ASHLAND A MF. RICAN ' were Helen Dugale and Amalie Beck­ er. Their bonds were set at $2,000 It is a common practice to accuse each. ______ j . _______ industries of destroying the beauties i of nature. In some instances the N E W S P A P E R S A N D F A R M E R S Courts Are Swamped by I charge is justified. But on the other hand, many great corporations beau­ There was never a time when so Real Estate Cases. tify property and wasteland. much was done to make the country As an illustration take our great newspapers interesting for the farm­ Miami, Fla.— Unscrambling the tan­ The country weekly and the gled tlnanclal und property title mess hydroelectric plants. The dams and ers. that developed In the "Hinder’' period buildings which they construct are small city daily carry editorials and a year ago, iu the retinunclng und work of art, and as substantial in family news of the town and neigh­ bonding period a few months later and their character as the canyons and borhood that interests the whole in the deferred payment default period river banks which surround them. If family living on the farm. of the last ten mouths, now Is occupy­ Father and mother are interested ing practically the whole time of the they were in some foreign country and a few hundred years old, they in the market. The young people courts and realty tribunals in Florida, writes I'utney Haight In the Chicago w'ould be advertised as attractions read ads of the new things in the for tourists on a par with castles stores and show windows. All are in­ Tribune. Solid pages of "service by publica­ which now draw travelers from all terested in the entertainments, tion" summonses iu foreclosure pro­ parts of the world to see them. The church and social news. ceedings are appearing In daily and same policy of beutifying their prop­ ---------- * ---------- weekly newspapers, in spite of the fact erties applies to our railroads— their B o r r o w e d Laugh«. that a general policy had been adopt­ ed by the more substantial develop right of ways, their bridges and their A heavily veiled young woman ment concerns lo extend time on de­ stations. Generally speaking, their addressed the clerk at the hosiery ferred payments for lands for a year holdings, in conjunction with public counter in a large down-town de­ or two at least. utilities and modern large industries partment store, and asked: Real Estate Tangles. represent the best kept premises in “ Have you any flesh colored stock Most of the actions now being In­ cities and towns or in the waste lands ings in stock?” stituted are not exactly what they up- over the country. “ Yes madam,” replied the spec­ peal* lo be on the face of the title, at­ Many persons will dump rubbish tacled clerk. “ What color will you torneys say. Complainants in a great majority of cases appear as the minor and tin cans on their neighbor’s lot have— pink, yellow or black.” The firms and corporations which sprang and think it good riddance. ---------- * ---------- Into being at the height of the boom average large industry with progres­ ASHLAND und sprang out when the boom sub sive management, disposes of its sided. They left commitments to pay trash, beautifies property wherever Has an elevation of two thousand for tracts of land used for subdivision possible ard commemorates unusual feet; is ideal for toruists and travel­ on one hand, and deferred payment or historic points in a suitable man­ ers. contracts of buyers on the other. Now the original owners of the tracts are ner. The climate in nearly ideal; no ex­ We have a recent illustration in tremes of heat or coll; no blizzards trying to clear up titles lo their prop­ erty. Philadelphia where the United Gas or tornadoes. Suits are started against lot buyers Improvement company in adding to to foreclose because of defaulted pay­ its office building, found that it had Has a bountiful supply of the clear­ ments in the name of the concern to tear down a house in which was est and purest water to be found any­ where. which sold the lots I.t may be years before property titles are straightened written that famous hymn, “ He Has as its chief summer resort the out if the present procedure is fol­ Leadeth Me.” Most individuals would lowed, as the foreclosure actions in have torn down the house, used it Lake o’ the Woods, a beautiful spot Dade county alone are said to be 15,0'JO for kindling wood and thought no for camping and out-door life. to 20,000. though no accurate figures more about it. Butt he officers of this Within a short distance of wonder­ are available at present from the court great “ soulless corporation,” recog­ ful fishing streams and a natural records. nizing