ASHLAND AMERICAN I lf it i- readers one wants, the Ash­ land American sure has them with the combined list of two papers. Six thousand eyes will no doubt see this issue, and soon look for Januaiy and February clearance sales. We are modest in mentioning the number of eyes, as many papers count a thou­ sand regular subscribers' as four read­ ers to each subscriber and, of course, each reader is supposed to have two eyes. However, do you know many weekly papers with a guaranteed ed­ ition, weekly, of a thousand ¡¡nines? envelopes, bills, etc., will beat many advertised "special prices” one se e s in magazines. C o u n t the quality of Jo h n (Julm-y declined to a t ­ stock and compare our prices. Give tend the ceremonies at H a r v a r d col­ us a trial order. C om e in and see us lege In IN33 wlnii tin* honorary de­ any way. Ja c k s on i y A’o M cars Bird Cripples Live Dominion Sought as Lacking in Education Under Big H andicap the Perfect Freedom An In tli** <■ ■•«•• < f liuiniin M n n > In bird Ilf«* Ihert ire 11 iom * wlilrli for s i i i m reaaoii <*r o lliir nr** ful**il to ii" through Ilf** w ith < **i lain han*lk*ii|*a. U nfortunately, man la niiiinly re aputialble for blril cripples. Itahldt trapping. na carrli'il on today, la re apoliaible for dam age to tliouaamla of pbeaaanta. No lea* lim n 50 |a*r cent i f tlioa** allot In ii small wood recently boil only one fisit. but they lunl man aged to survive a n d w ere In perfect condllli.n ap a rt from tills iliimugc. Sm aller birds often get 11 le- smashed. but .seem able to get ulolii w ithout It by hopping on the sound one an d using their wing*. Not only will ii sturling Just m a nage to exist under such conditions, but It will fight an d scram ble af te r food and m anage to' hold Its own. In wild-fowling It Is frequently found th a t a f te r u la rg e Hock of birds has been pul to flight a sm aller n u m ­ ber rem ain behind anil seem loath t * fly. If th e se were ex am ined through a good pair o f glasses, they will be seen to la* the bait and the lame that have been damaged In some p a r t of the body. N a tu r e has a rough-and-ready way of heullng their h u r ts a n d many c rip ­ ples survive for a time. Few birds that a r e born n i p p l e s survive for long, for th e ir enem ies a r e many and the w ea k est a r e the tlrst to go. Doctor's “P u ll” Landed Him in M ayor's C hair T h e only doctor in Scrapvllle de­ rided I lint he would like to be mayor. so he cum** out III the Scrapvllle Tillies with th e following no tic e; “ Fellow citizens, I am ru n n in g for mayor. I have no p a r ti c u la r platform , no reform s to make, nothing to say a g a in st my o p p o n e n t; I merely desire to lie m ayor of this town before I die I know every man. w oman and child In tills town. I have been present at every birth, m a rria g e or d e a th In Sornpvllle for Hu* past forty years. If I am not elected I a m going to leave the town. Rat before I go I will tell all I know nlioiil each one of you." For the tlrst tim e In th e history of the tow n everyone of legal age tu rned out. When the ballots w ere counted the old doctor had received all lint one vote, and th a t was east by a man who had Just moved Into tow n.— Los Angeles Times. W ell-T raired Horses Visito-« to a cireux or fair a re al ways much Impressed bv tin* clever ac tin g of the burst's which pratici nroiind the ring, and rise up on th e ir hind legs and danee to tin* music of the hand. In fact, so highly have horses been trained that at the circus of C’ortx Altdorf. a fam ous continental ring, a horse made a n u m b e r of b a l­ loon asce nts alone. T he a m ienta an* said to have been great m a ste rs of horse training The people of Italy taught their horses to dalie** to tin* Iinislr of tin* pipe. In tin* T h irte e n th century th e re was shown a famous rope dancing horse, while tlit* a r tis ts of the Fourteenth ce