico, Cal., Dunsmuir last week. looking after business affairs. He returned home Friday. R. R. Backers returned Sunday from a business trip to Los Angeles. W’ ayne Hill o f Ashland refereed — Valentine Candy C A N D YLAN D . in the basketball game at Phoenix on Boxes at last Friday evening, when Talent F 4-11 won over Phoenix, 14 to 10. Mrs. Wilson has returned from a Mrs. Sun Morris of Ashland visit­ visit in Portland. ed at Talent on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Eli Patterson and Mrs. The East Side Pharmncy is dis­ Will Ferns. playing a line o f Valentines. Mrs. Rnmyond Ruger o f Duns­ The Franklin Bakery will have muir, California, is in Ashland visit- pastries for Valentine parties. ing at thè homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ruger on Alida Street. — Valentines and greeting cards Miss Nona Hall and her mother of at Bolton’s drug store— lylv. 422 B St. are going soon to Oakland for Business will be rotten, if every­ a month’s visit, hoping that Mother body continually talks slow business. Hall’s health may receive benefit thereby. — Make her Valentine a Box o f Candy from C A N D YLAN D . F 4-11 — Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Provost have returned from a visit in southern California. i I Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lee are new­ comers, seeking the benefits o f Ash­ land’s healthful climate. They have apartments at the Porter home, 526 East Main. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hatch, Miss Mrs. Rester Gande o f Dunsmuir Salvoria Hatch and Mr. Adams spent a few days this week with Ash­ motored to Trail last Sunday after­ land friends. noon to attend church services there, J. M. Bowers o f the Ashland Miss Hatch singing at the service. creamery was a San Francisco visitor this week. Haven’t read any clothing ads o f local firms, but in other town ads, J. E. Haney o f Talent was a busi­ one recently told o f knee pants for ness visitor in Douglas county the men coming into style. We won’t wear them. first o f last week. Harold Lloyd in“ The Kid Brother,’ Mrs. Clara Foster was visiting drew large houses, this week, at the with Mrs. Mary Cole of A St. one Vining heatre. It is a clean, laugh- day last week. provoking comedy, good for the Mrs. W. C. Baldwin moved from blues. California Street to last week. Dunsmuir this Corvallis where he assisted with the think o f what He Yiught do t<> us if A N a tu ra l D e d u c tio n . examinations given to students in He wanted to. ----------* ---------- pharmacy at the state agricultural There was great excitement in the college. Jones home out on Long Islund. A H e K n e w Hi» P la c e . real lord was paying them a visit. He John H. Fuller was a week-end Autoist— “ Where do you get auto was now sitting at the dinner-table visitor in town, having come down parts around here.” and Mrs. Jones fluttered as she urged from Grants Pass, where he was in Native— “ At the railroad crosing.” My Lord to eat this and that. attendance at the jubilee banquet. ------------------------- * 1 * ------------------------- Mr. Jones, swollen with a sense of Mr. Fuller has been spending some the great honor bestowed upon his L et th e Illu sio n L ive. time in attendance at the legisla­ household, began each sentence, and tive session in Salem. Helen— “ He thinks I am the nicest ended it in the same way with a girl in town. Shall I ask him to worshipful, not to say reverential, air. Born— to the w ife o f Frank Bes- call?” wick on East Main St., an 8-lb. boy on Mother— “ No, dear; let him keep As a special privilege— thinking January 26. Mr. and Mrs. Beswick on thinking so.” that he might talk about his maturer are much pleased with the small years— little Willie Jones, aged five, . --------------------- * ------- visitor, this being their first son. had been permitted to attend the S ta tic a n d In te rfe re n c e . function on condition that he refrain Mrs. Katherine Morrison, who has Judge— “ Why can’t you two set­ from talking unless spoken to. Mind- been so seriously ill, was recently tle this thing out o f court?” rul o f this pledge', the little fellow moved from her home to the Moor Mike and Pat— “ W e’ve tried to, sat in silence, his large round eyes residence in the north part of town, but the police always stop us,” fixed in a stare upon the face and ______ »%______ form o f the