C E N T R A L P O IN T AMERICA!* Medford Notes (By Bliss H eine.) A record crow d h eard Melt* Bros, o rchestra o f Spokane, W ashington, a t Eagle P oint last S a tu rd a y night. T his orch estra is on its way to T ia Ju a n a , Mexico, and from th e re m ay go to Honolulu. They w ere v ery e n th u ­ siastically received by th e large crowd present. C ourt Jeschke, o f th e M edford vulcanizing w orks, who re c e n tly re ­ tu rn e d from a h u n tin g trip , re p o rts th a t in the d istric t en circlin g th e valley not a single farm is v a c a n t A y e a r ago in th is te rrito ry th e re w ere a num ber o f v a c a n t farm s. This speaks good fo r th e Rogue riv e r valley. A m osquito is th e child o f black and w hite p aren ts. A m o n astery is th e place fo r m onsters. Tocsin is som eth in g to do w ith g e t­ tin g dru n k . E x p o stu latio n is to have th e sm all­ pox. C annibal is tw o b ro th e rs who killed each o th e r in th e Bible. A natom y is th e h u m an body, which consits o f th re e p a rts, th e head, th e chist an d th e stum m ick. ---------- o---------- A BIG MAN He is a big m an who can se p a ra te him self wholly fro m th e n arro w n ess o f p ersonal av ersio n s an d dislikes and th e p ettin ess o f selfish in te re s t and which he is m ore o r less p ersonally concerned. ----------o ■ ■■ LOYALTY The local police fo rce re c e n tly re ­ A m an m ay lose his house an d lot, ceived new caps which a re a g re a t im­ H is frie n d s m ay pass him by, provem ent fo r th e city as well a s th e He m ay n o t have a th in dim e le ft force as th e y enable anybody to To r e n t a slab o f pie, m ore readily locate an o ffic e r if B u t if he ow ns th e h o m eliest w anted. A nd sad d est dog in tow n, He has one pal whose ho n est love % W ill n ev er tu rn him down, R obert P e n o y ar an d fam ily leave n ex t m onth to m ake th e ir hom e in A m an m ay kick his m angy pup A nd cuss him day an d nig h t, a | rom incnt su b u rb o f D erto it, Mich. Still will th e fa ith fu l c u r be tru e A nd g re e t him w ith d elig h t; R oseburg m et a slashing d e fe a t a t the hands o f th e M edford eleven last L ifelong he sits upon th e porch A nd w ags his happy tail, S atu rd ay on an Scoyoc field in a To g re e t his lord when he shall come score o f 95 to 0. S p e c ta c u la r ru n s F rom C ongress o r fro m jail. ’ and passes w ere m ade th ro u g h o u t — A tla n ta R o tary . the gam e by th e M edford boys, a t one tim e n e a r th e end o f th e gam e, Ser.n com ing 70 y ard s fo r a to u ch ­ down th ro u g h p e rfe c t in te rfe re n c e . R oseburg w as unable to hold, several o f th e ir play ers h aving to leave the gam e from in ju rie s and from sh eer exhau tio n , an d w ere continuously puzzled by delayed passes and c riss­ cross plays. The v isitors, how ever, p u t up a fierce fig h t to th e finish. The M edford second team played n early h alf th e gam e. Cooksie and L aing also m ade sen satio n al ru n s, m aking touchdow ns on 55 a n d 65 y ard ru n s. Five touchdow ns w ere m ade i n th e la s t tw o m in u tes o f play. — COUNTY SEAT REMOVAL The Jacksonville Committee have made ihe statement that the County Court has not been unanimous in their opinions with regard to proposed new building and loca­ tion of same. Here is the statement Signed by all Members of the County Court. “To the voters of Jackson County: “We have made a very careful study as to the present courthouse which was built in 1883, over 43 years ago, and have come to the conclusion that we will not build any separate buildings, but that the situation demands that we either fire-proof and other­ wise modernize the present courthouse if that be feasible, and make the necessaiy ad­ ditions to the present structure sufficient t ) adequately house the county officials, or if it is not feasible to salvage the present co irthouse THEN WE MUST BUILD AN EN­ TIRELY NEW PERMANENT FIRE-PROOF COURTHOUSE A D E Q U A T E TO HOUSE THEM. — — o ---------------- F IR E I Bill T e rry ’s w ife accused Bill o f e x tra v a g a n c e . Bill asked h er, “ W hen did I e v e r m ake a useless p u rch ase.” A nd she p ointed to th e fire ex tin g u ish e r an d said, ‘I t ’s been in th e house tw o y e a rs and we have n e v er used it.” ---------- o---------- WE BUY—SELL AND EXCHANGE “In addition to donating a site to Jackson County for a permanent courthouse, whenever in the future the people of Jacks >n County shall desire to erect a permanent courthouse in said city, THE PEOPLE OF MEDFORD HAVE vOTED AND THE COUNCIL HAS AGREED TO BUILD A THREE-STORY CONCRETE CITY HALL, containing approximately one-third more floor space than the present Grants Pass courthouse and more than twice the space of the present Jackson