CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN iVJMJ/JVgAfWt '•>' f fTüvf /«VfMt 'Af ' Af uf/yi M IN IN G NEWS Reports and News of Activities and Conditions of the j/£ years experience in this work and comes to Medford highly recommen­ ded. He takes the place of C. A. Cook, who returns to Seattle from which place he came to Medford. Mr. J»! Cook and family have made a host of friends while in Medford and will be greatly missed. ------ o------ R EC EIV ED Mining District of W est Coast. Take* O v er M a n a g e m e n t. In the Applegate region, famous for past rich deposits, much activity is taking place, and a little excite­ ment over the immense program mapped out for this winter and spring. Much talk of production and I work is heard, due to the progress of the Federal mines. The recent rains have furnished an ample supply of water for the present and lighting equipment, which has recently been installed, permits working by night thus enabling the men to double the ordinary amount of work. b W s n t o r F o r Sale. Any miner wanting machinery or having anything of the kind for sale? We will print your notice one time in these columns FREE! ---------- * ---------- R o g u e R iv e r Mill P re s e n t* B u t y S cene. The Rogue river mi!! has been a busy place the past week and from all indication, it will continue busy for a while. Several mining com­ panies have had their ore run the past week and there are several more waiting to get in. The present rush of business has been occasioned by the reopening of a number of mines this fall, in different parts of the country and the owners are anxious to obtain a test of their product. The Rogue river mill, under the supervision of Manager H. W. Sparks is a five stamp mill and is equipped to do all the work that can be expected from a mill of this type. The ore is received in a pit at the north end of the mill and from there it is conveyed by means of an ele­ vator to a chute in the top of the mill from whence it is fed into the mill where it is ground to a powder un­ der the weight of the huge stamps. Water is used to wash the pulverized quartz over a galvanized metal plate which is veneered with quick silver or mercury which collects the gold particles and they are taken from this plate at the end of the run. The rest of the concentrates and pul­ verized ore is carried over onto a concentration table which is con­ stantly in motion and with water running over it constantly the heavier portions are carried to the extreme end of the table and here are collected. These concentrates are then sacked or placed in containers by the owners and smelted or other­ wise processed to obtain the desired metals. The Rogue river mill is an important factor in the mining in­ dustry of this section and handles the ore from many of the mines in this district, it being the best mill in southern Oregon. It is electrical­ ly equipped and due to this fact the owners of the mill have been placed at a disadvantage during the slack times on account of the large mini­ mum charge for powder, oftentimes it being in excess of the price the miners feel able to pay. The general activity all over the district and the bunching of orders for milling has made it possible to keep the" mill operating quite regu­ larly of late.—Rogue River Report­ er. NEW S NOTES OF BUSY MEDFORD (By Bliss Heinie) Thanksgiving started with the anion service in the morning, held in the Methodist church at Main and Laurel with Dr. J. P. Bray of the Methodist Church South delivering the sermon. Special music was rend­ ered by a mixed quartet. In the afternoon Medford high defeated Ashland high at Ashland, 31 to 0 on a muddy and watery field. It is now hoped that Medford may secure a post season game with the champion Grant high team of Port­ land for the state championship. In the »■reni'ig Mr. and Mrs. A. W. W alker gar« an old-time Rogue River, Nov. 25.—T. A. Dausher of Jackson, Mich., has come West to be manager of the Pleasant creek mine in the upper Evans creek disrict. Extensive developmnt is planned for this mine. Mr. Dausher is accompanied by his wife. A. Franchie of Seattle, a mining engineer, is at the Wedge mine tak­ ing samples of the ore. * G olden Cro** M ine Make* a Show ing. Good Tuesday the managers of the Gold­ en Cross mine, located on Paine’s creek in the Sams Valley country, north of this city took several tons of their ore to Rogue River where they had it run through the Sparks stamp mill at that place. The con­ centrates from the ore will now be smelted in order to get an idea of the extent and value of the ore. The Golden Cross is one of