Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, January 28, 1927, Image 6

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for 1927; Big Production
Stage Near.
By P. S. Woodin
President of the Southwestern Ore­
gon Mining Bureau, Secretary of
the Oregon State Mine Survey.
The year 1926 has been one o f
outstanding n c c o m plishment in
southwestern Oregon. True it is that
the field is so large and the activi­
ties so varied, that to one not familiar
with conditions as they were, it may
appear that little progress has been
made. A brief survey, however, with
some pertinent figures may help to
support the original statement above.
Roughly, u little over three mil­
lion dollars are invested in mining
activities in this district. The amount
spent in mining, milling and mine de­
velopment during the year is in ex­
cess o f $040,000 The taxable prop­
erty is o f record as $1,050,768, and
the taxes collected
$47,660 Some
seven hundred odd men are engaged
in the industry, and the gold produc­
tion somewhat over $240,000.
Four Miles of Tunnel.
In qunrtz nbout four miles o f tun­
nel have been run, and development
has been prosecuted on eleven miles.
Reduction plants on two mines are
now in course o f erection, and prep>-
arations are under way for five more.
Some $170,000 have been taken
fro mthe quartz deposits, and ore
has been blocked out which will yield
at least one and one-half millions.
The common quest has been for gold
but there have been concerns o f
cnpital and intelligence which have
been actively at work on quicksilver,
platinum, copper and tin.
The cinnabar deposits have re­
ceived much attention and the work
o f Willard, M. E. on the Iron King,
and Parks, M. K. on the War Eagle
will undoubtedly benr fruit during
the coming year.
The low price o f copper and the
development of new processes of ex­
traction of that metal have made it
slow. Hut the deposits here are large,
among the largest in the world, and
the fact that they carry other more
valuable metals in combination has
kept the interest in them active.
Metallurgical problems in connec­
tion with the recovery o f platinum
and tin have us yet kept them in the
experimental stage. The accredited
mining engineers who have been in
the district on long or short stays
number over sixty. This is important
ns a spreader o f information. Even
though an engineer reports adversely
on a prospect, we must have them
here, and while they are not always
persona grntu to the prospector and
miner they advertise; and we know
o f none who have had occasion to
crticiae the activities o f the bureau,
where the services o f that organiza­
tion have been made use of.
Placer Ses ton Early.
In placer, while during the winter
o f 1925-26 there were but about
two weeks o f sufficient water to
make hydraulicking profitable; this
season opened early and promises to
continue to a later date than for
many years. Ijist winter there were
hut eighteen giants workings, and at
this date there are fifty-four. The
recovery o f placer gold last year was
a little over $70,000. with about $2.-
800 in platinum. W e do not dike to
predict that the recovery will be in
direct proportion to the number o f
giants at wo^k. but there is a great
probability it will be even greater.
We have one placer Iming worked at
the present time by steam shovel.
For the year 1927, we have great
things in prospect. The Mt. Reuben
tunnel will undoubtedly reach its ob­
jective. with a six thousand foot haul-
l& W ik JURMUHtf v* x»' o
Oil Barrels 50c; Iron Drums. 75»
Dependable Painting Contractor
109 Church
M A ' M V V N K n t . V . . i
age tunnel, and twenty-eight hundred j held in Portland next Monday and
feet o f backs on ore. This connotes urgt drepresentation from Ashland.
a mill o f several hundred tons cap­ Un motion o f V. D. M iller the mem­
acity The Yellow Horn, Jewett, bers voted to urge the directors to
Greenback, Almeda, Golden Mary, authorize th*e expenses o f President
Kubli, North Pole, Wedge, Golden O. F. Carson and urge him to .at­
Wedge, Siskron,
Bunker tend the meeting.
Other council members spoke dur­
Hill and the various holdings o f the
Western Metals will all without a ing the luncheon on topics o f im­
doubt be producers before January portance to their duties and plans.
1st, 1928. The Iron King and W'ar Included among those talking were
Eagle will be in a position to mar­ Charles A. W’ hite, O. T. Bergner, Dan
ket quicksilver, and the Banfield and Key and J. E. Thornton.
