ASHLAND AM ERICAN T aient T opics That Tell Tale Elvis C ochrane, W ill Jacobs and E v e re tt Boone w ent to H ornbrook last S atu rd ay evening w here they furnished music fo r a dance. Mrs. E v erette Boone and children w ent to H ilt on No. 13 last S atu rd ay w here she visited frie n d s re tu rn in g home Sunday afternoon. John D. C aster, who has been spending several m onths in Los Angeles, re tu rn e d home last S a tu r­ day. Mrs. Ross of D unsm uir, C alif., a r ­ rived last F riday evening fo r a visit with h er brother, L. C. D rake, re ­ tu rn in g to D unsm uir on S aturday. Mrs. Louis Brown and Russell and B etty w ere visitors a t the home of Mrs. Ben Bayliss in A shland last S aturday. Mrs. E rn e st Purvis and children re tu rn e d last S atu rd ay from San Francisco, where she has been visit­ ing her m other fo r several m onths. Miss H arper, who has been visit­ ing her sister, Mrs. K. K runkler, le ft Monday fo r her home in Redding, C alifornia. The K runklers recently bought a 20-acre tru ct of Dr. C. W. M cFadden. Mrs. Will Gleims w ent to the Ashland hospital T uesday fo r tr e a t­ m ent and observation. Misses Lis Joy H anson, Louise Scroggins, Gladys Rice, M argaret H am m erbacker, P atricia Gale, B etty Brown and R uth Brown, all Ashland norm al students, w ere hostesses last S atu rd ay evening a t an inform al p arty given a t the com m unity club room s in T alent, h o noring B ently P ritch ard of the navy service, San Diego, who is visiting in Ashland. A bout tw enty were presen t, and all enjoyed a m erry evening. D ainty re ­ fresh m ents w ere served by the host­ esses, assisted by M csdamcs Bowman and Brown. Monday night the cam p fire girls celebrated the birthdays of fo u r of th e ir n um ber w ith a p a rty in Miss G enaw ay’s ap artm en ts. The evening sp en t pleasantly in playing gam es, was all too short to the m any girls , who attended. A t a late hour cof­ fee with Welsh ra re b it on crackers was served. Mrs. Leonard O orthuys o f “ IIol- lan d ale” en tertain ed C larence llold- ridge, F rank Denham, Mr. and Mrs. J . F. D itsw orth and Mr. and Mrs. I). O. H urley fo r d in n er Sunday, J a n u a ry 23. Among those in M edford S a tu r­ day w ere Mr. and Mrs. J. H. C raw ­ ford, Miss Emma C raw ford, Mr. Win. P etrie and M argaret. Mr. and Mrs. Acel Beckwith moved up to Jam es McDowell’s place on A nderson creek T uesday where Mr. Beckwith has work. A. H. Davenhill and Carl Glasgow o f T alen t w ere business visitors in M edford last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Bullen of Ash­ land have bought the Shell service station of C. C. Bond and took possession T uesday m orning. Mr. Bullen has been in the navy service, stationed a t F o rt Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Brown, who have been spending the w in ter in San Diego, spent Tuesday in T alent and w ere din n er guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bond. They le ft fo r P o rt­ land on W ednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Brown w ere form erly in the general m ercantile business here. C harles P etrie, who works on Ash­ land Tidings force is home, sick with measles. Mrs. Sun M orris of Ashland visited W ednesday o-f last week a t the home o f Mrs. Ella P atterso n and Mrs. Will Ferns. Mrs. George P erkins and Mildred Jo n es o f W’ag n er creek visited in Ashland last week. Ed O stendorf of P ortland called on his old friends, en ro u te to Klam­ a th Falls, w here he will take over the Dodge agency. His fam ily expect to move to Klam ath Falls in F ebruary. Misses Blanche W iard and Mary Adamson of Ashland high visited T ale n t schools last Friday. Mrs. T hatcher of the N azarene church in Ashland, preached a t T alen t M. E. church last Sunday m orning. