IN THE LAND T H E C E N TR A L POINT OF B U S Y JACKSON COUNTY WHERE THE. rçpGUE RIVER nms V, 0 »v Pacific Hig K'sva'Y & SPT^ailvoaJ L U M B E R IN G -FR U IT-D A IR.VI NG — M l N IN G ~ F Ä R M IN Q -S T O C K RAISING-FISHING-HUNTING VOLUM E 2 INDUSTRIES OF JACKSON COUNTY I BARN BURNER GETS TERM OREGON STA TE T E A C H E R S’ C E R T IFIC A T E S HOW IT O R IG IN A TED M edford Man Draw« 3 Y ear. On e ---------------------------------------------------® Examinations for state certificates A rion Charge. Calling Him a ’Veteran.* will be held at Jacksonville, .Oregon, NUM BEER 34 THE CAUSE IS A WORTHY ONE When he appeared in circuit court We are all familiar with the word commencing at 9 o’clock Wednesday, at Jacksonville Monday before Judge “veteran,” used either as a noun or Dec. 15, and continuing until Satur­ JA C K SO N CO. PEA R S TO P TH E Evans of Portland for sentence, hav­ an adjective, for one long exper­ day at 4 o’clock p. m. on of the same ‘EVERY SEA L IS A B U LLET” IS ing pleaded guilty on a grand jury ienced in any art or occupation, an week. W O RLD ’S M ARKET. W H A T TH EY SAY indictment last week, Edwin (Black- especially popular application being Applicants must present them ie) Rinninger was sentenced to three to one who has gained mueh ex­ for the examinations they wish years in the state penitentiary for perience in military matters, in the selves to take at the time set for the ques­ arson. He was accused of setting fire art of war. Macaulay, in his charac­ tion envelopes to be opened, as the All to the W. H. Lewis barn in the Agate teristic style, spoke of “The insinuat­ examinations cannot be offered nt district November 8, destroying 30,- ing eloquence and delicate flattery any other time or place. The rules 000 pounds of wool, covered by in- of veteran diplomatists and cour­ and regulations regarding the exam­ Raw M aterial« in M ineral*, Tim ber suranse to the extent of $10,000, tiers." What a far cry from a yearl­ inations will be read at 9 o’clock on W hite Plague 1» M ott D readed and and A g ricu ltu re A bound in following an alleged agreement with ing calf. Yet that is how it started, the morning of the first day. Those D readful Disease Known the word “veteran” having the same Lewis whereby he was to receive entering later in the week and wish­ T errito ry of Pow er. to H um anity. source as “wether” which is a cer­ ing to take only a few of ths exam­ $100 for the work. The case of Lewis, who was held tain kind of ram, originally a yearl inations should present themselves insane Saturday by the sanity com­ ing calf. at the secretary’s desk for registra­ Two industries in Jackson county mission, is pending. “Veteran” is derived from the tion and for information regarding A Red Cross Christmas seal costs serve all the other industries—the Latin “vetus” meaning old, close kin the rules. The eleven subjects re­ only n penny, but it represents a Southern Pacific company with to the Sanscrit “catsana,” and the quired for a one year elementary cer­ cause that is big with importance and transportation, and the California- crop each year, which amounts to Greek “eros,” meaning “year” pre­ tificate are put in black letters upon which deserves the hearty support of the general public. When you buy Oregon Power company with electric approximately 2,100 car loads. cisely the same sources from which progrnm. Red Cross seal and energy. Pay roll distribution result­ Dehydration and canning are now we have “wether,” originally n yearl­ the Wednesday program. 9 a. m. —U. * affix to letters or ing from the operation of these two taking and important place as by­ ing lamb. If a veteran is a “yearling’ S. H istory, music, drawing. 11 a. m. parcel, it you really do companies is a most important fac­ products of the fruit and vegetable we should say it is a figurative —writing. 1 p. m. Phytiology, mnnual tw o n o b l e and tor in the prosperity of the cities and production. “year,” one of many more weeks composition, methods in worthy things. First towns of Jackson county, and the in­ A large part of what is raised must than comprises the calendar year, training, reading. 2:30 p. m.— Read*ng, course you contribute your creasing business of these companies necessarily find its way to markets that earned him that title. of study for drawing, methods in mite t o encourage is a very fair guage of the growth in cans. The Rogue River Valley arithmetic, domestic science. — — “+ ----- T and help along the in all other branches of industrial Canning company is a most import­ Auto» Collide on Main S treet. Thursday program. 9 a. m.— A r­ nation-w i d e c a m- activity. ant link in the chain which reaches The intersection of east Main and ithm etic, history of education, psy­ paign for pre­ from soil to consumer. The Knight As you enter the county from the the Pacific highway was the scene chology, methods in geography, me­ vention and the eradi­ Catsup company has a plant which north by highway or railroad there of a slight wreck Saturday morning drawing, domestic art, cation of tuberculosis—the so-called are evidences of considerable agri­ produces a commodity which is fast when two touring car» came together chanical course of study in domestic art. 1 great white plague, which is the most cultural activity in numerous or­ becoming famous, and which is tak­ with more or less violence. p. m.