' CËNTRAL POINT AMERICAN Agriculture Is Main Topic Here (Continued from page 1) natural conditions are here waiting for the right folks to come along and cash in on them. The specialist is today making the money, not alone in the professions, but on the farms. Anybody can be a specialist by simply specializing, and he can get big prices for what he produces, or some reason, how­ ever, most men are content to raise uverage things and get only average prices. More farmers are wanted in Jack- son county, whether they farm on a big or a small scale. We offer them just as many chances to prosper as they now enjoy, and besides we o f­ fer them our many natural ad­ vantages. Farming is at the best hard work, but in Jackson county everything so contributes to human com fort and happiness that the routine labor on the farm is relieved o f many o f its trials. You farmer folks who are living where you are not getting much out o f life, come out here where you can get all there is in it, and maybe a little bit more.— County Booklet. -----------* ---------- 0 r —------------------------------------------------------ ■— at the school house Wednesday even­ ing. It was attended with a record crowd and some very interesting numbers were presented. Misses Naomi Moon, Vida Dent and Naoma Magrader spent their Thanksgiving vacation with the Mc­ Donough family. They enjoyed the program Wednesday evening and also took in quite a large amount of the Thank.-igiving dinner at the school house Thursday noon. A large community dinner was held at the school house Thanksgiv­ ing day. A large number o f people enjoyed it. The tables farily groaned under the load o f god things to eat and, in fact, we hac! to hunt an extra table to take care o f the cakes and pies which were made by some o f the best cooks in the country. Several o f our young people at­ tended the dancing party given by Miss Aletha Gray at the community club house on Thanksgiving evening. They reported having a most wonder­ ful time and were sorry to depart when the time came. --------- * --------- & --------------------------------------------------^ A T TH E CHURCHES Newt o f Doing« in Central Point House* o f Worship ------------------------ 0 —- i 0 SAMS V A L L E Y • --------------------------------------------- - • The program o f reading and im­ personating, given by Mrs. Walter Johnson o f Idaho was well attended. It was given under the supervision o f the Sams Valley Grange. Half o f the net profit going to them. We all found Mrs. Johnson a very entertain­ ing woman. The Sams Valley Grange will hold an all day meeting Dec. 4, with a large dinner at noon. There will be special attractions because o f that date being the anniversary o f the first Grange ever organized. We hope to have a good attendance at this meeting. Everyone in Sams Valley is feeling fine after the Thanksgiving vacation. The teachers as well as scholars. W e received many compliments on the program given by the school children Central Point Union Church. Sunday, Dec. 5. Title for Sunday school lesson: “ The Betrayal.” John 18. Let us start right on time next Sunday morning with every teacher in place. The lesson is so full o f im­ portant things th*t we need every minute available. The sermon in the morning will deal with the subject: “ What the Scriptures Consist of, and their Uses.” Come, let us exalt the word o f God together. The young people will meet at 6:30 p. m. for their ser­ vice, and at 7 :30 p. m. the service will magnify the Lord in song; and the sermon will be on the subject: “ What the Bible Teaches About Re­ tribution.” There are many false things being taught about this sub­ ject that all who wish to know what the Bible really does teach should be in this service. J. M. JOHNSON, Pastor. -----------* ----------- 0 ------------------------ 0 e $t son, Fred Norcross in many dif- he has alternated a day in bed with a feren t parts o f the state. O f late few steps the next day and has been year» he had retired from active counting on beginning the new year business and had enjoyed visiting with going to school and playing in many places o f interest. Accompanied the snow. His mother knows that his by his wife and youngest son, he schooling will be postponed even made an auto trip back to his child­ later than that Miss Beard and Dr. hood home in Wisconsin, stoping in Geary do all they can but are wor­ Castania, Iowa, where he first was in ried about one o f the boy’s knees the hanking business renewing old that is becoming inflamed and wish acquaintances in all these places, they had met this boy in a clinic later they took a trip to Alaska, when he was many years younger. spent one winter in Honolulu and had If they can not save this boy they made many visits to Medford and hope to save every other child in the Central Point where his brothers and county from developing tuberculosis sister live. He has made many friends o f the bones, oft o f the lungs, or any during these visits who extend their other sickness for that matter. This sympathy to his bereaved w ife and boy iB receiving god care in his own children and brothers and sister at home with his mother following in­ structions carefully to guard the this sad time. E. J. Norcross lived to the ripe othors from catching this dread i- sease, but the big mistake was made age o f 75 years. tMTee years ago when a quack doctor -----------+ ----------- tried to cure the sore spine with irri­ THE KIND T H A T COUNTS tating “ electric rubs” until the child developed a fever each afternon und became too weak for further treat­ ments. Later the family moved west settling in their present location and after a long time, too long in fact, they were put in touch with the County Health unit which promptly adopted them. To reach invalids like this as well as the healthy children, the Jackson County Public Health association re­ cently put into 76 schools the essay contest, having as its subject: “ Why we should buy Christmas Seals.” ----------* ---------- SHELEY’S BARGAINS 6^4 acres close to good town, pumping plant, all under cultivation, 8 room house in good repair, barn, wood shed, Vk acres o f pears, free soil, some farm machinery goes. Price $3675 with terms. S. S. Tule had as his guest for 440 acre tract o f wheat land, all under cultivation, 4 room house, Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Hamor large barn and other buildings. and the two Miss Hamer’s o f Ray Price $8800. Would trade for town Gold. property. 