ASHLAND A M ERICAS' ” e r re sid e n t here, was in th e city S a tu r d a y . . _ „ H enry M itzner of K lam ath halls was calling on frie n d s in this city T uesday a n d W ednesday. Geo. M. T a ylor of D unsm uir, Calif, was a caller in Ashland T uesday, be­ ing a g u e st a t the Columbia hotel. MUTUAL SUBJECTS DISCUSSED Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Davis of AT HALL. K lam ath Falls w ere visitors in Ash­ land W’ednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E dw ards of "Valley View" Scene of Co-opera­ tive Gathering of Fruit Grower» G ra n ts Pass were a t the Hotel O r e ­ and Ashland Folk«. gon W’ednesday. ( The P a rk gara g e has received a shipm ent of Oldsmobiles and Stude- Many splendid talks brought out b a k e r c a rs for th e ir local tra de . the benefit of co-operation at the J. A. Burgess was a t the Hotel community and city meeting at the O regon, from Redding, C alifornia on Valley View school house Wednesday night. Farm e rs of th a t district and T hursda y. several of Ashland cham ber of com­ Mrs. Yockey of the Yockey merce members and citizens enjoyed Realty company is very ill a t her a splendid social, beneficial, get-to­ home on Scenic Drive. g ether meeting. And well can Ash­ A drian Broils, who is employed on land support, in all m anners possible J a m e s McDowells ra n c h on A nderson this Valley View community. creek, sp e n t the week-end in Ashland. One of the p re ttie st spots of A p p r o p r i a t e Name. The Jenson baby on Ohio str e e t southern Oregon, with its wide ex­ Valley View is right. S ta n d in g on who has been very ill with pneum onia panse of fertile acres, improved the steps of the com m unity building is much improved. farms, modern farm houses, fut >ne gets a splendid view of the val- Miss M argaret H argus, an A sh­ stock, chickens and many hundreds 'ey and of the d ista n t city. A t night land norm al student, has been a p ­ of fruit trees. A drive through the the lights of Ashland make a be a u ­ Valley View district from the high­ tiful sight, and while speaking of lo- pointed assistant librarian a t the way around to the H¡Merest and out ation. allow a com m ent on the road new K lamath Falls library. by Talent is a jo u rn e y through a conditions in the Valley View com ­ The Ashland W om ans Civic club modern Garden of Eden. Here is munity. All of the roads a re in ex- will give a social tim e and ne e d le ­ demonstrated the results of good ellent condition, showing the good work a t their club house Tuesday irrigation on excellent soil, when men work th a t has been accomplished by a f te r n o o n at 2:30. The public is c o r­ who know how, are a tte n d in g the the tax payers. Roads high and dry, dially invited. business end of the farms. with plenty of gravel, makes driving Wm. Cark of W eed. C alifornia Ashland is, by location rb'ht th ” as safe as on the pavem ent. was a guest a t the Columbia hotel We expect to visit Valley View T uesday, being in the city on one logical tra ding point of all these ften, and enjoyed the W ednesday o f his periodical trips. farm owners and citizens from here to beyond T alent and many of the night m e eting immensley. B urglars entered th e P e r r in e ’s American readers of this district store by the back window ro u te some have expressed a desire to co-operate Lodge Give« Dance. time Monday night and carried aw ay with Ashland in all things beneficial. Ashland must c a te r to this communi­ The m em bers of the F r a te r n a l a b o u t $300 worth of m erchandise. ty in a business way, as the soil a d ­ Brotherhood m et a t 7 p m. in the Mrs. W’alter Newcombe, who has jacent to town is the backbone of Moose hall last T h u rsd a y nig h t in spent several days in Ashland visit­ the city. o rd e r to dispose of im p o rta n t busi­ ing w ith friends, r e tu r n e d S unday to Businessmen generally crave the valuable country trade and the A m ­ ness before the guests began arriv in g h e r home in G rants Pass. Mrs. N ew ­ erican joins with many minds in the for the dance which followed. combe formerly resided in Ashland. belief th a t the trade w anted must Mr. Ja m e s O. B a n iste r of T alent, Mr. and Mrs. E v e re tt G. Holman be invited. A strong, m utual, business and sociul co-operation should exist. who has in the past, been a g e n t f o r of G ra n ts Pass spent the week-end Today, we believe the understa n d in g the M etropolitan Insurance com pany in A shland visiting with th e ir d a u g h ­ und relationship between Valley View was elected to m em bership in the te r, who is a ste n o g ra p h e r for and Ashland is stro n g e r and more In itia tio n s Briggs A Briggs. substantial than it was previous to F ra te r n a l Brotherhood. this splendid, social m eeting W ed­ were postponed until the ne x t m e