— G ram m ar, stenography, Am­ to civilized man, measured by the chards and farms. Attention is soon ing the story of the Rogue river val­ As Mrs. Frank Gregory was enter­ erican literature, methods in number of victims it annually calls ley to the outside world. attracted to the plant of the Beaver ing town from the east in )ier car, language. 2.30 p. physics, m.— G eography, from the ranks of humanity; and, Portland Cement company at Gold All the big oil companies and many J. J. Skinner, driving Copco car No. typewriting, thesis for primary certi­ second, you send to everyone who Hill, now making replacements and coast-wide and nationally operated R-30, turned the corner onto Main ficates. a Red Cross seal a reminder of additions to its finished grinding de­ institutions have branches in this the two cars colliding Vcornerwise.” Friday program. 0 a. m.— Theory sees the splendid fight that partment and enlarging its capacity prosperous section of southern Ore­ The Copco car suffered a smashed and P ractice, physical geography, is being waged and to winning master this to 2,000 barrels per day. This plant gon, for it must not be forgotten fender and sprung steering tie rod, English literature, chemistry. 11 a. ous enemy of munkind, and a insidi­ fur­ has a large territory and is keeping that Jackson county leads Oregon, while the Gregory car sustained a m.— Spelling. 1 p. m.— School Lai ther reminder that it is only a mat­ pace with the growth of the various and the entire Northwest west of sprung rightfront axle. algebra. 2 :30 p. m.— Civil ter of persistence an deducation to other industries which depend upon Minnesota in percentage of increase State Traffic Officer Chas. Talent geology, drive this disense intoacorner.figur- governm ent. it for a continuing supply of high of farm land values, the average was called, who declaerd the Copco ately speaking, and rob it of its real Saturday progrnm. 9 a. m.— Geom. grade cement for concrete work and price per acre of land and buildings, driver at fault. Mrs. Gregory having terrors. erty , botany, 1 p. m.—general history according to the U. S. farm census, had the right-of-way. building operations. Every contribution to this cause is bookkeeping. showing an increase of 29.2 percent Then at Central Point men are a spledid, pracitcal way to help win --------- 4 .--------- busy enlarging the brick and tile in 1925 over 1920. a big fight for everybody, including some evidence of mining activity in SU R PR ISE PR E-W ED SHOW ER products plant, to soon employ many Continuing on to the California copper, coal, gold, granite, oil shale of course yourself. For even though men turning out perferct clap pro­ line one passes thru the prosperous and in Other products from under­ R elief Corps Hold Show er for Local you may have no present fear of this city of Ashland with its Southern ground. There are some who predict ducts. skulking, treacherou. disease, it lurks Bride to Be M arried Soon. Approaching Medford through the Pacific railroad shops, its cannery, its that mining will be Jackson county’s everywhere, waiting for additional extensive orchard land of the Rogue iron works, its Springs vbgkqj 123456 big industry when history’s final Wednesday night was a big social victims, and you or some of your river valley one realizes why the iron works, its saw mills, box factory chapters are written. At the present night for the Relief Corps, the Re- friends muy be next on the list. The pear has been adopted as the sym­ and creamery, its Lithia Springs time it appears to be passing through bekahs and the Security Benefit as­ money raised though the sale of where both gas and water are bottled bol of agricultural activity. transition period when small sociation and their friends in their Christmas i cals provides the ammuni­ Almost before one’s thoughts can for shipment to all points of the that high grade must give way cooperative shower and entertain­ tion to fight this menace, and every be accommodated to a change of coast, and its granite quarries which to the large operations volume, lower grades, ment given in honor of Miss Christ- person should help it along, accord­ scene we are entering Medford and produce exceptionally fine monu­ intensive mining operations. ena Richardson, a member of these ing to his means. “Every seal is a in the midst of the operations of the mental and building stone. The raw material situation in every whose wedding is announced bullet” is the suggestive way the an­ Owen-Oregon Lumber company, a Diversification is a sound principle branch of industry—minerals, tim­ orders, next Sunday. Over one hundred ti-tuberculosis workers put it, and it modern elecrtic drive mill cutting in business and in finance. In Jack- ber and agriculture— is excellent for valuable wedding gifts were shower­ is up to you to provide as many bul­ 125,000 feet on one shift, ,and now son county the agricultural is di­ Capital is abundant and new groups ed on Miss Christens, each accom­ lets as you can. If it is only asingle operating two shifts per day. It is versified so that no one group or representing outside financial circles panied by love, friendship and well bullet, be sure and do your part, true that great stands of timber are product controls the destiny of the are making big investments here. wishes. The entertainment feature nd if you can furnish a whole visible on the distant hills, but the farm. brondside, so much the