Copper Queen will be shipping cop­
-------------* -------------
per. There is a mill completely fin ­ CHRISTIAN CHURCH PERSONALS
anced for treating the complex ores
at Canyonville, and two large plants
now working on the black .«»nds of
The social circle o f the Christian
the coast, ,one at Port Orford and church will serve luncheon at twelve
one at Ophir The inman mine on the noon, Monday, January 31 at State
Sixes has about reached the produc­ Missionary rally o f Jackson, Joseph­
tion stage, after many years o f prep­ ine and Klamath counties. The
aration, and plans have been worked Christian Endeavor w ill serve the
out which will keep placer mines young folks at 6 p. m. at church on
working, by drifting nnd otherwise, Second and B streets.
fo r the entire year.
Should the legislature make the
Mrs. Tebbers o f Beech street, was
small appropriation to be asked fo r
ill and unable to attend Bible school
by the mine survey, field men in both* , . r
t I k - aontfcwnatcn wd MrtMMttrn
parts o f the state will begin a real
Mr. and Mrs. McCallister and son
collection o f practical data which will
James, and Mrs. Troutdale and
do much toward making the invest­
daughter have all had the grippe the
ment o f mopey in Oregon mines a
past week.
safe proposition. There is no doubt
that the gesultant increase o f taxable
Mrs. Morrison, who was ill at home
property will alone many times ex­
was sadly missed from her Bible
ceed the amount o fthe appropriation
class last Lord’s day.
asked for
The bureau will persist in its firm ­
A large attendance is hoped fo r
ly established policy o f giving out
next Sunday at the Christian church.
only such information as is reason­
The Woman’s club will take the plat­
ably accurate, and o f discouraging
all boosting, so called, which is not
supported by fact and common sAise.
An informal reception was enjoyed
As fast as dishonest or unreason
in the church parlors a fter services
ably exaggerated promotion is un
last Lords day night in honor o f Mr.
covered, every e ffo rt will be made
and Mrs. W. E. Sanford and son,
to nullify the efforts o f dishonest
who have moved to Dunsmuir, Cal.
promoters. The bureau has only thi
Mrs. Sanford was pianist at the
greatest good ^>f the greatest num
Christian church and she, as well as
tier to consider, and will continue to
Mr. Sanford and son will be greatly
extend its good offices in that be
half. Considering that it is admit
------------* ------------
ted by all that the industry is in its
About fifty-tw o per cent o f the
early stages only, we would seem tr
world’s population live on farms and
have a fairly large field in which to
in small towns. The smaller city in­
habitants read the big daily from the
Finally, it is hoped that the new
metropolis fo r their foreign and na­
year will see perfected in northeast­
tional news. In connection with their
ern Oregon, an organization similar
daily, nearly all home people read
to that o f our own. Such an organiza­
their home weekly paper. Every small
tion is o f inestimable benefit ns a
city has its weekly paper, which is
means o f a homogeneous develop­
in a field o f its own, entirely separ­
ment, without which an industry can­
ate from a daily. One does not in­
not be firm ly established.— Mining
terfere with another. Both are de­
manded. Advertisers the world over,
use both and in small cities better
returns come from the home weekly
which is read every Friday by every
Ashlrtnd has a new city adminis­ member o f the family. The Ashland
tration and from all appearances it American guarantees its big circula­
is a much alive anil progressive body. tion and omission o f advertisements
I lie men o f the Council and the nre noticed at home and abroad. Fri
Mayor are o f such calibre that the day, Saturday and Monday store
city has no fear or anxiety as to the news, bargains, new arrivals nnd busi­
accomplishments for ‘the coming ness talk are looked fo r in the Fri­
year, and each member has the wel­ day morning weekly. The American
fare o f his city at heart. They are prefers all Ashland ads in preferance
progressive, yet conservative, and to soliciting ads front other cities nnd
starting on their duties like old we advise reading the home mer­
heads in the game.
May all our chant’s message and patronizing
citizens co-operate, as they are work­ home as much as possible.
ing for our interests. Much o f the
plans for their terms wore brought YES. W E L L SAY THEY E AT!
out at a Forutn luncheon Tuesday
at the Lithia Springs hotel. Mayor Ain’ t It So? Ain’ t It So Ain’ t It So?
