tU RSDAY. SEPTEM BER 30. 1928 COUNTY HEALTH NEWS E. Leslie PLUMBING Phone 1261 Medford - Oregon WE BUY— SELL AND EXCHANGE FOR W H A T YOU H AVE Before Selling or Buying See Us PRICE 2ND HAND STORE 31 South Front St., Medford A few reasons why we should build an Eastern Oregon Tuberculosis San atorium: Geographically about two-thirds o f the state o f Oregon lies east o f the Cascade mountains. More than 175,- 000 people live in this territory. For the last six years an average of 79 ; per year o f these Eastern Oregon 1 people have died of tuberculosis. The National Tuberculosis associ­ ation, which has had extensive survey experience, states that a careful search in any community will un­ cover approximately seven living active cases o f tuberculosis for each annual death. There are then, with­ out doubt, some 500 active cases of tuberculosis in Eastern Oregon. The chances for recovery o f any tuberculosis patient are greatly in- Painless Dentistry I now do all dental work by my new PAINLESS METHOD; devel­ oped by 18 years’ experience. — ALL W O RK IS G U ARAN TEED — The Best Dentistry Done Painlessly Dr. I. H. G O V E Phone: PAC E FIVE THURSDAY. SEPTEM BER 30, 193« Res. 768J Office 872J Meford, Ore. 335 E. Main S t — X-ray service Central Point American and Any creased by at least a few months of cycle road race held recently in Eng­ States was Miss Marie C. Brehm, of California, who was the choice of sanitorium care, and yet there is land. Miss Rosalind Wheeler, an Ameri­ the prohibition party for that office nowhepe in Eastern Oregon a hospi­ tal that makes provision for the care can who went toLondon as a war in 1924. Every time Steve Donoghue, the o f tuberculosis patients-—« few pst worker, is now one of the most ients go to private sanitoria— a few prominent real estate dealers in the great English jockey, wins a race a certainold lady hangs a flag out at ex-service men go to Walla Walla— British metropolis. her window. She is Steve’s mother, but if the rank and file of all the The only woman ever nominated and she never misses backing her rest of Eastern Oregon patients get sanitoria care at all they must cross for vice president o f the United son’s horse in a big race. the mountains and go to the state sanitorium in Salem. This institution, which has in­ creased its capacity from time to time, has still only 190 beds with which to serve the needs o f the whole state. It has always a long waiting list (44 on September 14, 1926). In the last 6 years it has admitted 933 patients, while, en­ tirely for lack of space, 422 other patients who also applied for care were never admitted at all. These patients who did not get in would at all times have filled another in­ Crushed Pineapple, gallon s iz e ............................73c stitution half the size of the state Pumpkin, gallon s iz e .................... 43c sanitorium. Also we know that many patients Bordens or Carnation M ilk..................................-10c who need end want sanitorium care Jell Desert, all flavors............................. 5c never make application because of Oregon Apples, gallon size ................................. 37c this long discouraging waiting list. Surely then the whole State needs Pure Blackberry Jam ..............................................29c a substantial increase in its provision Maine Succotash ....................................................26c for sanatorium care for tuberculosis Tomato Sauce ................................ - .......................7c patients. Eastern Oregon patients are asking that this addition shall be Jersey Com F lakes................................................. 9c made over on their side o f the moun­ Quick Naptha Soap Chips..................................... 