Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, February 04, 1927, Image 6

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Medford schools employ 85 teach­
■ I*
■ ____________ i
uak' who claim that the cost of pub-
liciL'y is not a legitim ate expense of
A missionary *’rom China speaks public service corporations. Publicity
at the church next Sunday morning. which encourages the widest use of
The Merley Circle met last week an article is the most potent influ­
with Mrs. J. C. Hopper on Scenic ence to reduce the expense of that
Drive and a very pleasant time was article to the consuming public.
enjoyed by the ladies. The refresh­ W ithout publicity, the demand for
ments were very dainty and pleasing­ an article is small and the cost of
ly served by the hostesses: Mesdames production is high. With proper pub­
J. C. Hopper, J. W. Johnson, H. P. licity, the demand for an article be-
Holmes and Bert Hinthorn. At the cum« s universal and the cost of pro­
business session of this meeting the duction drops to a minimum.
officers for the coming year were That is why Americans enjoy the
elected: President, Mrs. O. F. Car- best public utility service in the
son; Vice President, Mrs. Bert Hin­ world— such companies are consist­
thorn; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. S. ent users of advertising space. The
telephone has proved this fact beyond
A. Peters, Sr.
A number of cottage prayer m eet­ question of doubt.
ings were held last week by Baptist
--------------* --------------
people as u follow-up work of their LAW M AKING AND TA X ATION
recent revival held by Dr. Kempton.
1927 flapper will wear long hair, if
she adopts the new styles in hair­
dressing and general makeup to be
exhibited at the opening of the con­
vention of the Illinois society of cos­
meticians here tomorrow.
The flapper with her rolled stock­
ings will give way to a young woman
of better make-up, Mrs. Ruth J.
Maurer, president of the National
school of Cosmeticians, said today.
“The worst crime committed in
the name of beauty is bobbed hair.”
For several years women have been
going about looking like comic val­
entines. Fiji islanders or floor mops
according to the type of bob hair.
---------- + ----------
greeting cards to ail his friends dur­
ing the holiday season, which read,
"W ishing you a m erry Christmas,
1926-27-28,” Those who were fortu­
nate enough to receive one of the
cards will beinterested in knowing
that Mr. McLean, according to news­
paper stories, has hatched another
new idea. He has offered a special
award of $25 to the first person to
swim the Atlantic ocean. He hus
drawn up,a set of rules for the con­
test, the principal one which provides
that the swimmer may not take any
food with him on the trip.
Central Point— West Coast Clay
Products company incorporates with
$40,000 capital.
Since Jan. 10, 3,200 fir loggers
have returned to work in Oregon and
Corvallis claims population of 9,-
000, with $507,300 worth of build­
ing during 1926.
--------------------* --------------------
Homestead — Interstate bridge
T each C hildren S an ctity of L ife.
across Snake river is ready for con­
Schoolchildren inspection of fire
crete floor.
A rgue P ro and Con.
hazards is c-edited with saving Kan­
Medical Springs— Grande Ronde
Considerable objection is prevalent sas City a million dollars in needless
Lumber compuny will employ 250 in
the idea of a Lithia Springs fires, within the past five years. The
new sawmill here.
located on the highway or
are trained in the schools
Canby— Local growers w'll ship
Laws A re So N um erous T hat Every the advocated Plaza location. The children
------------ * ----- :------
elim inate fire risks;
2,600,000 straw berry plants this M ISSIONARY
RALLY IS HELD P erson Break* One U nintenionally. fountains in the park are the main and they are to encouraged
to make
Albany—Tannery and saddle fac­ Josephine, Jackson and K lam ath The lawmakers are in session, both attractions and drawing cards for their city safe from fire by point­
the park. Good argum ents have ing out or abating these proven haz­
tory employs nearly 100 wugeworkers
Churcher. of C hrist.
state and national. Their time wili be been presented both for and against ards.
Eugene Fruitgrow er’s association
up considering tens of thous­ the new proposed additional fountain
with 1600 farm stockholders, did The Southern Oregon missionary taken
Every needless fire is th at much
new bills. The m ajority of
---------------------- * -----------------------
$2,000,000 business in 1926
destruction of the life work
cully of the Churches of Christ in laws proposed will further restrict
Bring in Copy.
St. Helens— St. Helens Pulp & Josephine,
who built the property, what
individual liberty and at the same Would you like to invite the trade
Paper company making carload Kraft counties was held in Ashland, Jan. time
this standpoint, every
of four thousand people to your fire is a From
puper a day.
ity, even a
store. A few page ads with tem pting crime. To teach calam
Murshfield— 1927 starts with two led by C. F. Swander, superintendent
prices would be welcomed by the abate fires is to teach children
important concrete business blocks of state missions in Oregon, each
It is safe to say that 99 per cent American as well as the many read­
under way.
church represented brought an op­ of the measures up for considera­ ers. Twelve hundred homes have ap­ sanctity of life.
