f A S H L A N D A M E R IC A N PATTERSON IS N O W GOVERNOR other clay products. The Rogue river valley abounds in materials suitable fo r th emanufacture o f the finest grades o f faced and pressed brick, drain, building and roofing tile and earthenware pots and jars. Preliminary testing must be done CARKIN IS NAM ED SPEAKER OF before operation can begin on a commercial scale. The equipment o f THE HOUSE. the West Coast Clay Products Cor­ poration company, recently pur­ chased w> a group of men with much experience in the operation o f brick and tile making, will be enlarged and improved and early this spring the UrgM U | i « U l « r ( »• Caaeara lU alf moulding and burning o f high grade brick and tile will be started. With Str»»gth»BiBf 014 U w i J. L. Hoffman, is president o f the new corporation. He has had many W aaU No Now Oooo. years’ of experience in the manage­ ment o f such undertakings. O. F. Governor I. L. Pottemon, the eigh­ Weis a and A. A. Weiss, who are as­ teenth executive to take office since sociated with Mr. Hoffman are both Oregon was admitted to statehood, practical men in the making and delivered his inaugural message to burning o f clay products. Prison Main Topic -------+------- the legislature Monday, saying that his members o f the legislature en­ t OUR PAPE R HAS A GOOD STAR T tailed a definite mandate from the Readers Numerous Enough to Create people for economy and efficiency. Pride in ' Print Shop of Long Standing. His recommendation! were framed with the purpose o f carrying out The Ashland American comes to you today not as a new paper, but as “ To my mind,” he said, "the legis­ successor to the Central Point Amer­ lative assembly now convening ican. In the smaller community of should concern itself primarily with Central Point the American carried strengthening, stabilising and im­ on its books over six hundred actual paying subscribers, living on the Cen­ proving th ebody o f laws now in ex­ tral Point rural routes, in the town, istence in Oregon, adding to them and scattered throughout Jackson­ only such statutes as prove them­ ville, Gold Hill, Sam’s Valley, and selves to be o f urgent present need various communities. In addition to these regular readers, the Ashland an dpermanent growth." American, through a half dozen alert Taxation was given a prominent and energetic solicitors and by the place in the message, but the gov­ volunteer subscribers and citizens coming to the management with their ernor, beyond urging that personal names, we have added to the list property should bear a greater part about 450 new ones. The campaign o f the tax burden did not outline has just started and by the looks of any definite program. He indicated things we may expect a couple hun­ dred more to the reading family be­ that he would deliver a message on fore our next week’s issue. We are this subject later in the session after more than pleased with the enthusi­ a report o f a tax investigating com­ asm shown the little paper and such mittee o f the last legislature had indications point to a much better paper ere many moons arise. been thoroughly studied. Governor Patterson recommended that the governor be given power to prepare the budget fo r the state. He urged that budgets fo r all tax levy­ ing bodies should be made with r e f­ erence to a well-considered program covering a period o f years and not as though all o f the improvements required in the state should be pro­ vided fo r in a single year. Under this head he suggested that a definite program for erection o f armories would be a step toward ec­ onomy and efficiency. He proposed • survey of municipalities to deter­ mine which are most in need o f arm­ ories. He recommended that the peniten­ tiary be put under the board o f con­ trol and taken out o f politics that tenure of administrative officers be made more secure in the interest of economy and efficiency. He urged that young offenders in the prison be segregated from the hardened criminals. No retrenchment should be made which would interfere with the e f­ ficiency or retard the progress of the school system, said Governor Patterson. " I f the legislature finds it impos­ sible, with the limited resources, properly to furnish the financial re­ quirements o f our institutions of higher learning, it may be necessary to resort for a time at least in an increase in tuition fees in those in­ stitutions," he said. Concerning irrigation, he reiter­ ated declarations he made in the campaign last year, that farmers on irrigated lands who have shown good faith should be protected. He pro posed appeal o f the constitutional amendment, providing for guarantee by the state o f interest payments on irrigation district bonds. He favored legislation which will encourage and promote reforestation by private owners on land from which timber ha sal ready been removed. Careful consideration o f the re­ port o f the legislative committee which has been studying workman’s compensation laws was suggested. A constitutional amendment pro­ viding that increase in the salary of any elective officer o f the state dur­ ing the term for which he is elected, was favored. CO-OPERATION Progressive newspapers no longer sell space. They