Ashland American. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1927-1927, January 14, 1927, Image 8

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    A S H L A N D A M E R IC A N
!Merely Many Minor Matters
!---------------Briefs and Fillers-------------
A new electric sign has been in­ ing to be held in the First Methodist
stalled fo r the Presbyterian church, church this Friday evening at 7 :.'I0.
a g ift from the Junior Christian En­ The public is invited to hear this dry
deavor society.
The sign will an­ leader talk.
nounce Sunday and week day serv
--------* --------
ices. This g ift is made as a mem-1 RARE FUR AN IM AL CAPTURED l
••i orial to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lyman, J
who were staunch Christian and mem f Mode of Curioiity of Citizen Is
Mr. and Mrs. RobfaMM, “ A m iri- |„.r, ,,f
Both Mr. and
The Ashland American telephone
Strong for Little Animal.
number is '.*5. Rhone in a news item can' editor, have leased apartments Mrs. Lyman passed away during the
in the Shook block, where they will year.
ringtailed cat, a species o f fur
Mrs. Elizabeth Caven is enjoying ™gi",j'e thjg wintt.r
Mr. and Mrs.
. D ... . . ,
. n.
„ .
Reverend R. tt. Nelson o f Phoenix bearing animal akin to the mink and
a visit from her brother o f Texas,
Richardson, other members o f the
. , ,
. ,
. .
. 1 was an Ashland visitor last week peculiar to Oregon, California and
American force have rented a resi-
, ,
Mr. and Mrs. IL
L. Clayeomb .
« i ,
i • .
when he made a study o f the Ash- Texas was captuied near Ashland
dence in Ashland and intend m o v in g ...................
.... ,
land Week Day Bible school, which is recently and is now o ndisplay al
visited in Portland this week.
New Member Appointed on Board of
in during the coming week.
tarried on through the joint efforts the Woods store oil East Main street
The Modern Woodmen and Royal
Many are you who have encourage o f the churches and the schools o f the These small animals were at one time
City Library— Water Ques­
N't ighbors hold a joint installation
the new weekly. Now readers, we
plentiful in Oregon but they .ire
tonight at Moose hall.
tion to be Aired,
ask you to notice the ads in next school on Wednesday o f this week rapidly becoming extinct and at only
W. II. Bartges and daughter, Miss week’s paper and by so doing you
rare intervals can one be caught alive
Fonte, have gone to Portland to I will see who welcomes us. Patronize ; plan, which will include the 3rd, 4th
The ringtailed cats are expert
Appointment o f department heads
spend n week with friends.
mousers and except fo r their love for
the advertisers, It is helping Ash- “ »d 6th grades at the start.
and announcements o f standing com­
A group o f college women attend­ eggs an dchickens they could become
Mrs. Aaron Andrews o f Fairview land.
mittees have been accomplished by
ed the Southern Oregon Women’s a very domestic pet.
street is making a good recovery
Ashland’s new mnyor and eity coun­
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lytle o f Ve- |
The ringtailed cat is said to in­
club, which met on Saturday a fter­
from a recent serious illness.
nice, California, have arrived in Med­
noon in Medford.
An enjoyable habit the dense fir timbered areas
ford to visit at the home o f Mrs.
The folloyw ing department heads
Mrs. F. R. Merrill has returned
luncheon was the feature o f the day. where it subsists on small rodents
L ytle’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I). W.
were nominated by M ayor Pierce and
from a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Those who attended from Ashland and birds.
Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Lytle will also
confirmed by the council unani­
Barr in Sacramento, California.
were Mrs. C. E. Peil, Mrs. F. I). W ag­
visit with other southern Oregon rela­
ner, Mrs. P. B. Bach us, Mrs. V. V. PLANS COMPLETED FOR P L A Y mously :
Mrs. Raymond Rugcr o f Dunsmiur tives during their vacation visit.