the best de­ veloped mines in the district and is owned by Jackson, Logan and Hays. The results' of other experiments show that the ore is very rich in tin and also contains a quantity of gold, copper and a tract of platinum and radium. A definite statement as to the value of the run could not be obtained at present but Manager Sparks of the Rogue river mill says it is very good. The writer had the priviledge of examining the concen­ trates but not being a metalurgist we would not venture any assertions The managers of the Golden Cross are very enthusiastic over their showing and we surely hope that the results will be even better than they hope for. With a few good produc­ ing mines in this locality, Gold Hill would be “sitting pretty.” The metal is here, that, nobody can deny, but to what extent is yet to be deter­ mined. There has been good mines here and without doubt there are many more as good, but yet, lie un­ covered. There are more different minerals in the hills around here than can be found in any other section of the country and they are in time going to be exploited. The sooner the better. —Gold Hill News. --------- + --------- R eport* on B lackw ell R id g e. cial.)-Extensive developments will be undertaken in the near future at the Pleasant Creek mine, near this city, it was announced today with the arrival of T. A. Danaher from De­ troit to act as general manager of the property. Mr. Danaher stated that addition of mining machinery would make the mine one of the best pro­ ducers in Josephine county. Contem­ plated operations having been de­ layed pending its arrival. ----------- * ---------- B a k e r I* I m p o r t a n t C o p p e r D isrict. That Oregon, by virtue of the de­ posits in the Baker district, may in a short time be numbered among the important copper producing states of this country, was a significant statement made in the current num­ ber of the Southwest Mining News Service, published in Los Angeles. The publication made this comment: “Much attention has recently been directed to very promising copper­ bearing areas of great extent east of Baker, Oregon, and it is now assert­ ed by men who have had wide ex­ perience in development of copper mines that within a short time Ore­ gon will De numbered among the important copper-producing states of the union. The more optimistic have even gone so far as to predict that Balm creek, Clover creek and Goose creek, on the Oregon side of the Snake river, will eventually develop mines rivaling those of Butte itself. “During July, Dr. Waldemar Lind- gren, professor of geology at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ nology and for over a quarter cen­ tury identified with the United States geological survey, of which he was chief geologist in 1911 and 1912, spent nine days on the ground making a thorough examination of the Mother Lode mine, which has directed attention to the possibilities of the disrict and is being system­ atically developed by Mother Lode Mining company, of which John Arthur, a veteran operator of the dis­ trict, is the leading spirit. Dr. Lindgren’s report is generally considered very favorable and has led to renewed interest in this dis­ trict.” R e d u c tio n BOOKS FOR H IG H SCHOOL im m ra F e d e r a l M in e t Busy. N E W SONG P lan t * and Mill N ee d ed . Last Friday, November 12, the students of the high school were de­ lighted to find that the new song books had been received for the weekly assembly singing. (Miss Huntoon says it will not only be a weekly affair, but that we will sing every rainy day.) The books were passed out and the songs, “Long, Long Trail a’ Wind­ ing,” and “ Wal I Swan" were sung with Miss Huntoon directing and Miss Blackburn at the piano. The selection of these books are for three part singing and despite the fact that we didn’t know much about that method of singing, Miss Huntoon made it very enjoyable for us. Mr. Jewett informed the students that these books were to be used carefully as the binding was of in­ ferior quality, although the music is high grade, and I’m sure the students will be kind to heed this warning. So S ay W e All The editor of a weekly newspaper in a town of 1,200 people in Ohio took a few days off recently and went to Philadelphia to attend the exposition. Returning home he stated that he enjoyed the show, out would have had a better time if ho hadn’t missed the old home town so much. The day he started back the hotel clerk asked him, by the way of conversation, why he lives in a small town when there is still plenty of room in the big ones. And through his paper he answers the question in these words: “I live in a small town because I prefer it to a big city; because I have more friends; I live better, and I am hap­ pier; I have more opportunities for improveniing my mind and I get more pleasure out of life than if I lived in a city. Every time I spend a few days in a big city and see how many of its people live I am thankful when I get home that I live in a small town.” And we endorse every word that this weekly editor has uttered.