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. V im ont are both ill this week. Miss A nna Evans will be hostess to th e Queen E sther circle this F ri­ day evening. The S tacker fam ily, who have been living in the Boone house, have . moved into Earl W itherow ’s house n ev t to the b arb er shop. A. T. Edm unson of Salem, who has been spending several davs visit­ ing his fam ily here, re tu rn ed to his week in So'em last Sunday afternoon. T alent high played basketball with Sam s Valiev high at the Phoenix gym last F rid ay 'ev en in g . w inning by a score of 1 6 to 12. '1 alent town team also nlayed a pick-up team from Sams Valley the same evening, win­ ning by a score of 14 to X. The line n r of town team was Civile Purvis, Billv Ontmnn K enneth Pellets. Bu­ ford C hiller« and F lv ’s Coehraoe. E arle N ew brv a m em ber o f the •«•bool board, v is ite d hig h «ebnol m orning and the grades in this Friday evening. A nyone in te re st­ ed in the industry is invited to a t ­ tend. A table show and fu r dem on­ stratio n will be held, also an e n te r­ tainm ent and light refreshm ents. C allers a t the Sun Gold ra b b itry the past week w ere Mr. and Mrs. An­ derson. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. M ary C levenger of M edford, Dr. M iller of Phoenix. Ray Spencer of P rospect and Mr. Morse of Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Larson spent the week-end a t B utte Fulls with Mrs. L arson’s p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mahoney. Mrs. R. Larson was in M edford Monday to see her nephew, Glen A lberts of B utte Falls, who is seri­ ously ill a t the Sacred H eart hospital with pneum onia. P rin. W hitm an of Phoenix was a d in n er guest Tuesday evening a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Larsen. Mrs. B. N. Sandlin is able to be about again a f te r a two w eek’s ill­ ness. Send in your subscription to the Ashland A m erican fo r a year. Max Bowman, C arl Melon, Acel Beckwith, Ed Jacobs, Geo. Clinton and John C astor atten d e d the Modern Woodmen m eeting in Ashland last S aturday night. The T alent team helped pu t on the degrees. Mrs. C lair G raham is on the sick list this week. Mrs. I. C. W illiam s and Mrs. Acel Beckwith visited in A shland T hurs­ day of last week with Mrs. R uth Reed Mr. and Mrs. C. G raham o f F ern valley visited Mrs. G raham ’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H u b a rtt, Monday aftern o o n . ---------------- * ---------------- ® ----------------------------------------------- O VALLEY VIEW $ ----------------------------------------------- © F reda H eryford of B u tte Falls was the guest e f O rpha A rnold last week. Mr. and Mrs. John A rnold were d in n er guests of A lbert A rnold and fam ily last T hursday evening. Mrs. M orris Jo n es has sufficiently recovered to re tu rn to h er home in T alen t last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. C haney w ere d in n er guests o f Mr. and Mrs. J. R. M cCracken Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Lennox and son, Keith,, enjoyed S unday din n er w ith H enry C a rte r and fam ily of Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. H arry W eagant, Ray and Paul H endrickson and Mabel R eaehert and m other w ere “ listen- ers-in” on the radio a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Lennox S atu rd ay evening. Bob W agner re tu rn ed last F riday from a w eek’s trip to C alifornia. E rn est Howell and Dan T aylor of K lam ath Falls w ere visitors a t the Fred G arle home recently. The approach of spring seems to bring the spirit of im provem ent ab o u t the com m unity. Bog W agner has b uilt a new porch ami a pump are each building new brooder houses. J. II. Morse and R. N. C haney the school yard fence has been re ­ paired and L. II. G allatin has been doing some extensive fence