better. Labor supply is satisfactory, although of the evening party was a agricultural character of the valley There are specialists of course— at times there is ashortage of cer­ wedding, a forecast of ten mock­ ---------------+ --------------- years seems at first to discount the possi­ and some are better adapted to one tain clesses of labor due to the hence and the golden wedding, after M EDFORD COURT TO OPEN bility of the existence of any other line of endeavor than others, but The general living conditions, which, as soon as the merriment per­ kind of industry. The Medford log­ many lines are open to all and are work. however, in the Rogue river valley mitted a big supper was served. Federal O fficers From Portland ging railroad leads off to Jackson­ found in successful operation. We are so agreeable, and it is such an Miss Christna Richardson, daugh­ ville to the west. The former was refer to dairying, poultry raising, attractive to C onduct Session. place in which to live, that ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Richardson built ac part of the Hill line ac­ vegetables, stock raising and fruit labor contentment probably regis­ of Central Point, is to be married tivities in southern Oregon a few growing. ters its highest standard on the bn Sunday, December 12, at the Federal Judge Bean; H. S. Ken­ years ago; the latter not operating The marketing possibilities are di­ farms and in the cities and towns of home of her parents, to Dr. C. Ward yon, deputy clerk of the federal at present. Jackson county. In the final analysis, versified snd the risks are minimised. Davis, of Salem, Or. After a brief court; Clarence R. Hotchkiss, United The Tomlin Box factory is an elec­ The Southern Pacific railroad con­ industry to be successful must be wedding they will be at home in States marshal; Harry V. Reed and trically operated plant with a capa­ veys products north snd south to based on labor contentment, and the state trip capitol city where the doc­ Cal C. Wells, deputy marshals and city of 62,600 feet of shook on one eastern rail snd ocean steamer con­ anything in the way of climate or tor has a good dental Millar E. McGilchrist and J. N. Hel- shift, and is now operating two nections. The paved highways are living conditions which makes for Miss Richardson is a practice. gerson, deputy United States district C. P. H. S. shifts per day. It is also served by open to motor truck transportation contented labor, reduces labor turn­ graduate and the best wishes are ex­ attorneys, arrived in Medford Mon­ the Medford logging railroad. in every direction, and a large por­ over, and thus cuta out one of indus­ tended by her former school friends day where the annual term of the Jackson county hsa a total land tion of local products find their way try’s greatest losses. as well as the entire community of federal court for southern Oregon area of about 1,816,000 acres; al­ to the acquaintances. At the wedding Sun­ opened that morning. George Neuner coast counties and to the The tourist traffic and all that most one-half of this area is covered Klamath country. United States district attorney, ex­ will officiate. must contribute to this growing fea­ with commercial timber as yet un­ A further diverisity of industry is ture of American life, has assumed day Rev. Belnap pects to go south later in the week. ----------+ --------- cut. At the present time there are in the mineral field, for which Jack- the proportions of an outstanding in The Medford term is expected to Boy Held on M ann Act. 25 sawmills of different types and son county first attracted attention. dustry in Jackson county. From the Eurekr. Dec. 3. (AP„— Warne take most of two weeks, no cases capacities, most of them cutting only Gold mining operations of every annual tourist crop, a certain per­ Stephens, 22, of Areata, was held in being the set hers until December 20. In­ a few thousand feet per day. have been conducted and centage remains (or returns) as in­ the county jail today in default of cluded among civil matters to be Traveling still further south one character are to be found in various stages of vestors or as workers in the various $1060 bonds on a charge of violat­ heard are the suits brought by Kla­ immediately plunges into s maxe of development—some some industries of the Rogue river valley, ing the Mann act. With him when math Indians against the government packing plants, pre-cooling and cold preparing to re-open operating, as settlers. In this county irriga­ arrested was Mrs. May Smith, 19, of to force allocation of Valuable tim­ with modem storage plants, tee manufacturing methods and in keeping with prac­ of tion is on a much more substantial Medford, Ore., who admitted she is ber lands to members of the tribe. and ear icing plants, and those in­ tices which have made s success of footing ----------+ --------- than is reported from pro­ the mother of two children and has dustries which are more directly similar operations elsewhere. Almost jects in other Mr. and Mis. W. .Martisenu, of for several months been living with sections of the country. connected with the conditioning, everywhere you go you will find —Oregon Business. Gold Hill, called Tuesday. Stephens as his w ilv packing and handling of tha 'ruit Towns Are Busy A CEN TRA L PO IN T. JACKSON. COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, D ECEM BER 10. 1926 Lots For a Penny « fl