Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, January 28, 1927, Image 12

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e r re sid e n t here, was in th e city
S a tu r d a y .
. _ „
H enry M itzner of K lam ath halls
was calling on frie n d s in this city
T uesday a n d W ednesday.
Geo. M. T a ylor of D unsm uir, Calif,
was a caller in Ashland T uesday, be­
ing a g u e st a t the Columbia hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Davis of
K lam ath Falls w ere visitors in Ash­
land W’ednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E dw ards of
"Valley View" Scene of Co-opera­
tive Gathering of Fruit Grower»
G ra n ts Pass were a t the Hotel O r e ­
and Ashland Folk«.
gon W’ednesday.
( The P a rk gara g e has received a
shipm ent of Oldsmobiles and Stude-
Many splendid talks brought out
b a k e r c a rs for th e ir local tra de .
the benefit of co-operation at the
J. A. Burgess was a t the Hotel
community and city meeting at the
O regon, from Redding, C alifornia on
Valley View school house Wednesday
night. Farm e rs of th a t district and
T hursda y.
several of Ashland cham ber of com­
of the
merce members and citizens enjoyed
Realty company is very ill a t her
a splendid social, beneficial, get-to­
home on Scenic Drive.
g ether meeting. And well can Ash­
A drian Broils, who is employed on
land support, in all m anners possible
J a m e s McDowells ra n c h on A nderson
this Valley View community.
creek, sp e n t the week-end in Ashland.
One of the p re ttie st spots of
A p p r o p r i a t e Name.
The Jenson baby on Ohio str e e t
southern Oregon, with its wide ex­
Valley View is right. S ta n d in g on who has been very ill with pneum onia
panse of fertile acres, improved the steps of the com m unity building is much improved.
farms, modern farm houses, fut >ne gets a splendid view of the val-
Miss M argaret H argus, an A sh­
stock, chickens and many hundreds 'ey and of the d ista n t city. A t night land norm al student, has been a p ­
of fruit trees. A drive through the the lights of Ashland make a be a u ­
Valley View district from the high­ tiful sight, and while speaking of lo- pointed assistant librarian a t the
way around to the H¡Merest and out ation. allow a com m ent on the road new K lamath Falls library.
by Talent is a jo u rn e y through a conditions in the Valley View com ­
The Ashland W om ans Civic club
modern Garden of Eden. Here is munity. All of the roads a re in ex- will give a social tim e and ne e d le ­
demonstrated the results of good
ellent condition, showing the good work a t their club house Tuesday
irrigation on excellent soil, when men work th a t has been accomplished by a f te r n o o n at 2:30. The public is c o r­
who know how, are a tte n d in g the the tax payers. Roads high and dry, dially invited.
business end of the farms.
with plenty of gravel, makes driving
Wm. Cark of W eed. C alifornia
Ashland is, by location rb'ht th ” as safe as on the pavem ent.
was a guest a t the Columbia hotel
We expect to visit Valley View T uesday, being in the city on one
logical tra ding point of all these
ften, and enjoyed the W ednesday o f his periodical trips.
farm owners and citizens from here
to beyond T alent and many of the night m e eting immensley.
B urglars entered
th e
P e r r in e ’s
American readers of this district
u te some
have expressed a desire to co-operate
Lodge Give« Dance.
time Monday night and carried aw ay
with Ashland in all things beneficial.
Ashland must c a te r to this communi­
The m em bers of the F r a te r n a l a b o u t $300 worth of m erchandise.
ty in a business way, as the soil a d ­ Brotherhood m et a t 7 p m. in the
Mrs. W’alter Newcombe, who has
jacent to town is the backbone of
several days in Ashland visit­
the city.
friends, r e tu r n e d S unday to
Businessmen generally crave the
valuable country trade and the A m ­ ness before the guests began arriv in g h e r home in G rants Pass. Mrs. N ew ­
erican joins with many minds in the for the dance which followed.
combe formerly resided in Ashland.
