Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, November 19, 1926, Image 4

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Dericks Cafateria
Eastern Paper De­
scribes Copo Line
Independent Electric Co.
L ocated a t 231 E a .t 6 th , Phone Me d fo rd 1246, I. a L eading Electrical
Located at R iver.ide and M ain, M edford I* A C a feteria T hat H a. G ained
C o n tracto r in Jaclc.on C ounty, C a rry in g a C om plete Line of E lectric!
a R eputation For It.e if by the H ifh S ta n d a rd , it M aintain.. T he B e.t
Supplies and A ppliance*.
of Food W Served and the Service I . P rom p t and Courteou».
Superior to most electrical estab- and no m atter what problem you
and surpassed by none. may have they ^ work
C om pany C om pelled to Build N eu ¡either ents
in the general excellnc of .
, ...
School H o u .e W here L ine Crosses either in the general exceience of s<' ut,on* w ,c 1 ,v 1 operate to your
O ver It.
used, this well known electrical firm ^est advantage. They are courteous
has continued its successful career and will be pleased to assist anyone
In the Boston Herald of November because the m anager and his assist- j with their plans,
17, this region received favorable ants are am ong the most efficient In their store the Independent El­
publicity in connection with one of electricians in this section.
ectric company carries standard
the recently constructed (transm is­ The Independent E lectric company makes of the best manufacturorg of
sion lines of The California Oregon has been called upon to execute some electrical appliances, who put on th*
Power company. The Boston Herald of the largest jobs in electrical wir­ m arket m erchandise of standard
on October 17 printed an article de­ ing in Jackson county. Anyone inter­ quality, thus assuring the purchaser
scribing sume of the difficulties e n ­ ested in owning a home equipped of being able to secure new parts
countered in constructing a long di s­ with every modern electric conven­ should any burn out or in any way
ience will find a visit to their store become useless.
tance power line:
“ Doubtless from car window or a revelation in regards to complete­ We wish in this edition to compli-
autom obile you have seen power ness and will find ample proof th at m ent the m anagers on the manner
transm ission lines striding with un­ Independent Electric company has in which they conduct their business
deviating directness across country, m astered every detail of their calling and the quality of the goods they
cutting their way with m athem atical $/ell versed in all the technical handle, and upon the service they
precision through forests, moving theory of the business, they have have rendered toward the upbuilding
straight across m ountains and val­ m erited the position th at they hold of Jackson county.
leys, spanning rivers, and dem onstrat
ing, in wood and copper, the ancient
geom etric axiom th at a straight line
is the shortest distance between two W ith O ffice* a t 1113 No. C entral, P h o n e 631, I* M edford*’ Largest
To mention the am ount of money does an extensive general insurance points,” the Herald says.
W ood and Fuel D ealer W ho I* E n j oying L iberal P a tro n ag e Because
paid each year to settle judgem ents business, including accident, health, “ Perhaps you have speculated on
T hey H ave Alway* In*i*ted on G iv in g the B est in Value*.
and claims caused by auto accidents life, fire and others.
the skill and labor necessary to
would undoubtedly sound like a war
bring about this result. Of course, Since the foundation of their busi­
debt. Whoever drives a car today is He handles only reliable insurance the description of the lines as ‘mov­ ness The Newcomb wood yard has the business and consequently is
not only subjecting himself to los­ insurance tfoat pays you when you ing’ is only a figure of speech. The made it a policy to give all their pa­ posted as to where to secure his fuel
ing his car by accident, but is also are involved in a loss. He under­ poles and wires are, as we all know, trons full value, fair weight and so as to be able to offer his patrons
open to sustain a loss of virtually all stands how lowest rates may be ob­ extrem ely static. In fact, it is the prom pt service. Not only has this the lowest possible prices. At the
he possesses as a result of a personal tained with safety and protetcion. In suprem e business of the men who been a benefit to the people, but it Newcomb wood yard there is a wood
damage suit. The most careful driver other words, at a minimum expense. build the line» tu achieve the great­ has
won for them a reputation which for every use; stoves furnace or
is not excluded from this statem ent. Many insurance ngents make this est possible perm anency and stabili­ brings them an ever-increasing patJ steam
heating purposes, and with his
He must fight his case in court and claim, but here is one th at we are ty .'
