Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, October 29, 1926, Image 10

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Rev. end Mr*. Shaw intend leav­
ing for Stay ton next Thursday.
Grimes, o f the battery shop, has
been busy this week installing radios.
Mrs. E. E. Scott visited Mrs. Aris
Throckmarton in Ruch Saturday.
Chas. H. Taylor o f Route 1, is a
new subscriber to the American, call­
ing last Saturday.
C. E. Velin is among those new
subscribers to the American, since
our last issue.
Stock your pantry! Canned foods
week, Nov. 10-20. Buy in cases and
save the difference. Weaver’s store.
M. Znon; is another new sub­
scriber to the home paper this week.
They all read the ‘American’ now.
B. F. Cummings renews the Am­
erican subscription quite aways in
advance this week.
Men in shirt sleeves watering
lawns, seem more likespring than
Mrs. Gresham, daughter o f Mr. and
Mrs. Grim, returned to her home
back in Nebraska last Wednesday.
Paul Martin, Route 3, Medford,
will continue to receive the Amer­
ican for another year.
The unfortunate few who have
the Scarletina are all recovering
Mr. and Mrs. Ramond Anders
motored to this city from Klamath
Falls, Sunday.
Mrs. J. C. Cash becomes a con­
stant home paper reader by sub­
scribing for the American this week.
Jack Lees and family have moved
to town so the children will be nearer
school this winter.
The Juniors have begun selecting
a play to be used as the yearly
Junior play.
Mrs. W. Ferguson was visiting her
friends in Ashland Monday and
The ’28 class o f the high school has
ordered its class rings for the com­
ing year.
We wil all agree that the recent
grading o f the city streets helped
C. M. Merritt, living on a splendid
ranch jjoning town on the east,called
yesterday to visit a minute i
up for the paper for a year.
C. P. Thomason is another new
subscriber to the ‘ American’ this
week. Lets’ make it unanimous.
Why this store
stands behind it
Atwater Kent Radio is
made in a 15 acre factory
— the largest radio fact­
ory in the world.
It’s made as carefullv
as if this were the small­
est factory in the world
and a reputation w ere yet
to be won.
So, when we install an
Atwater Kent Receiver
in our home, it works—
an keeps on working.
That’s why so many
people insist on “ Atwater
Have you s e e n the
wonderful O N E
Models? Come in and get
a thrill.
The paper is few hours late this Foods Week, Nov. 10-20. Weaver’s has been going on for some time. The cian and a social hour follows the
week on account o f extra work and a store, adv.
line up looks good, having two old talk. At the meeting next Thursday,
shortage o f linotype metal. It won’t
letter men in it.
Dr. Adams will discuss goiter, a very
occur again.
T o the V o te r* c f the C ity o f C e n ­
j vital subject in this section where so
— You will make a big saving by also read the American a year,
tral P oin t — Your vote at the polls on many have trouble o f this kind. We
laying in your winter supply. Can­ through the courtesy o f B. F. Peart,
Tuesday, Nov. 2, 1926, will decide have in Central Point and vicinity a
whether I will be elected as City Re­ larger membership in the Jackson
Weaver’s Store, adv.
helps by leaving a news item when corder, or some one else; it having County Health association than any
With Haloween about to arrive,
he hears one.
been reported erroneously that I was other community. By calling at Pax-
there will probably be an addition
I son’s drug store, cars will take any
W. B. Kincaid is numbered am­ not a candidate for re-election.
to the police force made soon. Safety
wish to say that I am a candidate wish to go.
scription renewals the past week!, for re-election to this office, and if
The Chinese Pheasant season
We might have had some o f Cali­
for which our thanks are declared. elected will continue to discharge closed Sunday, with all the sports­
fornia’s earth quake. The chimney
On Friday evening o f this week, the duties o f the office in a con­ men of this city well fed up on hun­
o f the charred theatre has fallen
Ladies’ Community club o f Tolo servative business like manner, to ting.
the best of my ability. Your support
Over in Cuba last week, 600 were
will serve a variety o f refreshments,
More people outside o f Medford
is solicited, and will be highly appre­ killed and 6000 made homeless in
following a Hallowe’en program at
read the Central Point American,
pd adv. the hurricane, a storm similar to the
the school house. The general public ciated.
than any other weekly paper in Jack-
Thursday, November 4 at 2:30 p. recent Florida storm.
is invited to attend and enjoy a so­
son County.
m. the Jackson County Health asso­
Suppose we will all have to send
cial evening.
The freshman class will give the
To-morrow is the last day o f our ciation will hold a meeting at the extra help to the Near East. There
other classes o f the high school a
‘ Bargain Month Subscription’. Old home o f Mrs. Victor Bursell. One were 400 killed and 100,000 made
masquerade party Friday night. This
and new subscribers alike, can take public meeting is held each year in hornless in the Armenian earthquake
will be a return party.
advantage o f the 50-50 split for each section where there is a com­ last week.
