CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN Jackson’s Climate cited and dir» cted to appear at the hour o f 10 o ’clock a. m. on Saturday, November 20, 1926, at the Court room in the County Court House in Jacksonville, Oregon, then and there to show cause if any exist, why the Entire Pacific Coaet prayer o f the petition o f George Try a classified advertisement in IV. I^jve, as executor o f the estate o f Sarah J. Love, deceased, which The climate o f Jackson county this paper if you want anythin or was filed herein on the 14th day of may be somewhat judged by its lo­ have anything to sell or trade or October, 1926 and prays for an order cation and surroundings. Bung rent. One cent a word each issue. o f this court directing him, as such situated west o f the rugged Cascade executor, to sell all o f the real prop­ Tote Fair. mountains and with a compadaUve'y erty belonging to said estate, to-wit: low altitude, the Rogue river valley There’s an awful lot o f happiness Lot 14 in Block 14 in the City o f has the same mild climate found Central Point, Jackson County, Ore­ In this old world I find, along the entire Pacific coast, from gon, should not be granted. Puget Sound to Southern California, If we think well o f other folks WITNESS, Honorable W. J. Hart- due to the influence of the warm And treat ’em middlin’ kind. Japanese ocean -----------; currents. The winter zell, judge o f the above entitled and i/aiiaiiuDu . ,| If we meet ’em glad and honest * .■ i 1J ¿.I ,,l ...L f oriA u r t a l l seal o f said court this 20th day o f months are mild, the slight snow fall Any place an’ everywhere, in the Rogue river valley usually October, 1926. Theres a heap o f satisfaction melting very rapidly. The greater DELILIA STEVENS, part of the precipitation is in the In just "toting fair.” 27-5 County Clerk form o f rain, averaging between There’s a powerful lot of gladness twenty and twenty-eight inches an­ In bein’ true to men, nually, according to the location in the valley, and coming mainly in the In carry»:’ out your promises FOR SALE—-New Remington 16 fall, the winter and spring seasons. shot .22 rifle. Never beet shot. In­ Every tim^—and when Onl yoccasional light showers may be quire American office. They dont seem to appreciate it— expected during the summer months. Why, don’t you never care, There are on the average from 270 FOR SALE— 14-inch John Deer to 280 days o f sunshine during the You’re more ahead than they are sulky plow. Plowed only about 15 year. There is almost always a breeze By just "toting fair.” acres. Nearly new. See M. C. during the summer days, which are Frazier, mile and half west of often warm but never hot. Also, the There’s rules and regulations humidity is almost always very low, For bein’ happy here, Table Rock store. 26-2 modifying the summer heat. The But honest, you dont need (hem summer nights are usually comforts FOR RENT— 5-room house, wood And don’t you never fear— ably cool. The lowest temperature shed, 4 chicken houses; garage; ever recorded in the Rogue river val­ You’ll be happy and contented. ley was three degrees below zero, If you treat your neighbor square small garden tract, water pump and while the average minimum tempera­ well. 3 miles north-west o f Central ture during the winter is just below For the best way to be happy Point on highway. John A. Anderson Is to just “ tote fair.” the freezing point, about thirty-one Central Point. R t 1. Phone 193. 2p degrees Fahrenheit. Damaging winds — George P. Kesserger. are not experienced in the Rogue river valley. Mr. Lindsay, Central Point hotel proprietor will start an old time dance in the Hotel Hall. The dance will be held every Friday night, atart- The music will be Climate Hare The Same ae Along ing this Friday. furnished by a three piece orchestra CHRISTM AS is coming. Stores are stocking up now, and holiday goods will continue to arrive weekly from now until Xmas week. Central Point stores are going to be pre­ pared for your Xmas trade. Now watch ea heissue o f the American for prices and descriptions of what our merchants will have for your selection. The largest advertisers do the largest business. Trade at home this Christmas. A new used tire exchange is be- ,.ig started in tBe building next to the Hermanson feed store by Farm­ er and Haselton. They are awaiting the arrival o f new machinery before starting regular work o f retreading and half-soling tires. These people are newcomers in this vicinity and are planning to make this city their home. To Fruit Seller». Innumerable complaints having reached my office as to the condi­ tion o f fruit being offered for sa|e in Jackson county notice is hereby given that in future no wormy or diseased fruit will be permitted to be sold or offered for sale. The state law provides that It is unlawful to sell o f offe r for sple any infested or diseased fruit and provides a penalty of not less than $10 nor more than $50 for each o f­ fense. Fruit inspectors are charged with the duty o f enforcing this law and all are warned that henceforth no sales o f wormy or diseased fruit will be permitted. Peddlers will take notice that this applies to them as well as to stores and those growing fruit. A. C. ALLEN, Hort. Com. :ird Dist GET A W IG G L E ON There are a lot o f people in this world that seem like Thompson’s dog that used to lean against the fence to bark— born tired. Motion is as distasteful to them as a steeple chase is to an elephant. If they are | in the race at all, they manage to I come in at thetail end. They never | think o f doing anything until the time for action is past and somebody else has reaped the benefits that always accrues when a man’s heels closely follow his thoughts. Slower than molasses in winter, these people give an indescribable pain to those who have anything to do