sell business building, business getting advertising service. To sell more space is no longer enough. Today the manufalturer says to the consumer, “ Our interest in you does not end with the sale of the goods, but we want you to get all the bene­ fits derivable from our product and to that end we stand ready to help you enjoy your ownership to the ut­ most.” Today the modem newspaper pub­ lisher says to the merchant. “ Our ob­ ligation to you does not end with the sale o f space in our publication, but we stand ready to assist you in every possible way in getting die most out of that space." You, as a merchant, are primarily interested in selling goods. Your ob­ ject in purchasing advertising space is the sale of goods. Advertising space alone will not produce results in that direction, but intelligent service ap­ plied to that space will. You have a sales message to deliver and the modem newspaper’s advertis­ ing service department considers first the sales message and only secondly the space that message is to occupy. What can a newspaper do to make its advertising space worth more to you? Recently, Hutson’s, a men’s cloth­ ing and furnishing store in Sparta, asked the writer to assist him in pre­ paring copy for a ten-day sale he was about to launch. The result: The advertising service department prepared the copy for a full page advertisement and a four column advertisement for the sale. Hutson's paid the regular advertising rate, yet he received in addition to the -space occupied the service that made the space valuable as a business getter. In the same issue of the Sparta Herald there waa another full page ad­ vertisement, that o f J. W. Clausius This, also, was a case o f a newpaper’s advertising service department fur­ nishing a complete layout at no ad­ ditional cost to the merchant. If you write your own advertising or if you maintain your own adver­ tising department this service element does not mean so much to you, but even at that the newspaper’s adver­ tising illustration sv.vices are o f ma­ terial assistance to you in making your advertising space in the newspaper more effective. I f you do not write your own adver­ tising, call in vour newspaper pub­ lisher and ask nim for this sort of service. Ninety-nine times out o f a hundred he'll be more than glad to be of service. And you’ll both benefit — you through the increased profits hat systematic and consistent adver­ tising brings in, and the publisher BRICK YAR D W IL L START SOON ’ hrough greater advertising revenue. This co-operation on the part o f the merchant and the publisher means Preliminary Tests Being Made on better advertising and more o f it. Clay Predwsts. W H ITE TO YOUNG MEN. Down at Central Point there are Want to be a journalist? That ones iour or five men doing experimental tion was raised in the December issue work with the various clays and of the American B'»y and the anaw*. shales o f Jackson county, with the to it is given in an inte^vi-w wit» object o f beginning active operations William Allen White o f the Emporia (Ke>t.) News as follows: in the manufacture o f brick, tile and There’s a fine rhallenee *n > ---- +---- ism as it is today, and we need fine serve as a fine postgraduate course, men to meet it. I f you want to try fitting you to do better work in any yourself out in journalism, you can field. do it without feeling afraid that you ASHLAND may be wasting your time. Whether or not you stay in newspaper work, Has an elevation of two thousand you will get good returns on all the time you invest in training and in feet; is ideal for toruists and travel­ ers. getting experience as a reporter. Get all the training, all the educa­ tion you can. The better your back­ The climat« in nearly ideal; no ex­ ground o f information, the better your tremes of heat or cold; no blizzards chances o f going up. Go to college or tornadoes. even i f you have to work your way through- Study literature, science and Has a bountiful supply o f the clear­ the arts. Science! A ll you can get. You can’t write intelligently about est and purest water to be found any­ what is happening in the world today where. unless you know something ab^ut science. Study it in high school and Has as its chief summer resort the go on studying it in college. Then Lake o’ the Woods, a beautiful spot you’ll need plenty o f history x ». j fo r camping and out-door life. geography and literature and com­ position, o f course. Within a short distance o f wonder­ Can a boy get practical experience ful fishing streams and a natural in newspaper work while still in gateway to Crater Lake loop, one o f school ? Yes. Use your spare time and ie greatest scenic spots in America. your vacations. Get acquainted with the editor o f one o f your local papers The new ¿Southern Oregon Normal by taking him news stories, simple school is located on the southern fret stories o f little things that hap­ pen around town. Walk into his o ffic e ,’ boundary o f the city. lay your neatly prepared copy on his Ashland is noted for its efferves­ d»sk, and say, “ Here’s some news.” I f you keep on turning in reliable cent and healthful Lithia water which stbries, spelling names correctly and bubbles up constantly