Mills, Mrs. W alter Herndon, Miss
Chief o f Police George W. Me-
California, visited friends and rela- j
The Employed Boys’ club held a Clara Trotter, Miss Leona Marzters, Normal School Committee Prêtent Nabb.
tives in Ashland this week.
Moroni Olten Players.
meeting on Thursday evening at the Miss Marion Ady and Mrs Alice
Night Patrolman, Charles Clause.
Victor V. Mills, local insurance Pioneer hall. Before dinner the boys Willits.
W ater Superintendent, Earl Hosier
Members o f the faculty entertain­
man, is confined at home on account , enjoyed a season o f handball, which
Mrs Louig Dot]Ke was hostess on
Assistant W ater
for r supper. Satim jay afternon to a group o f ment committee o f the normal I. D. Pittman.
o f illne“ '
I whetted the appetites fo
Plans are underway to arrange for friends, who spent the afternoon school are completing plans fo r the
Fire Chief, Clint J. Baughman.
Albany beat the normal ¡n the
speakers and special features fo r most pleasantly in conversation and appearance here on January 22, o f
basketball game at the northern city
Fire Assistants, Lee Wallis and
i a< h nutting,
needlework. The hostess served very the Moroni Olsen players, who will
27 to 20.
M. Wilson.
present “ Outward Bound,’ ’a comedy
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McNair and <lainty and appetizing refreshments,
Commissioner, Frank R.
Mr. and Mrs. (J. E. Eib are in San their daughter, Marjorie, o f Oak- Those who enjoyed the hospitality success dealing with life a fter death.
Francisco, where Mrs. Eib is under land, California,, who are guests o f ° f the Dodge home were Mrs. Fred
arranging fo r the coming entertain­
Sexton o f Cemeteries, M. J. Olson
medical treatment.
relatives in this city, spent Sunday
Homes, Mrs. J. A. Churchill, Mrs.
ment is composed o f Miss Elizabeth
City Electrician, C. A. Malone.
Dispatches say
Charlie Chaplin visiting at the K. O. Gaddis home George Converse, Mrs. V. V. Mills,
Police Judge, C. J. Baughman.
Mrs. C. J. Reid, Mrs. Clayeomb, Mrs
has “ ran nway’’ probably never to in Medford,
Attorney, W. M. Briggs.
F. G. Swedenburg, Mrs. Carl Nims,
return— who cares?
The Red Cross instruction car Mrs. Frank Dean and Mrs. P. B. Miss Beatrice Hall and Arthur S.
Standing Committees
Mrs. A. R. Gregory, who was in­ visited Ashland this week. A demon­
Standing committees chosen by
The Daughters o f the Nile held
jured recently in a fall, while walk­ stration in first aid work was given
Mayor Pierce are as follow s:
ing along Main street, is reported to nt the Chamber o f Commerce forum their annual election on Saturday at
Finance, Bergner, Peters, Thorn­
a meeting held at Grants Pass anil
be greatly improved.
Tuesday noon by Dr. Fenton and ,,
, , ,
, ..
„ . largely attended by members from Railroad List* Mineral Propertied for
. . . .
Miss Grace llawkyard, science Mr. lm in g o f the American Red .
Electric, Thornton, Bergner, Kay.
I the southern end o f the state. Mrs.
teacher at the Ashland high school Cross. Rev. Hammond presided at
Water, Peters, Bergner, Woods
Merrick of Medford was initiated into
Street, Peters, White Thornton.
was ill with an attack o f flu on Fri­ the commerce luncheon.
the mysteries o f the order. The elec-
Whether it be talc fo r beauty cul­
Fire, Kay, Woods, Bergner.
day and unable to attend her classes.
Don’t forget, nil basketball fans, tinn resulted in the choice o f Mrs. ture or for marble to grease the build
Ordinance. Woods, White, Kay.