belief th a t the trade w anted must
Mr. Ja m e s O. B a n iste r of T alent,
Mr. and Mrs. E v e re tt G. Holman
be invited. A strong, m utual, business
and sociul co-operation should exist. who has in the past, been a g e n t f o r of G ra n ts Pass spent the week-end
Today, we believe the understa n d in g the M etropolitan Insurance com pany in A shland visiting with th e ir d a u g h ­
und relationship between Valley View was elected to m em bership in the
te r, who
is a ste n o g ra p h e r
and Ashland is stro n g e r and more
In itia tio n s Briggs A Briggs.
substantial than it was previous to F ra te r n a l Brotherhood.
this splendid, social m eeting W ed­ were postponed until the ne x t m e e t­
R. G. Fowler, c ounty club agent
nesday night.
ing night when a large class is e x­ was a re c e nt visitor in Ashland and
Topic« Arp Di»cu««ed.
The chamber of commerce com ­ pected to ta k e the vows of m e m b e r­ m e t w ith boys* and girls clubs of
mittee asked for com plaints and ship. The T u c k e r o rc h e stra furnished this city and also in the Bellview
friendly discussion on any strain to music for the dance which was well district.
co-operation, and from various f a r m ­ a tte n d e d and proved a success in
On S aturday night the Mt. Shasta
ers we learned of several inprove-
every way. The crowd showed th e ir basketball team comes to Ashland to
ments desired.
The first topic wus over the fa c t a ppreciation of “ the old-fashioned m eet ou r local high school five. A
that Valley View sent a bus full of d a n c e ” by th e way they responded to good gam e is assured as Mt. Shasta
young people to the Ashland schools
has been playing w onderful ball.
ami they were o ffe re d no m anual each number.
-------------------------* -------------------------
training in either the ju n io r high or
Mrs. Alice Baldwin of K lam ath
the high school. The second com plaint
L. V’. King was here from Metzger Falls is seriously ill with cancer.
was the lack of m a rk e ts here and Saturday.
Mrs. Baldwin is a sister of Mrs. S.
lack of co-operation betw een Ash­
Mr. and Mrs. Burns, who live a t
land business men and Valley View- Moon’s Mill on G re e nsprings m o u n t­ K entor and Mrs. M. Morgan and
land owners. P oultry p roduc ts being ain, were shopping in A shland T u e s­ Wm. and Chas. Million of this city.
almost ignored in
Ashland, w here day.
C entral P oint boys am! girls, high
the poultry c e n te r should be es­
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Morlev of
These people m nrket in Dunsmuir, C alifornia, were callers school basketball te a m s came to Ash­
land W dnesday night for two fast
they should come to Ashland, only in the citv W ednesday.
games. Ashland was victorious and
three miles away, aod a down-hill
The (). E. S. E m broidery club m et
A suggestion for a remedy- Tuesday a f te r n o o n in the Masonic the victories are considered fine
• work by home players as C entral
brought out the desire of the poul­
Point players are in th e habit of
try men that the Ashland business hall for work.
jnen join their poultry association.
Mrs. O. C. Darling had a pleasant winning th e ir games.
A d in n e r ¡»arty wan give# T u e s­
This is surely som ething to think visit from h e r father, Chas. D. H urd,
day noon a t the home of Miss S.
about, and a rem edy figured out. W ednesday.
The greatest poultry and egg busi­
Mrs. G. K. Millard of W eed, Cali- Fox and Mrs. 5. L. Allen. The invit­
ness of southern Oregon is assured ‘’o r n 'a was calling on friends here ed guests w ere Mrs. M. E. Dickey,
an«l an immediate f u tu r e of b e tte r Monday.
tra d e conditions assured if this co­
(). F. Riebe) of Rosehurg. a form- A ttorney Nell I)ickx>y, Mrs. E. L.
Atkinswn ¡wid Mies Doc is Applegate.
