Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, November 19, 1926, Image 5

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    C E N T R A L P O IN T A M E R IC A N
Medford Sand & Gravel Co. NEWS NOTES
W h o l e O f f i c e ! a r t in the Plant L ocated t* Mile O f f Highway on Biddle
Road, It a Firm That It Furnishing An Essentia! Service to the U p­
building o f This Section o f the C ountry, Being O n e o f the Leading
Dealers in Building Materials.
In a review o f this kind, embrac­
ing as it does the firms that have
contributed to the upbuilding of
Jackson county, it would not be just
to neglect any department o f the
building world, especially that so es­
sential as building materials.
Medford Sand & Gravel Co., is the
LEADER in these lines in Jackson
county, and their products have been
used in many o f our large buildings.
Through their modern facilities
they are able to handle the materials
efficiently and economically, which
means a big saving o f time and mon­
ey to the contractor. They maintain
a large plant o f Biddle Road.
I often are their trucks seen that one
1 thinks automatically of sand and
gravel when they come in sight.
Building material is a specialty
I with them and they are well posted
as to the grade and quality that the
different sections o f the country
produced, and know the locations
that can produce the best grade of
sand, gravel and building material
at the lowest cost. They have a grade
o f concrete rock, sand or gravel for
every building use and with their
experience in the business they are
able to advise you what type o f ma­
terial is best suited for your partic­
ular case.
Porter Lumber Co.
W hose O f fic e s and Yards are L ocated at 204 So. Fir Street, Is a Leading
L um ber C oncern in M edford, W hich Enters the Largest Markets and
Secures Large Quantities, W hich A re O f f e r e d to the Public at Rock-
B o ttom Prices.
One o f the things that is essential
in the upbuilding o f any modern
•American city, is the location o f a
modern lumber yard in its midst.
The fact that one can get anything
and everything in the lumber line at
these yards adds to t he efficiency o f
this city.
By reason o f their modern facili­
ties, they are able to execute all
classes o f work and to furnish excel­
lent service with promptness and
dispatch. By reason o f their buying
power this concern enters the larg­
est markets and secures large quan­
tities at prices so low that they offer
their customers astonishing values in
lumber, mill work and building sup­
plies o f every description.
Dispute of Property Rights
Feature Early Settlement
By Bliss Heinie
The Armistice Day celebration in
Medford was the biggest and best of
its kind ever held in the Rogue River
valley. It really started the night be­
fore when Medford high school held
; their football rally and parade head­
ed by one o f the fire trucks. Ar­
mistice Day proper opened with
street stunts put on by the American
Legion followed by a drill and ex­
hibition by the Medford Fire Depart­
ment at the Hotel Medford. Then
came taps by the bugle corps follow­
ed immediately by the big parade
which was the best ever seen in
Southern Oregon. Professor LeRoy
gave an athletic exhibition in the
morning at Main and Central which
was greatly enjoyed by the large
crowd. After the parade all ex-ser­
vice men were treated to a big veni­
son feed. At 2:15 the big football
game started between Medford and
Ashland which was good and ex­
ceedingly hard fought from start to
finish, Medford winning. A return
game will be played between these
two teams on Thanksgiving day at
Ashland which promises to be a very
exciting battle.
The stock is offered the public at
very reasonable prices, and made up
into all the standard and special sup­
plies that are demanded by the trade
The day ended with two big dances
such as shingles, doors, casing, lath,
the evening, the big American
roofing, etc.
Legion Ball in the Armory and the
Throughout Jackson count ythe Eagles dance in their hall in the Med­
Porter Lumber company has come to ford building, both being atended
be known as headquarters for all of by immense crowds.
these many things, and by fair and
honest dealings with the contractor
Armistice night Brown’s Electric
and the public this company has not
only increased its patronage but has Shop on south Bartlett was entered
pnd the safe broken open nnd robbed
held its old customers for years.
of $80. Entrance was gained through
We wish to recommend this firm a side window.
to all our readers and to sugegst that
when in need o f anything in their
Saturday night at about 8:45 a
line to give them a trial.
bullet came whizzing through the
large plate glass window on Central
avenue o f the new Terminal Hotel.
It evidently hit the window in a
straight line as it cut a perfectly
even hole through the glass. It pass­
ed within a few inches o f one o f the
people sitting in the lobby o f the
Lasting Qualities o f C o n cre te P roclaim ed
hotel. The whole affair is a complete
mystery as nobody knows who the
In an age o f this kind when one crete bricks in the construction of intended victim was, where the bul­
sees homes being erected on every dwellings. Many home builders are let came from or even heard the re­
hand, it is well to remark on the recommending the Medford Concrete port o f the gun.
possibilities o f concrete and concrete Construction Co.’s, products. We’ve
brick constructed building. More e f­ talked to some f them and we know
Shortly before four o ’clock Sun­
fort has been made in this section of what it would mean to Jackson coun­ day morning Rankin Estes’ place on
Oregon than in any other state to ty if oil our construction were along south front street was eentered and
make its homes conform to artistic that line. Let us build with the pur­ the safe blown open. Entrance was
as well as durable lines. Effects are pose o f net only making for today gained by boring holes in a panel of
being constantly worked out by pro­ but for tomorrow. Let us use con­ a rear door and forcing the pane^
gressive architects in the use of con­ crete and concrete bricks.
out. The work was evidently the work
crete and concrete bricks.