Rep. Wm, Briggs o f Ashland was the two games tomorrow night (Sat- Montgomery o f Medford fo r queen; ing turrets overhanging its canyons
Cemetery, White, Woods, Thornton
named on the law revision and the unlay) at the junior high gym. Lorena McNair, Ashland, royal prin- like streets, the east comes to the
Indigent, Thornton, Peters, Kay.
horticultural committees at the re­ Yreka high versus the Ashland high I cess; Mrs. Sally Lunburg, Grants
Pacific coast and the southwest to
Woods, Bergner, White.
nnd Rnseburg junior high versus the Pass, Princess Tirzah; Mrs. Sweeny get it.
cent legislative assembly.
Realty, Kay, White,
Ashland junior high. Games called o f Medford, Princess Badoura; Mrs.
Senator Dunn o f Ashnlnd has been
According to G. T. Sielaff, South­ Bergner.
nt 7:30 and 8:30 p. m.
Charles Wood,
Princess ern Pacilfic’s chief geologist, the
named to seven committee places by
Board o f Health, Bergner, Peters,
Recorder; Miss Britt, Jacksonville.
members o f the legislature now in
company has now compiled a collec­ White, Dr. Swendenhurg, Dr. Haines.
The Ashland postoffice is one o f
session at Salem.
tion o f over 800 private properties
efficiency and order, and a busy
A t Die request o f the eity library
ed on Saturday from Ashland were
holding commercial minerals in Ore­ board, Mrs. II. A. Stearns was ap­
In few cities thrice our size will
Mrs. Lorena McNair, Mrs. C liff
gon, California, Utah, Nevada, New pointed to the hoard to succeed Mrs.
you see stores with a more complete is acquainted with Postmaster F. 1).
Mrs. W ill
Loomis, Mrs. Mexico and Arizona.
stock and liettor window displays. It Wagner this week. Mr. Wagner is a
E. V. Carter, who has declined to
Clyde Malone, Mrs. L. Schwein, Mrs.
is indeed a mystery why anyone would
Some o f the finest talc for face accept appointment again.
former newspaper man and can
go out of Ashland to rtade.
Irwin Bateman and Miss Juanita
powders and building marble com­
ympnthize with anyone engaged in
Carter has been actively connected
John B. Sheley and Clarence
parable to the famous marbles o f
he task o f moving a printing office.
with the library board fo r 35 years,
Sheley, of Central Point, were Ash­
The First Congregational church Italy are available on properties
the very inception o f the li­
land visitors Monday.
Miss Wilma
Mr. Miller stopped in the Amrri- held its annual dinner on Tuesday which the railroad an serve accord­
project, and lias been one o f
Sheley is a normal student here.
nn o ffic e Wednesday, while on bis evening in the church parlors.
An ing to the list compiled by Sielaff.
the most loyal civic worker in the
abundant mcnl had been provided The properties listed o ffe r a variety
II. D. McNair o f the Park garage
city on this and other projects.
was recently called to Idaho Fall on I water. He is a newcomer to Ash­ under the direction o f the ladies o f o f more than (15 minerals.
--------- •!•_______
the church who served the meal at
account o f the dangerous illness of
This information is made available
derful place.
Mr. Miller edited a <1:30. A fte r the happy supper hour
his mother.
by the railroad through various or­
paper in Michigan
1S77, and and a short intermission for friendly ,
ganizations fo r the benefit o f manu­
The Jackson County fair grounds,
Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Sanford. Mrs naturally drifted into one whenever
visits, the annual business meeting facturers who are seeking mineral located one mile from Medford on the
Don Whitney and her two daughters lie smells the printer’s ink.
was called to order by the pastor. products. Parties having mineral prop Pacific highway, are the most modern
Patsy and Marietta, have gone to
on the con-t, the investment in which
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Myer, recent Rev. Charles D. G affney, who acted erties may list them with the railroad. is now *110.000, and when the grounds
San Diego where they will remain
Ashland visitors at the home o f Mrs. a s modtrator. Reports were presented Two years ago a preliminary survey are completed will be in the neigh­
for two months.