n tu ry found plenty o f acope for th e ir ta len ta Iti depicting tin* different m ethods cm ployed In the instruction of perforili lug ponies an d horses, one of which was laugh! to ta p Ii forelegs and •dud legs oh a hoard like a m an pla y ­ ing a drum. Curiosity W ins “ Look here," I egan the youth, ns he e n tered a b utc her’s shop an d ills played tw o lovely looking blin k -nini him* eyes, “you have fresh beef for sule?" “ I have," responded tin* butcher. "A nd fre sh beef is good for black eyes Is It not?" “It la." "1 cry well. I have th e eyes, you have th e Iwof. Do yon think you can sell me a pound *> so w ithout asking how I got órname! »«alt* "I'll do my hes! r. The b u tc h e r cui •it th e meat and received Ills ilion* without a n o th e r look at Ids coatoni At the last mo nient, however. Ila 'd Ailam proved f**o strong for him "Lo* 'k here," hi id. handing back the en sh. " I ’ll mm } ' I H I - of the hi ef Now I* i all about the tight." Tlie history of il e stru g g le for lib e rty In the deeper sens* Is tliti* not merely th e history of w a r s fought an d buttles won in the n am e of d eliverance gree of doctor of law- w as conferred from oppression. It Is the history of ii|s«n \tollew Ja ck -o n , then P re sid en t the stru g g le of m ankind for do m in io n ; of the I'n lted States. Ills reason, according to Ids diary, and domini* n Is only u n o th e r n am e for w as that "as an affectionate child of the perfec t freedom. Man lias achieved not only freedom our alma mater, I would not be p res­ from the beast, but dominion over it, ent to w itness tier disgrace In con­ not only freedom troni enem y man but ferring her highest literary honors dominion m i r blui. lit* has achieved upon a b a rb a ria n who could not w rite a sentence of g ram m ar and hurdly at least a partial -afety from the ele could spell Ids own name." l i a nts, an d exercises a t least a partial A dam s’ e s tim a te of Ja c k so n has dominion over theta, lie has learned *o divert ami d o m in a te tin* lig h tn in g ; been challenged by I*r. Archibald H e a ­ lie bus m ade tire anil w a te r bis slaves, der-oil, who tells in the Raleigh (N. and only on occasion do they rise C.) News and Observer, the result of against bini; he Ii is subdued the bard Ids exhaustive researches regarding e a r th with the share, and converted Ja ckson's eurly life. He finds th a t Its m inerals and m e tals from dead Jackson, as a boy, received a b etter weights Into th e m in iste rs o f Ids com ­ education th a n the ave rage child of his fort. lie has made th e labor of an station in life. L ater lie atten d e d Waxliaw academy. hour th e achievem ent o f a m in u te ; be can travel In a day by sea the week's He continued Ills studies in thut p a rt d istan c e of Ids g r a n d f a th e rs , an d by of Carolina known then as New Ac­ land the distane* of th e ir m o n th ; lie quisition. An account of the life of h as \ iiliquislied the air. In these Rev. F rancis Cummins, once u te ac h er at Itelhel, S. C., shows t h a t Jackson ways and o th e rs lie lias won new lib erties. In these w ays anil o th e rs he was one of Ids pupils and th e re Is Is seeking liberty still— through the ¡evidence ( for a short tim e Ja ck so n control of n a tu ra l forces, th e con­ | attended (Jueeu'a museum in Cliar- lotte, n . c. trol of disease, tin* control of intelll gence, the control of passion, the co n ­ trol of men in musses and singly.