stranger. where Mrs. Mabel Moor is caring for it her. But, when he saw the visitor’s eye L o rd B less H e r. roaming1 hither and yon across the Faye Tate, who has been employed Mamie, new autoist, at filling sta­ laden table as though seeking some­ since October in the local Twentieth tion— “ A quart of red oil, please.” thing, an innate sense o f hospitality Century store, left Tuesday with moved him to speak. Attendant— “ Rpd oil?” Mrs. Tate for Eugene where they “ Mom! Oh. mom!” said W’ illie. Mamie— “ Sure, my tail light is out will make their future home. Hugh “ What is it, W illie?” asked his Hinson o f Ashland has taken his She; “ The Lord made us beautiful mother. place in the store. and dumb.” “ God wants a pickle.” ---------------- * ---------------- He: “ How’s that?” Mrs. R. King, who lives on route Oregon Need* No State Income Tax. She: “ Beautiful so the men would one, while shopping in Ashland Sat­ love us— and dumb so we could love Oregon needs no state income tax, urday, stopped in the American o f­ them.” no tax on tangibles, on gross earn­ fice to congratulate the force on the ------------- * ------------- ings, on excess profits or other new new weekly paper. Mrs. King also “ Since I bought a car I don’t have sources o f revenue to meet the fin­ left the subscription price for the to walk to the bank to make my ancial situation, in the opinion o f paper for a year. deposits.” Governor Patterson. All that is neces “ Ah, you ride there.” sary, in the governor’s belief, is for Last Saturday night Mt. Shasta “ No, I don’t have any.” the ways and means committee to cut high school visited some of the stu­ --------- * --------- deeply, holding down appropriations dents o f the Ashland high school. Mike: “ Is your brother a musi­ and to pass an act by which 5 per While here part o f the evenings pro­ cian V» cent o f the receipts of all boards and gram was devoted to basketball. It Ike: “ Is he?— why at the age of commissions shall go into the general was a hotly contested game and the three he played on the linoleum.” fund. visitors went home elated over a ---------------- * ---------------- ---------------- * ---------------- victory won from Ashland. The Ashland American telephone Got anything to o ffer Saturday? number is 95. Phone in a news item Tell of it in The Ashland American The Misses Mary Galey and Marie Davies were hostesses at a large dancing party Friday night given in the ballroom of the Lithia Springs hotel. About eighty guests attended. Music during the evening was fur­ WERE N O T SAT/SF/EO U N E ESS Y OU A RE nished by piano and orthophonk phonograph. During the evening __ o n e 4-74- € 2 4 RIVERSIDE ST punch was served. A ll those who at­ tended spent an unusually enjoy­ MEDFORD, OREGON able evening. W. H. McNair, druggist o f Ash­ The executive board o f the Cra­ land was a visitor in Portland the latter part o f last week and while at ter Lake union o f Christian Endeav­ Mrs. Niece, who has been quite sick the past two weeks, is reported the metropolis was a guest at the or societies met in Ashland on Sun­ day afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Seward hotel. about the same at this writing. Max Dement at 502 Fairview street. Oscar Brown, 90, died in Ashland The session was fairly well attended Miss Leila Cartlon o f Medford spent Sunday with her parents on last Saturday at the W. A. Shell and the time was given over to re­ home on Granite avenue. The body ports from the various district o ffi­ Union street. A fter was shipped to Portland for burial. cers and society presidents. the business session, Mrs. Dement The deceased had no relatives here. Floyd Putman o f Beach street was served refreshments to the group. a business visitor in Klamath Falls I,. H. Gallatin o f fthe Valley View recently. district was a pleasant caller Mon­ Mrs. Frank Jordan and Mrs. L. A. One o f the wisest bills introduced day morning. Mr. Gallatin is presi­ Roberts were hostesses at the meet­ in the legislature is that to elimin­ dent o f the Valley View school ing o f the Past Matron’s club of board and an extensive poultry raiser Alpha chapter, No. 1, O. E. S., on ate the voters’ pamphlet. Wednesday evening of last week at Mr. and Mrs. W. Martineau of the Roberts home on Church street. Thomas Edison, like many others, will have a birthday this month. Feb­ Gold Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D. Mrs. S. A. Peters, Sr., who served as White and Henry Ray o f Medford, past matron for the year past, was ruary 11. Edison will be eighty. were Ashland visitors Sunday, calling initiated into the club. A fte r the initiation, refreshments were served Mrs. Cedric Myer, who has been on Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robinson. from a table which bore a beautiful visiting in Astoria and Seattle re­ Mrs. C. L. Cowan o f route one, birthday cake in honor o f Mrs. turned to Ashland on Friday. visited the American office while Peters’ birthday. « Dr. Mattie B. Shaw recently made shopping in Ashland Saturday. The Ashland’s Music Study club met a visit o f a few days with relatives Cowans are regular readers o f the weekly paper. in the parlors o f the Presbyterian and friends at Fresno, Cal. church on Monday evening. The sub­ E. C. Faber, merchant o f Cen ject for the evening’s study was in Mrs. George Perkins and Miss Mildred Jones o f Wagner creek were trai Point and Butte Falls, and who charge o f Mrs. John Fuller, who pre­ is establishing another store at sented the “ Founders o f American visitors in Ashland on Wednesday. Eagle Point, was transacting busi­ Music,” and gave a sketch o f Dudley Buck. Miss Leona Marsters reviewed Mrs. Myrtle Spaulding of East ness in Ashland Monday. an article on “ The rise o f organ Main St. was a dinner guest at the Mrs. Hugh T. H. B. Carter, the dairyman, called music in America.” J. II. Monroe home o f Monrovia to wish us success and express a wel­ Mitchelmore read an interesting and Ranch one day last week. come, leaving an order for a nice instructive article on “ Mr. Damrosch The Berean class o f Christian bunch o f job work and a years sub­ and American Music.’ Sketches of other early American writers were church held a class meeting at the scription. given by Mrs. H. S. Aikens, Berna Dr. Burdis home on High St. recent­ Mrs. Reachert o f the Valley View Haight, Mrs. F. L. Putnam and Mrs. ly. community was a pleasant caller at J. H. Fuller. Mrs. Lou Hansen sang The James Morgan family, who the Ashland American office last Dudley Buck’s “ Fear Ye Not, O formerly lived in Ashland, recently Friday, giving us some news pertain­ Israel.” and Mrs. H. C. Beebe gave moved from Marshfield to North ing to the road work and progress in two very splendid piano numbers. Miss Imogeen W’allace played “ Sar- ier district of route two. Bend. abande,’ by Arthur Whiting as the C. B. Haney and wife were visit- If you desire more business, re­ closing number o f the evening. --------- * --------- ing in Rosehurg and Drain during newed friends, lasting results, con­ Down at Camp Taylor in the early stant advertising in the Ashland Am ­ the past week, returning home on days o f la guerre, a colored outfit, erican, the peoples paper. They get Friday. newly arrived, was lined up before it Fridays. the clerk for preliminary paper work. W. II. Day was among the many "Name and address,” demanded Charles Weis, who lives on Ohio callers to wish us well the first o f the week. Mr. Day is clerk of the street, was among the many callers the clerk o f one husky recruit. “ Huh?” and new subscribers this week. Mr. local lodge o f Woodmen. "W hat’s your name and address?” Weis tells us he plans to visit north­ “ Lordy, suh,” replied the John, ern Missouri this spring, where he 1 lie Auto Electric Garage is busy ” yo’ ought to know.Yo’ sent to ' me.” has a brother and si; ter. liar;; n,; radio batteries, as the pro- ------------ + ------------ >ams have Wen coming in very God is certainly good, for just W. II. McNair has returned from aid lately. LADIES Remember that Franklin’s V /2 loaf is now a full Milk Bread, the only Milk bread made in Southern Oregon. Electrically baked in the best equipped and cleanest shop in this part of the state Franklin Bakery * ir ifnr rmr rmr w r nur tibt nur nur nur nur ■»mr nur nur nur nur nirr nur nur mrr rmr nur nur nur nur nur We Help You to Select the Paper When you come here to buy job printing, we want you to take advantage of our experience in the selection of the paper used. As you realize, the choice of paper may make or ruin a piece of printing. The Ashland American D ocs S u p e rio r W o rk . P h ^ n e 0 5 o r Call • L ABA i M • M t J a »J U AM J M IM A A B A A B A A B A A B A A B » -AB A A m » »B / AMA A M » A M * AMA A l i AM A » A-