that the birthplace of a hymn gateway to Crater Lake loop, one of It is likely that the next legislature which has been translated into all the greatest scenic spots in America. will be asked to pass a statute under languages, should not be forgotten, which it will be possible to clear prop­ The new Southern Oregon Normal erty titles by affidavit and notice. The set a bronze tablet in the wall of school is located on the southern exact method lias not been worked cut their new building where the old boundary of the city. as yet, but experts are engaged in house stood. This will forever record framing a simple way to avoid the the history of this hymn. Ashland is noted for its efferves­ growing avalanche of court proceed­ Big usiness with progressive man­ cent and healthful Lithia water which ings. bubbles up constantly through the agement recognizes and accepts the rocks of granite. Tlie "service-by-publlcation" phase of tlie foreclosure will, in the opinion responsibility for perpetuating many Malaria germs cannot thrive in Ash­ of Florida lawyers, work no great of the finer chaiacteristics of life land. This is a proven fact over a hardship, for they bold that practical­ which its critics often overlook. period of years. The climate is also ly all those suits are against buyers --------------- * --------------- noted far and wide for the relief it who purchased property with a down KEEP THEIR PROMISES affords sufferers from asthma and payment as a gamble, and who be­ hay fever. lieved, to some extent at least, the Practically every candidate for o f­ salesmen who promised to resell the ® ® property within ninety days at a profit. fice promised the people economy in public affairs and tax reduction. L E G A L NOTICES When, at the end of ninety days the property was not resold, the buyer It may be impossible to actually ® ----------------------------------------------- 41 SUMMONS would merely "forget it," and take his secure tax reduction in the majority loss, the Floridians assume. of cases. But it is not impossible to l a the Circuit Court f o r the State o f Suit at Law Necessary. prevent enormous tax increases. If O r e g o n , f o r Jackson count y. Tlie buyer being out of the picture, taxes are not increased that will vir­ however, does not affect tlie validity Plaintiff tually mean a tax reduction, because J. H. DUTTON, of tlie nomfdic cloud on the property vs. with more taxable property constant­ title, and to remove it suit at law is LILLIE DUTTON, Defendant necessary. Most one-payment buyers ly going on the assessment rolls, the To LILLIE DUTTON, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE will never know or bother to find out per capita tax should be reduced. what steps were taken to remove their How many state legislators, how OF OREGON, you are hereby noti­ equities, as personal service is scarcely many members of Congres and how fied and required to appear and ever attempted in these suits unless many governors will stand by their answer the complaint of the plain­ tiff filed against you in the above tl.e defendant is in tlie county or city pledges to bring about less govern­ entitled Court and cause, on or be­ Where action is started. fore the 3rd day of February, 1926, Some, however, will know It when ment expenses? There will be thousands of mea­ that if you fail to answer the same judgments for deficiency in foreclos­ before that date, the plaintiff will ure proceedings are forwarded to the sures before Congress for consid­ apply to the Court for the relief de­ eration, Hundreds of measures will manded in said complaint, which is “ home towns" for collection. The question of foreclosure de­ be brought before the legislatures for a decree forever dissolving the ficiency Judgments is just now tlie sub­ of each of the 48 states. Probably a bonds of matrimony now existing be­ ject of much discussion through Flori­ majority of these measures mean in­ tween plaintiff and defendant, and for the custody and control of the da, as many leading Floridians are of creased expenses, increased numbers minor child of said marriage named tlie opinion that enforcements of pay­ in said complaint. ments upon notes and contracts given of public employes and consequently This summons is served upon you increased taxes. during tlie hectic boom days will leave for the period of six consecutive Now is thetime when public o ffi­ weeks and seven publications there­ such a had taste in tlie mouth of tlie northern portion of tlie country as to cials have a chance to make good of, in the Ashland American, a produce a detrimental effect here for on their promises and hold down weekly news paper printed on