— Visitor Surely Had tir a n t Show erm an In the I’ulversity of Impressed Sm ell Boy l 'ali l'onda t 'Inoli lele. T here was great excitem ent In the Jones home out <>n Long Island. A Odd Method of Travel real lord was paying them a visit, C alled “R ide and T ie” lie was now sitting a t the d in n e r table Salmon IV Chase, Lincoln's se cre­ and Mrs. Jo n e s fluttered as she urged | tary of the trea sury, showed tinaiicbti tay lord to eut tills and that. Mr Julies, swollen with a sense of ability early hi Ills life. W hen lie went from Ills New H am p s h ire lioihe th e great honor bestowed upon bis to W orthington, Ohio, to live with Ids household, began each sentence w ith uncle, lie w as aeoinpiinied by an older lord and ended It the sam e way with b ro th er as far as Cleveland, w h e re he a worshipful not to say reverential, was given Instructions as (o how to ulr. As a special privilege— thinking th a t reach W orthington. F inding th a t lie had to wait several d a y s for a coach he might talk about it in bis tn a tu re r to ta k e Ii 1 in as f a r a s Medina, lie years— little Willie Junes, aged live, obtained n canoe and ea rn ed several had been permitted to atten d th e func­ dollars by ferrying people across tile tion on condition that In* refra in from talking unless spoken to. Mindful of Cuyahoga river, rela tes .1, II. (¡ill limit Ii, Ohio historian. In Medina lie th is pledge, the little fellow sat In met two young men from W o rth in g ­ silence, Ids large round eyes tlxed ton, whom In* was to accom pany on In a s ta r e upon tin* face and form of th e ir retu rn trip. They bail com e on th e stran g e r. B ut w hen hi* saw the visitor's eye horseback, so young Chase was Intro­ duced In the “ride and tie ” method of roam ing h ith e r and yon ac ro ss the travel. One o f them would mount the laden table as though seeking some­ horse and ride forw ard several miles, thing, an Innate sense of hospitality of course o u tstripping the one who moved Ii I in to speak. "M om! Oh, inom!" said Willie. walked. T hen th e rider would d is­ “ W hat Is It. Willie?'' asked the mount an d tie the horse by the ro a d ­ side and p r o s on by foot. T h e oth e r mother, “Hod w ants a pickle."—E verybody's w ould reach I be horse, mount It mid passing bis companion, would lie it Magazine. and go a h e ad on foot. In ibis way the horse w as spared a double burden Columbus’ Debt to Wife and th e tr a v e le rs m ade good speed lf It be truc timi thcrc is a wotunn Of thè Old School Ali old geni Iemali and a vcr.v young lady arrivi* simiiltancoiisly ut th è eie vato r iti a largì hotel. Rolli a r e Frem ii (Tlils Is ii trite story.) "Rotini for olle," says thè eleva tor boy. T h e old gentlem an, wltli a cm irtcous bow an d a min iniired " M a d a m e !" stand* lo one siili*. "i Hi. noi ut all,” dec la re s tlu* yoimg lady smlllngly. “ I am young. and rii walk up." " l ’rvclsel.v, madame, you a r e young. w liereas I beloni; tu th è peritai when olle Nurrcndcrt**! onc’s place tn a lady. So you iinist iinderstand. my dear, tluit I ani tuo old lo ta k e yours." T h e yo u n g lady snule« an d steps luto th è e l e v a to r bnt forgets io sa.v "T liank you."- Frolli Le F igaro lleb- dom adaire, l'nrls. ( T r a n s la t c d for thè K a n sa s l'ity S ta r ) Engine Cylinders In tlu* background 111 every notable uchlcvcnifut tliere secnis to he Jus liticatimi In calllng Dona Felipa, thè wlfe of ( ’lu islopber Columbus, th a t in- lluenee In thè lift* of thè man wh*v w as Inter to dlscnver thè w estern world. IVIien Columbus tnlked to ber nbout bis exploratlon eli illusi a snis. sin* was sy m p a th e tif and bis niiihitinns nppear tn bave round graie fu l n u r t u r e ut thelr ti reside. Tliere Is a tal** of bow liona Isabella. Columbus’ uiother-ln-law, p ro ­ ducto! un old box coiitaliiiiig m aps ami logs—plously kepi relies of ber bus band's. It niny he flint soinething fomiti in Ibis box prom pted in Colimi | bus Ibi* conceptlon. Inter to heconie a flnmlng a r t b l e o f faith, of a land be- yond tilt* Imri/.on.—K a n sa s City Times. Prophetic P lani A plant wliich |s subì to li** ahle t<> predici eartbi|U:ikca an d volcante erup- tlmis hciirs thè scleiitltic nume of Ahrus precntorius. It Is a nativ e of Cuba, ha« no ilowers, mut consisto of a long stalk frolli wliich b r a n d i n u ­ tvvl - olltuinlng rows of dell- ente-lookIng .ives. T he lenves fre queliti.