CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby «riven, that the undersigned, has been appointed administrator of the estate of Anna Olsson, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers, to said admin- fetartor, at the office o f his attor­ ney, W. G. Trill, in Central Point, Oregon, within six months from the date o f this notice. Dated this 30th day o f Septem­ ber, 1926. H. T. PANKEY, Administrator. W. G. TRILL, Att’y- for Admr’. s30-o28 FACTS »BOUT COUNTY SEAT REMOVAL! An nou ncem ent. I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office o f City Recorder for the city o f Central Point, subject to the wish o f the voters o f our city at the election to be held Novembrr 2. Respectfully, S. S. POAQUE, Paid Advertisement by S. S. Poaque CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Christ­ ian Endeavor 7 p. m. Preaching services both morning and evening by the Rev. I. G. Shaw. Mrs. J. E. Weaver. S. S. Supt.; Mrs. J. O. Isaacson, Supt. o f Pri­ mary Dept.; Mrs. A1 Hermanson, Supt. o f Cradle Roll Dept.; Mrs. G. C. McAllister, Pres, o f Ladies’ Cir­ cle; Elva Adams, Pres. C. E .; Mrs. Warner, Choir Director. Rev. Shaw, Pastor. FOR SALE— 14-inch John Deer sulky plow. Plowed only about 15 acres. Nearly new. See M. *C. Frazier, mile and half west of Table Rock store. 26-2 FOR RENT— 5-room house, wood shed, 4 chicken houses; garage; small garden tract, water pump and well. 3 miles north-west o f Central Point on highway. John A. Anderson Central Point. Rt. 1. Phone 193. 2p Jacksonville has made this public statement in a page present Josephine county court house, which the Jack- ad. signed by Jacksonville citizens: son county court believes would be sufficient to meet the requirements of this county for the next quarter of The removal of the county seat to Medford a century or more, can be built for about $210,000 or means the ultimate outlay by this county of a less than half what the committee who issued the Jack­ half million dollars for a new court house.” sonville statement claimed. This statement is absolutely un­ true that could have been deter­ mined by consulting the County Court should those who prepared the statement have desired to be fair. W h y Don’t the Jacksonville com­ munity Stick to Facts and not Try to Mislead the Taxpayers of the County? County Court To Erect New Court House Either In Medford or Jacksonville The count ycourt has been considering the needs of the county, making plans, talking with architects and con­ tractors and looking over the Josephine county court house and other structures for many months with a view The county court believes that the time has come, in Notify the driver and of forming an opinion as to what is the best for the tax­ order to meet the demands of the county, to safeguard payers of this county. the records— involving the title to all property— which if destroyed by fire could not be replaced at a cost of millions of dollars, to save the office rent, time and ex­ W ill delivermilk at your doo pense of the county offices, extra time and expense of the taxpayers traveling to and from Jacksonville pay­ What Competent Contractors Say ing taxes, attending court and transacting other busi­ About Old Structure ness, estimated to be nearly $50,000 a year that the wise E. Leslie and economical thing to do is to build a new, modern, They have been advised by a competent contractor that fire proof court house regardless of the outcome of the it would be wasting money to try to remodel the present election. court house, as it has surved its purpose, having been erected in 1883 and is not fireproof. Phone 1261 He further advised the court that it would be far better Medford - Oregon to build a nw court house either now or in a few years. Riverside Dairy * PLUMBI NG THE FACTS ARE WE BUY— SELL AND EXCHANGE The present court house is not fire-proof and cannot be made so without excessive cost. FOIK Jacksonville has not sufficient water for fire protection W H A T YOU H AVE neither has it an adequate fire department. Before Selling or Buying See Us Jacksonville has no hanking facilities. The last bank Why not accept Medford’s proposition to build a new there having cost the taxpayers over $100,000. PRICE 2ND HAND STORE structure, twice the size of the present Jackson county Jacksonville has no hotel accommodations. 31 South Front St., Medford court house and about the size of the Josephine court O ffice Phone 966 Res. Phone 965-J2 house— which the city of Medford recently voted to build and to start work immediately upon the people of DR. H. P. COLEMAN the county voting to remove the county seat to Medford Chiropractic, Diet and Only One-Twenty-Fourth ot Population Is — and to give rent free to the county for five years. Electrotherapy Fourth Floor Medford Building Comer Sixth and Oakdale Phone 47 Medford, Oregon GEORGE E. FOX ESTATE and INSURANCE Good Bargains in Land and City Property Central Point - - JACKSON West Of Jacksonville MEDFORD Oregon PERL FUNERAL HOME REAL Why Not Accept A New Court House Free For 5 Yeais By Medford COUNTY Oregon Another reason why the county should not build a new court house in Jacksonville is because only about one- twenty-fourth of the population lives in Jacksonville and west of there. Why should twenty-three fourth oft he people have to btf inconvenienced and taxed extra to please one-twenty Medford also agrees that when the county decides to fourth? erect a new court house the city will give a site abso­ lutely free to the county to be selected by the county court. Free Site Also Offered By Medford AB STRACT COMPANY AkatracU ( I in r iD c c . Till« â i d Till« Tli* only complata System ta Jaeksoa Couaty. Medford . . . EDNA la- Till* Ore»oa M ERR ITT— PIANISTE Gradue te O. A. C. Conservatory o f Court House To Meet Demands For $210,000 The county court has also been informed by a compe­ tent contractor that a court house twice the size of the W e Submit that the proposition of the removal of the County Seat to Medford is the wise, safe and economical thing to do. W e ask the voters of the County to Musk înitru.'tion $1.00— 45-minute lesson W . G. TRILL Attaraay-at-Law — Natary Paklk Castrai Point • • • VOTE 500 X YES Paid Odv.— County Seat Remoyal Committee.