W. Stenson of Grants Pass and
Many people were out motoring^
twenty-four hours more, then the munity group and all people interest­
Scott are trucking to
subscription price will be $2.00. ed are invited to attend. Some sub­ Sunday, owing to the spring-like
Klamath Falls and Marshfield from
Today and to-morrow only $1 to get jects o f interest to the health o f the weather that has been cheering them
Grants Pass. They state that apples
acquainted. Notice the label o f your community is presented by a physi­ up for the few preceeding days.
are the main seller since the frosts.
address on the paper, which reads the
Mrs. L. C. Hazelwood o f Central
Point is numbered among the new date o f your expiration.
subscribers to the ‘American’ thic
The old school house has been
completely torn down and the lum­
W. H. Casebeer, another home
ber will soon have been hauled away
man renewing his home paper this
This is the old wooden structure
In announcing myself a candidate for the office of
week. The American is Jackson
in which the preceding generation
County’s Weekly paper, and appre­
Recorder for the city of Central Point, I do so
acquired their education. The build­
ciates the many readers it has.
no business interests to cater to, other than the
ing was built about a half century
Mrs. M. L. Elliott was a pleasant
ago and was becoming unsafe for any
for ALL the people of the city. I will aid
caller at the American office last
kind o f public use.
in all ways possible and devote my
Saturday, at the same time renewing
The high school has begun pract­
time in endeavoring to give efficiency and honest
her subscription fo r another year. icing basketball under the new coach,
J. W. Gilmore, who lives on Mr. Carlson. There has not been a
labor to the duties.
route 1, called Saturday and while regular practise but the long and
Paid Adv.
S. S. POAGUE......
weary process o f gettnig in ‘shape’
here subscribed fo r the C. P. Am­
The Rebekah lodge held a coun­
try store Thursday night in the I. O.
O. F. hall. A good sized crowd at­
tended. The money received will be
used in paying for a piano.
J. K. Hall, Central Pointer, pays
ahead a year on American sub­
scription, since our last issue, with
Buy Your Canned Goods by the Dozen
encouraing remarks.
H.S. Chirgwin, who is one o f our
readers, on Route 1, called Monday
to renew the American for a year
Central Point, Oregon
Phone 61
in advance.
The carnival given at the school
“ Service & Quality’
gym last Friday night was fairly
well attended and a good time had
by everyone there.
Miss Alta Norcross, daughter o f
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Norcross, is now
attending the teachers’ college at
San Jose, California.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Isaacson drove
to Ashland Sunday afternoon and
with Mrs. G. C. McAllister as a
guest, drove to the summit o f the
Siskiyous returning that evening.
New comers this week include
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reasoner and
family, who have secured a residence
near the high school. Mr. Reasoner
moves here from Gold Hill.
— Our daily question— what shall
we eat? It will be answered conclu­
sively at our store during canned
foods week— Nov. 10-20.
You can
Christmas Cards of many shades and designs now at the Central Point Ameri­
not afford to miss this opportunity
to solve your food problems. Weavers
can office for your inspection. Every one gets Xmas greeting cards.
store, adv.
some now, so you will sure have them when you realyy wish you had them.
Chales Suanely has recently start­
ed a “ fixit” shop back o f the Cen­
tral Point service station.
We have very attractive cards with envelopes to match, and we print in up-to-
Suanely is a well known resident o f
this city and has lined up a good
date type, your name or your family or your firm name. All for prices ranging
business. His ad appears elsewhere
from 10 cents up to 40 sents each.
in this paper.
Mr. Geo. Wallace, the efficient
mail carrier on Route 1 joins the
crowds in renewing American sub­
scription, this week.
W. Warner is another new sub­
scriber to the American, this week,
W e sell them and print o nthem in lots as low as 25 cards to a customer, or for
making 4000readers weekly to the
professional offices and firms who care to remember their patrons and
American,if we count four readers
friends, we can furnish any amount at most any price.
to a subscriber.as many papers do.
W. E. Chauncey called Monday
and talked shop awhile. Forty years
ago he was employed on a daily
All grade and high school students will want Xmas cards this year for their
paper in California. Mr. Cuauacey
fellow students— call at the American office to see samples now.
subscribed fo r the American for a
year, o f course.
— Our mothers used to generally
stock their pantries in the fall. As
we always follow their good advise
let us follow their good example and
have a few doten extra cans for the
unexpected dinner guest.
National Canned Foods W eek-Nov. 10-20
W eaver’s Store
Christmas Greetings
For Every Family, Firm and Individual
F o r a ll the C o u n ty
It costs no more for a good job of printed cards that we furnish.
Model 35
Receiver with ONE Dial
Christmas Card Headquarters.
Order now to be sure.
Located in former loca­
Battery and
Electric Shop
Central Point
Phone 291
Open Eveninfs
Lumber yard. We repair,
build and do anything in
the carpenter line.
Central Point American