Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, November 26, 1926, Image 2

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son county, the county of many re­ you “run down” your town, you are had to “entertain a soldier” We
hurting your own business, and de­ knew one woman who was arrested
tracting from the value of your for “entertaining” two soldiers.
Aa Independent Wookly Paper Publi.hed at Central Point. Oregon, and
Entered Friday of each week in th e Poetoffice thereof a* Second Cla»» FOR BUS1N&ESS STIMULENT property. Even though you may have Most every soldier secured a book
Business men learn daily from no pride in your community, you on health, care of the body, direc­
M atter
Journals, magazines, press as­ ought to have sense enough not to tions for certain treatment, etc
PAUL ROBINSON, Editor and Publisher
sociations and journalistic schools, injure your own interests.
which was at that time, classed by
Every business concern in addition those
moral advocates as necessary.
$ 2.00 weekly home paper is more than an to a stock of goods and plant, has
One Year
“youth of the land” got
All Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance
important advertising medium. Not intangible assets of the greatest val­ the sex the
all right, have
only the headlines but every article ue. Among the assets is its good been getting it ever since,
Advertising Rates Given on Application
and today
and every ad. is read in the weekly name, its reputation for square deal­ we find the evil flourishing
T X c T s l T Ñ - C O U N T Y ’ S W T E KL Y P A P E R
paper. Every membery of the family ing. When you hurt the good name coast to coast in a shockingly, horri­
waits for it. Every home reads it at of such a concern, you injure it more ble manner, as testified by all city
leasure and don’t hurry through it than you would if you should burn police records, divorce courts, de­
to throw it aside. In Jackson county down its plant.
murdered husbands, White
it is the Central Point American, Besides its business and industrial sertions,
read in more homes outside of Med­ institutions, its homes, schools and doctors, etc. street walkers, fake
ford, than any other weekly paper in
other kinds of property, every
Plenty of time to have a little win­ itself out with readers before half Jackson county. We are proud of the all
intangible assets which Since the war and since the drift­
of them found out why they called large subscription list of the Central must has
ter weather yet.
be protected. When you talk ing from “old-fashioned” ideas the
one of the witnesses a “pig woman.” Point American— three thousand down your
town, you are injuring its population seems to have gone on a
The live turkey today may be Even radio fans are getting tired of readers, 6,000 eyes.
and thereby giving it a jazz spree crazy with the dance and
thankful he didn’t gain in weight. listening in on the Aimee McPher­
excitement, trying to mentally di­
most serious kind.
son talks over the air and have lost A GREAT NEW BUSINESS
gest the wisdom they so rapidly ac­
in her recent experiences
It was a good dinner even if it interest
better, if you want your property to quired and which had been so long
Queen Marie has gone back home One of the newest sciences which increase
did cost forty-five cents a pound. and
in value, if you want to live denied them. No more does the
elections are over for another we have with us is the science of in a better
town, forget your grouch maiden object to smoking in her
talk for your town in­ presence, rather she puffs her own
With the big building program in the seasons real* ' big football games
cigarettes. The stocking flask and
it down.
Portland, an outsider is lost every and
hip pocket bottle have even been
---------- o-----------
time he goes to the city if his visits Then what will we do for big head­ longer conducted in a haphazard way
Men of brains and ability have stud­ Good roads are the product of unearthed in school and colleges. It
are no oftener than six months apart. lines.
ied it and have evolved plans which good heads, ,broad minds and liberal didn’t use to be thus, regardless of
— —o---------
what soaie may say in favor of “we
bring about the greatest amount of pocketbooks.
Business is sure increasing in
Central Point. Better come in Satur­ OUR METROPOLIS, NICE RESI- good through advertising, benefit
Getting to present times the riot
to the public as well as to the adver­
day and join the crowd.
This is a big country and a great is spreading instead of dieing out
Oregon’s 2,000,000 sheep produced Crater Lake avenue going out of It is pleasing to know that men one. The year fast drawing to a close Main causes or excuses are the public
18,000,000 pounds of wool bringing Medford, is one of the prettiest and everywhere are beginning to appre­ has brought much sorrow and mental dance halls, the female mode of
most fashionable residence streets in ciate the great part of power which suffering to many sections. Floods dress and lack of any head to the
$11,000,000 annually.
that city. It is a street that will al­ advertising plays in our everyday and hurricanes and mine disasters modern homes.
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We never heard of any one being ways be selective and better homes life. That we do not yet fully appre­ have been chronicled as a part of Congress or state legislatures can
harmed by attending church once a will continue to be built on Crater ciate this good, however, is evidenced the year’s history. Many sad chapters pass laws telling what not to drink
Lake avenue.
the fact that only a small percentage have been written into the story of or what not to smoke or how fast
The one big improvemnet, how­ of the potential advertisers avail the twelve months.
to drive his car but no member yet
And the question is asked whether ever, to this wonderful street an­ themselevs of its assistance.