building. We hope th a t the m eeting held a t the school house last W ednesday evening atten d e d by a com m ittee of the Ashland cham ber of com m erce and several fa rm e rs of V alley View will be productive of g io d fru it. Loyal co-operation betw een business people and those of the surrounding com m unity would re su lt in good to both. Mrs. K enneth L ansing arrived T uesday evening from P o rtlan d fo r a visit with her p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Lennox. Home Notes S pring is arriv in g and sp ring goods a re beginning to be displayed. You will w ant to h ear Rev. E u­ banks, a m issionary recen tly from China, a t the B aptist church this Sunday m orning. J. M. W atkins o f 72 L aurel St., le ft Jan . 26 fo r a th ree w eeks’ stay in Miami, Florida, w here he will look a f te r business in terests. Mrs. E. Yockey, who has been quite sick a t her home in this city, is about the sam e. A host of friends hope fo r an im provem ent in her health. — W anted, acreag e in or n ear Ashland o r M edford to exchange for C alifornia or W illam ette valley prop­ erty. Brown and Rice, 63 N. Main St. Ashland. 421 Mrs. C ora A. Gleim of T alent died a t the M edford hospital Feb. 2. Mrs. Gleim was a d au g h ter of Mrs. Annie Hensley of this city. The fu n eral will be a t T alen t tom orrow at 2 :30. This (F rid ay ) night the Ashland norm al will m eet th e O. A. C. rook team in a re tu rn gam e of b ask et­ ball, a t which tim e they will try to even up the gam es. It prem ises to be a hard fou g h t and speedy gam e. Mrs. C. F. I.ilton, Mrs. Wm. Myer, Mrs. Vina D ecker and Mrs. H arris Dean atten d e d a m eeting of the C ounty H ealth association held at the home of Mrs. E. H. Jan n e y in M edford W’ednesday aftern o o n , F eb ru ary 2. The ru ral ro u te road known as the Ashland mine road is rep o rted not in the best of trav e l condition and P ostm aster F. D. W’ag n e r has called atten tio n o f th e fa ct to the city council, who have re fe rre d the m at­ te r to the s tre e t com m ittee fo r in­ vestigation. The Golden R ule store, as our m any ro u te and com m unity read ers will notice, is celeb ratin g th eir fifth anniverary. The Golden Rule is al­ ways an a ttra c tiv e shopping cen ter and progressive. M any will find th at it will pay to visit them now d uring th eir anniversary. Ashland has m any citizens form ­ erly from K ansas and this week we have visitors from Ness City, in the Sun flow er state, a t the J. C. Hop­ per home. Mr. H opper, vice-presi­ d ent of the S ta te bank, is also from Kansas and his visitors, W. A. Owens and sons, declare th eir in tentions of re tu rn in g here to m ake a home. Many in Ashlnnd listened over the radio to G overnor P a tte rso n ’s tax ad ­ dress to the L egislature W ednesday evening. “ Tax on m oney is th e only way out of th e s ta te ’s financial tro u b le,” was the solution suggested by the governor. A g rad u ated income tax seems to be th e answ er. The legislature is w restling w ith the problem and a happy solution is hoped for. ---------------- * ---------------- ® -----------------------------------.----------- £ F riends and m em bers of the Jack - son C ounty Public H ealth association m ay co n g ratu late each o th e r ,and fellow w orkers th ro u g h o u t Oregon th a t the appropriation fo r the bureau or n ursing has been re-in stated in the budget of the state board of health. C ongratulations should also be extended to the m em bers of the ways and m eans com m ittee who gave this subject due consideration when they w ere appealed to with hundreds o f le tte rs and telegram s from citi­ ---------------- * ---------------- zens all over the state. ■J----------------------------------------------- 0 H ealth boosters are now asked to w rite o r wire the ways and m eans