■ This is strictly a program o f ec­ o f amateurs as a gigantic charge of
The architecture o f the Roman
onomy and if followed here in Cen­ explosives were used, blowing an in­
stands today as a memroial to the
tral Point will be a section to be ner door and box § f the safe clear
durability o f clay products as well
admired long after many o f our through into the barber shop in the
as to the art o f the golden age. The
neighboring communities have been rear. It also broke out the window
ancient masons built with the pur­
forced by time and fire, to rebuild. in the front o f the store. An army
pose of creating a beautiful structrue
They manufacture hig.i
grade overcoat was used as a muffler and
that would be fire safe and stand
machine made concrete pipe for ir­ had a large hole shot through it.
the test o f time. How well they car­
rigation, sewers, culverts and drain­ About $2,000 was in the safe. Bills
ried out their purpose!
Is it not
and checks were scattered all over
age purposes.
proper that we should work along
the floor and shot to bits, so evident­
Let us not forget the treatment
those lines.
ly the robbers did not get very much
We have seen the products o f the that this company has always given of the contents o f the safe. The ex­
Medford Concrete Construction Co., to its customers. Honest and cqurt- plosion awoke guests o f the Nash
in many o f the public buildings of the eous treatment go hand in hand at Hotel adjoining the building and was
We know some o f the ef­ the Medford Concrete Construction also heard by the night help in Bob’s
fects that can be had in using con­ Co.
Restaurant on West Main street.
Leading Contractors Endorsé
Concrete Construction
Eads Transfer and Storage Co.
With W areh ouse aad O ffic e * A re M ov e d » o l l ! No. Fir S», Phone 315, I*
the Leading T ra n sfe r Company in Thi* part o f the State, Maintaining
U p-to-D ate Equipment and Specia lizing in Long-D ittan ce Hauling and
Have the M o il C om plete Equipped O f fic e * in Thi* Section o f Oregon,
With all New Building* and C o m p l e t e Shelter fo r all Truck* U*ed in
Their T ran»fer Department.
There is nothing so aggravating as
a delay when you are in a hurry,
and the prime aggravation in this re­
spect is the inexhaustible delay o f
the dray or transfer man. To avoid
trouble o f this kind, the people of
this county turn over this feature of'
their patronage to this arell-known
Realizing that one o f the essen­
tials o f their trade is promptness,
this popular firm maintains sufficient
equipment to fill al order* with rapid
ity and dispatch. It doe* not matter
whether you wish them to haul for
you a small box or move all your
household furniture, for in either
case they will be "on the job ” at the
time they promise. In addition to this
they have won for themselves a rep
utation for careful storing o f all
goods entrusted to their care, and
thus trade is always increasing. At
In the first days of tho settlement ation o f titles. There is no detail that
o f nil communities, the question of is not given the most painstaking at­
title to property always caused n cer­ tention, while the history o f their
business operations show that they
tain amount o f confusion. '.Yhil* have always been so.
Jackson County has had its innning
The Jackson County Abstract Co.
at this feature o f settlement, today is the largest firm of this kind ope­
this has all been done away with rating in Jackson County, your title
through the efficient service o f this is insured and you are guaranteed
modern title company that special­ protection against any defects in
izes in this business. The Jackson your title.
County Abstract Co. has at its com­
People desiring to purchase land
mand all o f the data and information in the county can consult no more
on the various tracts o f land in the competent and reliable an authority
county, from the days o f the earlier on the title, and values o f proposed
settlers down to the present day.
purchases, than the Jackson County
With Access to all this information Title and Abstract Co., with offices
the Jackson County Abstract co. has at 121 East 6th st., Medford.
placed the practical operation o f the
They are well known and reliable
concern in able and competent hands. people, upon whose information,
These people are particularly en­ service and advice you can depend,
dowed with the analytical and care­ and are loyal supporte o f all propo­
taking atainment that renders them sitions that promise public improve­
safe and conservative in the vxamin- ment.
Home Builders Given
The Jackson C ounty Building & Loan Association Is A idin g in the D e­
velopm ent o f This Section o f O r e g o n and is O f f e r i n g
the People
O pportu n ity fo r C onservative and Sound Investment.
One o f the substantial financial
institutions that has aided in the de­
velopment and onwurd progress of
this section, by furnishing the people
with a comprehensive financial ser­
vice, including loans to buy or build
homes, is the Jackson County Build­
ing & Loan association. This associ­
ation has developed among the peo­
ple themselves and is conducted for
the purpose o f affording the public
adequate borrowing facilities and
encourages savings.
