Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, January 28, 1927, Image 7

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News Notes Of
Interest From
Busy Talent
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lytle and
little daughter, Mary Lou, who have
been visting Mr. Lytle’s mother,
Mrs. J. F. Ditsworth and other rela­
tives in the valley, returned last
week to their home in Venice, Cal.
Mrs. Lytle was Mary Wheeler of
Medford before her marriage.
At th next regular meeting day of
the Community club, Wednesday,
Feb. 2nd, a covered dish luncheon
will be served at noon. The ladies
are asked to come at 10 a.m. to help
put the rooms in order and to bring
something to eat. Business meeting
in the afternoon.
Mrs. Ben Bayliss and daughters
o f Ashland were dinner guests at
the home o f Mrs. Louis Brown Sun­
The camp fire girls held their
weekly meeting at the home of their
guardian, Mrs. Mae Lowe, last Mon­
day evening.
A number o f friends surprised
Mrs. J. O. Parker Monday eevning
January 17th on the occasion of her
Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. F. F. Parke, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Ilillyer and children, Mr. and Mrs.
A. E.'Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Barton and John Barton. A delic­
ious lunch was served at the close
of the evening and all enjoyed a
most delightful evening.
Mrs. Charles Holdridge and Dorris
left Monday evening for a two
month’s visit with Mrs. Holdridge’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manly in Sac
City, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Manly will
qelebrate their golden wedding on
February 3.
Rev. Brown o f the Nazarene
church in Ashland occupied the pul­
pit in the Talent M. E. church Sun­
day evening.
Mrs. L. Powers was hostess on
Thursday at her home on the high­
way to the Talent unit o f the counfy
health association.
Burnell Kerns has been ill the
past week with tonsilitis.
Talent high basketball boys won
the game at Eagle Point Saturday
evening by a score of 10 to 9.
Prof E. E. Evans was in Medford
Monday evening where he officiated
as a judge in the Ashland-Medford
high school debate. The judges’ de-
cesions were unanimous in favor of
the Ashland debating team.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lowe and
Mrs. Roscoe Larson motored to Butte
Fals and returned Monday.
Miss Ella Hamilton is visiting this
week in Medford with her aunt,
Mrs. Etta Kirkpatrick.
Miss Cleta Honeyman was a guest
o f her aunt, Miss Etta Kirkpatrick
in Medford over the week-end.
Misses Pearl Hughes, Margaret
Higgins, Anabel Learning, Anna
Evans and Ollie Hart of the Crater
Lake camp fire group were in Ash­
land Thursday afternoon of last week*
to attend the lecture for camp fire
girls by Miss Annette Francisco, a na­
tional field worker. The guardian,
Mrs. Mae Lowe and her assistant,
Miss Ruth Genaway also attended
the 6 o’clock dinner at the Plaza
where Miss Francisco spoke to the
Epworth League met at 6.30 last
Sunday and re-organized. The follow­
ing officers were elected: President,
Lowell Honeyman; first vice presi­
dent, Letter Newbry; fourth vice
president, Ira Hart; secretary, Mrs.
Elsie Williams; treasurer, Clarence
Cecil Denmar of Jacksonville has
been visiting his mother and grand­
mother in Talent this week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Commons and
family returned Monday from a
trip to Portland and points in the
Bert Simmons came home from
San Francisco last week on Wednes­
day where he has been visiting his
A Ford roadster, just purchased,
belonging to Harley Dunn, whi<!h was
parked in front o f “ Riley’s Place”
on the highway, was stolen early
Saturday evening. The car had only
been parked about 20 minutes. The
car was located Sunday near Yoncal-
la where it had been abandoned and
the supply of gasoline exhausted.
The machine was new nnd contained
eight gallons of gasoline in the tank.
Jim Bannister went north on No. 14
Sunday to Yoncalla and drove the
car home for Mr. Dunn Monday.
J. S. Spite! has sold a lot and the
blacksmith shop on the highway to
J. D. Yerain of Ashland, who will
conduct a blacksmithing business in
Mrs. John Hubartt was in Ashland
last Saturday to consult Dr. Woods.
Friends are glad to know that the
operation recently performed on
Mrs. Hubartt’s eye was a success nnd
that her sight is restored.
Mr. and Mrs. Acel Beckwith were
Sunday dinner guests at the home
of Mr. nnd Mrs. James McDonald
up on Anderson creek.
Mr. H. E. Bowman is so far im­
proved ns to be on the rural route
again this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hill and
Glenn were Sunday evening callers
at the home of Mrs. Will Childers.
Will Vimont is ill and unable to
attend his classes at the Ashland
Chief of Police McNabb of Ash­
land was in Talent Monday evening
on professional business.
L. J. Crawford is about again
after a serious illness and friends
are glad to see him looking so well.
Mrs. Sue Clayton was an all day
visitor at the home of Mrs. Laurence
Wilson in Ashland last week on
Mrs. Will Gleims is reported as
being quite poorly.