BELLVIEW com m ittee a t once to ap p ro p riate $220,250 to supplem ent th e $100,- The m eeting of the Bellview 000 carried in the original m easure Telephone com pany last week re su lt­ creatin g the E astern O regon tu b e r­ ed in the election o f the follow ing culosis hospital. This to tal am o u n t of $320,250 will build the hospital and o ffic ers: P resident, F. C. H om es; cover all costs to Dec. 31, 1028 and secretary - tre a su re r, A. C. Jo y ; provides fo r 80 beds. T here are 3,- 700 active cases of tu berculosis in trouble m an, B ert Peachy. R ehearsals fo r the play a t Bell­ Oregon, but only 225 hospital beds fo r those who can not pay fo r p rivate view are being held nightly now at _ care. T here are no beds in E astern the club house. E everything points i O regon so the one tu b erculosis hos- to its u ltim ate success and th e pub­ | pital in Salem has a w aitin g list of 56 today which does not include 100 lic m ay be assured of som ething m ore who would apply if th ere were w orthw hile on the nights o f its pres­ any chance to get in. This m eans th a t patients w ait from th ree to five en tatio n , F eb ru ary 17 and 18. Mrs. Susanne Hom es C arter, m onths in th eir homes o r cheap lodg­ ing houses a fte r they a re serious county school su p erin ten d en t, who enough to have asked perm ission to bus been ill nt h er home in Jackson­ e n te r a state institution. O f course ville is rep o rted as very much b et­ they are receiving care from the county nurses who trav el any dis­ te r today. tance to look a fte r these p atien ts and The P.-T. A., o f Beilvlew are even answ er em ergency cal is a t giving a cooked food sale S atu rd ay night to assist during a hem orrhage or to place them , in a local hospital at H ardy Bros, store. with funds from the C hristm as seals ---------- * ---------- More than 60 per cen t of those sick ----------* ---------- with tuberculosis are young people ju st en terin g upon th e ir period of An d They W a n t More Pay. L egislatures pro b a bly deserve g re a te st usefulness to th e ir fam ilies end to the state, so to give them m ore pay, but of all the bills they adequate hospital care is not only a im agine they m ust introduce, we ex­ hum anitarian m easure b u t a paying pect the m easure to be a t least sen­ investm ent. W rite or wire y o u r sup­ port to m em bers of th e leg islature sible. One L egislator Pierce, of and the ways and m eans com m ittee. Coos and C urry counties, has in tro ­ duced a bill pvtending from m idnight to 3 a. m. the tim e lim it fo r dancing. Ye Gods ami little fishes; ca n ’t our legs get tired enough by m idnight. 5^- p to ; • * >• j i' A fS ” r % f --------------+ -------------: VINING "PI i eci tre Saturday, February 5 “THE BUCKAROO KID” with Hoot Gibson as a breezy cowboy who knows his stuff. * Sunday and Monday, February 6 and 7 “BLONDE OR BRUNETTE” Adolph Menjou is forced to choose between the two opposites. How he does it makes an amusing story. Tuesday and Wednesday, February 8 and 9 “WHILE LONDON SLEEPS” —a different story for Rin-Tin-Tin, affording him an opportunity to demonstrate his marvelous powers as a detective. Thursday and Friday, February 10 and 11 “PARADISE FOR TWO” with Richard Dix as a rich young Bachelor, not wanting a wife, but a wife must be found for business reasons. w here now they have a com plete lay­ o u t w here com plete b an q u ets can be served. Six ladies of th e auxiliary came down a t 11 a. m. to p re p are a lunch in th e club room s fo r ¡the toilers, and as they were handicapped fo r a place and way of serving the to ilers expected no m ore than a little lunch, but w hat a surprise when they called chow. Roast chicken ’neverytliing. The foods w ere all cooked hot at noon and brought down a t th e last m inute and hot co ffe