35 acre tract close to good town, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Waltermire level, $1,000 will buy if taken at and son. Dale, spent Thanksgiving once. in Medford with Mr. Waltermire’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Walter­ 265 acres close to market, 166 pasture and timber, 100 under culti­ mire. ----------+ --------- vation, fine alfalfa land, free soil, 0 farm land level, fenced, well and 0 creek, garage, barn and chicken O B IT U A R Y house. Price $6,000. Small cash pay­ >-----------------------------------------------------------— ________________ ment will handle. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Norcross have $650 buys 5 room house in Cen­ returned from Oakland, California, tral Point, garage, chicken yard, barn, city water und well, good gard­ where they were called by telegram en spot. Armistic day, announcing the death 8 acre tract close in, new house, of E. J. Norcross that morning at barn, garage, wood house, chicken 9:30. house, on route, fine alfalfa and fruit Mr. and Mrs. Norcross and L. L. ranch. 6 acres in fruit, S acres in Norcross o f Ashland left that after­ alfalfa, good water supply, shade trees. About $1200 will handle, noon by auto, arriving in Oakland balance good terms. Saturday morning. The funeral which was private was at 2 o ’clock at the home. E. J. Norcross on several oc­ Second Door East o f Postoffice casions had expressed a desire to be County Agent for tho Benefit Savings cremated and his wishes were carried A Loan Association. o u t He has been a resident o f Cali­ fornia for many years in the bank­ ing business, associated with hij eld- ------------------------ 0 JOHN B. SHELEY |0 numerous other flasks o f the amber fluid. In addition' to the above seizures Ike iscuatodian o f a jail full o f guests either serving sentences or waiting for trial. Read the advertisements. w r- 6. is >n Are the I ¡tire dollars getting away from you?, * i ‘ will pay you to equip with ! Dunlops—because (the Dunlop process removes the inter­ nal friction. 1 r ■— 1 ,Tnat means m ore / wear and less * worry. “ IK E ” A BUSY MAN He—Think ws’ll have a green Christmas? She—I hope so—a 'long »reen - one. Maple Popcorn Balls Pop three quarts of corn and dis­ card hard kernels. Melt one table- spoonful of butter In a saucepan, add one cupful of maple sirup and one-half cupful of sugar. Bring to boiling point and let boll until mixture will become brittle when tried In cold water. Pour mixture gradually, stirring all the while, over corn which has been sprin­ kled with salt. Shape Into balls, using very little pressure. Then and Now The eld-fashloned boy who used to get an apple, an orange, a handful of mixed nuts, a dime’s worth of powder and ahot or a new pair of home-knit aocks for Christmas now has a grand­ son who must have a new car, a dia­ mond ring, and a check. Times change. According to Jailor Dunford o f Jackson county, the store room at the county jail is full to overflowing wth seizures o f illicit “ booze.” In his custody are 16 cases o f synthetic gin 324 pints o f “ moonshine,” a keg o f TIRES CAMP W1THUS Why Advertise in the Central Point American? I T PAYS TO LO ITEMS + ------------------------------------------------- * Mr. and Mrs. Willos Rowland, and Mrs. Harold Waltermire were dinner guests at the H. F. Whetstone home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland are stopping with Mrs. Waltermire dur­ ing Mr. Waltermire’s absence. Mr. Waltermire went to Grants Pass on Monday to be gone for some time where he is doing work for the Copco company. sherry wine and A t Christmas Time Mr. Smiles—But why do you expect a Christmas box from me? Surely I have hud no dealings with you? Boy—Yes, sir—please, sir, you tripped over my ’oop last week. Origin of Carols Few, If any, Christmas carols were evei sung In Scotland, while from earliest times the custom has been universally prevalent In England, France, Italy aud other countries of the European continent. -----------+ ----------- COUNTY H E A L TH NEWS A particularly bright boy o f 12 years is one o f the “ shut-ins” whom Miss Vera Beard looks forward to visiting on her rounds o f public health nursing. He is expecting her long before it is humanly possible for her to fit in a visit with him along with school inspections, ma­ ternity work, clinics, etc., but she is thinking o f him and trying to solve his problem long before she arrives at hi shome. A fter turning o ff the highway and driving 18 miles towards Mr. Pitt she has plenty o f time to think o f all the cheerful news she knows a live wire boy would like to hear, but she must also remember that her visit must not make him restless and long to take part in the football game she wants to tall him about. Miss Beard’s patinet has tu­ berculosis o f the spi neor perhaps it is cured from having been in a cast for a year and given complete rest until this past summer when he was released and allowed to walk across the room. For the past few months The A d Rates Based on Both Quantity and Quality Circulation It is a weekly paper—most homes prefer after reading the Oregonian and ‘Sundays’ It is read on the Routes, in the Farm Homes, Small Towns of Jackson County by every member of the family, who read every line and not merely the head lines. It has more readers than any W eekly Paper in Jackson County, outside of M ed­ ford. IT IS A W E E K L Y PAPER C A U SE S COM M ENT. THAT ITS AD VER TISER S G ET RETURNS Mail, bring or send adv. copy co not later flu lan Wednesdays. -It Pays- Central Point American /I