Mary Yinlng on Granite street, su f­ from nil the different departments was made o f the mineral resources borhood o f $200,000. All buildings are
Elmer Morrison, owner o f D a ffo­
fered an auto accident as they drove o f the church which showed a health­ along the railroad’s lines. The list new with modern system o f architec­
ture. Buildings and stock barns are
dil farms, a splendid modern chicken
north on Monday on their homeward ful and encouraging condition o f the | now includes nearly nil minerals re- scientifically arranged to handle the
ranch, is installing a tiOOil-cgg elec­
oiurney to Seattle. Near Glendale work. The annual election resulted in quired by modern manufacturers. different departments for which they
tric incubator which he will use this
their car Went o f f the grade, badly the choice o f the following officers: Since the railroad started disseminat­ were erected.
year fo r his hatching business.
They have a half mile fast dirt
burning Mrs. Myer, who, however, Deacons: C. A. Gray nnd George ing the information a large number
Mrs. A. R. Gregory suffered a was sufficiently recovered on Tues­ Carey; trustees. Henry C. Galey, C. o f deposits hnve been opened to de­ track for horses and a mile ami an
eighth track fo r automobiles; an
A. Gray and L. II. Leslie: deaconess, velopment and production. The in*
severe fall while on the street Thurs day to resume her journey.
American Legion g o lf course, the Bar­
Mrs. Charles G ray; treasurer, V. V. formation included in the list o f ber nriplane landing field, which is
day on a shopping tour. Her injuries
Vernon McGee, son o f Mr. and
Mills; cl« rk. Rosa D. Galey; Sunday properties is being used by chambers al>n th.» only air mail port in Oregon.
are considered serious on account o f
Mrs. J. II. McGee o f this city, who
The programs put on by the Jack-
«chool superintendent, H. C. Galey; o f commerce ns fell as the railroad in
her age.
lias been a student at the Univeristy
son County Fair association are un­
M. locating indusrties in the West.
excelled by any fair on the coast, ex­
The price o f The American by mail of Oregon during the fall term, did
cepting the state fairs o f Oregon and
every week is $2 per year in advance. not return to the university after
You will final the American offic« Washington.
We expect and earnestly hope every the holiday«, but is employed in
next «loor to the 20th Century store
A novel and original feature o f the
home in the city will bring or send Portland.. Vernon may possibly not
and opposite Woods’ store, in same Jackson county fair is in giving free
building with Ashland Electric store. toickets to the auto tourists who pass
in a subscription this week.
return to the campus until next fall.
Come in and subscribe for the new through. Represneta tives are sent
Mrs. Gordon McCracken, state re­
Trinity Guild o f the Kpiseopal
weekly pajier; it is only $2.00 for i to the auto parks in Medford, Ashland
gent o f the Daughters o f the Am eri­ church held a business meeting in
\\ illinin Clnude. Jr., infant son o f year. We are printing this i-sue 1200 and Grants Pass every evening to is­
can Revolution, left Friday fo r north­ their parish h • i-i- on Thursday after- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Williams, dieil copies, anil guarantee a circulation of sue invitations and complimentary
ern towns on business connected noon. The nnnuul election resulted Thursda\ evening. January fith. at 1000. The paper will be in the home- ticket-, anil to solicit their attendance
Friday mornings. It will grow.
at the fair. By this method Jackson
with th» welfare o f the various in th e choice o f the following o ffi- the age o f three months, 12 «lavs
In our haste to get established li county h;.s probably received as much
chapters o f the state.
Mrs. G. II. Hedburg. president ; at their home on Main street in Ashland, we ore sending out the pa advertising f"«m all over the Unite«!