Mrs. L. O. Penland and Jeanette
McFadden, Mrs. E. C. Gardner and
Miss Emma Crawford saw “ Cinde­
rella” at the Craterian last Saturday
Miss Mary Adamson
danced the part o f the fairy god­
mother and is receiving much praise
from her friends..
Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Miller of
Phoenix called on Mr. and Mrs. J.
S. Crawford last Sunday afternoon.
The Millers and Crawfords were
old friends back in Wahoo, Nebra­
O. A. Manning has bought the
corner on the highway across from
Tryon Mercantile Co. from Mrs.
Hazel Ferns and the Gold Ray Real­
ty Co. and will open an ideal auto
camp there this spring.
C. C. Hartley has recently sold
two tracts o f land.
Rev. Temple
of Medford bought one tract, and
11 acres across from the county
farm was sold to Dan Doran of
In order that the Southern Ore­
gon Rabbit Breeders’ association
may be able to get a charter with
the American Rabbit and Cavy
Breeders, Inc., the association, at
the last regular meeting, changed
their name to the Southern Oregon
Mutual Rabbit Breeders’ association,
with T. B. Orr of Medford, presi­
dent and R. E. Hegner of Gold Hill,
Dr. Malmgren has received word
that Mrs. Malmgren will sail from
Holland March 11, coming home via
the Panama canal. She expects the
trip will take 17 days.
Rev. Edwin Deacon of Ashland
has bought the house and several
lots on First s reet from the Alford
estate. This bouse has, until lately,
been occupied by the C. W. Long
family. Rev. Deacon is a retired
Methodist minister.
J. F. Ditsworth has traded his 18-
acre ranch on the highway south of
Talent, to E. F. Ferg of Medford,
for residence property on • Peach
The Ditsworths have moved to
Medford and E. F. Ferg and family
were moving onto the Ditsworth
ranch Tuesday.
bate. The districts are divided into
two groups for the inter-district de­
bate, one for eastern Oregon and
one for western Oregon. The final
match between the two winning
teams will be held the middle o f May
at Eugene, under the direction of
the state high school debating league
---------------- + ----------------
Mrs. C.
mother o f
for many
years old,
T. Payne, of Ashland,
Mrs. Shook, has lived here
years. Mrs/ Payne is 92
keeps her own home, nt-
tending to all the work and manage­
ment. Mrs. Payne was recently in­
formed o f the death of her sister
in Colusa, who was two years older.
The following notice of the death
is reprinted from the Colusa paper:
“ Funeral services for Mrs. Stacey
Baker, aged 94, who died here Jan.
15, was held Wednesday. Mrs. Baker
was a pioneer resident of this county
having lived here for fifty-seven
Her husband passed away
thirty-three years ago.
“ Mrs. Baker was born in Missouri
and in 1864 crossed the plains with
her husband. They came by ox teams
and settled in Oregon.
Five years
later they moved to Colusa, where
Mr. Baker engaged in farming until
his death.
“ Mrs. Baker is survived by six
children, Mrs. Minnie Stecker of
Upper I,ake; Sam, Irving and Alfred
Buker, of Colusa; Herbert Baker of
Gridley, and Mrs. K. Boyd o f Sacra­
mento. She is the great-grandmother
of more than a dozen descendants
and has thirty-three grandchildren.”
------------- * -------------
Rev. A. L. Whitcomb o f Long
Beach, California, is conducting ser­
vices at the Free Methodist church.
A Better Service
for the Seller and for the Buyer
T he good news for the seller is the news that through the
column of this paper he can reach, at the lowest possible
cost, the best prospective buyers in this community
T he good news for the buyer is tnat through reading the
advertisements of the seller in the columns of this paper
he can, with the least possible expenditure of time and
money, supply his daily needs
---------------- * ----------------
The first series of the debate be­
tween the teams of the Medford and
Ashland high schools of this district
in the state debates between 77 high
schools o f Oregon took place Monday
night in this city and Medford.
The Medford high affirmative
team lost to the Ashland high nega­
tive team, 3 to 1, but the Medford
high negative team won at Ashland
over the Ashland high affirmative
team, 2 to 1. The debate was on the
question: “ Resolved that Oregon
should establish a system o f old age
pensions.” This district o f the debat­
ing league is composed of Josephine
and Jackson counties and the Ash­
land and Medford high teams arc
yet to meet the Grants Pass high
team before the winning team of the
district is developed.
The state has been divided into 11
districts. The high schools in each dis­
trict first will debate among them­
selves and by a process o f elimina­
tion choose a winning team which
will compete in an inter-district de- j
W e have the pictures and the copy to help the seller
make his advertising message attractive and easily read
by the buyer
Phone 95 for Particulars
Phone Us to call, or better, call at the Ashland American
office, anil look at ourcuts and ad. service. A id s to all
business firms. Sure business pullers and modern up-to-
date, truthful advertising