Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, November 05, 1926, Image 8

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    CENTRAL P o i n t A m e r i c a n
from Idaho. They were over at Kla­ retire from the business, but we are
glad they found efficient successors.
math this week.
We are also glad, too, that the
G. F. Danielson, after visiting his Sheleys are to stay with us. — Union
T. E. Danielson of the Cen­ Church Messenger.
tral Point district, left this morning
for his home in Roseville, Calif.
Come in and see these beautiful
samples o f Christmas cards. You
will want some and it is time to order
now. Let the American furnish you
with these cards and envelopes with
your name neatly and properly
printed on them all as cheap as the
Mr. and Mrs. Weaver have been in blank cards.
Cove, Oregon, for a couple of weeks
where they were called to the bedside
Teachers - schools and Sunday
of Mrs. Weaver’s mother, Mrs. Wag
Schools, Professional man, Minister
or merchants who may want Christ­
mas Greeting cards to mail students,
D. M. Grisham is marked ahead on
friends or customers, will please
the American list of readers, Mrs.
call at the American office to see
Grisham calling Saturday to attend
our samples. We can save you money
to it. Thank you.
if you order now on lots from two
five hundred. Should you care to
W. H. Norcross of Central Point
for appointment we can call
thought it would be nice to continue
with samples at any time,
reading the American so renewed his
any place in the county.
We might flop our wings and say
THIS,THAT,and THESE “ We told you so,” but will only state
that we will all be more than pleased
the result ofthe state election.
New» Not*» Glimp»*d From the
Street— Tho»t< W bo Come and
Go— Thoughtful People.
Christmas Cards at this office.
The Portland Oregonian was v i c ­
torious in last Tuesday’s election.
— Boys shoes at a werifice price.
Fabers.— adv.
Christmas Greeting cards - call
at printing office and see samples.
W. M. Tetherow of Central Point
will read the American until 1928.
W. P. Grimes of Medford will con­
tinue to read the American.
The Central Point American can
up a
save you money on job printing.
— Would you pick up a dollar?
Boy’s shoes at Fabers.— adv.
W. B. Harris is one of the many
renewals to the American since our
last issue.
J. L. Burger renews the American
subscription for another year.
R. H. Paxon, of our Rexall Drug
Store, calls to mark his American
subscription away in advance.
J. J. Grim is numbered among the
‘ home paper’ renewals, coming in
last Saturday.
Ed Whiteside called in Saturday
and left a cart wheel for the Amer­
James McDowell is another of the
many who wants the paper for an­
other year.
Two million people voted in the
United States Tuesday, many states
holding off-year elections.
John Anderson left for Portland
Wednesday to take in the stock show.
Are you getting your Christmas
cards at home of abroad. The Ameri­
can prints them. Call, see samples.
The business building occupied by
the shoe shop is all dressed up with
a new coat of paint.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mee and
Mrs. Kinsman of Applegate visited
relatives here yesterday.
Mrs Dora Lynch of Weed Cali.,
sends the order for a year’s sub­
scription to the American this week.
Born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Morava o f Central Point, twin girls,
weighing seven and eight pounds.
Anything in the paper or printing
line; commercial printing, society
printing, stationery, etc. American
H. A. DuBuque orders the Amer­
ican sent to him for a year, on Route
E. R Gleason continues to read
the American each week, renewing
for another year this week.
Mrs. L. Hatfield renews foY the
American a year and at the same
time orders the paper a year for C.
O. Hatfield at Seattle.
Get advertisment copy in by Wed­
nesdays. Bring send, phone or mail it.
Or phone us to call.
Indies, don't you want some neatly
printed individual letter hesds of so­
ciety style. Look over samples at the
American printing office.
Warren Patterson is enjoying a
visit with his brother, who is here
W A N TE D !
Mrs. J. E. Boswell
Phone 79
D. Loflin.who lives on Route 1,
Popular Quality, Popular Values,
at the American office Monday Popular Prices are all combined in a
while in has his paper marked new assortment, just arrived for your
approval, of Hammermill Linen Soc­
ial Stationery in appropriate boxes,
We appreciate Mr. W. E. Alex­ make splendid gifts. Both the paper
ander’s visit Saturday when he called and envelopes are the late Romance
on purpose to push his subscription Size, in the ever correct linen finish.
ahead as well as bringing in one for For home, office, library and school.
Mr. Fred Hasselgrave.
Call at the American office and look
these over. In colors to suit.
C. Skyrman looked around the
new American office while in town
Mrs. Scott and family of Central
Saturday and before leaving had us Point, and Mrs. Wm. Hansen of Med­
mark him a year in advance on the ford, called at the home of their
book of readers.
mother, Mrs. A. Throckmorton, of
Ruch one day last week, taking her
C. E. Lange came in Saturday completely by surprise on her seven­
with the price for the American for ty-first birthday. Mrs. Throckmorton
another year, and a good word for received many beautiful gifts, as
the paper.
well as a large angel food birthday
cake. Every body spent a jolly day
We appreciate the help of Mr. and Mrs. Throckmorton received best
Richardson in the choir.
We need wishes for many more happy birth­
other helpers. If you sing come give days.
us some help.— Union Church Mess­
While the condition of Mrs. Roy
For Rent: Three room semi-mod­ Yost and five-year-old daughter, Lois,
ern residence, near high school, in patients in the Sacred Heart hospital
Central Point.
