Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, November 19, 1926, Image 8

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For Large Building
Work on M anufacture of Variou*
Kind* of Brick and Tile Will
Start in About 30 Day*.
sign of approaching cold weather?
Yes, they call her old-fashioned and all out of style,
Oh, but rouge has not clouded her wonderful smile;
For her hair is her glory, no scissors have shorn,
And her dress, plainly fashioned, in meekness is worn.
With th" glory of God her dear face is ashire,
Tho’ she’s all cut of date, this Old Mother O’ Mine;
For her sleeves are too long, her skirts are askew—
If we judge by the fashions imported and new.
She is humlile nnd true, this Old Mother O’ Mine,
And around her dear self some sweet memories twine.
O, I love her, adore her—Old-fashioned may be,
But in spite of it all, she is “Mother,” ’to me.
This Old Mother O’ Mine keeps her eyes on the Lord,
There is Nothing can weaken her faith in His word;
Kv’ry promise she tries is a bulwork of truth,
For she anchors her faith in the God of her youth.
She takes time to be holy, this hurrying age;
Has no time for late fiction but pores o’er the page,
She renounces the “flesh” has no creed, but the cross,
And in winning her crown, she counts all things but loss.
O, this old-fashioned mother has learned how to pray,
For the boy growing wild, or the girl gone astray;
"Thy house shall be saved,”’
She believes that the promises, “Thy
“ must ‘ be brave.
Must come true tho’ tlu
he frown
of the world
You dear laddies and lassies—at home or abroad—
Know this old-fashioned soul serves an old-fashioned God;
She is growing quite feeble, her hair has turned gray,
Why not write her a line ’ere they lay her away.
She has prayed for you long ’ere your feet went astray,
Make her glad that that prayer has been answered today.
What a joy, when the gates open wide by and by,
You may live with that old-fashioned mother for Aye.
Mr. Weise of Eugene, one of the
new brick yard owners arrived in
Central Point last week. The new
proprietors are arranging for larger
construction of the brick and tile
plant in Central Point und manufac­
turing on a large scale will begin in
the early spring.
Three new families from the Wil­
lamette valley will arrive in Central
Point the coming week, adding to
our population, our homes, school and
The men will begin construction
work immediately.
Actual plant factory work will be­
gin within thirty days.
The brick yards will make drain
tile, building tile, fire and common
brick from native clay, the best de­
posits in the state. Sheds and a
draught kiln will be built and when
the new plant is operating at full MATTERS OF INTEREST ARE
capacity it is expected that fifty
men will be employed.
Much credit to the brick deal must
go to Attorney W. G. Trill.
Central Point sure welcomes the
newcomers. It will mean a business
Item* Gleamed Here and There Are
stimulent to our community.
The Gleason barber shop and Fox
estate office are improved with
a newly painted front.
HOME INTEREST The Grimes Battery and Electric
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$ --------------------------------------------@
“The Stubborn Motor Car” pre­
sented by the Epworth League of
southern Methodist churches of Med­
ford will present a three act play,
with eleven characters and a western
play for western people that has com­
bined in it thrilling, gripping and ex-
citment with pathos a plenty mixed
with humor. The pla yhas been given
in various parts of the county and it
is said that one moment your sides
nearly split with laughter and the
next a tear may steal down your
cheek. The play will be given this
Friday night i.i the Central hall at
8 o’clock. The admission will be 35
and 25 cents. You will enjoy it.
• •
• •
i i
Christian Church.
There will be preaching services at
11 o’clock Sunday morning in the
Christiun church. A message of vital
importance is slated for that time.
All are invited to attend.
* • •*
“ * •“
• » !“
Tha Federated Church, Central Point
J. M. JOHNSON. Pastor
The Sunday schol lesson will be on
the subject "The Relation of Jesus to
His Disciples.” John 17: 1-13. This
being a part of the prayer which our
Lord prayed just before His be­
trayal, and at the close of His earth­
ly ministry, we can not over em­
phasize its importance. Come, and
bring some one else.
Next Sunday is Thanksgiving Sun­
day. The sermon in the morning will
present some of the many thing* for
which we are thankful. The musical
program will be full of the praise
message. Come worship with us.
The evening service will be of
special interest. Mr. Henry F. W.
Spilver of Medford will bring the
message of the evening on the sub­
ject “Men’s Loyalty to the Church.”
Mr. Spilver is a speaker of more than
ordinary force and ability, and you
will greatly enjoy his message. His
years of service in men’s work gives
him special preparation. Lets boost
this service.
You will find a hearty welcome at
the young people’s meetings Sunday
evening. The older young people are
planning some interesting activities
for the near future, and you need the
devotional worship of the Sunday
evening service. Come with a willing
mind, and do your bit.
