Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, February 04, 1927, Image 5

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    ming toward the bout. He gius,.eu uic I
edge with his bauds, till It heeled over.
“ Do you want to sink us?” shouted
t i U e »i treated that m
But the man was crazed with foitr.
n tfe v er fro m cold a lorn*
Du a a daya' lim y f r o m
Harding contemptuously pulled him In.
work tn a ye ar .
The boat was almost level with the
water now. But Harding hnllod furi­
ously until at last she begun to ride
higher. He turned to Foscarl, who
was lying down lu the bottom. “ Where
is your mother?” he asked.
(C o p y r ig h t , by W . G. C h a p m a n .)
Foscarl spread out his hands in a i
gesture of helpless ignorance.
Harding bailed the boat as nearly
ARDING hud watched the girl dry as possible. Then they drifted
with the brown hair and the upon the smooth surface o f the sea.
sad face ever since the voyage the sole survivors. The current was
began. She had two acquaint­ taking them rapidly toward a little,
ances, and she spoke to no one else. verdant Island.
H e learned that she was a Miss Elsa
W ayne; the man was Count Foecart,
and the white-haired woman his
From the Island they could see the
A ll Dealer*. Liquid or Tablet».
mother. And the girl was en route distant coast, with the white houses,
to Italy to marry him.
but they had been there two weeks
Harding was on his way to Naples, and no fishing boat had come near
to take up a minor consular post there. them. The Island was quite uninhab­
At thirty he was not the sort o f man ited. It was about a mile In diameter.
to fall In love at first sight. But the It had contained a small settlement nt
Was Your
girl’s face haunted him, and the ex­ one time, anu the cultivated grapes
Grandmothers Remedy
pression o f sadness Intimated to him and wheat had run wild, affording sus­
For every stomach
that the marriage was distasteful to tenance for the castaways.
and Intestinal 11L
ground the ripe grains between two
This good old-fash­
He tried to scrape acquaintance with stones, mixing unleavened flour for
ioned herb home
her, but the two watched her like them.
remedy for consti­
hawks. It was quite by accident that
They reckoned that they could live
pation, stomach Ills
he got his chance on the sixth day of while the wheat lasted. That meant
and other derange­
the voyage.
two weeks longer. Then It would he
ments o f the sys­
of tho Banka.
They were near the Azores. For the slow starvation, or a diet o f mussels
tem so prevalent these days Is In even
first time the girl was on deck alone. and wild fruits.
greater fuvor as u family mediclna
first perfected cigarette-rolling ma­ Harding was a little distance from her
Sometimes a fishing boat was seen
than In your grandmother’s day.
chine was used, and her fame for the
when a sudden huge wave, lashing far away, but nobody ever seemed to
‘‘makings'’ dates back tQ the Civil
against the deck, swept her from her see the white skirt waving from the
feef. She fell toward the bulwarks. pole on a tall tree.
Durham finely symbolizes education Harding rushed forward and assisted
Foscarl lay In the sun most o f the
springing out o f industrialism, for It her to rise.
day. He scowled savagely whenever
Is the seat o f Duke university, which
"You must be more careful," he Harding went near him. Harding and
A pleuant etíecli». e »yrup. 1
I Quick
Quick Kclic/1
is destined by recent bequests to be­
35c nul 60c abn
warned her. “ You might have been Elsa were unconcernedly Interested In
come one o f the country's greatest swept overboard."
each other. They spoke o f their plans.
Throat pad O iwl
centers o f learning.
Social welfare
Selve. 35c
“ You are not bound to him, dear,"
“That would have been no loss,”
springing out o f education is as finely
said Harding. “ His act In deserting
she retorted. “ I wish I had been.”
symbolized by the nearby state unl-
A l l í » T O T O t K INCOMIC. Mua ta .«c r ic #
He reproved her gently.
“ Yon his mother has robbed him o f human a rticle f o r distribution In your territory,
slty at Cbapel Hill.
during »p a re time. W rite U N 1 T K D I N D U S ­
should not talk that way,” he said.
T R I E S . itlpliop street. Toledo. Ohio.
Land of the Sky.
“ You have your life before you. You
Rut nil Is not Industrialism In North are young, and there Is much happi­
The Guilty One
glances were so malignant afterwnrd
Carolina. In the west Is Asheville, ness for you.”