and ex­
convince a jury of his innocence, at assured that delivers the goods, and “ O ften to accomplish this result, yard in this vicinity th at one thinks perience in this understanding
is able
a cost to himself. Even when he may that^is Eari S. Tumy.
fall down or be liable as in the case But he does not stop here, for his of the very first m agnitude are the name is mentioned.
of minor children, regardless of his service goes behind every policy he perform ed, which the casual ob­ The Newcomb wood yard m aintains for your particular case. Their
care. There is only one answer to this sells. A fter he has w ritten your server quite fails to appreciate.
equipm ent to handle all or­ wood is clean and economical.
problem— that is public liability in­ business he feels and wants you to “Consider, for example, the a r­ sufficient
and dispatch and Quality has been the Newcomb
feel the same, that should you have duous nature of the work entailed when they rapidity
a promise that wood yards first consideration and
Earl S. Tumy, whose offices are at any insurance problem, whether pur­ in building wha tis prosaically term ed they will deliver your order
on a cer­ we assure you th at the prices will be
201 Liberty building, Medford, is in chased from him or not, th at he is ‘Line !4 ,’ a 132-kilowatt line, of tain time you can rest assured
that reasonable and when you order one
the automobile and general insurance willing to help you in anyway he wooden tow er structure 72 *6 miles it will be there at the tim e promised.
kind of wood you will get that kind
business. Plenty of people handle can be of service. Earl S. Tumy is a long, of The California Oregon And w hether your order be large or and
no substitute. In this edition we
automobile insurance but few under­ com petent business man upon whose Power company.
to compliment them on the poli­
stand the needs of the individual car inform ation and advice you can de­ “ Line 14’ was constructed through in the m anner in which you will be cy they
have carried into their busi­
owner as Earl S. Tumy does. He also pend.
a section of wild, rough m ountain treated.
ness and recommend the Newcomb
country th at tested the energies of Mr. Newomb has spent years in wood yard to all our readers.
the builders for the entire distance.
Someone once rem arked, concerning
Who*« M odern F acto ry I* L ocated a t 10th & C rape, M edford, It the this part of the country, th at they
L arg ett M an u factu rer of S aih, Door*, Screen* and M oulding in S o u th ­ had to stand the scenery on edge to W hich I* L ocated on Ea*t Sixth A re E xtensive Buyer* of G rain and
ern O regon W ho H ave A lw ayt T u rn ed O ut a W ell B uilt P rod u ct. They get it all in the picture. The line
C onducting O ne of M edford* L eading Feed S tores.
are H elping to T u rn the W heel* of In d u ttry in M edford and D eierve keeps to the west of snow-capped
Y our L iberal Support.
Mount Shasta, one of the highest “ As ye sow so shall ye reap” is farm , that there is no better place to
peaks of the Sierra Nevada range, certainly a forceful expression and purchase it than at the Grocerteria
One of the most im portant fea­ is second to none in the state.
climbing high hills, crossing barren should carry a warning to the farm er Feed and Seed Co.
tures in the building of a neat ap­ No m atter if your purchase be lava tipds, reaching gulches and deep and truck grow er that would cause Why? Because of the quality of
pearing home, is the proper combi­ large or small— for a complete home canyons, m aking its way up and down them to use the greatest care in sel­ the goods th at they sell— all of stan­
nation of wood work used on the or but a single item — it makes no mountain-sides, through heavy tim ­ ecting their seed, to see th at they buy dard quality merchandise that has
windows, doors, etc. Because they differenec to them in the m anner in ber at times, and finally winding from a reputable firm. Many valu­ stood the test of time.