Mrs. W. I „ Maxey, vice presulent; Talent. Funeral services were held per for a time in a five-column pagi States as any one o f its many ad­
Kcv. V. K \llison. who has l><.-n
Mrs. W alter Everson, secretary Mrs. at 2:30 p. m. Sunday at the Stock size. On arrival o f new large "ress vertising features.
conducting revival services i<t Yam ­
we will enlarge the pages.
C. W. Hanson, treasurer.
«rlors in Ashlan«!.
hill, Or., has completed his service«
For advertising account* with
I ' \ \< « \i'\\ ' " I I O W N E R " I
and will preach in his home pulpit
J. W. McC oy, cashier o f the First
Xnieiican. we collect by jiersonal v
next Sunday.
the fiist of ea<h month, thus sav
Nationnl bank, has returned from
vur Inc; 1 firms the trouble of p<
Mrs .Margaret Lloyd Evans, ag« «I
On February L L. F. Ferguson w i! age and filing of accounts, and m
Mrs. Grace Andrews was hostos« Portland whore he attended a meet-
to her Sunday schol class o f normal ng «>f the executive board o f th e ’
ng ’ he American bookkeeping sy-t
1 16:* Ohio street Wednesday nt Company, local dry goods dralo- ■ note convenient to handle.
-tíldente when they met at her home Oregon State Bankers' a sociation.
a. m. She w-as a native o f Wales and the business will bo conducted b
on Fritlay evening fo r a business Mr. McCoy report* that this y e a r's 1
Mr. Isaacs, who will bo the -ole owne
«1 had resided in Ashland fo r *he of the stock. The partner-hip wa
meeting and discussion o f class prob­ onvention wi 1 be held at Gearhart,
st 5 y> ars. Funeral services were formed March 1. IM21, ; nd h
>regon. June
to 4 An interesting
\ ito ramps are found rvetywh*-«
'«I Thursday morning. Interment the beginning been a successful bu.-:
nd instructi\« program is being pre-
i g the high' ay, but opre a It
Mr. and Mr*. R. F. Reasoner of •ared.
■ at the Ashland Mausoleum.
er -t< j - i i Ashland's r a ' p he come-
Cl ntral Point, !
______. • ______
■re plr'««ant caller«
- n nnd again. Natatnrinm* and
«»■yds estahMshirents in Southern O re
The progrr ami prosperity of n
at The American o f flee Wednesday.
•on : ir swimming pool o f natur’1
T Y MASS MEETING AT gon. fi aturing the usual staple li«'«'
it y Is largely re(1ect«sl in its homes
Mi». Rea «oner is preaidlent o f the
■ r n • pier : re in and rin*« to il e
F IR ST METHODIST CHURCH ■nd ladies' readv-*"*-wear r d
ml it is » m 'i'ji iif to note that mani
ty ;n«l the «bn d v r '«I o f the fir « ' d
hr Mar P. i
Mm mg company at
Frrm on has not been rcth-e i th
...i cm) attractive hou-e- are now
on pr< > ¡ 11 <■
ih' •
•onduct of the fir^r's ko-i ’O
Gi Id Hill.
»•ing cm--t meted in A-bland. proving
Major Frank Ebhert. America's
n ,| • i
g n • b
«uhi g've fi —
•Ive« entire credit for the i -«■ t
hat natural setting of mountains anil
fi < most “ dry law yer" will deliver Mr. Isaacs.
Alwny- k "«■p yiwr
«•nd s’ n h >v e «rr
o .
. i «• • . « in » ........» . ’ • ! P .
Mr. :>"d Ml
c o f his powerful and eloquent ad­
♦tine ami the «had'
id a vi V r fro : th t
HIM h: i e r !
n f. r t ’ e r 'a l h
rit v.
bind you.
dresses at a community mass meet- fro «« Oakland *n a i * ¡« Mi.. e*-n ' -«
o f the mammoth stock reducing sale.
Committees Chosen
£ --------------------------- Ó
ad a