— Ashland (Va.) Herald-Progress. --------- * --------- WANTED—1 am prepared to do your tile draining, sewer work, ditch digging and pipe laying. See me for estimates and prices. J. H. Mc- Jimsey, Central Point, Ore. 342 W e A r e M a n u f a c t u r e r * of DOORS, SCREENS, WINDOWS AND SASH, WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, MOULD­ INGS, CABINETS OF ALL KINDS Our Constant Aim is to Keep Our Quality and Prices Absolutely Right. Do Not Order From Out-of-Town Concerns Before Letting Us Figure on Your Bill. TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Medford A MODERN MILL Oregon BLACK BEAR Fire Retardent Roofing Paint For Shingles, Metal and Paper Roofs Tested and Approved by Fire Chiefs of the State of Oregon There will be a large, modern and proper kind of a mill to treat south­ ern Oregon ores, established in Grants Pass, Gold Hill or probably Guaranteed by Standard Roofing Company Central Point or Medford some day. Such a plant is certainly in demand. Sales Agent The process must be such that will Complete line of Shop Celebrated Cement Brick successfully handle the ore from all colors, Building Tile, Sand and Cement hundreds of mines in this territory Gold Hill Lime—None Better now partially developed and waiting anxiously for some one to help them. Everything in Manufactured Cement The enterprise needs men of vision, strong determination, ability and capital. It is coming; it is a money Your Servant maker for some one, but must be S. Fir and 10th St. Medford, Oregon accomplished by knowing and ex­ perienced heads. Feeble attempts by W A W A V V W .'W W ^ A ’A V A 'W .V A W A W /A W V V W W i stock promoters are a failure, so far, and a black eye to the entire disrict. By their works we shall know them and if some one will work, their money and ability and keep their J o s e p h in e M ine to Be D e » » lo p e d . mouth idle the big need can be se­ Grants Pass, Or., Nov. 23.-(Spe- cured and much prosperity result| Mining is active in the county at present and along with wild rumors, comes occassional authentic reports of good strikes. This week we were asked several times what we had heard of the »work being done at some new prospecting on the Black- well Ridge by local men and superin­ tended by Henry Ray. We talked with the owners, who seem to be in a mode of confidece and interviewed Messrs. Wm. Martineau, C. D. White, Paul Robinson and Henry Ray. Our inter­ view resulted as follows: “ We have nothing to say for publication, if we did say it the public wouldn’t be­ lieve it, and we have nothing to sell. We are sole owners of our workings. We know what we have and are satis fied with present prospects.” -----------+ ----------- Spark Proof, Rust Proof and Moss Proof STANDARD ROOFING CO. Sweet, "Pasty Meats party in the hall in the Medford build ing; the Eagles lodge, the Elks, the Oriental Gardnes and Jacksonville gave dances, all of the above being attending by immense crowds, all declaring they had a good time. The rabbit growers of Jacksbn, .Josephine and Klamath counties will h.ild their first annual rabbit show in Medford, December 13 to 15. They hav. ? organized under the name of the Tri-County Rabbit Growers’ as- socia 'ion. Herbert Alford, well-known local The Jackson Welding shop on S. musician and orchestra leader, is Rivers ids has just installed an oxy- spending a two weeks vacation in acetyl«?ne welding plant and an auto­ California. matic wheel aligner. The only other wheel aligners in southern Oregon The report comes that Crater Lake are one in Roseburg and one in National Park has 51 inches of snow Klamatk Falls. This machine indi­ at the lodge with more falling. cates accurately the camber, the caster at id the alignment. Another The contract for the new court modern st ep ahead in Medford. house at Medford will be let the first W. W. I ’elcher of Portland is the of the year while construction will start two weeks later. The cost is es­ new scout master of Crater Lake council. Mr. Belcher has had several dancing timated at 465,000, T H E C H O IC E O F T H E LAND— ALW A Y S FR E SH AND T E N D E R “Quality and Service”—Our Motto Central Point Meat Market I. D. LEWIS, Prop.