Scenic W o n d e r l a n d of A m e r i c a ASHLAND C i t y of Schools, H om es an d Business AMERICAN O n P a c ific H igK w a-Y S P Tx? LUM B E R IN G -F R U ________________________ IT - D A I R Y I N G - M I N I N G - F T X R M I N G - S T O C K RA ISIN G -FISH IN G H H U N TIN G _______________ _____(S U C C E S S O R TO T H E C E N T R A L P O IN T A M E R I C A N ) ----- - VOLUME 2 CAMP FIRE CIRL8 RAPID GROWTH ASH L A N D , J A C K S O N C O U N T Y , OREGON. FRIDAY, JA N U A R Y 14, 1927 N U M B E R 39 C O -O P E R A T E W IT H B U S IN E S S MAN, 67, ILL, KILLS S E L F H E R E A SH L A N D S T U D E N T S L E A V E FIRM S AND ALL O T H E R S H E R E TO A T T E N D S E S S IO N S Despondent Ashland Resident Ends We have not solicited any ads for Life With Bullet. Kay Neil, Jean S tratton, Barney MAKE ASHLAND A BETTER CITY this issue of The American, having only spoken to two store owners on John M. Poole, 67, shot and killed Miller and Ellnore Swedenburg, left the subject, deciding it better to get himself at his home on VanNess Thursday m orning for Eugene to PAST T W O YEARS S E E S L ARGE the first issue in the homes and th ere­ street here Sunday afternoon. It represent the high school student DO AS W E L L H E R E AS ANY by getting acquainted. For three was believed he was despondent be­ body at the seventh annual confer­ DOINGS GOING ON OTHER PLACE weeks we will print each week, cause of ill health. He is survived ence of the high school student body twelve hundred copies, guaranteeing by his widow and two sons. The officers of the state. The conference a circualtion of 1000. N ext week, we family came here two years ago from will be held on F rida yand Saturday and the readers from Phoenix, Tal­ Colorado in the hope of benefiting of this week. The following offic ent, the routes and “ south of the Mr. Poole's health. are obliged to attend : line,” may expect some good adver­ He left a farewell note indicating The president of the student body; tising. We print Thursday evenings, he was tired of living.— Oregonian. secretary of the student body; the Jacksonville and Ashland Oragnize m ailing Friday m ornings— the best ---------------* --------------- editor of the school publication; the Ashland Citizens Can Not Go W ro n g medium for “Saturday specials.” Our vice president of the student body. Duck Season Ends J an u ary 15. Chapters in Fall of 1926— Many By T rad ing H e re At Stores overhead is low, our paper small and Local hunters are reminded that ---------- * — :— . Others Follow. our circulation the largest of any tom orrow the duck hunting season in Team Visit* Institutions. and Business Houses weekly paper in Jackson county. The Ashland high school debating southern Oregon will be closed, after ________________ having been open since last October. team visited the county poor farm at (By .Mildred C. Crain.) N e x t W e e k . The season, it is locally reported has Talent and the county court at Jack­ Perhaps some citizens are over-en­ According to reports from national thused with their own town to the headiiaurters the Pacific coast states Next week the American will mail been comparatively good, with hunt­ sonville, Monday afternoon to get “selfish” point, but we are all more are outstanding for the rapid growth out 400 sample copies, besides our ing reported best in the Klamath m aterial for the seanson’s debate, or less proud of home and ail should of the Camp Fire Girl movement regular large subscription list. which is to be “ Old Age Pensions.” country. first consider the betterm ent of their within their boundaries. This fact in­ chosen location. In other words, we dicate.-- that the people of these states should not “ Bite the hand th at feeds are vitally interested in the welfare us.” All this leads to “ HOME PA T­ of their girls and are giving the sup­ RONAGE.” An old story, ever true. port which any new organization We have in Jackson county a good, needs to live and grow. busy, fast grow ing city, a BOOSTER Jackson county, in the last two city on our north. Medford papers and years, has seen a rapid grwtli of tilts Medford business men are loyal rus­ Camp fire movement. Before that time tlers for their business and th eir city. organizations had sprung up and died They w ant all they can get. They ask out at various times. Talent organized trade from Ashland, which is natural a group which has gone on from year and which shows good business judg­ We Are Co-I Partners: to year, : ml perhaps deserves the ment on their part. At the same time, credit of being the oldest active group those Medford papers devote whole You and the rest of us are in the same boat. We are in the county. pages frequently advocating to Mod- In the fall of 1926 both Jackson­ making a living in Ashland. We can make more business fold readers the necessity of them ville and Ashland began to organize trading in Medford, their home city, for you—we will prove it. And you can make more busi­ Camp Fire groups. Under the leader­ Ashland citizens cannot go w rong in ship of Miss Catherine Parsons, ness for us in making business for you. We “buck” no following the same advice and trad ­ teacher in the Jacksonville schools, ing in Ashland. Thousands of dollars one; we would rather help and boost everyone. We are an active group was organized in go out of Ashland every m onth to going to establish and publish early every Friday morn­ Septmeber, 1926. The work begun by Medford, Portlifhd and mail order Miss Parson- was carried on through houses. It would have a g reater show ing a WEEKLY PAPER in Ashland. We will GUARAN- the school year and the following of returning if th at dollar was spent tee more than 801) subscribers to start, that means at summer. Under a new guardian the right here in Ashland. One can do as work is continuing this fall and well at home as he can elsewhere. Our at least 3000 readers, the way many paper swould count the Jacksonville organization assumes home business men pay home taxes their readers. We will even invite business men and ad­ the place for a perm anent necessity to apply on home im provem ents. for the girls of that town. vertisers to come in and look at our mailing lists- and These Ashland business men keep up September, 1926, also saw the be­ the home churches, schools, charity count them if they choose. A good little weekly paper is ginning ol an extensive Camp Fire organizations, walks, streets, fire read more thorughly than a Daily, where in many in­ movement in Ashland. One