But the fact that it is a great has bad the nerve to enter a bill
the next election of Coolidge will be nually viewed by thousands of tour­ In a recent address, President country is shown by the optimism of telling women how not to dress. It
ists and visitors is another way to Coolidge pointed to the fact that we its people as they reach the season will have to be done before the
his second term or third term.
get to it besides the Main street are apt to place too low, an estimate of Thanksgiving. They have gathered doomes day arrives.
Look over the Christmas stock of drive. There is Jackson street, the on the subject of advertising. Mam­ the year’s harvest and it has been In Cleopatra’s time the parties
Central Point various stores. Useful best long and straight street in that moth factories and great transporta­ bountiful. Here and there crops were tame as compared to some of
gifts can be selected here at moder­ city and the only way to get to the tion systems impress us when we failed, but other channels of activity the twentieth century, and Nero’s
ate expense. The displays are tempt­ East side resident part besides Main. come in personal contact with them, made up for financial losses. Nature fiddling didn’t compare with pres­
ing and a little shopping and ad read­ Hence our kick is that Jackson street the president said, but we have not strikes a pretty even balance the ent jazz orchestras or the late
ing demonstrates the good policy of on the east side is badly in need of yet come to appreciate the great world over, and the law of averages Charleston wiggles. Yes, say those
son street bridge and pave the east business which greets us through the still prevails. Today the people of moderns, copying from the reading
trading in Central Point.
portion of the street. It will greatly advertising pages in the newspapers this country show their greatness by of slush books and McFadden ideas,
Grants Pass, without making much aid the east side as well as the desir­ and periodicals of the country. Yet their willingness to accept with pa­ when we get use to modern ways,
fuss about it, is experiencing building able Jackson street to Crater Lake even the most casual examination tient resignation the sorrow that stylish clothes we won’t pay any at­
and business activities bordering on avenue.
must point out to us, the president have come to the end of the harvest tention. Such advocates are dead
a boom. Not an exciting, new-town
added, that advertising has now be­ and to look to the blessings which, ones and nature doesn’t work with
boom, but beyond the average town’s
come a great business.
after all, far outweigh them. They forgetful minds. Yes, they say
energy. Grants Pass is deserving and
Then to show why this is true he have ocme to the end of the harvest savages don’t wear clothes. Well, we
we don’t care hew much she grows. Central Point is growing.
season with thankful hearts. They as a race are not savages, although
--------- o---------
A new photo gallery the past “When we stop to onsider the know enough of conditions in other they seem to ' be heading that way
Much meanness and discontent of week has located; a new wood yard part which advertising plays in the la:ids to realize that even the deplor­ fast.
the present day, including consider­ has reecntly been established; three modern life of production and trade able natural events of the year are Cut out the show of legs, hip
able domestic trouble, is from a mis­ new families have already arrived on we see that basically it is that Of ed­ but little consequence when measured forms, low dresses, modern dances
taken expectation for “something to account of the re-starting of the ucation. It informs its readers of the with the unrest and unhappiness pre­ where ninety per cent of the senti­
happen,’’ a love for some big ad­ brick and tile plant, with several existence and nature of commodities vailing in other parts of the world. ment and atmosphere is on one sub­
venture that never arrives, yearning more to come; eastern people have by explaning the advantages to be It is to return thanks for the bless­ ject—then, and not until then, will
for something out of the ordinary, a bought adjacent farm land within derived from their use and creates ings that are ours and to hope for this wild age cease. It is time to get
sensation that never comes to the the past ten days; our business for the ma wider demand. It makes improved conditions in other parts of back to normal. Time to again have
average life. Contentment is a great houses are busy, two families from new thoughts, ,new desires and new the world that we approach the an­ well regulated homes, time to inter­
blessing if one will entertain it.
Gold Hill have moved in; and now actions. By changing the attitude of nual day of Thanksgiving.
fere with so much boldness. Time to
o -
two new business blocks are being mind it changes th e material condi­ Only the pessimist finds reason for teach morality, modesty and if you
An unruly radio on a bad night talked of for the near future.
tion of the people. Somewhere I ignoring this day. Let us add to the please, a little of the “old-time re­
when good programs are being broad­ Yes, Central Point is growing and have seen ascribed to Abraham Lin­ things for wheih we are thankful the ligion,” before it is everlasting too
casted will make one stutter about the trade territory gradually ex­ coln the statment that ‘In this and absence of pessimism in Central late.
as quick as running out of gas three panding—many coming from Med­ like communities public sentiment is Point. Our people appreciate the Ask the first dozen “shieks” or
miles from a service station.
ford to trade occassionally. No bet­ everything. With public sentiment manifold blessings that have come to dozen “flappers” you meet to recite
ter spot in Jackson county to build nothing can fail ¡without it nothing them, of that we are quite sure. one psalm or a dozen quotations
If ’Top’’ Gates will accept and can a home.