and tea was served from elec­ tric percolators. Leave it to the ladies to fig u re out an ea tin g proposition. God bless ’em! P ost 14 is indebted to Mr. F ran k Jo rd a n of the Jo rd an cab in et works on Oak s tre e t for the donation of a large stro n g window fram e. N ext Sunday will see the kitchen in all its beauty fo r then it will be com pleted, plum bing und all. Ashland post has a busy program m apped o u t fo r 1927. Its an nual show within the n ex t fo rty-five days th e com m unity w elfare program for A shland, the state convention a t La G rande, the n ational convention in P aris, a n o th e r show la te r in the year and m any social night through out the year. The books of the A m erican Legion are alw ays open fo r new m em bers. The only req u irem en ts are, an ex- service m an, All ex-service men should line up, they need the Legion and th e Legion needs them . M illard W. Grubb, com m ander, or T. E. P atterso n , a d ju ta n t of Post 14 . At-ren'ed for R e c k l n * Driving. >•* i Joseph H ernandez o f Yroka, Cali- *■. f ’ ^9 i* | fornai, was arrested S atu rd ay night The club house o f A^Wand post. on a charge o f reckless driving by No. 14. of the Am erican I^eeuon on C hief of Police Mf>Nabb and fined W inburn W ay since lrs t Sum in.' M |* C pTXfJ M " * 4 . v r* TT -«.so nttnn'lnr? ♦lx#» $10.00 and costs in the city co u rt by taken on quite a change, ns twelve r- -»/>''**>firn nt tbr* hoTPP ftt j Police Judge Clint B aughm an. H er­ of the m em bers tu rn ed o n t Sundav V - ,Ton-.eV in Medford W ednesday nandez was arrested when he ran m orning a t 9 o’clock and workin«» TV „ V m -lV c m P «T *s*»n M - « t o » l (into an approaching ca r belonging C ivil 6 p. m. had erected a kitchen n -m !» n-,»«.,i,T- e«-sociat!en will hold , to E. D. Jennings. ,tu the re a r o f the p resen t club house th e ir re g u la r m eeting at llie city hall FOR SALE— An income p roperty 8-room house, su itable fo r 2 fam ­ ilies, with stoves and some fu rn itu re . Lots 108x178, plenty of fru it and flow ers. $.3,000— Brown and Rice, 63 N. Main. 421 A SN A P— Lot 100x200 on enst side of VanNcss Ave., ad jo in in g Dr. S m ith ’s pro p erty . S tre e t paved and cem ent sideynlk in. This pro p erty has cost me nearly $2000, will take $1100 and give term s if w anted. Mrs. C. L. H awley, 1017 14th St., S acra­ m ento, C alifornia. 414* FOR R E N T FOR RENT— Well furnished a p a rt­ m e n t Call a t 96 Laurel St., or phone 289J. 4 2tf GARAGE fo r re n t, betw een F ourth and F ifth. In q u ire a t 57 F ifth St. J. B. Icenhow er. . 4‘2 tf --------------------* -------------------- Basketball Bills. We can p rin t them , and would e n ­ joy a share o f them a t the o ffice of the A m erican in. th e Shook block. Phone 95. ----* ---------------- Send in a news item , o r a com­ m unication or re g u la r correspond­ ence from your com m unity. “Ashland Maid” Creamery Butter is real butter, made from rich, pasteurized cream, wrapped in sanitary packages. It possesses “Vita- mines” in generous quantities, which physicians de­ clare is vitally necessary for growing children. “ Its the Quality“ Ask for it by name at your grocer L IT H IA C R E A M E R Y 143 N. Pioneer Phone 84 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ^ ▲A A i /SF5ERCT LF.Cm iA will gladly talk over a t any tim e to any ex-service man ju s t w hat it m eans to be a L egionnaire. --------------- * ----------------- - ■ & CLASSIFIED 1 1 «•« iSf — FOP. SALE ► NOTICE The Eagles’ Hall, 3rd Floor, Me lford Building, Medford is under new management on Friday nights and is putting on a series of Friday Nite Jazz Dances. Music by the Metropole Orchestra Admission 10c; Dance Tickets 75c “Everybody Welcome” •» ♦ > v « ✓ ▼ Y f V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 'T V Y Y X r r Y Y Y Y Y Y