Portland— Southern Pacific runs | timistic
report of the work and fu­ tion were not asked for by the peo­ preciated the American each week.
---------------* ---------------
experimental coach train to San ture outlook
ple, are not needed by the people, Hundreds of encouraging words are
P atro n ize the A dvertisers.
Francisco for $15 fare.
and are not wanted by the people. appreciated by the m anagement.
Gold Beach— Survey and plans tion.
Read the ads and patronize those
are almost completed for proposed Althogh the attendance was far Some individual or organization de­
---------- * ----------
We a»r now a family
below what was expected, due to ill­ cides the people should be assisted, In this glorious country any boy of a advertise.
$700,000 Rogue river bridge.
readers and,
Of 17,000 cattle tested in I.ane ness and other unavoidable reasons, uplifted or restricted— the result is can fight his way upward to success of course, depend r«gular
county during 1926, less than one the rally was a spiritual uplift. The a new law proposed under which the unless his father leaves him too much port to get out a better community
proponents of the measure can see spending money.
per cent showed tubercular reaction.
-------------------------* -------------------------
V’ale— W hiteurth Products com­ j the start and was brought to a great some advantage to themselves, either
pany organized with $600,000, to climax in an address by C. F. Swan­ financial, political or honorary. The It Is W hat They Remember
bill for passing all new laws and la­
handle 10,000 tons white earth a der on “the Consecrated Life.”
That Counts.
The speakers were C. F. Swander ter enforcing them, is sent to the tax­ The recollection
of quality remains 1V4 story EASY
well built;
Oregon exports for third quarter of Portland, Prof. W alter L. Myers payers,
after the price is forgotten— large lot; well located for
of 1926 were worth $23,378,876, of Eugene, D. J. Howe, m inister of No living lawyer can keep track long
at”s the philisophy of H. Gordon $2,500 -easy payments— will take
$10,519,855 more than for same per­ the church ut Medford, Jam es Sma’l, of new legislación. A citizen can th
of London, England. He samll car on first payment.
iod in 1925.
nationally known evangelist who is hardly pass a day without uninten­ Selfridge
“ Inspire your whole force with YOCKEY & CO., 177 East Main
Oregon’s foreign apple trade for holding a meeting for the Medford tionally breaking a law. Police de­ says,
spirit of service; encour­
1926-27, 1,262,220 boxes, is worth church, V. K. Allison, m inister of the partm ents can not begin to enforce age every sign
true spirit . . .
Ashland church and John F. Leggett. the laws and ordinances. If they did, treat custom ers of as the
when they
Vale— Federnl reclamation work The luncheon served by the Social the courts would be so swamped that come and when they go, whether
starts w i t h W armsprings drain Circle at noon and the banquet most of the offenders would not live not they buy. Give them all that can
ditch, to be dug by electric dredges. served by the Endeavors in the even­ long enough to come to trial.
given fairly, on the principle that
Marshfield cluims 7,000 population ing did much to udd to the fellow­ The result is that we are a nation be
to him that giveth shall be given.
ami North Bend 6,000.
ship of the gathering. Those making of lawbreakers. And why do we all Then
your business will prosper by
Southern Pacific will build $15,- interesting speeches at the banquet break the law? In most cases, because a natural
000 stork landing corrals at Texum were: Miss Vera W right, Miss Idu we are not aware of it. Obsolete
2nd Fl h r Medford
near Klamath Falls.
Gossnell, Victor, Phellps, Jam es laws should be removed from the sta­
Canby— Bids will be opened for Briggs and -V. K. Allison.
tute books, nnd thus eliminate the The Bam family were spending
building new high school, to coal
----------------------------- * ------------------------------
about $80,000.
W E ALL KNOW IT — W HY NOT The taxntion question starts and several weeks at a farm for their
summer vacation.
Gulp Creek— New Anderson saw­
ends with lawmaking. If anyone has Neither the m other, father nor
mill, ulmost completed, will cut 40,-
Wed. Jazz, 75c
doubt about this let him read little six-year-old M argaret had ever
000 feet a day.
The American has a splendid list I any
Klamath Fulls— Main telephone tol of readers, both country people und measures proposed in his state or been in the country before.
line to Bend in prospect here.
city people. It hns many friends and the nation, und then check up the Little M argaret was poking around
rhurs. Old-Time, 25c
Odell lake near S. P. Cascade line is welcomed in hundreds of homes expense attached to the “new law.” in the grass one afternoon, when sud­
---------- * ----------
denly she shrieked out, “ Oh mummy,
will be developed into important who like a weekly paper for home
here’s a pretty little green snuke.”
summer resort.
news and for the low price of $2. It
Sat. Social, 75c
“ Well, be careful, dear,” ad­
Jefferson county will operate two reaches the routes nnd homes on Fri­
rock crushers for highway building days. The correct time for ad rending Ten M em bers A re E lected on Board monished the fond city mother, “It
of D irectors.
might be just as dangerous as a ripe
this year.
of Saturday markets, Saturday bar­
Pilot Rock—More than 100 grow­ gains, week-end sales on Friday,
ers meet to plan bigger turkey busi­ Saturday and Monday buying. It The annual meeting of the board
Always— 10c
--------------* --------------
Scotchm an H as New Ideas
ness here.
has a circulation for advertisers of directors of the Ashland Y. M.