Mrs. Maude Boswell is superinten­
dent of the junior work, and will be
giad to see that you are enrolled if
you belong in that department.
Carl Boswell is the leader for the old­
er young people’s services next Sun­
day evening and will be delighted to
have your presence and assistance if
you belong in the older-young peoples
shop is placing a good many Atwater
Kent radios to the satisfaction of
their customers. *
Pert and Personal
R. E. Nealon,, of Central Point,
was in Medford the last of last week
transacting business at the local
Read by All the Family; In-
tere*t to All.
Jno. Anderson, of Tolo, was ex­
changing greetings with Central
Point people, and transacting busi­
ness at our bank Tuesday.
Join the Red Cross.
Next month is Christmas.
James N. Cornutt, of near Gold
Hill was transacting business at our
bank and shoppoing in Central Point
last week.
Mining activities are increasing C. F. Carpenter, of the Rogue
all over Southern Oregon.
River Poultry Farm, near Jackson­
ville, was transacting business in
Everybody reads Jackson Coun­ Central Point Tuesday.
ty’^ weekly paper.
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Thompson
are moving into their new
Please try to get copy in before home, baby
finished on the Pine
Grove tract. The pretty place is
about two miles northwest of town.
Soil is certainly in fine shape now.
A delightful rain the past week.
Considerable building is i n pro­
gress along every country road ad­
This is Red Cross Week, you can jacent to Central Point. New homes,
join anytime.
new barns and property improve­
ments are much in evidence.
Joe Mayfield, of The Meadows,
Mr. Faber and Rev. Johnson at­
was in town Tuesday.
tended the meeting of the Kiwonas
J. S. Vincent, of Sams Valley, was Club in Medford Monday. A banquet
program, and the launching of the
in town the first of the week.
Kiwanas Red Cross Drive made the
J. G. Reader of Agate, a business meeting an exceptionally good one.
visitor Tuesday.
Your sister, mother, or sweet­
C. E. Wallace, of Jacksonville was heart, or maybe yourself, would like
a nice box of stationery or two with
a Central Point visitor Tuesday.
their name and address printed on
C. E. Velln, of Millionaire Row, them. See these we have at the Am­
was a Central Point business visitor erican office.
Thousands of wild geese and ducks
G. Lacy Garrett, living west of are flying South. Monday night many
town, was visiting during business people were awakened by their clater
as they passed over the city. Is it a
hours Monday.
Sweet, Tasty Meats
F. M. Jones, jeweler of Central
Point, made a business trip to Marsh­
field recently, leaving Suqday and
returning Wednesday. Mr. Jones re
ports lots of employment in the
Marshfield mills as the East side is
again in operation.
Call this week if you want some
Christmas cards, envelopes to match
and your name printed on them in
appropriate type. We will now make
you a splendid price for the greeting
card and work. Best Christmas
presents to order at very little ex­
Christmas gifts and are ma
“fancy articles.” Merchants
want some of this business are r
too early in letting the Amer
readers know what’s what thrr
our advertising columns. Please
your ad copy to us by Wednerdi
Quality and prompt service
their first consideration and wo
assure you that prices are reason;
They are to be complimented u
the policies they have carried
their business and the service t
have rendered to th upbuilding
Jackson county.
There are several readers who are “Have you been doing your h
back on their subscription, and we day shopping early?”
can”t understand the reason. The “Well, not of late.”
address date on your paper explains
--------------- * ---------------
to when you are paid.
If mistletoe enhances the joy
Christmas, there should be lots
People are beginning to buy joy in Southern Oregon.
A Thanksgiving showing new dresses. Your choice
of these new dresses, jersey or flannel,
now for $10.
We have in a splendid new line of Ties, Caps, Socks,
Shirts, Shoes, etc. Pretty new designs. Look over
now for first selections.
L. H A T F I E L D
Thanksgiving Sale
. and
Carving Sets
Prices Reduced
10 to 25 per cent
W. C. Leever
t h e
s t o r e
— ...
Fire Retardent Roofing Paint
For Shingles, Metal and Paper Roofs
Tested and Approved by Fire Chiefs of the
State of Oregon
Spark Proof, Rust Proof and
Moss Proof
“Quality and Service”—Our Motto
Central Point Meat Market
I. D. LEWIS, Prop.
Guaranteed by Standard Roofing Company
Sales Agent
Complete line of Shop Celebrated Cement Brick
all colors, Building Tile, Sand and Cement
Gold Hill Lime—None Better
Everything in Manufactured Cement
Your Servant
S. Fir and 10th St.
Medford, Oregon