group was protection, and they help you pay for organized in senior high school, hut all im provem ents our beautiful city stances only headlines are read. The weekly will go in within two weeks' time the demand boasts of. Why not help ourselves by the home in town and to the homes on the R. F. D’s. It for more groups was urgent. Group helping them to the fail1 extent of a fter group was formed during tlie spending our money a t home. It will will be read, every word of it, by every member of the winter of 1926-27 anil with the open­ stay lin e, go back to the original family. ing of t'ne membership campaign this pocket in the way of wages, fuel, help, fall, membership increased again. At w ater, rent and through m any other We will boost Ashland and her opportunities, we will the present time there are seven channels. We have in Ashland many publish home news, society news, church and school groups in Ashland, two in the grade fine buildings beautifully stocked with schools, three in the junior high modern m erchandise. The appearance news and we are splendidly equipped for all kinds of job school and one in the senior high. of those stores m akes your property printing. We have an exceptionally good job printer— more valuable. We have a statew ide Ashland has found that the rapid bring in a trial order of job printing and be convinced. reputation of being one of the pret­ growth in this organization has de­ tiest cities in th e N orthw est. Let us manded a system atic organization by We don’t expect to get rich over night, but we expect all strive to keep this reputation. It which to bring cooperation betw-een a living and expect to practice the Golden Rule. will take home pride, co-operation, the townsjieople, the guardians of the work and, chiefly, it takes the selfish groups and the girls. In order to do We know this much: Everyone in Southern Jack- pride th at will recommend to each in­ this they have organized a board of son county will read the “Ashland American,” and we dividual that he spend his money with sponsors whose work is to supervise home m erchants. Any city th a t is and encourage the organization in any will endeavor to please the readers. Bring in your ad copy, good enough to live in, good enough way it deems necessary. if you have anything to tell the people. It’s the people’s to educate one’s children in, is good Immediately following the organi­ enough to trade in. Home Pride! Let paper. We hope to soon become personally acquainted zation of the board of sponsors the us cultivate it. We know nothing that Guardians’ Association was formed. with all business men of the city, and here we expect to will do more tow ard an ideal, busy, This is made up of all the guardians moneyed home city. It will surely call home for a long time to come. in the city, including assistant guard­ pay. ians, and totals a number of thirteen. Yours For Business- Through this group plans are made ASHLAND AMERICAN for any work involving all of the Issue Large N u m b e r of Papers. Paul Robinson, Editor and Owner. Camp Fire groups in the city. Only about two days w ere left us This fall Medford organized one this week to issue this paper, as the group of Camp Fire Girls. They are making a hardy beginning and within setting up of m achinery took m ost a y ears time will have interesting de­ of the tim e. N ext week we hope to tails to add to Camp Fire history in hove m ore tim e and hope the busi­ Jackson county. ness firm s in Ashland (there are Nationally, Camp Fire oegan in We want you to subscribe for The Ashland American m any good ones) will have a m essage 1912 in Ameiica. It was planned by for you. They all know we are here Mr. and Mrs. Gulick in an effort to We will make it interesting. The paper will help your find for the girls the thing that Boy now. Of course, we get out a town and county and you will hear from it from many Scouts was doing for the boys. The paper for the readers, but we have sources. We want you to count it as YOUR paper; give organization has spread to twenty to depend on the advertisers to exist. one foreign countries. It fits all need* news items to your paper, hand them in or mail them. Twelve hundred copies w ere issued and all types of girls, It alms to teach Read the advertisements every week for Saturday sales the value of service; the necessity of this week and we will so continue. a strong and healthy body; the value and weekly prices, or arrival of new merchandise. Especially are we covering the coun- of knowledge when directed by a t try — adjacent farm s. Send in your social news, your lodge news, accounts strong and honest character, and the happiness to lie found in any type of of your parties, visitors, etc. But, by all means see that work well done.Fuither it aims to de School Has New H eating Plant. your name and address is on our subscription list. \elop comradeship and an understand­ A new heating plant is being in- ing of associates; a love for the out­ The Ashland American subscription is only $2.00 per doors and tho pleasures it offers; ;. ?tailed at the school grounds of the year. Twelve months for $2.00, less than four cents a week ensitiveness to tin beautiful thing rc n tra l Point schools and it is ex­ Let’s help Ashland to grow, and herald her many in life, whether found in nature, mu pected th at this plant will suffice ic, ait, literature, friends or an\ good points to the people of other states. The Ashland for several years to come. It is ho- thought or feeling; a realization ol American is demanded. We have been told that the citizenship and the icsponsibilities it | irtrr m ade much larger than the old i.urii with it; anil a further realiza­ | rate, which had proven too small to community wants it. The paper will grow, ami get bet­ tion of their responsibilities a- r.ccoir.mcdr.te lo th the high and t!ie ter as we become more aenuainted. We want all of South­ “ mothers of a new g-ie-ation, whi h c.rado school build n ;s ndoq i.-tc'y. with d e a le r gaze and steadier i tep- ern Jackson county to read it. and notice the ad/crJsei The new r iant will f jrn is ’i enou :'i \ ill reach th< •o d t nt height whir’ who invite you through its columns. aie now hut n ti'irplc h. zc o:i tli I h 'a t for the tv o structures rs well horizon."— Mail-Ti ihune. dd t ee; r >ems r/ii'r'i n r ! ulit in the futi. - r t I lE dlnr. - wt ot oì c mvæ. i r i f: o r< •• § ; ¡ors tst :*. r r- ZTl L i_: i . a ? Coastls Outstanding rs Civic Pride Growing BUSINESS MEN READERS