1 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1926 PACE THREE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER JO. 1926 — ORECON WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW takes 275,520 bushels wheat to Salem— Plans ready for building United Kingdom. first unit o f Tuxedo Park Junior high Southern Pacific opens Cascade school, for 500 pupils. line with round trip excursion from W esteA Union stringing its wires Klamath Falls to Portland for $7.50, where old roundabout route cost from Klamath Falls to Oakridge. $35. • Hermiston — Reclamation service Lakeview plans complete sewer will build 645,000 worth o f canals system, to be paid for with bond to serve project. issue. Enterprise— Black Marble com­ Medford— Up to September 17, pany Jkilf fufnHh 100 tons lime a 1701 cars pears had been shipped month for Portland paper mill. here this year. ■ 7 *J J Roseburg— Douglas county prune Grants Pass— Start made, to pick crop estimated at 14,000,000 pounds, and ship famous Josephine Tokay a new record. grape crop. Garibaldi— Dredging channel and Best Oregon Gravenstein apples bar begun. sell at Glasgow, Scotland, for $4.62 Medford— Irrigation district bonds a box. for $140,000 will go to develop Gold Beach— “ Curry County Re­ water-service. porter” issues 60-page “ Progress Estimates show that $2,000,000 Number,” descrptive of Curry Coun­ was spent by tourists in Hood River ty’s forest, mining, agricultural and other resources. valley this year. Hillsboro — New vinegar about ready to begin work. plant McMinnville— Largest walnut crop in coanty history being harvested. n e r lot. at a bargain. Housa for Sola— Now 4-room >ow, strictly modern, close in, cor­ office. Portland— British ship ‘Westmoor’ PHYSICAL Vernonia— Hundreds o f colonies of bees will produce 200 pounds honey per hive. Astoria— Tract o l land 200 feet square yields 618 34 bushels cran­ Klamath Falls — Weyerhaeuser berries. Timber company promises to con­ struct Klamath sawmill when Oregon Portland— Hallock & Watson radio Trunk railroad builds here, from plant will make 500 radio sets a Bend. month. Pendleton — McKay reclamation Portland— Multnomah radio bat­ dam almost completed, after costing tery factory here employs 20 men. $2,500,000. Medford— New Adventist Rogue Klamath Falls— Right o f way River Academy opened on Jackson­ deeded for 6-mile Miller Island road. ville road. CONDITION DETER- MJNED BY JUMPING ABILITY University of Oregon, (special! — A man’s general physical condition can be determined pretty accurately by his jumping alility, according to a publication of gymnasium test records just issued by Dean John F. Bovard and Frank W. Cozens of the school o f physical education faculty. The motor ability of students in the gymnasium classes is being gaged by a “ leap meter,” an invention of Professor Sargent o f Harvard. Evi­ dence presented by Dr. Martin of Stanford, showing that the strength of any one set of body muscles indi­ cates the muscular condition through­ out, is another factor used in com­ piling the material. The student is asked to jump as many times and as high as he can in fifteen seconds. One o f the odd­ est facts revealed by evidence o f the compilation was that there is no rela­ tion between a man’s height and his jumping ability, so that the short man suffers no handicap in this re­ spect, according to Dean Bovard. Sweet, Tasty Meats THE CHOICE OF THE LAND— ALW AYS FRESH AND TENDER “ Quality and Service”— Our Motto Central Point Meat Market I. The Crater Lake season, which ends next Thursday, September 30, is the most successful season ever enjoyed at the world-famed wonder, far over 80,000 persons having vis­ ited the national park from all parts of the United States and many for­ eign countries since the opening of the season July 1 last. Next Thurs­ day forenoon the lodge will be closed and the other concessions ended, and the stages will bring down to Med­ ford thos» o f the lodge crew o f em­ ployes and officials still on duty at the fag end o f the season. The staff o f employes has been gradually de­ creased since Labor day. It will be the last run o f the stages, also, for the season. While the lodge will be closed and the season officially at an end,"many local and other people will continue to make trips to Crater Lake as long as the weather permits. — Mail Tribune. M Book? [ Salem, Sept. 27*Oct. 2 G o th is y e a r— a bigger state fa ir th a n e v e r before T a k e th e w h o le fa m ily , tra ve l b y tra in a n d save tim e , m o n e y and n e rv o u s e n ergy . R e d u c e d fare is f o r u s e ............................ ^ 28--0 c *- ' G o o d u n t i l .................................................... October 4 A v o id c ro w d e d h ig h w a y s; c o m fo rta b le train s d a ily at c o n v e n ie n t h o u rs. Southern Pacific C. A. BOLES. Agent Brick Ice Cream at Damon’s. SM IL.C S JCAM PDA 0UO«C JACK 0ID N T »L O O M CAAC TNOUOWT — AMO C A O S * AMO A 0 1 0 0 « > NIM MTPVOUS T IL L Me SV His theological works— as issued by himself— have been pub. fished by the Houghton Mifflin Co. in most modem transla. tion from the original Latin, in the Rotch Edition o f 3» volumes. The first tw enty give the spiritual sense o f Genesis and Exodus as understood in Heaven; and volumes 16 , 17 , 18 give likewise the spiritual sense o f the Book o f Revelation. Volume V ), Marriage Love, viewsTrom the union o f the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom the Law of Sex throughout all crea­ tion. It shows the crown and jewel of the Christian Religion, the union o f one w ith one only. Price $1.00. 