*' climi a color or d o s e , while i tlu* twlgs borni th em solves Into curi* 1 OllS pusillo!!« i T bls plant Is hlghly sensitive to elettri** unii uiugnetlc Imi nem e«, and bv liel ii g ahle to I n te rp re t thè mnve- metits of tlu* plant in re«|tnnse to elei* tr lc c i i r n m « e s d e n t i s i Is rn a b le d to predici gre;:r convulsión* of nature. T he Society of A utomotive E ngineers says that all radial or ro ta ry engines hs commonly used In a irp la n e s have all mid n u m b e r of cylinders aro u n d a single cra nk. T h e bring o rd e r skips a l te r n a te cylinders, and will hav e oc* cu rred in all th e cylinders in two com ­ plete revolutions e f tin* c ra n k or ryl Inder, d epe nding on w h e th e r the cn cine Is a lived or ro ta ry radial engine v a glues of this type having an even numlter of cylinders, such a s in or H . a r e <-otii|xiscd of tw o b an k s of t h e and «even cylinders, n (lectlvely. Raillai and ro tary engine* an* ch a racterize d Flou i -s and Coins by having th e cyl der« disposeil at Plenty ■ r n ney has alw ays gone iu g u la r lutei als aro u n d a coni Into floral exl liions, am i this Is lit - BtlLardt on H i s%'hatk •■rally tru* In ngland. w here a florist Il ls succeeded a getting delicate tints One of the novi- ntroduced in the ga w ith the aid . «liver coins. H e drops >f h Education a d B usiness " *■ tin* playing of it g 11 " ** by the mem «urnrw ny Ilk** tunny silver coin« In v aler In which th e flow hem o e r s a r e statuii I* Silver hydroxide (s 1 •*> bib In I xl* * In % ■« o f h I . I I I * « « T i e la forme*! anti tl action of th e chem ical ■ I' U| a (light of it it I? y s wise to eni sta irs a him .I l l t o n «I Hi* may changes the i. rural color of the tilos- ditti* u' soins, giving l em shadings not |x>s- The l" mirili«» at least points nl wa sible under m iral condition*. A fter '_*n In It •i pur Utes « o ir in i n n i e i»ri H I ,»r m m y th e coloring ha proceeded to a «atlsfac- Tin* oriIfftn of th e . nr of Mm uni« «dill;- «»Ii* *| I) " ’1 riant* 1* t**ry degree, tl coln* a r e rem oved and U rutili r hazy. T*«* si it profit ii fur in ». »• f ! « i .1 \ \ r It Itlf- n few crumbs of sink**! lime o r m o r ta r a t bllltat•d* even t**¡ tv 1« auM hr Ui'r. H it ;t h ¡*|| m • n| «1 Mill.4 IriH a r e added to tlx th e tint. m a n i to t v a sign |H*nt ím rt* i» r went t** it s the Ashland American, Thut If i’xl*te*l c i n tu r i i * ft * * ra w« I It s 1 I« 1 i II . . t| 1 U _«* i th ro e g h .— iit tf d hy a passage In S ’* 1 |K* folicit.s a share of your job printing, N* • • • »* ,ft w a" If whirl Tho A f r i c a n bri IT« t w o f AT**ili V atemenu, carda in fact anything, nwriHitH« to A shland. t ur regular price on letter heads, Only one year and a half ago, July 1925, the Lithia Springs Hotel wa.« completed and opened to the tourist and traveler. Ashland is now well equipped with her several hotels to , adequately welcome the visitor to Oregon and to direct the way to lakes Churches, homes, schools, lodges, and mountain.;, fi. hir.g and hunting, parks, hotels, and splendid business the beautiful Rogue river and majestic firms make Ashland the desirable Crater l.ake. place to live. Then, the best climate on the continent. ASHLAND Ashland the first city in Oregon, on the paved Pacific highway, just 22 miles from the California line, has many attractive features that are not found in many other cities. Lithia Dark astonishes and delights the vis­ itor and proves a source of rest and comfort to the weary. Mineral springs of a variety and quality rare indeed bring relief to many and a climate ot equability and rareness satisfies the year around. A city of GOOD people, citato Normal, pretty homes, business and wealth. C EN TR A L H U N T ST A T E RANK We published a statement of the condition of the Central