Pierce gave some interesting facts
Ain’t It Sol
and dwelt on city needs ami their
summer's work in a lengthy nnd in­
Behold, the lodge lodgeth together
teresting speech. Considerable com­ and they eat. The club clubeth to­
ment was made by the Mayor con­ gether and they eat. The business
cerning the water improvements, nu n ’ hen take coursel, and they eat.
with detailed reports o f the engin­ 1 he church have a social, and they
eers, regarding the replacing o f the eat. The young people elect officers,
Lithia water pipe lines. The senti­ and they' eat. And even when the
ment o f the meeting was expressed missionaries meeteth together, they
as favorable to the piping o f Lithia ett. But this later is in good caus*.
water to the Plaza block, easy o f ac­ becau«e they "ea t in remembrance
re-- to passing tourists nnd visitors o f the poor heathen who haven’ t
to our city. This improvement will much to eat.
probably he accomplished the coming
Behold, hath man’s brain gone to
summer. Dr. E. A. Woods is much his abdomen; and doth he no longer
impressed with the poultry possibili­ regard intellectual dainties that thou
ties of the community. He i « ehair- curst no longer call an assembly or a
man o f the Council Sanitary commit- get together a quorum or even a "bak
ti ■ . and declares that Ashland should er’s dozen except thou hold up the
be one o f the greatest poultry cen- bakers dainties as bait. Be it true
ters of the WeaL To which many that the day cometh that, to get a
add their approval.
During the | crowd together at a prayer meeting
i on hour the topic o f fire pro-1 he preacher must hold up a biscuit?
n was touched upon. Ashland
Yea, verily; thou hast heard of the
f re department and equipment hild races of the world. Hut beheld
that •very citizen is proud o f and
t is night for thee even at the door.
1 • 1
ave the cor • idea«*
or a» one calleth unto the child and
J. N. MURPHY, Pastor
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Mr. C.
J. Foster, superintendent.
Morning worship, 11 a. m.
Young peoples meeting, 6:30 p. m.
A ll young people who are interested
in the higher ideals, and the associa­
tion with a company o f real friendly
class o f young people drop in on
Sunday evening at 6:30.
Every Friday in each week prayer
meeting 7 ;30 p. m.
Choir practice, Friday, 7:30 p. m.
Mr. Arthur Hardy, choir leader.
A cordial invitation is extended to
the public to worship with us.
A. M. Beaver
Telephone 68
S. A. Swan, Manager
Is now ready to render best prices
on all kinds o f granite and cem etery
work. Apply P. O. Box 34, Ashland
Are you going to Buy or Build a
Home in Ashland ? ? ?
Central Point, Oregon
for LOANS-IO year
County Agent for the Benefit Sav" & Loan Association.
We make loans on town property
anywhere in the county.
Beaver Realty Co.
Reliable'Responsible, Real Estate,
Loans Insurance
Corner Sixth and Oakdale
Phone 47
Medford, Oregon
References: Citizens Bank o f Ash­
land, First National Bank, State Bank
o f Ashland— 175 Main Street.
Good Bargains in Land
Established in 1885
Abstracts of Title and
Title Insurance
and City Property
Central Point
W. G. T R IL L
Attorney-at-Law— Notary Public
Central Point
_______________________________ t ... ,
T hey Com Aw Gd
I let udes come a—if i
em go. But not thtt gota
l' s Florsheim Shoes. Not so
* «u could notice it. Not when
¿taey’re selling at $ 8 .8 5 a
Jjale. When I can buy Flor-
Shem.s at tfcrt price
TheEnders Co.
A sh la n d , O re go n
Perhaps More Than You Realize
. yeth. "Come hither, sweet little one
rire Chief Ciint Baughman told
nd I will give thee a stick of candy.” ,
f the new equ pmeat which had ven so thou must say to his grown
added to the fire department re-
f papa and mamma, “assemble ye I
l rstly and prvdu ted that when some
"■i'ther. and we will sene refresh-
' the 'v itiT improvement* ore com* v- its." And lo. they come like sheep 1
f,teii this foil, the city cm expect
' 1 |*en. Ain’t it SO? Ain’t It so?__
lower insurance rate.
si hange.
Irving E. Yining. president o f the a
--------------- + ------------- --
:at* chamber, told o f the annual
Our latch string is out and door
lecting o f that organisation to be unlocked.
Many have called.
You depend upon the battery in VOur
car much more than you realize. With-
Pd to kesp
8 ,4 * %
nds **»«
Z f
drive in
Auto Electric Garage
Phone 127
--ast Wain