R. B. writes— Procrastination Is the
She turned upon him fiercely. ” Do
the gateway to what North Carolinians
thief o f time, hut he's not the fellow
have well named the Land o f the Sky. I look happy?" she asked. “ I tell you, the following day he withdrew to the who takes the years from a woman's
other side o f the Island.
Never was an altitude of a half mile since my life began I have never
They did not see him, and there fol­
above sea level so unobvlous. In all known what happiness meant.
N o ; it’s his brother. Prevarication
lowed golden days o f happiness In
but the tonic atmosphere. Set In a parents are the richest people In New
we should say, It. B.— Boston Tran­
each other’s love. They had decided
vast bowl, Asheville Is encircled by York.”
Harding remembered the fabulous that, being dead to the world, they
mountains whose 20 highest peaks top
wealth o f the Waynes. An old family, would never return. Harding had a DEMAND “BAYER” ASPIRIN
all altitudes In the Eastern states.
little money, and he meant to take
It was on the Rlltraore estate, near they kept put of notoriety, It was at
that Elsa to some qtdet place In southern
Asheville, that, with the founding of the
Europe where they could live with Aspirin Marked With “ Bayer Cross"
a forestry school, the first steps In Wayne had coolly announced himself
Ha» Been Proved Safe by Millions.
each other for the rest o f their lives.
American forest conservation were to be worth a hundred million.
" I was brought up with the one idea
taken. Today there are established
W arning! Unless you see the name
It came sailing toward the
In this region, for the protection o f o f marrying well," the girl continued.
Island In the dawn, and the two came ’’Bayer" on packuge or on tablets yon
watersheds and hardwood reserves, the “ W ell— I am doing It. Count Foscarl
out o f the hut to see the swarthy Por­ are not getting the genuine Bayer
Cherokee, Nantahala, Unaka and Bis- 1 Is o f the oldest family In Italy. Only
tuguese looking In wonder at their Aspirin proved safe by millions and
gnh national forests. With a boundary | — I told him that i f I married him I
shack. They stnrted back In terror as prescribed by physicians for 20 years.
which encloses more than 1,700,000 should run away with him. I would
Sny “ Bayer” when you buy Aspirin.
two em erged; they thought they
acres, the government had acquired, not endure the mockery o f a marriage
were spirits.
Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv.
up to July, 1925, somewhat less than i
Harding, speaking In Italian, man­
a fourth o f this area. In the Plsgah, should sacrifice my life for them. I
aged to mnke himself understood. The
Giving Mother Away
established In 1910 as a game pre­
fishermen agreed to take them to the
you were wrong about the wed­
serve, native bear and deer roam, means."
main Island as soon as they had made ding,” bawled little Tommy, his moth­
trout streams are stocked, and herds
their eatrh that afternoon on the tide. er having come In late.
Harding looked at her
o f bison and elk have been emplanted. her voice.
And they went away, nnd the hours
“ What do you mean?”
Surrounded by the modishness o f
went by. It was early afternoon when
“ You said Mr. Flubdub was going
Asheville, one senreely realizes that and change your clothes," he an­ suddenly Foscarl hurst through the
into It blindfolded, but he didn’L”
only 50 miles away mountaineers are
trees exultantly and ran up to them.
She turned away scornfully, but
living a ruggedly simple existence be­
Good health depend* upon rood dlirMttnn
“ We are saved !” he shouted.
Fafpguard your digestion w it h W r i g h t ’» I n
hind hand-hewn timbers and on smnll
Elsa looked at him. hut said nothing. dlnn
V e r i t a b l e Pllla and you unffguard your
’’•wltchback" farms, with revolution­ her fo r hours.
“ A steamship Is on the other side of health. 372 P**arl 8t.. N. Y. Adv.
ary looms and spinning-wheels along­
the Island. She has seen the fine A
side their chimney pieces o f native
We wouldn’t want anybody to help
boat Is coming. Elsa, we will forget
what hns happened.
W e shall be us who couldn't he a partisan.
It was all so sudden that nobody
The Coastal Region.
aboard In half an hour."
afterward remembered much about It.
