Central Point Am erican VOLUME 2 C E N T R A L POINT AM ERIC AN T H U R S D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 30, 1926 N U M B E R 24 PUBISHED “M 0T0-CRAT” WILL BE NEW NAME j “ P O I N T E R ” A T O G A I BE BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ CLUB WORK AT N FOR THE GEN ER AL?G ASOLIN E. JACKSON COUNTY FAIR. “ The Central Pointer," a paper Beebe & Kindle received a tele­ gram today announcing that Homer M. Parsons of San Bernardino, Cal­ ifornia, is the winner o f $1,000 o f­ fered by this company for the best suitable name for this gasoline. A complete story o f the contest PIONEER CALLED W OM AN OF VALLEY TO LAST REW ARD Maria Catherine Morris, a pioneer of Jackson county since the early days, passed away at her home in Central Point Sunday afternoon at the age of 78 years, 9 months and 17 days. She was a native of Illinois and came west at the age o f one year anad resided with her parents in California until her marriage to A. W. Morris, who was called to his reward many years ago. Her father was a pioneer minister o f Jackson county and established the Christian church at Medford. He will be re­ membered by the early settlers as the Rev. Martin Peterson and preach­ ed at various places over the valley. Thus in the passing o f Mrs. Morris, Oregon loses another o f the few re­ maining pioneers o f ’49. She leaves three children, A. R. Morris and Mae M. Jacobs o f Cen­ tral Point and W. M. Morris of Horn- brook, California. Also two grand­ children, Edith L. Jacobs and Ger­ ald M. Morris. Funeral services were at her late residence in Central Point at 10:30 o’clock Tuesday morning. Rev. Shaw o f 'the Christian chyrch, o f which she was a member, officiated. Serv­ ices were in charge o f the Conger Funeral Parlors. Interment was made at the Central Point cemetery. ■ o----------- R R G U E R I V E R V A L L E Y MEN The men from well nigh all over the valley o f the Rogue will meet at Cowley Hall next Sunday morn­ ing at 10 a. m. The plan o f campaign for tne class this year will take the form o f a multi-community co-operation, and there will be, (if the Great Bible Class formally adopts the pro­ gram already outlined) special days in which the various communities of the valley will be especially recog­ nized, throughout the year. The new slogan fo r the Men’s class is “ Better than a community, bigger than a town,’’ A pioneer— the class is working at a big job, in a big way. The only thing o f its kind in the world, the world is watching its work; with enquiries from all over the United States, as to its methods; and the “ why” and “ how” o f its growth. Men, don’t forget that there are two Sunday schools in Central Point, either o f which will be happy to welcome your wives, your sweet­ hearts or your children to their classes. Bring your women folk along, let them attend the Bible school o f their choice, while you get in with the Rogue River Valley Men. — Contributed ---------- o----------- SO ORE. CLAY H O LD S B I G PRODUCTS CO. M EETING Wednesday afternoon a large crowd gathered at the special meet­ ing called by the officers o f the company to consider selling the brick plant. Eastern buyers have offered to buy the entire plant. It is their in­ tention to install more machinery, in­ creasing the output and varieties of brick. The stockh >lders voted to accept the propositi' n o f the buyers. The deal will pro' ably be closed in a few days. — o ■ A Mr. Pa mer. traveling salesman, was a guest last Sunday o f Rev. Johnson. He attended church serv­ ices in the morning and gave an in­ teresting talk after the Rally Day program was completed. will follow in a few days. Watch for details regarding additional awards soon to b■ an accomplished violinist. Trail the latter part o f last week Kansas City’s 104 schools expect to help their son C. R. take care club work, and he is planning to give an enrollment o f 70.000. It costs M. D. Richardson and wife arrived o f a fis c buck. his brothers some strong competi­ 14,891,632.50 to operate the schools. here yesterday from Vemonia, Ore­ tion. Mrs. J. R. McClelland o f Eagle gon. and .have moved into a house A man who never touches meat, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Hubbard, who just snath o f the Gateway Service Point «ras a visitor in our city last alcohol or tobacco recently celebrat­ Friday. Mrs. McClelland lived here Station. Mr. Richardson will be have lived in the Hatfield residence for some time, will move to Medford employed on the American this win­ at one time and has m«ny old ac­ ed his seventy-fifth birthday. But how?— The Passing Show. quaintances in this community. soon. • ter.