Thurs­ day of each week in Central Point, years to come Others, urge the rigid government overhead. Oregon, commencing with the issue to exact tlie pound of flesh. Their of December 30th, 1926, in pursu­ ---------- * ---------- logic is based on tlie theory that the ance of an order of the Honorable “B A B Y MARKET” BRINGS b o o m times buyers were gambling and C. M. Thomas, Judge of the ahovo A R R E S T O F 3 W O M E N would have taken a profit, had it ma­ named Court, made and entered terialized, and therefore are in duty herein on the 28th day of December, Three mid-wives are under arrest 1926. bound to take a loss when that has W. G. TRILL. come. in Chicago on warrants ordered by Attorney for Plaintiff Not only In land titles is the un­ I)r. Herman N. Bundensen, city My residence and Postoffice ad­ scrambling process going on. but nlso health commission, on information dress is: In high finance circles, where much Central Point, Oregon given by girl reporters for the distrust lias developed in recent d -31-f.ll Chicago Herald and Examiner that months. * the women had been operating a NOTICE TO CREDITORS baby market. Here’s a Championship The reporters, .posing as custom­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Hasn’t Been Lost ers were informed, they said, that that the undersigned has. hy order of Albany.— New York, champion cub the women would care for prospect­ the county court of Jackson county, bage-g rowing slate of the Union, ive mothers in their homes, and if Oregon, been appointed as adminis- tratix of the Estate of Isahell J. raised 20Ò.I0.1 ions of that vegetable the mothers did not want the babies Stines, deceased, and has duly quali­ tills >ear. an increase of 10.700 over All persons having l!rg.*>, «aid a state fisleral crop report would sell the children to wives who fied as such. 'laims rurainst said estate are here- le eived their husbands into believ­ issu'd b> I lie department of farms vv notified and rennired to oro«ent ing they were to become mothers. and markets the same, d-*./ verified as required The prices for a new-born baby, hv law within six month« a'trr the "Altl o gb tiie output o f domestic, or eurly. cabbage in New York wus the newspapers said, ranged from date I f the first P'lb'iKotion of thi« much lighter than usual," tlie report S250 to $1200. In case an unwanted notice, which first rub1i'”'tion is t,’ >’ said, "tlie late or Danish crop is baby died, one of the mid-wives said 7th day of .Tanuarv. 1927. Mv r nn' dence i« Medford Oregon and - ’ a" enough linger 10 make tlie total prie ! she had an arrangeemnt with twi o f business is Fir«t National Bin! ductinn greater than in 1025, due Building in «a!d r 'tv. cltlefly to tlie increase In acreage of j undertakers to dispose of the body. FRANCES COCHRAN. One of the women arrested was the Danish variety." Administratix of the Estate ot The amount of the latter t)f>e har­ Anna M. Lea, wife of Dr. Theodore D o b e l l ^♦*ne. vested this year is estimated at 201.- Lee, who took poison yesterday W. E. Ph’rn«. Attonfinv *or «n!rl es 800 ‘ ons. as compared with l.Vi.."/»i whon rrrcstpd for solli'’ - alleged fak»* t«te. First National Bank Building Oregon. tons last< n medical diplomas. The other two 1.7-L4 FLOfiiDA TRIES TO UNSCRAMBLE TITLES THE SOUL OF __________ BUSINESS Central Point Feed Store JESSE L. RICHARDSON H AY — GRAIN — SEED Phone 41 S t or e — W O O D Phone 54 Residence — Local and Long Distance Hauling— WE BUY POULTRY’ Central Point “ YOUR FACE - IS G O O D , - MOY’ ING B UT IT W O N ’T G O REGISTER" . Oregon IN T H E CASH H y W ay Printing Commercial Printing for Jackson County The Ashland American is a newly equipped and up-to-the-minute Job Printing Office. No better work and prices pleasing. Better try us on that next job of Printing. We cover Jackson County when it comes to printing. Write us, phone us, call on us. Let us know and we can come after it. Wc are here to serve °.nd please • • • • Job Printing Elch in Romance — the colorful journey east through the southland Sunny days. Languorous breezes. Great cities—San Francisco, Los An­ geles, El Paso, New Orleans. Side- trips over fantastic Apache Trail o f Arizona; and into age-old Mexico. Festooned live-oaks beside Louisiana bayous. A wondrous journey, easily arranged. Stopover privileges cn route. The luxuri­ ous travel accommodations of famous transcontinental trains. As!; foran itinerary tofityourplar s. Four ; rains daily southbound. From California *t;\l “ Sunset Limited” to New Orleans. 1 w ish, connect at San Francisco *■ vxith new extra-fare flyrr» ncr trip east than this. Plan it now. Southern Pacific C. N. KRAMER, Ticket A -.n t