3», contain a full statement o f the True 1 as revealed from Heaven. $3.00 the set. Volumes Christian The whole 3 1 volumes in ha If-morocco at $ ia $ ; in buckram, I40. a-------------------------- — -------------------------- * The following are the best introductory books to the Revela­ tions of SwiDfNaoao. Th ey are in large print, bound in buck* ram, and contain from afto to 487 pages. TITLES «1C * H E A V E N A N D H E L L from things Heard and teen $ 1.25 A n g e lic W isd om C o n c e rn in g — T H E D I V I N E P R O V I D E N C E , which govern* the U ni verm and the Heaven* and the Hella, and the lea*t a* well a* the greate»t of thing* in creation; and in the everyday life o f man. *11 — $ 1 .2 5 T H E D I V I N E L O V E A N D W I S D O M , the p ro fo u n d * « hook and revelation concerning G od and His Creation ever written, first published In Latin at Amsterdam 176J; along with thiai • the "Intercourae Between tbe Soul and the B od y" fir*t published in Latin at London 1769 $ 1 .2 5 Price o f *11 thre* *t one time. Including portage $ 2 .7 5 W ho Was Swedenborg? Emanuel Swedenborg, the son o f * bishop, was th* peat Swedish «nen n*, philo- «opher and theologian, whole vast range cauecd Emereon to term hen the mastodon o f scholars. Dr. ParWi Cadm an recensì-, named him lhe Universel Genius Officiali-» connected, by appointment of the K mg. u «h the peat mining mduetrv of Sweden, he mastered all the sciences o f his time, and wrote the m oil useful books on metallurgy, minerals, geology, astronomy, and the human brain. H u life search was for the human eoul How hie spiritual «ru m were opened, after he was 50 years o f a p , that he might reveal the hiiman soul, the life after death, end the Bible «self, may b* read in the ebow named, uplifting, uetful boo^e. S en d ord er* o r frv p sm e i 10 B . A . WHITTEMORE, Agent i j j B o w d o in S t il t f t , Boston L M IL E S TOOK M IL « * ' NCMVIMC 1688 - 177 * ] explained the Bible's practical application to daily life; how it describes the life hereafter; what the Bible parables mean when spiritually interpreted. DUCK SEASON TO OPEN State Fair __________ S w ed en bo r g The noted Riveria park which is situated between Gold Hill and Rogue River changed hands Monday when Manager Elliot transferred his title to the same to Wm. P. Bolduc o f Sand Point, Idaho. Frank C. El­ liot has operated the Riveria park for eight years and has built it up to a point where it is one o f the most popular resorts along the Pacific 1 highway. It is stated that the trans­ action involved about $90 000. The new owner comes from northern Idaho and after a survey o f all points along the west coast finally decided to stop in the Rogue valley— Gold Hill News. Klamath's duck and goose season opens Friday October 1 at exactly nineteen minutes past five o ’clock in the morning, one half hour be­ fore sun rise. Nimrods are busy oil­ ing and cleaning their guns in antici­ pation o f a great season. The seas­ on remains open until January 15. Limit for ducks is 25 in any one day or 30 in any seven consecutive days; geese, eight in one day or 30 in any seven consecutive days. Hunt­ ers may begin to shoot one half hour before sunrise and must stop at sun­ set.— Klamath Herald. ORE than thirty million Bibles or Books o f the Bible were sold or distributed in 1925. Would you not love to have companion volumes to help you discover the treasures in that Wonderful RI VERI A PARK SOLD R o u n d trip to the O regon D. LEWIS, Prop. The Most Wonderful 1 Book in the World I* Klamath Falls— Building record Pears with a right color or blush for August second only to that of have been found to keep better than Portland, Oregon. fruit with a dull color. Some of the Baker— Money raised for new Oregon districts are noted for the $300,000 six-story hotel. amounts of blush developed on the Roseburg— Melrose coal mines to fruit, particularly on Bartlett and Comice pears. Experiments show be exploited, and coal marketed that such fruit holds up longer than here. the uncolored. It is less leathery, Fruit picked in one Oregon orchard State will receive 7V4 per cent shows less wilting, and retains its in the heat o f the day registered 104 royalty, on gold recovered from black firm texture longer. degrees, but was reduced by the sand on Curry county beaches. night temperatures to 63 degrees, Labors situation in Oregon good, FOR SALE says an experiment station report. with labor demand at peak. The Nancy Obenchain Residence— This fruit would have carried most o f the day heat into the storage bins furnished. Mercury mines, in southern Ore­ J. O. ISAACSON, Administrator if stored at once. It is safe to say gon, to install school for miners. that one-half the precooling cost and labor can be eliminated by proper use o f night tempesatures. $13.15 Inquire at ibis M S A CAAN4 C0 • A i o « i c a et — so *MC waooico • JACK m u TWA « 9 , Mass. i