^ V x/A V\M /A jix v o p o p Jo u o ijv o i/M v oi// sv lU O jS 'U V U ] M l / DO HOM S' d ll/ S 'U O If V p .4 U V U ilU f o ï i l i O l ) Ï1JOA9L4' p p i o c n 'p o l ] ( i ( h ) ¿ p iy u o p jo t j d ifr H dlT -O Q P lh u o Q C h ild ren “ He who helps a child helps humanity with an immedi.Vteness which no other help given to huflaan creature in any other stage of human life can possibly give again.”— Phillips Brooks. Building Chardcter “ It has rescued tens of thousands of children who will live to redeem the waste places and to rebuild the ruins in the Near East.”— Robert E. Speer. There were 132,532 orphan children among the more than ONE MILLION LIVES saved by Near East Relief. 35,000 still remain in the care of Near East Relief. 105,000 bowls to be filled every day. Food is the largest single item of ex­ pense — 79 yi tons con­ sumed daily. ***# Medicine and hospital supplies for 35,000 children —a daily expense. Character building is the great objective of Near East Relief, but it takes time for moral fibre to grow as it does for bone and muscle. The Golden Rule applied already has wrought miracles in bringing children like the above to full health. Further applied it will bring every orphan still in the care of Near East Relief to self-support; a fitting climax to “the greatest piece of constructive relief work the world has ever seen.” MEETING THE PRESENT PROBLEM. The present problem of Near East Relief is nothing new. It is as old as life. It is as old as love. It is a problem that every father and mother understands.— to supply all the varied, changing, recurring needs of children, from babyhood to full self-support. THIS MEANS CASH FOR DAILY EXPENSES. 1000 articles of clothing and 400 pairs of shoes are needed daily to replace what wears out. Material and equipment for vocational training is a constant item of expense. Every ten orphans have a “group leader,” every ten groups a “senior leader." Through these leaders the orphanage di­ rector can influence the entire orphanage. ** *# School supplies for 35,000 a daily expense.