can succeed; consequently he who Good health, the greatest of all from the Bible and they will tell
take the time to serve, we see no rea­
molds public sentiment goes deeper blessings, has been ours. Peace and you you are crazy.
son or know no person who would
than he who enacts statutes or pro­ contentment, the power to work and A big per cent of the young men
object to his appointment as a mem­
nounces decisions. He makes statutes honest tasks to do, will not be lost today are old and worn out before
ber of the highway commission. Of the many blessings and numer­ and decisions possible or impossible sight of. We speak for the communi­ middle age. Too big a percent of the
Southern Oregon surely needs a mem ous good things of this world to be to be executed.’
ty as a whole when we say that in young women today are not capable
ber of this important commission. Thankful for, among the first men­ “Advertising creates and changes every heart there is much to be of raising children. Cause—too much
We feel that Governor Patterson tioned should be out Tl'-inkfa'ti«Ms this foundation of all popular action thankful for and that sincere tri­ liberty. Reverse the present fast
knows his business, as we have oft that we are permitted to live In public sentiment or public opinion. butes to the One who has guided and drifting degenerating costume of the
remarked and should he appoint Mr. southern Oregon an ! erjoy the It is the most potent influence in directed them in the path of happi­ younger race dictating to parents and
Gates on the highway commission the wonderful climate, experience the adopting and changing the habits and ness and prosperity are not going bluffing them with their threat to
voters will gladly sanction with ap­ effects of the health and clingy modes of life affecting what we eat, to be withheld.
leave home, and their feeble excuse
given it’s citisens ami be permitted what we wear and the work and play May the prayers of thankfulness of of “modern ideas.” The average boy
------------ o------------
to view the iri>goi'’tent s_*enc» of the whole nation. Formerly it the people of this entire community cares not for home, the average girl
The Hall-Mills murder case wore photographed by natur* —ali h Jxck- was an axiom that competition was be heard. And may their pathways must dress and act, to some extent,
the life of trade. Under the methods on through the years to come be like the crowd. Isn’t it time, at least
of the present day, ,it would seem brightened by the sunshine of Peace for the qlder women to refuse to
to be more appropriate to say that and Happiness and Prosperity.
copy styles of dress from the public
--------- o---------
advertising is the life of trade.”
women of Paris. If morals are neg­
By E. R. Waite, Secretary
lected, as they are, much of the cause
Shawnee, Okla., Board of Commerce
Several years ago many people and is the styles and lack of home disci­
No. 5
a few worthy, well-meaning organiza­ pline arid free advice at dance
If you had a horse that you want­ tions, advocated the teaching of the halls, joy rides and late hours; the
THAT the business man who reads this
to sell, you would not go about then called “sex problem,” involving learning of “freedom” with the
newspaper and does not advertise in it
talking constantly about its bodily care, sex equality, and various KNOWLEDGE the younger set has.
should stop and think and do it now.
bad points. If you did, you wouldn’t subjects heretofore called delicate, If in trouble, every girl knows a
be likely to sell it. What would you Oft was the assertion made that doctor. The only safe guard offered
BECAUSE it is a wonderfully complete
of a merchant who made a younger girls should learn these today, is not parent, teacher or po­
practice of standing out in front of things early at home, in achool or lice, but the fear of disease; and the
his store telling all passers that his from books, rather than boy friends knowledge the advocates of a dozen
BECAUSE in it can be foi nd all the
goods were shoddy and not worth with criminal intent—neglecting at years ago advocated, io now so thor­
news up to the minute.
much? You would probably say he that time the fact that nine out of ough that many a young person’s
is a fool and you would be right. ten “boy friends” ’were too bashful pocket carries “preventitavies” As a
BECAUSE it is boldly assertive of the
Now, the town which you live in is in those days to call a limb a “leg” sound Nation with a thought of home
g o o d things about your city. .
your own; your business is here, your They are not so bashful now, ,and the and a future generation, it will be
BECAUSE it is entertaining as well as
job is here, your property is here. girls have graduated in the instruc­ necesaary to curb the dance halls
Do you think you are going to make tions suggested, knowing more now and regulate the style of dress. Every
‘t, informative.
your business any better or add to than the elders who made the sug­ adult reader knows this as a fact,
BECAUSE you read it show’s you like it.
the value of your property by stand­ gestions did then. Then the war, and but dislikes to acknowledge it. The
ing around and roaring about what the mothers leading their daughters world today has arrived at the am­
You know this newspaper reaches and is
a rotten town it is? If you do, you’d to grab a soldier—no matter who the usement hell, the same free life and
read by the people you want to reach, so
better see an alienist about your soldier was. Old maids, young silly disgraceful acting as history says pre­
why not advertise in it continuously?
mental condition.
school girls, grass widows and some­ vailed in the time of Anthony and
Copyright 1925
As a matter of fact, every time times married women thought they Naro,
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