Point State Bank, last week, that was certainly a credit to that bank ami the thriving little city of Centra] Point. J. O. Isaac­ son, president, is one of the best bankers in the state and his institu­ tion merits pr: ise. The totals for the quarter just ending show $316,N<>5.29. Every box holder on each rural route out of Ashland will receive the Ashland American. We hope you like I it and send in your subscription. Many citizens in Ashland and south across the state line, also residents of Talent and Phoenix, have remarked that the southern part ot Jackson county needed a weekly paper. Coun­ try people, as ell as the town and city dwellers, appreciate a good weekly, where they read every line and ;if the legislature by the regents of the Southern Oregon Normal school at Ashland, it was learned recently. A portion of the amount will be used to build a new dormitory housing 150 students, while $.'S.'5,210 will he* used for main­ tenance in addition to the millage fund and tuition fees collected by the school. C A M P F IR E G IR L S O F A S H ­ LAND W IL L E ST A B L ISH HOM E By Mail-Tribune Correspondent Camp Fire girls are to have a home A dozen business blocks with many l a place suited to the needs of the business houses and every line repre­ girls, a place that will form a head­ sented. Most everything one wants quarters for camp fire activities and can be obtained here at home. We a resort for week-end parties and would like to see every concern in the city represented each week in the good times in general. The board columns of the home weekly paper, of sponsors of the various camp fire even if that ad were a wee small one. groups, has leased from Mrs. Lillian We want every ad from one inch to a English, a building on Terrace street double page. But we want them all which is far enough removed from that the outside readers as well as the home folks might see what we the busy part of town to give some really have here. Keep your name isolation anil yet near enough to be constantly before the public; it isn’t within easy access of every camp fire going to cost much and the returns girl in the city. The building is to be will pay big dividends in more ways simply furnished tiy make a comfort- than one. aid« camp pl^te^bynks will be erect­ We haven’t started the weekly ed, necessary Tutcnen needs will be lodge directory yet, as all the lodges supplied, so that the girls will have haven't had time to meet or order the standing bards. Nevertheless, we as­ every opportunity for the good sure all that your lodge meets regu­ times that girls love when they meet larly in Ashland and we will give you in groups and compete in various ac­ dates, of meetings, officers, etc., in tivities irf camp life. T-ht* establish­ a weekly lodge directory just as soon ment will serve 114 girls who are as we can arrange for it. registered in the various tamps that All churches, lodges and schools have been established in Ashland, have use of the American columns. Wo want nil {Tie society doings and that are presided over by several of expect each organizafion to hand in the teachers of the Ashland sthools. or send in this news, and we appre­ — 4 - ----------- ciate reports from each. Church no­ Fending arrive! of our new cylinder tices, where no charge is involved, press, the home weekly paper wijl be are free. We are your paper. Use us. published in five-column pages. Thanks. If you haven’t done so, please send Take y our home papers first. in snl. cription to the weekly paper. H y W ay Printing Commercial Printing for Jackson County 1 he Ashland American is a newlv equipped and up-to-the-minute Job Printing'Office. No better work and prices pleasing. Better try us on that next job of Printing. We cover Jackson ( ounty when it comes to printing. Write us, phone us, call on us. Let us know and we can come after it. We are here to serve and please » • ‘c • ' I Vintino-