e t­ R. G. Fowler, c ounty club agent nesday night. ing night when a large class is e x­ was a re c e nt visitor in Ashland and Topic« Arp Di»cu««ed. The chamber of commerce com ­ pected to ta k e the vows of m e m b e r­ m e t w ith boys* and girls clubs of mittee asked for com plaints and ship. The T u c k e r o rc h e stra furnished this city and also in the Bellview friendly discussion on any strain to music for the dance which was well district. co-operation, and from various f a r m ­ a tte n d e d and proved a success in On S aturday night the Mt. Shasta ers we learned of several inprove- every way. The crowd showed th e ir basketball team comes to Ashland to ments desired. The first topic wus over the fa c t a ppreciation of “ the old-fashioned m eet ou r local high school five. A that Valley View sent a bus full of d a n c e ” by th e way they responded to good gam e is assured as Mt. Shasta young people to the Ashland schools has been playing w onderful ball. ami they were o ffe re d no m anual each number. -------------------------* ------------------------- training in either the ju n io r high or Mrs. Alice Baldwin of K lam ath the high school. The second com plaint L. V’. King was here from Metzger Falls is seriously ill with cancer. was the lack of m a rk e ts here and Saturday. Mrs. Baldwin is a sister of Mrs. S. lack of co-operation betw een Ash­ Mr. and Mrs. Burns, who live a t land business men and Valley View- Moon’s Mill on G re e nsprings m o u n t­ K entor and Mrs. M. Morgan and land owners. P oultry p roduc ts being ain, were shopping in A shland T u e s­ Wm. and Chas. Million of this city. almost ignored in Ashland, w here day. C entral P oint boys am! girls, high the poultry c e n te r should be es­ Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Morlev of tablished. These people m nrket in Dunsmuir, C alifornia, were callers school basketball te a m s came to Ash­ land W dnesday night for two fast they should come to Ashland, only in the citv W ednesday. games. Ashland was victorious and three miles away, aod a down-hill The (). E. S. E m broidery club m et haul. A suggestion for a remedy- Tuesday a f te r n o o n in the Masonic the victories are considered fine • work by home players as C entral brought out the desire of the poul­ Point players are in th e habit of try men that the Ashland business hall for work. jnen join their poultry association. Mrs. O. C. Darling had a pleasant winning th e ir games. A d in n e r ¡»arty wan give# T u e s­ This is surely som ething to think visit from h e r father, Chas. D. H urd, day noon a t the home of Miss S. about, and a rem edy figured out. W ednesday. The greatest poultry and egg busi­ Mrs. G. K. Millard of W eed, Cali- Fox and Mrs. 5. L. Allen. The invit­ ness of southern Oregon is assured ‘’o r n 'a was calling on friends here ed guests w ere Mrs. M. E. Dickey, an«l an immediate f u tu r e of b e tte r Monday. tra d e conditions assured if this co­ (). F. Riebe) of Rosehurg. a form- A ttorney Nell I)ickx>y, Mrs. E. L. Atkinswn ¡wid Mies Doc is Applegate. IV. J. Friwik Nocris, fircy Baptist preacker fr«t* Forth Vont-h, Texas, wim ftepnitted Tues«kty of tW> w a r d ­ Wc W ill Welcome You As A Shareholder e r of D e x te r E. Chip«ps Vy a j a r y which •h’liWeciwke«! <**ly w m h«wr and 1* w iaatus ;awd t • •»* «wly h >. W«l- lot. H. E. i nane, C. TPaJikfcC. A. Upea- lund awj R. Coawoy comprised a party of K lam ath Falls people w I m visited m A shland Sunday a-nd Mon­ day. They w e re gwesds of Ho Sloan house at 440 Helman St.. Mr. Severance is a fo rm e r resident " f Ashland, ha ving b eer a student in the Ashland high school several ears ago He is now represent» ' ve for the F. W. M r \ V « products nd expects to m ake his home here. This naper has m any readers in v * "e y View and on rural ro u te two " d our visit to the Valiev View hool house We«ine*i!.i\ night was a •••eat New a c q u a in ta n c e s were made •Fat will result in lasting friendship« l ou Should Know the F acts A bout Investm ent Th e re we w ere *o’d that a good — "»nv from th a t distro t traded con- In Our P referred S h are s - b rablv in Medford. I arg. '1, o ■d« bv M "dford m e r-h -n * , in f rd papers is one big drawin-r cr*d B it we assure o u r -oute ts-n . T h e C a l if o r n ia O r e g o n P o w e r C o m p a n y tV*t quality a „ d p r jf * wi|j emial- ted n Ashland NbJfcxil I ijk I u ] kUntaih I ail -Orrjiw The b u s in e s s n o lle — e* •,.