IV. J. Friwik Nocris, fircy Baptist
preacker fr«t* Forth Vont-h, Texas,
wim ftepnitted Tues«kty of tW> w a r d ­
Wc W ill Welcome You As A Shareholder
e r of D e x te r E. Chip«ps Vy a j a r y
which •h’liWeciwke«! <**ly w m h«wr and
1* w iaatus ;awd t • •»* «wly h >. W«l-
H. E. i nane, C. TPaJikfcC. A. Upea-
lund awj R. Coawoy comprised a
party of K lam ath Falls people w I m
visited m A shland Sunday a-nd Mon­
day. They w e re gwesds of Ho<el Ash­
Floyd C. S w eetm an, a gxent at the
Ashland hotel W ednesday, hailing
from Berkeley, California, and who
makes f r e q u e n t trips to this city,
s ta te s tha t Ashland looks b e tte r to
him a t every trip here. IAi sees won­
derful results here when the c ountry
develops to its possibilities.
Mrs. W. C. Baldwin has leased her
home on C alifornia stre e t and is
moving her fam ily to Dunsmuir,
w here Mr. Baldwin is employed in
the Southern Pacific shops.
Baldwin's have lived in Ashland for
several vears ami will be greatly
m sed I v th e ir many friends.
J. K. H a rris of B rem erton. Wash.,
narrowly escaped death by a falling
timber, while w orking in the ship-
vards. lie saved his life bv protecting
v ith his a rm , the arm was
badly broken. Mr. H arris is n boiler
m aker bv tr a d e and a fo rm e r em-
nlov of the S o u th e rn Pacific in Ash­
H. C Severance and family from
V'elseville. California, have reflted
*b»> Sloan house at 440 Helman St..
Mr. Severance is a fo rm e r resident
" f Ashland, ha ving b eer a student in
the Ashland
high school several
ears ago He is now represent»
' ve for the F. W. M r \ V « products
nd expects to m ake his home here.
This naper has m any readers in
v * "e y View and on rural ro u te two
" d our visit to the Valiev View
hool house We«ine*i!.i\ night was a
•••eat New a c q u a in ta n c e s were made
•Fat will result in lasting friendship«
l ou Should Know the F acts A bout Investm ent
Th e re we w ere *o’d that a good
— "»nv from th a t distro t traded con-
In Our P referred S h are s
- b rablv in Medford. I arg. '1, o
■d« bv M "dford m e r-h -n * , in
f rd papers is one big drawin-r cr*d
B it we assure o u r -oute ts-n
T h e C a l if o r n ia O r e g o n P o w e r C o m p a n y
tV*t quality a „ d p r jf * wi|j
ted n Ashland
I ijk I u ] kUntaih I ail -Orrjiw
The b u s in e s s n o lle — e* •,.*i I
I m * l .. ni l
311 i* to fc r s o n a lly pre
operation can be accomplished.
A nother im portant subject came
up when one dairym an rep e a te d a
rum or th a t Ashland had two fine
cream eries and only about th r e e
grocery-men reported W ednesday as
having Ashland butter. I he \ alley
View people c ontending th a t A sh­
land people should dem and the home
product and tha t if the stores h a n ­
dled only home products, the home
dairyman would find his milk und
cream market in Ashland. In oth e r
words, stick by Ashland c ream eries
Ashland industries and farm s, and. as
we have continually advocated, “ P a ­
tronize Home." The discussion was
all in a friendly mood, and the
meeting a djourned with an u n d e r ­
f u n d in g that a n o th e r m eeting would
soon be held, giving time for a more
thorough investigation previous.
The Valley View people insisted
that the Ashland cham ber of com ­
merce hold a m eeting a t the Valley
View com munity building.
You Can Share In Our Growth
Our business protvs steadily in proportion
;o the publics need for utility services.
\ ou can share in our growth by invest­
ing in the Preferred Shares of this company.
Dividends arc earned steadily, and paid
regularly by check every three months.