21c tains where they can have care more promptly when they need it without Crepe Toilet Paper, 7 oz. r o ll................................. 5c going such great distances from their families. It must be remembered that the location for this sanitorium will be selected by the State Board o f Con­ trol, that it will admit only patients who have been in Eastern Oregon at least a year, an that every san­ itorium bed that we provide in East­ ern Oregon will relieve the pressure at Salem just that that much and so will help the Western part o f the state. The Southern Oregon Conference for Seal Sale workers will be held in Medford this year for the first ‘SERVICE and QUALITY” time, thus providing information and Central Point. Oregon Phone 61 advice to the many hundreds o f workers in Klamath, Jackson, Jose­ V W J V A Y A Ì phine, Coos and Curry counties. This is a one day institute on October 16 conducted by Mr. Arthur J. Straw- son, supervisor o f Field Service o f the National Tuberculosis associa­ tion. On September 21 two health group meetings were held: one, the I Medford group association held in­ teresting meetings; the Medford i group at the home o f Mrs. B. G. Burgess, and the Ashland group at j the Civic Club house. A Few SPECIALS Fo/ Saturday Only A First Class Heating Stove, two joints of stovepipe and zinc. . Only $15.00 W eavers Store Men’s Fall Suits— of this list of leading- MAGAZINES The Newest Patterns $ # )5 0 Latest Models HOM EM AKER’ S INSTITUTE Mrs. Jessie D. McComb, Home Demonstration Agent Leader for the Oregon Agricultural College Exten­ sion Service, announces that now college is in session details o f the program for. the Homemaker’s Insti­ tute, to be held in Medford, October 20th to 23rd, are assuming shape. The program will be announced here in the near future. Local details are also being work­ ed out and cooperation is met with on every side. The plans o f the Home Economics Advisory Commit­ tee invlude hostesses each day to re­ ceive those attending, introduce them to each other and make all feel at home. Each day a different club will furnish the hostesses. At the close o f the afternoon program tea will be served, this is planned to encourage a social hour and help var­ ious groups to become acquainted. Miss Snedicor has volunteered her services and has promised some at­ tractive stage settings, o f which we shall hear more before long. The two floral societies will see that the inspiration o f flowers is not lacking. In short we feel assured o f a very successful institute. Why Pay Morel Take Your P IC K to Select From Never before *nd prr>h?KH r^-er again vnil yr-.i bam strh an extraor­ dinary money-saving , v _< rt ■ m vf. > 'tc carefully » ¡e large selection of choice reading—a 1 r t .. price t . ft v>'ur pocketbock. Renewals will be < »tended cne year frum > of expiration. No need to wait. USE THIS C O U P O N ...... — ......... c u p Gentlemen: I wish to take ad/*nt*r^ of ytrrr Magazine Bargain Offer. I am enclosing taeaUjs n~.. u.u ¡:. »a/ment for a o i? year subscription to your paper a:.d FIVE «.luguinja 1 l ave narked with an X below. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN '•i j □ □ ' j □ □ □ 3 . Q \ n r *> ...... ! C] America« Neodlewumaa D Home Friend Am. ” w ll 7 Advocate O HccttkoM Goaat Bla- A A ft 0 Huueahold Magasin« Cxp r ’i « « r 0 Ilia, ri .ad Mechanic. Fa. S l i > * .) □ Mother’! 1 tome Ufa TV ¿i-v Jaarael 0 P .:t f nder weekly) 2 « ieeoa. F* L,'r c Today’. Hooaowifa 0* ra-ii.a. M ip liM 0 Tractor A Go» Engine Review G> 4 "l r. i 0 Woman’. World Hsma Cite’ * I saw sad brief 1 ez;5M-a Office today ) Twenty dollars a month is the av­ erage wage o f women motor-bus con­ ductors in Japan. An aged woman who died recently in London was followed to the grave ion her 13 children, 66 grandchildren ' and 32 great-grandchildren. For wet weather wear, milady can now buy fine transparent rubber stockings to wear over ordinary silk •tockings as a protection against I mud spots. Seven women were among the more than one hundred competitors L in the international six-day motor- $22.50 to 45.00 (Some With Two Pairs of Pants) For the Younger Men, we offer a Fine Young Men’s Double Breasted Model, in a plain blue, Herring­ bone weave or blue Pin Stripe— A $40.00 value for $35.00 NEW FALL OVERCOATS Finer Fabrics, Better Patterns, Better Models than ever before $15.00 to $50.00 A complete Line of Furnishing Goods for Men The Latest snap-Brim Fall Hats, $4.00 to $7.50 We carry the Mallory ‘‘Primo” Quality Velour and Beaver $10.00 and $15.00 Superior Quality Hats. Model Clothing Co. (Incorporated) “ VALUE and QUALITY” F iaH l « f C lotbic* Ready la Wear 126 East Main Street ANV Medford, Oregon