*i I - I m * l .. ni l 311 i* to fc r s o n a lly pre VALLEY AND CITY HOLD MEET operation can be accomplished. A nother im portant subject came up when one dairym an rep e a te d a rum or th a t Ashland had two fine cream eries and only about th r e e grocery-men reported W ednesday as having Ashland butter. I he \ alley View people c ontending th a t A sh­ land people should dem and the home product and tha t if the stores h a n ­ dled only home products, the home dairyman would find his milk und cream market in Ashland. In oth e r words, stick by Ashland c ream eries Ashland industries and farm s, and. as we have continually advocated, “ P a ­ tronize Home." The discussion was all in a friendly mood, and the meeting a djourned with an u n d e r ­ f u n d in g that a n o th e r m eeting would soon be held, giving time for a more thorough investigation previous. The Valley View people insisted that the Ashland cham ber of com ­ merce hold a m eeting a t the Valley View com munity building. You Can Share In Our Growth Our business protvs steadily in proportion ;o the publics need for utility services. \ ou can share in our growth by invest­ ing in the Preferred Shares of this company. Dividends arc earned steadily, and paid regularly by check every three months. ^ ou can invest for cash, or on the con­ venient monthly investment plan. You can start today with $V omen m ents the first of each m onth fo r ad- ! vertising. This is c onve nie nt to the a dvertisers and the paper. Jo b prin tin g is cash, unless c u sto m e rs have accounts. These m onthly s t a t e ­ m ents for a d v e rtisin g a r e n o t to be considered duns, m erely s ta te m e n ts of a ccounts m onthly to avoid mis­ takes and fo r c onvenience o f all con­ cerned. I t ’s the b e tte r plan. -------------------------* ------------------------- CHRISTIAN CHURCH "T h e Ideal Y oung M an,” was the subject of an in te re stin g discourse a t the C hristian c hurch S u n d a y night by V. K. Allison, the m inister. The m a te ria l was dra w n from le t­ ters w ritte n by y o u n g w om en o f the congregation. It was a happy com bin­ ation o f h u m o r a n d sense which kept the a udience a l te r n a tin g betw een laughter and seriousness. T he y o ung man who m eets the sta n d a rd set forth in these le tte r s m ust be s tro n g physically. He m u st be a good m ixer and be a t ease in the best of society. He m ust be intellectual a n d have a t least a f a ir e ducation. He m u st be clean morally and avoid the society th a t would e n d a n g e r morals. Most of the le tte rs specified t h a t he m u st r e ­ frain from stro n g drink, tobacco and profanity. He m u st be a Christian. This week the y o u n g men a r e busy w riting le tte rs ex p re ssin g th e ir ideas ¡of the “ Ideal Y oung W o m a n ” which will be the su b je c t of Mr. A llison’s discourse n e x t S unday evening. **♦ . C L ASSIFIED © 1 • ¿St WANTED W A N T E D — To r e n t private g a ra g e or protected c a r space by m onth. Inquire A m erican office. lot W A N TED — Subscribers f o r the Ashland A m erican a t only $2 per year. It will be of m ore b e n e f it to you and y o u r city than th a t. W o n ’t you push it th a t much. FOR RENT FOR R E N T — F u rn ish e d a p a r tm e n t in the Shook Viuilding. EMPLOYM ENT W A N T ED W A N T E D E M PL O Y M E N T — 18 y ear old boy w a n ts work in store, f a c ­ tory or g a r a g e ; wages not as im­ p o rta n t as o p p o rtu n ity to learn tra d e or business. Address H, care Ashland A m erican o r phone 95 FOR SA LE A S N A P — Lot 100x200 on e a st side of Van Ness Ave., a d jo in in g Dr. S m ith’s property. S tr e e t paved and c e m e n t sideyalk in. This p ro p e rty has cost me n e a rly $2000, will take $1100 and give te r m s if w a n te d . Mrs. C. L. Hawley, 1017 14th St., S a c r a ­ mento, C a lifornia . 414* FOR SALE ON E A SY T E R M S 1 'a sto ry b u n g a lo w : well b u ilt; large lot; well located fo r schools. $2,500— easy p a y m e n ts — will ta k e small c a r on first p a y m e n t. Y O C K E Y A CO., 177 E a s t Main FOR QUALITY P A IN T IN G & T IN T IN G FIG U R E W IT H SW ENN1NG Absolute Proof! The reliability of Chev­ rolet is standing up un­ der the hardest kind of usage and providing CHEAP TRANSPOR­ TATION is shown in the fact that the Hertz Driv-Ur-Self Corpora­ tion of Chicago is ad­ ding 400 C H E V R O- LETS to its fleet of for- hirc cars. This proves yt u can t beat the Chev­ rolet for economy and general d r i v ; i g pur­ poses. THE AUTOMOTIVE SHOP Ashland, Oregon p' LADIES Remember that Franklin’s 1>L. loaf is now a full Milk Bread, the only Milk bread made in Southern Oregon. Electrically baked in the best equipped and cleanest shop in this part of the state Franklin Bakery * » < VINING THEATRE Saturday, January 20 “THE COUNTRY BEYOND” a story by James Oliver Curvvood Also a Comedy, “Buster’s Narrov Escape.’ Sunday, January JO “MIDNIGHT LOVERS” with Louis Stone Also Pathe News and a c ’ . dv, ‘‘Gosh Darn Mortgr’rc.’ January 31, February 1 12 “THE KID BROTHS with Harold L oyd \ BO an Aesop’s Frl February . a:. J 1 “CRUISE OF SPER B m \\ uh R( i : i a Roque Also a com- i; • Gr !f \y. |cw ,..