^ ou can invest for cash, or on the con­
venient monthly investment plan. You can
start today with $V
m ents the first of each m onth fo r ad-
! vertising. This is c onve nie nt to the
a dvertisers and
Jo b
prin tin g is cash, unless c u sto m e rs
have accounts. These m onthly s t a t e ­
m ents for a d v e rtisin g a r e n o t to be
considered duns, m erely s ta te m e n ts
of a ccounts m onthly to avoid mis­
takes and fo r c onvenience o f all con­
cerned. I t ’s the b e tte r plan.
-------------------------* -------------------------
"T h e Ideal Y oung M an,” was the
subject of an in te re stin g discourse
a t the C hristian c hurch S u n d a y
night by V. K. Allison, the m inister.
The m a te ria l was dra w n from le t­
ters w ritte n by y o u n g w om en o f the
congregation. It was a happy com bin­
ation o f h u m o r a n d sense which kept
the a udience a l te r n a tin g
betw een
laughter and seriousness. T he y o ung
man who m eets the sta n d a rd set
forth in these le tte r s m ust be s tro n g
physically. He m u st be a good m ixer
and be a t ease in the best of society.
He m ust be intellectual a n d have a t
least a f a ir e ducation. He m u st be
clean morally and avoid the society
th a t would e n d a n g e r morals. Most of
the le tte rs specified t h a t he m u st r e ­
frain from stro n g drink, tobacco and
He m u st be a Christian.
This week the y o u n g men a r e busy
w riting le tte rs ex p re ssin g th e ir ideas
¡of the “ Ideal Y oung W o m a n ” which
will be the su b je c t of Mr. A llison’s
discourse n e x t S unday evening.
• ¿St
W A N T E D — To r e n t private g a ra g e
or protected c a r space by m onth.
Inquire A m erican office.
W A N TED — Subscribers f o r the
Ashland A m erican a t only $2 per
year. It will be of m ore b e n e f it to
you and y o u r city than th a t. W o n ’t
you push it th a t much.
FOR R E N T — F u rn ish e d a p a r tm e n t
in the Shook Viuilding.
W A N T E D E M PL O Y M E N T — 18 y ear
old boy w a n ts work in store, f a c ­
tory or g a r a g e ; wages not as im­
p o rta n t as o p p o rtu n ity to learn tra d e
or business. Address H, care Ashland
A m erican o r phone 95
A S N A P — Lot 100x200 on e a st side
of Van Ness Ave., a d jo in in g Dr.
S m ith’s property. S tr e e t paved and
c e m e n t sideyalk in. This p ro p e rty
has cost me n e a rly $2000, will take
$1100 and give te r m s if w a n te d . Mrs.
C. L. Hawley, 1017 14th St., S a c r a ­
mento, C a lifornia .
1 'a sto ry b u n g a lo w : well b u ilt;
large lot; well located fo r schools.
$2,500— easy p a y m e n ts — will ta k e
small c a r on first p a y m e n t.
Y O C K E Y A CO., 177 E a s t Main
The reliability of Chev­
rolet is standing up un­
der the hardest kind of
usage and providing
TATION is shown in
the fact that the Hertz
Driv-Ur-Self Corpora­
tion of Chicago is ad­
ding 400 C H E V R O-
LETS to its fleet of for-
hirc cars.
This proves
yt u can t beat the Chev­
rolet for economy and
general d r i v ; i g pur­
Ashland, Oregon
Remember that Franklin’s 1>L. loaf is now a full
Milk Bread, the only Milk bread made in Southern
Oregon. Electrically baked in the best equipped
and cleanest shop in this part of the state
Franklin Bakery
Saturday, January 20
a story by James Oliver Curvvood
Also a Comedy, “Buster’s Narrov Escape.’
Sunday, January JO
with Louis Stone
Also Pathe News and a c ’ . dv,
‘‘Gosh Darn Mortgr’rc.’
January 31, February 1
with Harold L oyd
\ BO an Aesop’s Frl
February . a:. J 1
\\ uh R( i : i a Roque
Also a com- i; • Gr !f \y. |cw ,..