CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN orgottm S HE moat exquisite torture that twangs the heart strings of man, is the feeling he will be forgotten. Some by Nature’s mandate; some by their own fail­ ings; and the many carrying the stamp of adverse circum- stances. All! All vill feel the sting that awaits at the *ral 8 j e j ' ^he creators> *s well as those who merely succeeded, must make the inevitable bow to the things that were the motive power that urged them to give their best. The successor bouyed up by the mirage o f great expecta­ tions, reaches out to grasp the rainbow. No time o f incli­ nation to give thought to the one he succeeds. If the one who looks back could be stirred with a dream, the following poem might cheer him: Here is a toast that I want to drink to a fellow I’ll never know— To the fellow who’s going to take my place when it’s time fo r me to go. I’ve wondered what kind o f a chap he’ll be and I’ve wished 1 could take his hand, Just to whisper, "I wish you well, old man” in a way that he’d understand. I’d like to give him the cheering word that I’ve longed at times to hear; I’d like to give him the warm handclasp when never a friend comes near. I’ve learned my knowledge by sheer hard work and I wish I could pass it on To the fellow who’ll come to take my place some day when I am gone. Will he see all the sad mistakes I’ve made, and not all the battles lost? Will he never guess of the tears they caused or the heart aches which they cost? Will he gaze through the failures and fruitless toil to the underlying plan, And catch a glimpse of the real intent and the heart o f the vanquished man? I dare to hope he may pause some day as he toils as I have wrought And gain some strength for his weary task from the battles which I have fought: But I’ve only the task itself to leave with the cares for him to face, And never a cheering word may speak to the fellow who’ll take my place. Then, here’s to your health old chap, I drank as a bride­ groom to his biide, I leave an unfinished task for you, but God knows how I tried. I've dreamed my dreams as all men do, but never a one came true And my prayer to-day is that all the dreams may be realized by you. And we 11 meet some day in the great unknown— out in the realm o f space, You’ll know my clasp as I take your hand and gaze in your tired face. Then all our failures will be success in the light o f the new-found dawn— So I’m drinking your health, old chap, who’ll take my place when I am gone. — T. H. B. in Mutual Mutterings room in the County Court House in Jacksonville, Oregon, then and there to show cause if any exist, why the prayer o f the petition o f George >\. Love, as executor o f the estate . o f Sarah J. Love, deceased, which j was filed herein on the 14th day of | October, 1926 and prays for an order o f this court directing him, as such executor, to sell all o f the real prop­ erty belonging to said estate, to-wit: Lot 14 in Block 14 in the City o f Central Point, Jackson County, Ore­ gon, should not be granted. WITNESS, Honorable W. J. Hart- zell, judge o f the above entitled and seal o f said court this 20th day o f October, 1926. DELILIA STEVENS, 27-5 County Clerk Central Point Feed Store JESSE L. RICHARDSON H AY — GRAIN — SEED — W O O D Phone 41 Store Phone 54 Residence — Local and Long Distance Hauling— WE BUY POULTRY MOVING Central Point Oregon “ YOUR FACE IS GOOD. BUT IT W ON’T GO IN THE CASH REGISTER Anything in the paper or printing line; commercial printing, society printing, stationery, etc. American office. Christmas Cards at this office. Thousands of New Words spalled, pronounced, and defined in WEBSTER’S NEW INTERNATIONAL DIRECT! DICTIONARY T h e “ Suprotrm Authority*' Southern California Express Harm are a faw mamplmm : hot pursuit Red Star Air Council capital ship mud gun mystery ship 8. P. boat irredenta aerial cascade Esthonia American Legion Blue Cross girl scout airport cypar crystal detector tippio superheterodyne shoneen When you go to California, travel on this fast, well-appointed through train. Two nights, Portland to Los Angeles, and over-night through Pullman ser­ vice to San Francisco. Comfortable accommodations include observation sleeper, standard and tourist Pullmans, coaches, dining car service. Three other trains daily to San Francisco. Convenient con n ec­ tions there with day or night trains south. It o f in form a tio tarvina y o u ? 270 C P a ces tratioas 407.000 W o rd , and Phrases G azetteer end BiosrapUcm l Dictionary C at tha Batti — W r it e for a sam ple paga o f tho Narr W ord s, opeclm on o f R sgular and India Papers, PHKE. S o u th e rn P a c ific G. & C. MERRIAM CO. C. A. BOLES, Agent Springfield, Maes., U. S. A. ILEGAL PUBLICATIONS NO. 3439E SUMMONS APPLICATION FOR JUDGEMENT FORECLOSING T A X LEIN la tha Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Jackson RILEY MYERS, Plaintiff vs. MELISSA STELLINGWERF and J. M. (sometimes known as Jack) STELLINGWERF her husband, GEORGE M. D E N H A M and MARIE DENHAM, his wife, the CITY o f CENTRAL POINT, ORE­ GON, a municipal corporation, and also all other persons or parties un­ known claiming any right, title, estate, lein or interest in the real estate hereinafter described. Defendants. To Melissa Stellingwerf and J. M. (sometimes known as Jack) Stelling­ werf, her husband, George M. Den­ ham and Marie Denham, his wife, and also all other persons or parties un­ known claiming any right, title, es­ tate, lien or interest in the real es­ tate hereinafter described, defend­ ants above named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each o f you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the plaintiff’s complaint against you now on file in the above entitled court and cause, within sixty days from and after the date o f the first publication o f this summons, exclusive o f said first date o f publication, to wit, on or before the 30th day o f December, 1926; and in case you fail to so appear, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint And you, and cash o f you, are hereby further notified that said complaint is an application for judg­ ment foreclosing a tax lien; that that plaintiff is the owner and holder o f Certificate o f Delinquency Numbered issued on the 9th day o f June, by the Tax Collector o f Jack- son County, State o f Oregon, for the amount o f Fifty and 82; 100 dollars the same being the amount then due and delinquent to said county and state for Uses for the year 1922, together with penalty, in­ terest and costs, thereon, upon real property situated in Jackson county, O regon, assessed to defendant Geo. M. Denham, and particularly de­ scribed as follows: The East half o f Lot numbered Eight (8 ) o f Amy’s Cottage Addi­ tion to Central Point, being a part o f Section 3, Township $7 South o f Range ? West o f Wilamette Merid­ ian, containing I acres. ih a t 8ubt€QUtnt to tho