through the getting facts straight, you’ll get some rocks o f granite. o f them published. Editors always Malaria germs cannot thrive in Ash­ want news. I f Ernest Brown has tom down the land. This • is a proven fact over, a old Smith house and is building r period o f years. The climate is also modem bungalow on the lot, there’s noted fa r and wide fo r the relief it a news story for you. I f John Jones’ affords sufferers from asthma and piano was damaged by water in put­ hay fever. ting out a fire so insignificant it ..........v reported, wasn’t even officially reported, there’s there’s H. S. C O N F E R E N C E IN SESSION another story. You’ll fi find plenty o f news if you keep alert. Notad Educator* oad Pubtiabor* A boy only eleven or twelve years W ill Giva AddroMO«. old can sometimes get news stories sn editor will use. And you can keep up such work all through high school University of Oregon, Eugene, Or., and college. — (Special.)— Addresses by educat­ I f you want to get a vacation po­ sition on a newspaper turn in news ors of the state, members of the stories through the year, and you’ll University faculty and various stu­ be much more likely to land a summer dents throughout, the state are part iob. You want that iob. Even i f you of the program of the seventh an­ nave to work fo r little or nothing, take it. You’ll get good experience. nual high school conference Friday Journalism is A splendid training which starts and lasts through Satur­ for all other jobs. Newspaper men day. come in contact with influential busi­ More than 500 • delegates 'from ness men. Many capable journalists have fine business positions offered from nearly every high school in the them. I f you don’t like newspaper state will attend. Ward Cook, of As­ work, or see little chance o f advance toria, student chairman, announced. in it, the chances are good that you Friday morning will be a general can go into business, and get a decid­ session for delegates with an address edly better position than you could without your newspaper training and by President Arnold Bennett Hall, contacts. So you can try journalism Hugh Biggs, Ontario, presideat of the without fear o f wasting time. Your student body will give the welcoming preliminary training will make a good background fo r any kind o f work; address. Following the assembly hour the and your experience as a reporter will £ High School Press association. As­ sociation of Student Body Officers and Association of Girls’ Leagues will hold separate mattings. A tour of the campus, under the direction of tbs Oregon Knights will be held Friday aftamoon. The Uni­ versity Press and Murray W arner collection of Oriental Art ars among the places to bo visited. Tbs annual banquet trill be held in tho evening. Dr. Arnold Bonnctt Hall will be toastmaster. This will be followed by tbs Oregon-Willamet- basketball game. The first to be held in the new basketball pavilion. Saturday morning will ba devoted to round table discussions, lectures and demonstartions and the faculty advisers' conference; Addresses will be given during the conference by Principal W . A. La­ cey of W alla Walla, Washington; Miss Mabel Downs, oean of girls al Lincoln high school, Portland; Miss Jessie Spaulding Smith, director ot publications, Oakland, California, Technical high school; Sheldon F. Sackett, editor of the McMinnville Telephone-Register; Mias Iva M. Howey, deán of girls at Hood River high school, and Hal E. Hoss, sec­ retary to Governor I. L. Patterson. --------- + ---------- e— t —— ------- ----------o | K N O W Y O U R O W N A S H L A N D | 0 --------- ----------------------------- — You may see a copy o f this issue of The Ashland American, and it is possible that you have not need you on our list. W e want and W e want you in ThTXm eri- can family, want your suggestions and any news items at any time you can tell us. Send them or mail them. Simply address it to Ashland American, Ashland. Following is a form we surely hope you will fill out and mail today. Every issue will be more fascinating. You will hear from us and be interested. Date. Ashland American— Inclose find $2.00 for a year’s subscription to The Ashland American. My name i s .......................... Address.................. R F. D....................... -------------------- ------------------- ’ . a 0 Another favorable and intereating item concerning Ashland that ths writer recently learned and that many outside of the county don't know, la the fact that .Ashland owns and operates it's own light and power The power plant Is about, three miles out of the city limits and the service is very satisfactory in every respect W e ' were informed today that the rates are probably a little better for the consumer than that offered by many private concerns. It is a muni­ cipal owned light and power company and during tha summer months, should extra power and light be de­ manded ths city is in contract with the California-Oregon Power comp- any to hook on for extra juice. Like the city fire department, the water system, and other departments of the city, ths light and power department is one of the big assets of Ashland. A Personal Solicitation signed up for a year’s subscription. , *