County Courthouse AND TO LEASE IT TO US FREE OF COST FOR FIVE YEARS. “We are told by reliable builders that the present courthouse has very little value for reconstruction purposes. FOR W H A T YOU HAVE B efore S elling o r B uying See Us “Whether it has any salvage value ca i only be determined by an experienced architect after going thoroughly into the ma ter. But the salvage value of the old struc- PRICE 2ND HAND STORE ure cannot be great. T he T reic h le r M otor com pany have moved to th e ir fo rm e r location a t 30 N. Holly stre e t. T his move was 31 S o u th F ro n t S t., M edford m ade because o f th e p o p u la rity of th e post office d istric t w ith m o to rists O ffice Rhone 965 Res. P hone 965-J2 T his com pany handles th e W illys- DR. H. P. COLEMAN K night, O verland an d th e little Chiropractic, Diet and W hippet, A m erica’s firs t E uropean E lectroth erapy type car. O re. L icense No. 264 Lady A st. “We are therefore faced with two propositions, one to provide adequate perman­ ent quarters at the present location at Jacksonville, the other to accept from Medford the free use of the new city hall for five years. “In other words, shall the county build onto the present structure, if there be any salvage value, or if not build an adequate new building in Jacksonville, or shall the F o u rth F lo o r M EDFORD M edford B uifding O regon county accept the free proposition made by the city of Medford, for a five-year period and make the necessary arrangements for the building or a permanent courthouse, PERL FUNERAL HOME costing approximately $210,000 at some future time when the people of Jackson coun­ ty shall desire to erect a permannt courthouse. C o rn e r S ixth a n d O akdale A “ S te iw e r-fo r-S e n a to r” club was o rganized in M edford last week w ith th e follow ing o ffic e rs: O. C. Boggs, ch a irm a n ; R. B. H am m ond, vice- c h airm an ; V ernon V aw ter, se c re ta ry ; Don N ew bury, tr e a s u re r ; B. E. H a rd ­ M edford, O regon e r, C. E. G ates, Rev. E. P. Law rence, P hone 47 S. S. Sm ith an d E. E. W ilson, ex ecu ­ GEORGE E. FOX tiv e com m ittee. G eorge H u n t w ent to P o rtla n d last week via th e a ir mail plane and reach ed his d estin atio n in tw o hours and te n m inutes. R EA L E S T A T E and IN SURANCE Good B arg ain s in L and an d C ity P ro p e rty C e n tra l P o in t - - O regon Ju d g e Ben B. Lindsey o f D enver JA CKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT- ad d ressed a fa ir sized au d ien ce a t COMPANY th e C ra te ria n th e a tre last F rid ay Abstract» of Title and Title In­ night. surance. The only complete Title T he O regon G ra n ite com pany is Syatem in Jackaon County. - • • Oregon o p ening a b ran ch o ffic e in R oseburg M edford w ith L. F. L ozier in ch arg e. Mr. EDNA M E R R IT T — P IA N IS T E L o tie r moved to his new location from M edford last w eek. T his is G rad u a te O. A. C. C o n serv ato ry o f one o f th e p io n eer firm s o f M edford. Music L a te st re p o rt sta te th a t C ra te r Luke N atio n al p a rk is free o f snow. In stru c tio n $1.00— 45-m in u te lesson SCHOOL BOY ANSW ERS W. G. T R ILL H e re a re som e o f th e d e fin itio n s given by th e pupils a t a gram m er A tto rney-at-L aw — N otary Public school re c e n tly : - - - Oregon S tab ility is ta k in g care o f a stable. C en tral P oint WANTED! By Buyers A LARGE TRACT 2 SMALL TRACKS AND A CHICKEN RANCH If you want to sell, list at once with JOHN B. SHELEY Agent for Benefit Savings & Loan Assn. “We realize that Medford is more centrally located, as regards the population of the count yand that the LOCATION OF THE COUNTY SEAT IN MEDFORD WOULD MEAN A CONSIDERABLE SAVING TO THE TAXPAYERS OF THE COUNTY I EVERY YEAR. This saving would come from the cutting down of the travel and time of the sheriff in serving all papers, ?.s well as extra time and travel of other county offi­ cials, the mileage of witnesses and jurors, the time and expense of recording papers and paying taxes. “The above statement of facts is presented to the voters of Jackson county in or­ der that they may have the full view of the situation in voting on the matter at the November 2, election.” JACKSON COUNTY COURT, (Signed) W. J. HARTZELL, County Judge. VICTOR BURSELL, County Com. GEO. ALFORD, County Com. The unanimous opinion of the County Court as printed above should settle any doubt as to their position. , „ -. | This issue should be decided by the voters on its merits and the facts. DO YOU WANT TO TAX YOURSELF AT ONCE FOR A NEW COURTHOUSE AT JACKSONMLLE OR DO YOU WANT A BUILDING FREE OF COST FOR FIVE YEARS LOCATED IN MEDFORD W ITH NO IMMEDIATE TAX NECESSARY Vote 500 X YES! FOR COUNTY SEAT REMOVAL TO MEDFORD Paid Odv. County Seat Removal Committee. J_ , £ J m I b S