CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN PACE TWO CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN An Independent Weekly Paper Pubiisbod at Central Point, Oregon, and Entered Thursday of each week in the Postoffice thereof as Second Class Matter JOHN B. SHELEY and N E T T IE B. SH ELEY, Editors CLARENCE SHELEY, Business Manager SUBSCRIPTIO N R ATE S $ Six Months One Year 1.00 $ 2.00 All Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance Advertising Rates Given on Application THURSDAY, SEPTEM BER 30, 1926 “ The Vine” ROGUE E LK RESORT IS SOLD TO OAKLAND MAN O f recent importance in the local real estate world is the sale o f the Rogue Elk resort, several miles above Trail, to N. E. Robb o f Oakland, i California, by A. B. Shepard, who a short time ago purchased the prop­ erty from W. G. McDonald, well known landscape painter. The pur­ chase price was not made public. The new owner will operate a dm 1 'x ' store, dance hail, hotel and dinner room, giving the same good service that during the past has won fo r it an enviable reputation.— Gold Hill News. Wanted to rent— farm. at this office. Inquire vV H Y = Women “ Nag Explained by One of the Sex This magnificent bronze by Harriett Fiishmutb is on display In the Palace of Fine Arts at the Sesqul-Centennial International Exposition In Philadel­ phia where the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Inde­ pendence Is being celebrated. This Is but mie of the many gorgeous and beautiful things to be seen In the Fine Arts exhibit. Famous artists from all parts of the world have sent their paintings, etchings and scupltures to Philadelphia to be exhibited during the exposition, which continues until December l. Why Mistletoe Is Disliked The mistletoe plant fnstens Itself upon the tree, penetrates Its tissues and draws nourishment from It, de­ forming It nnd sapping Its vitality. Yet the mistletoe Is n green leafy plant; that Is, It possesses the pigment chlor­ ophyll, which gives the green color of normal vegetation. Why Fish Do Without Sleep The bureau of fisheries says that fish do not sleep. They rest and re main quiet In nooks of streams, hut never close their eyes. Just why do women nag their hus- Imnds and children us so many of them are always doing? Ginu Lombroso, the famous Italian woman scientist, lias a very Interesting answer to give this question. She says that a woman's "nagging" is simply a by-product of her finest trait, her sovereign activity. “ There Is no virtue that has not Its defect,” she says. “ It must be ad­ mitted that women nre of a more com­ bative temperament than men. They are always blrkerlng. quarreling with husband, friends, servants, In fact, pretty much with everybody, and If they are not fighting openly they are usually boiling with wrath inside. “ Men are more even tempered, and families where the masculine element predominates are generally more peaceable than families where the feminine element Is the stronger. ‘‘ But why nre meu more peace­ able? Simply because they are more Indifferent to things. Because man’s only desire Is to be left In peace. He shuts one eye, or even both, to what­ ever goes on around him, provided things do not get so had that he has to tuke a hand himself, or get someone else to do so. "Woman, on the contrary, who Is blessed with a desire to do things, can­ not bear to see them badly done. She Inevitably steps In to correct what she thinks Is wrong, to remonstrate If her orders are not carried out, aud sooner •r later she loses her temper.“ THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 192« A NEAR CASUALTY ON CRATER LAKE HIGHW AY Harold Berry, a well-known man o f Medford, plunged o ff the Crater Lake highway near Prospect, at about 5 o ’clock Sunday afternoon, sustaining serious injury. The young man claims the accel­ erator on the car became “ stuck” causing a burst o f speed owing to which he was unable to make the turn, which at this point is very wide. Going ten feet farther than the location o f the fatal dive o f two weeks ago, Berry’s car went 15 feet down the incline hitting the tree head on. He was stunned and sat in the car over an hour holding the steering wheel before recovering complete control o f his senses. Climbing out he wandered toward Prospect and little over an hour later arrived at the California Ore­ gon Power company plant, where he received first aid. Berry relates he was en route to the Diamond Lake country on a hunting trip, but because o f unfa­ miliarity with the country, was not sure o f the location o f the branch road leading o ff o f the highway above Union creek. He had turned back toward Medford to make sure o f bearings when the accident hap­ pened. The car, wheih is a total wreck, was brought to Medford while young Berry is recovering from minor bruises, although not suffering from any dangerous injuries. --------- o 5-acre tract for sale, good soil, plenty water in dry year« at low rate, well drained, 14 -mile from Grants Pass on state highway. Land values increasing, good market for straw­ berries, etc. $1200 cash if taken soon. Address P. O. Box 173, Cen­ tral Point. COMING! Representatives direct from the Wholesalers featuring the new lines of winter Coats, Dresses and Ladies Millinery THIS SERVICE IS PROVING AN IMMENSE SUCCESS IN EIGHTY PACIFIC COAST STORES Come in and see the genuine price reductions, depend­ able qualities and truly favored styles of the season— Showing only at this store Thursday, October 7 At L. HATFIELD’S Central Point Feed Store JESSE L. R IC H A R D gO N HAY — GRAIN — SEED — WOOD Phone 41 Store Phone 54 Residence —Local and Long Distance Hauling— W E BU Y P O U L T R Y Central Point M O VIN G Oregon “ YOUR FACE IS GOOD, BUT IT W ON’T GO IN THE CASH REGISTER THIN In the Rogue River Valley Peace, Goodwill The BIBLE CLASS THAT’S DIFFERENT m Li i BIGGER T H A N A C O M M U N IT Y ----- BETTER T H A N A TO W N — Its the Class with a World Record— ;• The Rogue River Valley Men Unfailing Care W ill Resume Their Sessions Again Sunday Morning—Cowley Hall CENTRAL POINT. ORE. — to meet every requirement in dry-cle«iiing is our claim for your patronage. With fin# workman- 10 o’Clock A. M. ship such as to impress your favor . , . It is Undenominational. With an Undenominational Membership, an Unde­ nominational Aim, and an though our charges are only standard. Undenominational Text—the Holy Bible Only CITY CLEANING AND DYEING CO. •WE ARE NOT SATISFIED UNLESS YOU ARE" Phone 474 On «24 N. Riverside Ave Highway— Medford, Oregon Columbia. P ete, and the Spirit ol , Brotherly love have been Joined In one person, a beautiful woman. This young lady waa one of the central flg urea in a pageant staged at the Sesqat Canteanlal International KipootUoj la Philadelphia, celebrating 1M yearn of American Independence. The Kxpoel tlon continues until December L WE ARE FOR M EN! W E ARE PIONEERS IN A BIG JOB W H IC H WE ARE DOING IN A BIG W A Y . HENCE— WE LEAD THE WORLD-COME AND SEE