with them. One feels like giving them a thump in the rear or otherwise assisting their thoughts and members to a more definite and rapid action. Lazi­ ness o f either mind or body is a fatal disease. A man in this age must step lively if he expects to have a fight­ ing chance. Get up and dust. “ What­ ever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might.” ---------- o----------- Big stores grow bigger with more legitament advertising. | SUPREME AUTHORITY ” £ D W ERE NOT < P ? lo n e K f T /A /G 4 -7 4 - Notice of School Meeting * NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters o f Sehool District No. 6 o f Jackson County, State o f Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING o f said district will be held at high school building on the 13th day o f Novem­ ber, 1926 at two o ’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out with the levying board, and to vote on the proposition o f levying a special district tax. The total amount o f money needed by the said school district during the fiscal year beginning on June 30, 1927, and ending June 30, 1928, is estimated in the following budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys o f the district: BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES INo.TSalary per year] 1 $2600.00 $2600.00 1350.00 1 1350.00 2790.00 1395.00 2 2700.00 1350.00 2 1080.00 1 1080.00 1980.00 990.00 2 4140.00 1035.00 4 1350.00 1350.00 1 200.00 1 200.00 25.00 25.00 7. Other services ................................ Total ................... PER SO N AL SE RVIC E: M A T E R I A L AN D SUPPLIES: Grade building and grounds — high building and grounds . Total ............................... $ 800.00 500.00 - $1300.00 IN D E B TED N ES S: 1. Bonded, and interest thereon .... Because ’ 1 $2695.00 M A IN T E N A N C E A N D REPAIRS: H undreds o f Suprem e C ou rt Judges concur in highest praise o f the work as their Aui/umty. T he Presidents o f all leading Uni­ versities, Colleges, and Normal Schools give their hearty indorse­ ment. A ll States that have adopted a large dictionary as standard have selected Webster’s New Interna­ tional. T he Schoolbooks o f the Country adhere to the Merriam-Webster system o f diacritical marks. The Government Printing Office at Washington uses it as authority. $18215.00 $ 800.00 250.00 25.00 200.00 700.00 300.00 400.00 20.00 2. Supplies (phalk, erasers, etc.) . A Phone 10. Postage, stationery and printing Total ................................ -T H E MERR 1 AM WEBSTER Y O U ARE 6 2 4 RIVERSIDE ST 7. Fuel ................................................................................ | WEBSTER’S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY $7000.00 .................... $7000.00 1$ 470.00 INSU RANCE: M IS C ELLAN EO U S: 1. Premium clerk’s bond ............... Total ......................... .................... $ 30.00 ...................1 $ 30.00 EMERGENCY: .................... $1000.00 Total ............................ ...................1 $ 1000.00 Total estimated amount o f money for all purposes $30710.00 during the year .................. ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund during the coming year .... $3849.40 From state school fund during the coming year ____ 574.50 From elementary school fund during the coming school year ........................................................ 2032.50 Estimated amount to be received from all otherl sources during the coming school year, highl school tuition ................................................... I 3276.60 I Total estimated receipts, not including proposed taxi $9733.00 RECAPITULATION • Total estimated expenses for the year ....................... |$30710.00 ! Total estimated receipts not including proposed taxi 9733.00 1 _________ Balance, amount to be raised by district tax ...... !$20977.00 The indebtedness o t District No. 6 is as follows. Total bonded indebtedness .....................$40,000.00 , Total amount o f all indebtedness .......... $40,000.00 Dated this 14th day o f October, 1926 Attest: C. A. BOLES J. E. WEAVER District Clerk Board o f Directors New WRITE for a «ample paRe o f the specimen o f Regular and India Paper«, FREE. Words, C O ., SATISFIED U N L E S S C IT ATION In the County Court for the State O f Oregon, for Jackson County. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SARAH J. LOVE. DECEASED. To George W Love, Ira O. Love, Myrtle E. I'enton, Clara M. Beall, Leon Love, Walter Love, Fay Love, Phil Longsbery, circulation man­ and Itov Love, heirs and devisees of SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 6 ager o f the Medford Mail-Tribune, Sarah .t. Love, deceased, and to all This original estimate shows in parallel columns the unit costs o f the several services, material and supplies was a business caller in this city Wed­ other persons unknown. for the three fiscal years next preceding the current year, the detail expenditures for the last one o f said three You and each o f you are hereby preceding fiscal years and the budget allowances and expenditures for six months o f the current year. nesday. ( “ Six months o f the current year” means six months o f the last school year. Original Estimate and Accounting Sheet EXP EN D ITU R ES W e Are Manufacturers of DOORS, SCREENS, WINDOWS AND SASH, WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES. MOULD­ INGS, CABINETS OF ALL KINDS Our Constant Aim is to Keep Our Quality and Prices Absolutely Right. Do Not Order From Out-of-Town Concerns Before Letting Us Figure on Your Bill. TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Medford A MODERN MILL Oregon ITEM .Estimated ex­ penditures for ¡the e n s u ing school year. PER SO N AL SE RVIC E: . 1. Superintendent ........... ....... I 2600.00 1350.00 2. Principals ........................... 3. Teachers, 2