Astoria -N orthw est Pulp & Paper wanting to talk to people in this C. A. with a special program was J. A. McLean, m anager of the Os-
company contract for preliminary immediate territory unexecelled by held last Sunday at the First Pres­ burn hotel, Eugene, sent out ‘Scotch’
work on $3,000,000 plant.
any in existence. It has conceded byterian church. Mr. Homer Billings,
La Grande -City business for 1926 that ads in other papers bring re­ president of the board, presided.
totaled $515,446.
sults and also a fact that Ashland A six-piece orchestra and a song
Keodsport— Work begins on new needs more trade that goes elsewhere service put plenty of music in the
postoffice building.
The ad rates, based on circulation.are meeting with spicy talks and reports.
Oregon produced 10,000 pounds of low— too low for much profit. Ad­ Mr. Spencer’s B«y Harmonica band
mint oil in 1925, and 100,000 pounds vertising pays and bigger crowds can played several pieces to the delight
in 1926.
be brought to Ashland by bigger ads of all present. W. P. W alker is lo­
Grant and Wheeler counties may j and steady advertising. All of us cal Y. M. C. A. secretary and gave
spend $76,000 this year on Mitcheel- j can better spend a few hundred a the closing address of the meeting.
hayvllle road.
year telling readers what they want Ten men were declared elected as
I*ast year Wallowa county received to know than to lose money by those members of the board of directors.
$22,500 grazing fees from Wallown who daily drift away. We would like Those elected % ere: Henry Galey,
national forest.
j .«> see some profitable community C. N. Giilmore, W irt M. W right,
Chdoquin — Chiloquin Lumber advertising. It never fails— some one George A. Brisco, G. Homer Billings,
company will rebuilt mills burned is going to get the trade.
Thornton S. Wil«>y, F. S. Engle, Rev.
The Ashland American is a newly equipped
last year, to cost $150,000.
H. T. Mitchelmore, Rev. H. F. Pem­
------------------- + --------------------
and up-to-th>e-minute Job Printing‘Office.
Klamath Falls— L. F. W alker will TH E PO W ER O c PU B LICITY berton and Rev. M. S. Woodw«>rth;
start building 70 residences here.
the latter three having been selected
No better work and prices pleasing. Better trv us
Hood River— Growers here have Telephone C om panies A re C o n tin en t by the Ministerial association.
that next job of Printing. We cover Jackson
already received $1,850,000 on 1926
N ew spaper A dvertiser*.
apple* and pears.
County when it comes to printing. Write us
-------------- + --------------
No more striking illustration of Well! Well! Millicent Rogers Snlm
phone us, call on us.
the power of advertising and publi­ and Count Ludwig Salm von Hoog-
TO BE IN TERIO R DECORATOR city can be cited than the telephone straeten are to be re-united in holy
Let us know and we
company. Here is a business which bonds of wedlock. A fter all the
can come after it.
Once upon a time Mury Pick ford the individual who boasts about his fuss and money spent in “proceed-
studied, or began studying, to be an ‘conservative business judgem ent” I ings." and threatened was over pos­
We are here to serve and please
interior decorator. She came to one would say had nothing to advertise, session of their young son, Peter
of those discouraging periods whej "if anybody wants telephone ser.iee salm, the noted couple soon return to
it looked as if hef chances of fame they know where to get it."
America from Paris and “live happy
nnd fortune had gone to the bow­ The telephone company has dem­ •ver after." The father of Millicent
• •
wows, nnd Mary looked about for onstrate«! the fallacy of such an Colonel H. H. Rogers. Standard Oil
some other occupation.
• •
opinion. largely as a result of con- initlti-milHonaire, has finally given in
Somebody found out about this, so istently advertising in the Ameri- an«l bestowed his blessing upon his
the other day she delivered the first < an press over a long period of years wealthy daughter and fortune-hunt-
lecture in a series of "B etter Homes" ' t has popular ted t. ’e, h >ne st>r. *..r*
husband. The lucky count.
that the women of Los Angeles are ' i the United State* as in no o-'icr
---------- + --------- -
havii.g. She made a point of having nation in the world. The people w Id I i A PPER TO HAVE LONG HAIR
the home express its mistress ever, ! never use the telephone like the; do
to the minutest detail.
‘««lay. if they had not h*cn con­ N '.tioaal C osm eticians Favor R e­
tinuously “sold" to the te apho > t ir o to Safe and Sane M akeup.
Got anything to offer Sat.:rdry* idea.
Tell of it in The Ashland American There >re a s n ir-u ;! _'•! '.il
Kitano, Jan. 30.— Th« new mode!
Hy Way Printing
Commercial Printing for
Jackson County
Job Printing