Inquire Mrs. C. E. suffering from burns received when
fire destroyed a house, barn and
smaller buildings on the Black Oak
Kirkland Farm, one of Central ranch on Ross Lane Friday afternoon
Points adjacent show places and is reported to be still serious, con­
exceptional farms, comes with the siderable improvement has been
crowds to secure the weekly visit of shown by both. Their injuries, caus­
the American for many months in ing much pain and considerable shock
advance, calling Saturday.
are expected to keep the patients in
the hospital for a fortnight more at
Governor A1 Smith of New York least.
was reelected by a big majority,
causing many New York Democrats
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sebrean, form­
to loudly proclaim him a candidate er theatre operators at Central Point,
for President. Cal and A1 may be the left this morning for Klamath Falls
candidates; if so the race will be and Bend, where they will commence
lively, and the west would go for Cal. a tour of Oregon and Washington in
the interest of selling a new coin roll­
Mrs. Dora Lynch, a former local ing device used by banks and other
resident, but now of Weed, Calif., places of business where much money
following several days spent visiting is handled. Mr. Sebrean has the sales­
friends and relatives in Medford, manship rights of the two states and
Central Point and Table Rock left expects to be on the road for some­
the first of the week for Glendale time. Their daughter, Ruth, will not
where she will visit a sister.
accompany them, staying in Medford
to attend business college.
Election day was perfect. It was
---------- * ---------
was like all the rest of the days we
Im portant.
have had and are having now. Mea­
For your convenience, this paper
dow larks singing,men hoeing gard­ has purchased a new mailing mach-
ens in their shirt sleeves, boys fish­ ing. You will notice your address on
ing and all nature at her best. Roses the paper is printed this week and in
and lawn flowers in bloom and na­ addition to your name, you will find
tive strawberries on the market. the date printed when your subscrip­
Election day was perfect ar.d many tion expired. Should it read ‘‘July 8,
people got out to vote.
1926” it means your subscription ex­
pired last July and should have been |
It is possible a merchant fails to paid then, up until next July.
see returns from an advertisment. Should it read “ October 1926” it
One reason might be that prices were means it is up now and you should j
omitted from the ad. Readers must renew for another year. Notice your j
see prices along with good display. address and keep your subscription in |
Big ads. steady ads. and prices, have advance please.
made stores rich. There’s the 20th
Century, Skaggs, Penny, Montgomery
A tto rn e y s , W e Plea
Ward, etc.
Ask them.
Lawyers of Jackson county are re­
minded that the Central Point Am- |
City Dads in Central Point had no erican will appreciate the priviledge j
opposition. Their past administration of publishing any summons, sales, or \
was sufficient record to insure their legal notices they may send us. The {
reelection. The City of Central Point American is a legal paper, published |
is in good condition and under a good regular in the rich, central part of
administration, from the Mayor's the land where the Rogue river flows
chair down.
and feels justified in soliciting a ‘
share of this business.
--------- + ---------
Mrs. P. S. Looaley, returned, last
Friday from the east where she has
R etolvrd.
been visiting since October 10th. She
Be it resolved that whereas, we
has been visiting relatives in New who have been present at the sess­
York and Pennsylvania. MnuJohn W. ions o f the Jackson County Home­
Schatt, who is Mrs. loosley's aunt. I maker’s Institute held in Medford,
returned with her to make a two mo- j October 20th to 23rd inclusive.do
nths visit in the Land where the Ro­ hereby express our appreciation of
gue River Flows.
the benefits and pleasures derived
We are very much pleased with from the lectures, and the many
our new management in the office helps given by each extention worker
of the Central Point American. Wc from the Oregon Agricultural Col-
regretted seeing the Me
Sheley ledge, and especially Mrs. Jesse Me-
Comb, Home Demonstration Agent
Leader for the extention Service,
and we earnestly desire that the
Home Economics Work in the County
may be long continued, also
Be It resolved that our best thanks
be tendered to Dr. Warner for her
splendid ‘Health’ lectures, to the
Episcopal people for the use of their
Guild Hall for our meetings, to the
musicians, to Miss ifnedicor, and to
all others who have contributed in
any way to the success of the inst­
Home Economics Advisory Comm­
ittee. Signed Alice Hanley, Chairman
----------* ----------
Salt is kept smooth and free from
lumps by the addition of one tea­
spoon o f cornstarch to each cup of
Watch your work, not the clock.
Radio Service Repairs and
Special te rv ice g iven to B a la n cin g o f R a d io F r e q u e n c y Circuit* and
N e u tr o d y n e re ceiv er»
P o w e r tube* c o r r e c t l y a d a p ted t o y o u r p re te n t rece iv er.
Adaption of “ PH ILCO” Power Supply
Pentachford Radio Laboratories
M e d f o r d C e n t e r B ld g . ( D o w n t t a i r » )
New Oxfords, New Slippers
new in design and pat­
terns and the best for La­
dies, Girls, Children, Mens
and Boys Dress or W ork
-------4*— —
Hsk the Man Who Wears Them
Our price on this line is the lowest
possible. Ready for inspection
B. P. Theiss & Co