have contributed to a larger degree which it will be completed, for each southward along the steep sides of able crops have been lost and weeks By fair and honest methods they
than any other m anufacturer in this piece of work turned out by them the Sacram ento river canyon perched of hard labor have been for naught have gained the confidence and pat­
im portant work we feel that we is carefully inspected for defects in among the cliffs and rimrocks of this by planting seeds that would not spr­ ronage of the people of this commun­
should give them in this review the workmanship, and thees are offered narrow gorge.
out and grow. The G roceteria Feed ity. Each year their trade increases
prom inent mention their products at the most reasonable figures. Mr. “ Numberless holes for the heavy and Seed Co. sell only high grade and the territory covered by them
Trowbridge, for this well known poles of the supporting towers had seeds
is extended. The farm ers have long
The plant of the Trowbridge Cab­ firm has always been a booster for to blasted in the lava. The job of This is one of the firm s which has since learned that in this line this es
inet works is equipped with the late- Medford and territory and in this clearing a path through the forest been a great aid to the farm ers in tablishm ent is unsurpassed and the
est machinery for the most approved edition we wish to compliment them was form idable. The towers were this section of the state. They fu r­ result is their headquarters is con­
scientific methods used in the m anu­ and refer their products to the con­ raised by team s of horses and, in nish the farm ers with the most ad­ tinually buzzing with activity.
facture of doors, sashes and in short tractors and home builders of this the more inaccessible regions, by vantageous m arket to buy poultry The m anagem ent has wide ac­
ALL features of a modern estab­ section.
and dairy feeds of all kinds and their quaintance throughout the Rogue
sheer man power.
lishment of this kind. The place is When you let the contract for your “ In handling the poles, extrem e prices are more favorable than could River Valley and is one of Medfords
complete from a standpoint of stock new home you should insist that their care was exercised to see that they be secured by the people if they most popular business firms.
and from it they are able to offer products be used throughout its ocn- did not drag on the ground. The bought elsewhere. To enum erate the Just at present they are offering
service of the highest character th at struction.
butt ends were protected by iron large stock that this firm carries special inducements in feeds in de­
shoes. The usual span of this line was would be to fill this paper with no­ mand at this season, and thus af­
600 feet; the longest was about 1,- thing but their invoice. We will state fording the farm ers an opportunity
500 feet. In one place the line ran that when it comes to poutry and to procure very necessary feeds at
directly over a schoolhouse and the dairy feeds and seeds needed on the prices that will not prevail later.
ompany was obliged to build a new
It has been a general habit of East Main street and are well eq­ school house on another site; and
the people of the world today to uipped with the latest conveniences while this buildin, costing several
neglect the care of their teeth. Some that science provides, and let us thousand dollars, was not in the esti­ W ho«e S tore I* L ocated at South R iv e n id e and E arh eart, M edford, I*
from pure negligence and some state that all the instrum ents he mate, it was charged against the job.
a M odern Floral S to re T hat I* P re p a re d to M eet Y our E very Dem and
from fear of pain, that on account uses are thoroughly sterilized and "However, notw ithstanding these
for Floral Design* of the M oit A rtistic B e..uty.
of inefficiency of the dentist a de­ that the operations are carried on in obstacles, the line was built at a sub­
cade ago has given the people a dread a sanitary and most pleasant manner. stantial figure under the estimates. There is no other establishm ent no little distinction because of the
of the dentist chair but that fear For the making of plates, the It was finished and ready for opera­ more worthy of prom inent mention em inently satisfactory and high-
need be no more since dentistry has treatm ent of cavities and nerves, Dr. tion in just five months and six days in this issue than that of this popu­ grade flowers provided by them for
become a painless operation, due to Gove is a specialist upon the diseases after the first hole was dug.
lar florist.
the convenience of the public.
the new and scientific treatm ent that of the teeth. You should seek his “ Some day a poet or teller of tales Not content with providing the In the m atter of special designs
prevent* pain and heels the gums.