Rank and riches are chains o f gold,
Elsa's Ups quivered. With the pros­
A totally different part o f the state The ship had struck an uncharted
hut still chains.—Bnfllnl.
Is the coastal region with its low reef.
In a moment the submarine
lands. Its numerous sounds and chan­ rocks had torn a great hole in her bot­ dreams o f the past were shattered.
nels and Its off-shore Islnnds o f sand— \ tom. She was filling rapidly and sink­ Again she seemed to he In Fosrarl’s
power, so strong was the conventional
"the Banks.”
For centuries wild ing.
bond. She turned to Harding. “ What
horses have been roaming the Banks,
In the confusion all order was dis­
and current tradition has It that they solved. The vessel’s crew pushed the do yon say?" she asked.
“ E lsa!"
are descended from Bnrbary ponies passengers aside and rushed the boats.
“ I must go, I suppose. A fter all. my
which were brought over hy Sir Wal- | Harding, dressing hastily, had sought
ter Raleigh’s colonists. From time to j Miss Wayne’s stateroom, to find her parents are mourning for me. They j
„2P) 6 G e l l a n s
time these “ hanker ponies" are round- ! pale but composed, at the doorway. He love me. I have my duty. You will j
ed up and driven Into corrals made of seized her hy the arm and hurried her come— ’*
Hot water
"No,” said Harding. “ I shall stay
timber from old wrecks. It Is a scene on deck.
with a far Western tang, flying hoofs,
The boats were being lowered, but
The struggle was a piteous one.
swinging lariats, and the flash of the cowardly crew filled them. There
branding Irons. A fter the branding ; was a struggle about each. Revolver Foscarl watched with quiet triumph
nnd calling out, the likeliest anlmnls ! shots were fired. In the confusion In his eyes. And Elsa yielded. With­
are auctioned off. They bring now Harding ranght sight o f Count Fos­ out a word, with lowered head, she
25i and 75$ Pk(s.Sold Everywhere
only Sfl a head. A few years ago these carl, trying to enter one. A sailor followed him.
H a lf an hour later the fishing boat
putative descendants o f Raleigh's "lit­ thrust him back. At this time the
tle Bnrbary ponies” were bringing deck was almost flush with the tops returned. Harding was waiting on the
Ills life seemed altogether
from $50 to $125 apiece.
o f the waves.
empty now. and he did not know what
On the ocean side o f the TTatterns
The ship was sinking rapidly, and
banks one finds the greatest wreck It was evident that she had only a he was going to do. hut he wanted to
Rrea on the Atlantic coast. Along the few more minutes to live. Harding leave the Island where life had be­
beach ore the skeletons o f what were j grasped the girl and (pught his way come so fair, only to cloud Itaelf again '
once ships, now blanched victims of frantically to one o f the boats, tossing In gloom.
“ Push o ff!” he aaid, and atepped
the sea and sand, their upstanding the sailors aside right and left. He
ribs resembling files o f gravestones, i got the girl Into It. The boat was Into the boat.
iTM. chill àsina.
And at that moment there came a I ■ALL A tüCUl
their forests o f protruding spikes be- j lowered. It touched the water snd.
Hew York
Ing the grisly grass o f the desert­ swinging against the side o f the ship, rustling among the tree», and Elsa
like expanse. At one point there are was overset.
At that moment Fos­
forward, and Harding took her In hla
14 wrecks within 100 yards.
carl jumped with an sgonlzed cry. But
and placed her In the hoaL
Off the great apex o f the Ranks are Harding and Elsa Wayne were strug-
There was no need o f exptanatlona.
those dreaded quicksands, the Dia­ rllng In the water.
At the laat love had triumphed.
mond shoal.
They are the rtiore to
The vessel's prow was uplifted. Si­
Qnletly the little craft pnt out in
be dreaded because off Ttatterna. due lently. and with hardly any suction,
to the enormous tonnage o f steel hulls she went down A minute after Hard­ the fragrance o f the afternoon.
embedded In the Diamond, there Is a ing found himself alone with the girl
Largest Dog»
magnetic deviation sometimes amount­ In his arms, and Foscarl near them.
ing to eight degrees
The bureau o f animal Industry says
The overturned host had heen right­
Nervousness &
ed hy a WRve. Harding swam toward that the three largest breeds o f dogs
The farther northward one follow«
S leeplessn ess^
It, dragged the girl In, and followed. are 8L Bernards, mastiffs and Irlah
the Banks, the more remote and re
The largest dog of
sourceless seems the life o f the peo­ It was half full o f water, and danger­ wolfhounds.