Money in turn invested with this
reliable concern not only pays good
interest, but adds much to the de­
velopment of the country and the
prosperity of this district. A depart­
ment is maintained for the use of
the investors and he may be assured
o f receiving values.
The Jackson County Building &
Loan association has a modern office
at 30 No. Central, Medford. While
making substantial progress this as­
sociation’s affairs have been manag­
ed by prominent and experienced
men. The best interest o f its patrons
is carefully safeguarded, yet it has
been progressive to a marked degree.
This association has won for itself an
enviable record and the progress it
has made is proof o f the good judg­
ment and careful management that
are practised.
The readers of this issue will find
a call at the offices of the Jackson
County Building and Loan Associa­
tion, at 30 no. Central ave., Medford,
both interesting and profitable. You
can depend upon the information,
udvice and service that they render.
If you are intending to buy or build
a home, and need financial assistance
or are desirous o f adopting a plan of
accumulation with safety and profit,
it will pay you to consult this institu­
Selection of Bread for Hom e Is
Housewife’s Problem
Advantage* o f B uying Fluhr Milk B ir a d From the Colonial
222 Ea*t Main Street, M e d fo rd are Here Discussed.
Bakary A l
The baking industry is practically «.quipped their place with machinery
as old as fire, but the methods used so that their products are touched
in ancient times have greatly changed very little by human hands.
Today it is quite different and at the
Aa a consequence we find the busi­
Colonial Bakery the latest styles of ness o f the Colonial Bakery is spread­
machinery and ovens are used in the ing far and wide over this section of
production o f bakery goods for the the country, and in this review we
are glad to give commendable men­
The Colonial Bakery whose mod­ tion to their activities.
ern establishment is located at 222
From the time they first began op­
East Main is where superior products
it was evident to those inter­
have met with popularity throughout
growth and expansion of
this section.
This model institution does more this part of* the state that this well-
than a business in Medford as it has known bakery was one o f the highly
gained many new customers from efficient organizations o f the twent­
the neighboring communities and has ieth century.
practically doubled the business of
In this march o f progress all are
the place, transacting a large busi­ willing to agree that the Colonial
ness and rendering the best o f service I Bakery has merited the enviable rep­
to its patrons.
utation which it has established
The very best o f materials en ter! throughout the country, and their
into their high class products, and so work is the equal o f that in any other
great hgs been their care to render firm and is vastly superior to that of
the best o f service that they havethe average baking concern.
Another robbery
the fair grounds last Friday night
when a man whom he thought he
knew flagged Rober Reinsburg, a
former Medford fireman and now a
local mechanic. Reinsburg stopped,
was beaten into unconciousness, rob­
bed and his car driven 200 yards
down a lane o ff the highway. Re­
turning from
Ashland, Reinsburg
saw the man as he was passing the
fair grounds. Medford has certainly
been having lots o f excitment during last week at the Crater take, four as it is against the state law. Jack-
feet having fallen at thhe rim.
son has been patient.
the latter half o f the week.
this season they are especially busy;
better let them know in advance.
Eads Transfer dr Storage company
arc prominent in Medford and de­
serves the support and patronage o f
this community.
The site selected for the new
One special feature o f their ser­ court house is at Fifth and Central,
vice is their long distance transfer,, opposite the Elks’ building.
they being equipped with modern labor and material will be used as
auto trucks o f large capacity for much as possible in the new building.
moving household goods and pianos The committee will soon call for c< n-
from city to city. They enjoy a large struction bids.
patronage in this department and
are known for their prompt and
The Medford Floral Society held
their first annual flcw sr show in the
careful service.
We are pleased in this edition tq Chamber o f Commerce building
compliment Messrs George a n d last week with many people in at­
Everett E. Eads, upon their modem tendance. It was a beautiful exhibit.
equipment and satisfactory service Two novelties, both from Ashland,
1 and to assure all our readers that were blue Salvias and a Japanese
whatever they may demand in the anemone flower.
way o f latter-day transfer service
A heavy fall o f iaow was reported
will be furnished by this company.
* ------------------------
The Pacific Air Transport Comp­
Katy— "W here nre you going little
any now has a speedy Waco airplane
stationed at the local landing field
to be used as a student shin tnr local
Flea— “ I am going to the dogs.”
persons interested in learning how
-------------+ -------------
to fly. The plane will be here in-
Read the ads.
---- +----
And now we hear that all the
punch boards and lottery concern*
operating on showcases o f drug
stores, cigar store* and all places of
business where they are permitted by
the pfroprietor*,, are to be entirely
done away with in Jackson County.
Can’t punch any more randy, kodaks
or guns. Oh well, some counties have
forbidden them the last three years
Here's an opportunity you don’t
want to miss. You ran see Mrs. l e x
or Mrs. Jones if you havn’t seen the
j Red Cross solicitors. Mrs. Tex or
I Mrs. Jones will take your fee.
----------+ ----------
Clarence Sheley is pocket hunting
j in the ( aves creek district.
| Sheley is more than an amateur at
this kind o f mining and w«IJ probably
get satisfactory results.