will arise wly> will immortalizej in trade with the ordinary service, as for weddings, receptions, all social
Dr. I. II. Gove is well known and D entistry is a worthy branch of verse or prose, the epic story of this is usually offered in establishm ents f&nctions, funerals or other occas­
extensively patronised by reeiurii^s the healing profession, and for skill building of a prosaic power line of this kind, it has provided a stock ions, this florist has just about been
Jackson county. He has the undisput­ and ability we are glad to recommend through the wilderness, merely to of the highest character.which would made headquarters in this section,
ed reputation of being among the Dr. Gove. His fees are low, and ap­ supply service to the community. compare very favorably with that of and the fact th at prompt and satis­
best dentists of the state.
the most extensive and artistic deal- factory attention is given mail and
pointm ents may be had by calling
Dr. I. H. Gove is a graduate of at his office or by phone at 872J. A |
in one of the largest cities. It is phone orders brings large patronage
F o rm er R esident H ere.
the nation’s most reputable college boast for men of the doctor’s stand­ Mrs. A. W. Shearer of Port An­ a well established fact in this section I in this departm ent. No m atter what
and is well recommended.
ing is to better the health of the geles, W arh., is visiting in this city that the Rogue Valley Floral Comp- ! the occasion mny be that demands
His offices are located at 2.36 community.
at the homes of Miss Mary A. Mee any offers the trade chioce from the satisfactory service, you’ll receive it
most extensive and selective linos of I from this floral establishment,
and Mrs. A. W. Crane.
A few “ w rite-ups” this week of BIBLE CLA SS SUNDAY
Old friends will rem em ber Mrs. flowers found anywhere. In fact We are pleased to compliment the
business firm s are solicited and w rit­
MORNING TO BE EVENT Shearer as Miss Etta Knutzen, who with a comprehensive knowledge of Rogue Valley Floral Company upon
ten by Mr. and Mrs. Haas, and the
form erly resided in Applegate. This harmonious combinations and am»- ; its success, and on the leading posit-
Editor of the American has nothing G. C. McAllister of Ashland will is her first visit in 13 years, and she ngcmenU that stam p them as true tion this floral store occupies in this
whatever to do with the writing and be here to lead the Bible class at 10 notes m a n y improvements and artists in the work, they have won 1 section of the state.
securing of the "w rite-ups.” Mr. Has* a. m. Sunday. Mr. McAllister is a changes.
purchases the space in the American. Red, but the blues don’t w ant to
The rains the latter part of last rivers and ponds of the desert. This
stay at home on that account. Let’s Everybody reads Jackson Coan- week and this have brought a good will enable the sportsmen to get
¡ty”s waakly papar.
make it a big m eeting Sunday-
Join the Bed Croaa.
number of ducks and geese to the good duck hunting near hoate.
Thia well know cafeteria has g ain -, frequented by the m anagem ent and
ed a name that has spread far and ! assistants.
wide as a place where both the local The food ¡a prepared in such a
and traveling public can more than way that to the u .initiated comes
satisfy their demands in the rmviter the thought that there was never a
of obtaining good food. The menu better place in which to eat. Poor
consists not only of the prime neces-
sities of life, but many delicacies are | restaurants are not the exception by
offered that are tem pting to the any means and it ;s a pleasure to
have such a place as is the Dericks
taste of the most fastidious.
to refer strangers to as
The people of this section like good
wholesome food and they have come
to know that there are only two The m anagem ent has made a spe­
places in which to eat— home, when cial study of the restaurant business
near home and this well known and consequently is trying to give
cafeteria when visiting Medford. In their patrons something just a little
short the Dericks Cafeteria is known better all the time. Prom pt and
as the place oi good eats. Cleanliness courteous service is insisted upon.
is one of the outstanding features We take the pleasure in compliment­
and is not confined to the table and ing the m anagem ent upon the high
silverware that is brought to the a t­ order of the place and refer the
tention of everyone, but it extends Dericks C afeteria to all our readers
to the kitchen and those places only without hesitation.
Motor Car Drivers Subject to Law Suit
Trowbridge Cabinet Works
Community Health Depends Largely
on Care of the Teeth
Newcomb Wood Co.
Groceteria Seed & Feed Co.
The Rogue Valley Floral Co.