Write for free B ooklet .
ously low. Harding began to ball with which It has record la Bally Shanon,
ple. Often It appears to be mere ex
an Irish wolfhound, aise 180 pounds,
Istence, ss of castaways who have hla hands.
Foacarl's head
appeared owned by Mrs. Glenn Stewart of
taken root on this two-mile width of
above U»» waves. The man waa swim­ Easton, Md
sand bar, 40 miles off shore.
C olds C ost M oney
Garfield Tea
Wild Ponies
(P re p ared by the Nation al Geographic
Society, Wash ington. D. C.)
H ILE many Southern states
are feeling the burden of a
huge cotton crop at low
prices. North Carolina, which
not only ruises cotton but has also
come to manufacture cotton goods on
a large scale, can see the other side
o f the picture.
North Carolina Is passing through
a renaissance. Due to her steadily In­
tensifying shift from cotton fields to
centers and
from once-ldle
streams to throbbing dynamos, she has
suddenly "»discovered herself on the
threshold o f Industrial power.
The legendary North Carolinian
who in the ’60s called his three
daughters Rosin, Tar and Turpentine,
would today be naming them after
cigarette brands, furniture trademarks
and cotton-goods patterns.
Charlotte, situation between the big
hydroelectric developments along the
Catawba and Yadkin rivers. Is a
plexus of this new industrialism. In
the last 25 years the number o f tex­
tile mills operating within a 100-mile
radius o f that city has been increased
fivefold, with a present spindleage o f
An hour’s ride beyond Charlotte Is
Gastonlu, one o f the Largest textile
, centers In the United States. O f its
20,000 people, about three-fourths are
workers in the 42 mills whose tall
stacks cut the sky. Yet, In the town’s
broad, tree-shaded streets, lined with
neat cottages on well-kept, flower-
fringed plots, one feels no oppressive
sense o f concentrated Industry, but
rather the restfulness o f some model
suburb, widespread to sun, air and
surrounding countryside.
With mill workers’ cottages rentable
nt $3 a month, with water and electric
light free, and a mild climate, neces­
sitating little fuel, which Is obtainable
at cost. It Is not uncommon for moun­
tain families to work at Gastonia long
enough to pay olT their farm mort­
gage and then return to the Bine
Gaston county contains 98
textile mills, which represent one-
sixth o f the state's total spindleage
und consume almost one-third o f her
cotton crop.
Winston-Salem’s Factories.
Another center o f Importance In
North Carolina’s new Industrialism Is
Winston-Salem. It has been designat­
ed “ the twin city” since its component
towns were merged in 1913, but no
twins ever showed greater dissimilar­
ity than old Salem and yonthful Win­
Here one has the stately
Eighteenth century and the Industrial
Twentieth century side by side, with
a mere street or so acting as the
Salem signifies that "peace" which
was sought hy the persecuted Morav­
ians who founded It In 1753. And that
“ peace”
has never forsaken
Salem. Cross a few streets and one
la atnld Winston’s humming bee­
hives o f Industrialism, where 15.000
wage-earners are turning out their
daily trainloads o f manufactured to­
bacco, furniture and textiles on a
scale that leads Uncle Sam to rate
Winston-Salem as the South's second
Industrial city.
A circle enclosing Winston-Salem
with the denims center o f Greensboro
and the furniture center o f High Point
delimits an Industrial patch 30 miles
across, representing an annual prod­
ucts value o f more than $300,000,000.
Winston-Salem’s stamp-sticking ma­
chines consume asnually the most ex­
pensive meal In the world— a matter
o f I100.000.ii00 worth o f Uncle Sam's
familiar blue imprints. That Is the
sum o f her federal tobacco taxes,
which represent one-half o f those paid
by North Carol Ira.
From the tobacco standpoint. North
Carolina's civic twins are really Win­
ston and Durham. At Durham the
r pisos
Sure Relief
j d i ^ l S u re Relief